
3, 4 & 5 Letter Domain Name Search Tool - Free

Spaceship Spaceship
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If you are interested to search availability of 3, 4 or 5 letter domain names then you can try NameStall’s
3, 4 or 5 letter domain search tool.

We developed 2 unique & free domain tools especially for domainers or domain hunters.


Right now our 3, 4 or 5 letter domain search tool has 30+ built-in databases to search 3, 4 or 5 letter domain names -

3 Letter List (17576 Combinations)
3 LetterNumber (27980 Combinations)
3 Number List (1000 Combinations)
4 Letter List (456976 Combinations)
4 Number List (10000 Combinations)
5 Number List (100000 Combinations)
Letter-Letter (676 Combinations)
Letter-Letter-Letter (17576 Combinations)
Letter-LetterLetter (17576 Combinations)
Letter-Number (260 Combinations)
LetterLetter-Letter (17576 Combinations)
Number-Letter (260 Combinations)
Number-Number (100 Combinations)
Number-Number-Number (1000 Combinations)
Number-NumberNumber (1000 Combinations)
NumberNumber-Number (1000 Combinations)
3 LetterNumber Mix (LNLN-LN - 27980 Combinations)
3 LetterNumber Mix (LN-LNLN - 27980 Combinations)
LetterLetterLetter-Letter (456976 Combinations)
LetterLetter-LetterLetter (456976 Combinations)
Letter-LetterLetterLetter (456976 Combinations)
NumberNumberNumber-Number (10000 Combinations)
NumberNumber-NumberNumber (10000 Combinations)
Number-NumberNumberNumber (10000 Combinations)
CVC (2205 Combinations)
CVCV (11025 Combinations)
CVCVC (231526 Combinations)
VCV (525 Combinations)
VCVC (11025 Combinations)
VCVCV (55125 Combinations)

And tool supports more than 60 TLDs.

But we use whois server check only for .com and .net domain for rest we check NS. So, for .com and .net our tool will always show you correct availability result but (for other TLDs) sometimes you will find our tool finds a domain name available but it really isn’t. If a domain name has no NameServer then our tool will show that domain name available.

Right now our website handles 18,000,000+ domain name availability requests every month. Or 600K+ requests daily. Too may whois queries in a day may get our server’s IP address blocked by whois servers. We don’t know how to solve this problem. If you have better solution/idea please let us know.

If you have any suggestions to improve the tool or request to add new type of database please let me know….

waiting for your reviews
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Awsome tool. Thanks.

A recommendation though. Since this is an availability research tool, it would be good if you had at least an option to only showed the Register domains. It's really tough going through thousands upon thousands of listings to find the few available domains.
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Thanks Stub.
I understand it’s tough going through thousands of listing to find only few available domains. But problem is - if we show only available or registered domains then it will take hours to display the final results (only available or registered domains)…because tool has to go through (check availability) thousands of domain names which will take time.

Initially we had this option. We used 20 unique IPs and used to check 10k domains at a time and it used to take 2 mistunes to get results (all 10k domains availability)…that system was time & resource consuming and boring….say you want to see only available .com domain names for “4 Letter List (456976 Combinations)” then for the final result (only available or registered) you may have to wait more than 1 hours and 15 minutes. Nobody will wait that long for the final result. Another problem is you can only check one TLD at a time. You cannot check multiple TLDs using that system.

If you have better solutions for bulk check please let me know I will implement that.

keep the tool interesting & useful you can try following setup. It helps a lot to hunt valuable unregistered domains.


Few domainers requested us to increase the number rows….right now you can see 20 rows but we are planning to increase it to 100 rows. Hope that will be better than current system.
I think 100 rows will be 5 times better than 20 rows :) Why not make the number of rows selectable?
OK. I understand what you are saying about not being able to report only available domains. But you could shorten the process, if we were able to specify only premium letters as an option
O its great tool. but how can I search only the register domain. I don't need the taken domain.
OK. I understand what you are saying about not being able to report only available domains. But you could shorten the process, if we were able to specify only premium letters as an option
i am not sure what do you mean by "Premium Letters"...can you explain it a bit....if you can explain it then i may add the filter.....

thank you for your suggestions and we will add "Row" selection option (planning to add up to 1000) rows...

