poll Would you take the Covid Vaccine when it becomes available

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Are you willing to get vaccinated for Covid

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oldtimer Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
The only way to end this Pandemic is if the majority of the people around the World get vaccinated.

It's amazing that several vaccines have already been developed in record time and thus far they all show very good results as far as creating some level of immunity against Covid19 without causing any major side effects and supposedly even if those who have been vaccinated come down with the disease it won't be at the more severe levels that require hospitalization.

There are many companies that are working on the vaccine although the top contenders currently are Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca:

I personally would be first in line to get the vaccine as I am in the older category with some history of heart problems and although I believe that everyone should be free to make their own choices, but this will only be effective in stopping the Pandemic if the majority of the people (like over 80% or so) get vaccinated.

Please do your own research about the vaccines and indicate your choice in the poll (visible to all) and post any justification for your decision as to whether you are going to get the vaccine or not below.


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If you provide a link to anything make sure that it pertains to the subject of this thread and give a brief description as to what it is about, and if you are just expressing your own personal opinion make sure to put IMO an the end of your comment (In My Opinion).
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40,000 times mutation of human would roughly take 1 million years. For a virus it takes 1 year.
1 soldier vs 1,000,000 soldiers. Who will beat such a war?
Unless you can mutate human at the same speed, it's a desperate war in my opinion.

In my opinion as long as the new strains of the virus use the same method and principles to inject their genetic materials into the human cells then the new mRNA vaccines should still work, but as I already said further research needs to be done to find out for sure.

Current poll results:

39 Yes / 45 No

I invite everyone here at NamePros to vote in order to make this poll scientifically more accurate.

From BBC News
Health and science correspondent:

Will the vaccines work against the new variant?

" Almost certainly yes, or at least for now.

All three leading vaccines develop an immune response against the existing spike, which is why the question comes up.

Vaccines train the immune system to attack several different parts of the virus, so even though part of the spike has mutated, the vaccines should still work.

"But if we let it add more mutations, then you start worrying," said Prof Gupta.

"This virus is potentially on a pathway for vaccine escape, it has taken the first couple of steps towards that."

Vaccine escape happens when the virus changes so it dodges the full effect of the vaccine and continues to infect people.

This may be the most concerning element of what is happening with the virus.

This variant is just the latest to show the virus is continuing to adapt as it infects more and more of us.

A presentation by Prof David Robertson, from the University of Glasgow on Friday, concluded: " The virus will probably be able to generate vaccine escape mutants ."

That would put us in a position similar to flu, where the vaccines need to be regularly updated. Fortunately the vaccines we have are very easy to tweak. "

Preliminary genomic characterisation of an emergent SARS-CoV-2 lineage in the UK defined by a novel set of spike mutations

From :
In my opinion if more and more mutations happen and result in Vaccine Escape it might be wise for all vaccine companies to adopt the mRNA method as these types of vaccines are much easier to remake and tweak in order to make them more effective against the new mutations.

Something to think about before millions and millions of vials of the Covid Vaccines are made by using the old methods.

The World dropped the ball when it came to containing the virus at the very beginning, everyone has to be careful not to drop the ball again when it comes to the Covid Vaccine.

Without Global cooperation and sharing of resources and new technologies there is not going to be an effective vaccine that can beat all the different mutations around the World and make Humanity as a whole develop Herd Immunity.

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The World dropped the ball when it came to containing the virus at the very beginning, everyone has to be careful not to drop the ball again when it comes to the Covid Vaccine.


How can we (there is no way to ) contain the virus, when intention of its creators is to spread it.. (except for getting rid of the deepstate first.)
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Sorry I don't share in your point of view about the situation at hand and I don’t want to venture into discussing theories that can not be proven based on facts and actual evidence and so I don't have an answer for you.

Although it's worth noting that I don't dismiss any theory or hypothesis right away no matter how improbable they may sound, I just assign a percentage of probability to them as far as being real or false. Without concrete and verifiable evidence I am forced to assign a very small percentage of probability to what many of the conspiracy theories claim to be true although logic tells me that I still should give the benefit of the doubt to everyone since there might be certain forces at play in the World with some twisted agendas that might not always be apparent at first glance, but logic also tells me that I cannot just go by hearsay and that a claim is only valid if it could be verified by a group of neutral, independent, and unbiased entities that don't have any hidden motives or agendas either way. (It's hard to find anyone right now who doesn't have some kind of an agenda or motive so perhaps an AI that is capable of truly independent and unbiased thought and judgment could sort all these things out in the near future).

At the moment my focus is on creating awareness towards making everyone understand the importance of having Global cooperation and sharing of resources, knowledge, data, expertise, and new technologies such as mRNA in order to find the best way to end this Pandemic quickly.

