
domain adapted.com

Spaceship Spaceship
I would like to sell adapted.com. I have owned it for over twenty years. I have been told it should sell for over $5000 but I know just about nothing about domain name values... Any input appreciated.
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It's a good name.

You've posted on the sales board but it seems like you're after an appraisal.

You'll probably get people pm'ing you about this one. Don't sell for cheap. It has potentially significant value. We're taking $xx,xxx sums to an end user.

You could sell for less to the folks on here who are resellers, but even then you'd be looking for quite a bit. Honestly, it's a really great name with a wide range of applications...

A gut feel would be 25k end user, 3-5k reseller.

Have you had it available for sale previously. I'm surprised that in 20 years no one has attempted to buy it.
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Great name. $25K+ is possible for an end user but It could take some time. Like the others said you could probably get $5k from someone on here but, that is the quick sale route an auction is another way. You could try using a broker but the commission can be substantial. There are numerous other ways to do it. But the first thing to do is park it somewhere and make clear it is for sale and you are open to offers. This can be on a platform or on your own single page website.
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Thanks...I will definitely make its availability known. I don't need the money right now so I don't mind being patient.
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