O its great tool. but how can I search only the register domain. I don't need the taken domain.
with current system it's not possible and that's the biggest limitation of this tool....and i have already explained the reason/problem....but we will increase the number of rows....we are working on it.....for that we need better/faster search/result.....we are working on our search script to make it faster and better with 1000 rows.....
Premium Letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T

I think 1000 is 50 times better than 20 domains :) At least until you can figure out how to give only the available domains only :) But I don't think it would ever be faster than 20 domains :)
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nice tool.some time used domain is also have a great value in SEO point of view
Right now our website handles 18,000,000+ domain name availability requests every month. Or 600K+ requests daily. Too may whois queries in a day may get our server’s IP address blocked by whois servers. We don’t know how to solve this problem. If you have better solution/idea please let us know.

This is a great tool. In order to improve it, I suggest to use a cache, instead of checking whois servers each time. Indeed, in case you find a domain expiring in 2015 for instance, just keep this information, and don't check whois server in case someone ask for the same domaine name before expiry date.
Premium Letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T

I think 1000 is 50 times better than 20 domains :) At least until you can figure out how to give only the available domains only :) But I don't think it would ever be faster than 20 domains :)

Hi Stub,
I am not sure what did you mean by “Premium Letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T”…right now you can sort by Alphabet/Number…..

if you mean the combination of Premium Letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T that can be done….just need to add few more database for those letters….please let me know what did you mean by “Premium Letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T”…combination of those letter only or sort by those letters…..

it would not be faster than 20 domains….but if we use 25 dedicated IP then it would be faster than current 20 rows….but buying 25 IPs will be expensive and not feasible right now ….this site has little or no income…..hosted in VPS and hardly I get hosting cost….lol….people usually don’t like to register domain names using our affiliate links which is really very frustrating….avg monthly visitor is around 20k but income is around 40-80 dollars….lmao….still planning to buy 5-10 IPs….

This is a great tool. In order to improve it, I suggest to use a cache, instead of checking whois servers each time. Indeed, in case you find a domain expiring in 2015 for instance, just keep this information, and don't check whois server in case someone ask for the same domaine name before expiry date.

we used cashe at the beginning...and cashe works great for single TLD or Fixed TLDs....it works great for .com only or .net only....but when you select multiple TLDs together system takes same time.....if we use cashe and want to increase speed then we have to go back to our old system (one TLD at a time).....

i would go for multiple IPs and i think that's the best solution for this current system....JeanClaude thank you very much for you suggestion.....

hope this tool and our site will help you guys.....
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Yes. I meant domains should only use any combination of Premium Letters only.
Yes. I meant domains should only use any combination of Premium Letters only.

Thx Stub,
consider it done.

i will create datebase using premium letters for -

3 Letter List
4 Letter List
ok. thanks. can you post here when completed?
ok. thanks. can you post here when completed?

have added 17 new database as requested (only premium letters combinations)...please check and let me know your thoughts....


you will find new databases in the drop down...hope that will help you guys finding new and better domain names....

i found this new database is great to find 5 letter .com brandable domains....there are lot of (premium letters) CVCVC and VCVCV names are still available and most of these domain names are quite nice as they are short, pronounceable and easy to remember....


thx for the idea stub...
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Thanks for the info. I can't check right away, but will do so within a day or two.
look s good. will try immidiately..thanks
Thanks for sharing this and your effort in programing it.
Interesting thread.
I'm a newbie in this thread.
Hey Obosh..just used your tool!
Number-Letter (260 Combinations)
Only suggestion that I have is maybe instead of showing 20 names (if I counted correctly) is to have many 25 or more..less pages to check out!
Nice tool
Hey Obosh..just used your tool!

Only suggestion that I have is maybe instead of showing 20 names (if I counted correctly) is to have many 25 or more..less pages to check out!
Nice tool

hey briguy,
thank for your suggestion....yes i am planning to do that...in fact planning to increase number or rows to 100 instead of 20 per page....but before increasing the rows i need to increase the speed the search result a bit....working on that issue....hope to solve this problem end of this month....

will inform you guys....thx again....
I don't know if something is wrong, but some domains showed to register and in the registrar are taken
This tool is no use unless we can sort by the availability. Pretty sure most people aren't going to go through hundreds of pages to hopefully find a domain that is available.
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