

Spaceship Spaceship
  1. Andreas B.

    DAN landing pages blocked by antivirus, firefox

    Hi, I had this problem in the past, but now it has occured again. And I think even a bit worse. While in the past, only my browser (firefox) did not forwarded to DANs landing page, while telling me there is a risk to go there, and explicitly asked me if I want to continue (which I did -- but...
  2. Andreas B.

    DAN landing pages blocked by antivirus, firefox

    Hi, I had this problem in the past, but now it has occured again. And I think even a bit worse. While in the past, only my browser (firefox) did not forwarded to DANs landing page, while telling me there is a risk to go there, and explicitly asked me if I want to continue (which I did -- but...
  3. AMRO1001

    Domain Name Capitalization on Web Browsers

    Just came to my mind why browsers would not implement technology to enable website owners to change the display of domains on the url bar in terms of capitalization, maybe html tag for domain display for domain will be displayed www. TestTeam .com on all browsers This will make...
  4. AMRO1001

    Domain Name Capitalization on Web Browsers

    Just came to my mind why browsers would not implement technology to enable website owners to change the display of domains on the url bar in terms of capitalization, maybe html tag for domain display for domain will be displayed www. TestTeam .com on all browsers This will make...
  5. HotKey

    news Handshake Web3 Browser released!

    This is pretty exciting news for Handshake domain investors: has developed and released the beta edition of first-ever Handshake-compatible desktop browser. The browser is based on Chromium. What does this mean for Handshake domain investors and users? Finally we can access our...
  6. HotKey

    news Handshake Web3 Browser released!

    This is pretty exciting news for Handshake domain investors: has developed and released the beta edition of first-ever Handshake-compatible desktop browser. The browser is based on Chromium. What does this mean for Handshake domain investors and users? Finally we can access our...
  7. redemo

    If browsers were smart...

    .....they'd redirect you to a registrar partner when you type a domain name that doesn't exist into the address bar.
  8. redemo

    If browsers were smart...

    .....they'd redirect you to a registrar partner when you type a domain name that doesn't exist into the address bar.
  9. Lox

    information Firefox 87 trims HTTP Referrers by default to protect user privacy

    Firefox 87 will introduce a stricter, more privacy-preserving default Referrer Policy. From now on, by default, Firefox will trim path and query string information from referrer headers to prevent sites from accidentally leaking sensitive user data. A new Policy for an evolving Web The...
  10. Lox

    information Firefox 87 trims HTTP Referrers by default to protect user privacy

    Firefox 87 will introduce a stricter, more privacy-preserving default Referrer Policy. From now on, by default, Firefox will trim path and query string information from referrer headers to prevent sites from accidentally leaking sensitive user data. A new Policy for an evolving Web The...
  11. Unstoppable Domains

    Cloudflare has enabled native resolution of .crypto blockchain domains using Unstoppable Domains

    Hi NamePros, Browsers have always been the gatekeepers to the decentralized web. Today we’re thrilled to announce that those gates are coming down. As of today, Cloudflare has enabled native resolution of .crypto blockchain domains. The significance of this cannot be understated: billions of...
  12. Unstoppable Domains

    Cloudflare has enabled native resolution of .crypto blockchain domains using Unstoppable Domains

    Hi NamePros, Browsers have always been the gatekeepers to the decentralized web. Today we’re thrilled to announce that those gates are coming down. As of today, Cloudflare has enabled native resolution of .crypto blockchain domains. The significance of this cannot be understated: billions of...
  13. Super-Annuation

    information Access .Crypto websites by simple browser changes. Here are the links.

    Chrome: FireFox...
  14. Super-Annuation

    information Access .Crypto websites by simple browser changes. Here are the links.

    Chrome: FireFox...
  15. Lox

    domains Firefox now encrypts domain name requests by default in the US

    After a brief delay, Mozilla has started to make DNS over HTTPS the default for Firefox users in the US. Notwithstanding any additional hiccups, the company says it hopes to finish the rollout sometime over the next couple of weeks. The protocol is supposed to protect one of the most...
  16. Lox

    domains Firefox now encrypts domain name requests by default in the US

    After a brief delay, Mozilla has started to make DNS over HTTPS the default for Firefox users in the US. Notwithstanding any additional hiccups, the company says it hopes to finish the rollout sometime over the next couple of weeks. The protocol is supposed to protect one of the most...
  17. Artem LuiN

    discuss Browsers payment option to capitalize domains

    Some domains are valued less because of harder readability due to the modern browser convention of displaying the hostname in all lowercase. This can also cause problems for brands, for example w3 t.h.e.n.a.p.p ext - is this w3 T.h.e N.a.p.p ext or w3 T.h.e.n A.p.p ext? (random choice of...
  18. Artem LuiN

    discuss Browsers payment option to capitalize domains

    Some domains are valued less because of harder readability due to the modern browser convention of displaying the hostname in all lowercase. This can also cause problems for brands, for example w3 t.h.e.n.a.p.p ext - is this w3 T.h.e N.a.p.p ext or w3 T.h.e.n A.p.p ext? (random choice of...
  19. Dosebuy

    Domain/Webpage is getting Red Alerted by browser.

    Hello! Anyone experienced this? Goodgle is blocking my domains. Saying it is not a secure connection and that the website is trying to steal information and so forth. Any clues how I can fix this?
  20. Dosebuy

    Domain/Webpage is getting Red Alerted by browser.

    Hello! Anyone experienced this? Goodgle is blocking my domains. Saying it is not a secure connection and that the website is trying to steal information and so forth. Any clues how I can fix this?
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.