
Advice on Which is the better domain

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Do you tend to go for the singular, or the plural of a two word domain

for example, which is better if I wanted to be known for organizing frequent events of this nature (both names are taken but just an example)

boatparties.com vs boatparty.com

other examples

airplaneticket.com vs airplanetickets.com
schooldance vs schooldances

I guess every situation is different, but in regards to boatparties.com v boatparty.com, which would you say is the better domain name?
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I agree, each name is different and will depend on the word and how you intend using it.

"which is better if I wanted to be known for organizing frequent events of this nature"

In this scenario I would choose boatparties.com, because that is what you organise....boat parties.
I think Boatparty.com is more memorable, if I heard both names on the radio. Sometimes the plural doesn't work and sometimes the singular doesn't work and sometime both work. I think this is the case where both work.
Joe T
I like schooldance.com the singular sounds better on this name.
Airplanetickets.com the plural sounds better in this case.
I think Boatparty.com is more memorable, if I heard both names on the radio. Sometimes the plural doesn't work and sometimes the singular doesn't work and sometime both work. I think this is the case where both work.
Joe T

That's true. I just ended up getting boatparty & boatparties in a different geo extension, but now I need to decide which of the names to market and which one to brand the website as.

appreciate the feedback, and open to more suggestions
basically, I plan on organizing a boat party every week this summer, and want to be known as the go-to for boat parties ...

People will be attending a "boat party" , but I will be organizing "boat parties" ...
Both websites will be redirected to the same home page
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