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In my opinion if more and more mutations happen and result in Vaccine Escape it might be wise for all vaccine companies to adopt the mRNA method as these types of vaccines are much easier to remake and tweak in order to make them more effective against the new mutations.
Totally agree on this. In case that covid-19 mutates to the point that it needs new and fast delivery vaccines, mRNA are the ones to use.
Preliminary genomic characterisation of an emergent SARS-CoV-2 lineage in the UK defined by a novel set of spike mutations

From :
That's a very complete and interesting study about the new virus strain. That strain looks a bit worrying.

"The B.1.1.7 lineage carries a larger than usual number of virus genetic changes. The accrual of 14 lineage-specific amino acid replacements prior to its detection is, to date, unprecedented in the global virus genomic data for the COVID-19 pandemic."

And the conclusion... is also a bit worrying:

"We report a rapidly growing lineage in the UK associated with an unexpectedly large number of genetic changes including in the receptor-binding domain and associated with the furin cleavage site. Given (i) the experimentally-predicted and plausible phenotypic consequences of some of these mutations, (ii) their unknown effects when present in combination, and (iii) the high growth rate of B.1.1.7 in the UK, this novel lineage requires urgent laboratory characterisation and enhanced genomic surveillance worldwide."

Try again:

Fact check: Nurse who fainted after COVID-19 vaccine has an underlying health condition

"Tiffany Dover explained that she has an underlying health condition that causes her to faint when she experiences pain.

"I had a syncopal episode. I have a history of having an overactive vagal response, and so with that if I have pain from anything — hangnail or if I stub my toe — I can just pass out," Dover told WRCB.

In another clip, she said she has "passed out probably six times in the past six weeks."

"It's common for me," she added.
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That's a very complete and interesting study about the new virus strain. That strain looks a bit worrying.

What is worrying me is the lack of coordinated Global response to the situation at hand.

I believe that firstly everyone should take these mutations seriously and act accordingly to prevent their further spreading and secondly everyone should work together towards creating an optimal vaccine that is the most effective, safe, and economical and that is easy to make, store, and distribute all around the World and that also can easily be reconfigured and tweaked in order to deal with any further mutations of the virus which as the history of virology shows they are going to happen often and repeatedly as time goes by.

Global cooperation and sharing of resources, knowledge, data, expertise, and new technologies such as mRNA are the key in being able to fight the virus and all its future variants, not only for Covid, but also for preventing and curing all other diseases too.

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It is quite possible that (if not all, then probably the biggest part of) the "vaccine(s)" is (are) ultimately just a harmless saline solution, since there is most likely no coronavirus existing (only artificially generated, fake graphics / videos etc., provided by (freemasonic, as I am convinced) institutions like WHO, CDC, Johns Hopkins University, RKI, etc.) and therefore no coronavirus - threat / - pandemic going on which would mean that we all getting extremely deceived by a (relatively small but highly networked) group of ...

... yes, psychopaths (and their paid actors a. k. a. (replaceable) politicians through the "mass media") who have completely different goals than our health in mind.

But even if the "vaccine(s)" is (are) indeed just a saline solution, I will not take it as I do not want to support this obvious PSY(chological (or, better to say, psychopathic) OP(eration(s)).
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Most Realistic View Yet of COVID-19 Coronavirus Spike’s Protein Structure


" This rotating image shows the detailed structure of a “spike” from a coronavirus that causes cold symptoms – a milder relative of the virus that causes COVID-19. Spikes bind to receptors on the cells of their victims to start infections. They consist of three protein molecules, shown in blue, green and orange, studded with sugar molecules (yellow) that play an important role in the virus’s life cycle and in its ability to evade the immune system. Scientists at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University made the image with a new method that shows spikes in their natural state, yielding quicker and more realistic snapshots of the infection apparatus. Credit: K. Zhang et al., Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics Discovery, 2020 "

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Some people talk about mutations which can end the pandemic, and some say, this one might be it. .. Ok, I don't know, but I can imagine how a mutant virus can help:


one specific mutant version spreads faster, but doesn't make people sick, and people who get immunity to the mutant version also get immunity to nonmutant version.

and since covid19 is GMO, maybe people can also create a good mutant version, and it can serve as a free vaccine. (I mean, why wait until a good mutant version arrives, just create it..)


My "vaccine idea": give people plasma from recovered people, and then give real covid virus, so while plasma antibodies help in fighting against infection, the body also creates its own antibodies which would last longer.
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If you live with other people I wonder how ya'll get along......?

Like this?

"Fact check" is just into the Title of that article... I guess precisely because it's a fact check of a previously fake news spreading on the internet.
What's the problem alerting people about fake and misleading news?

About that video... I am not going to lose a minute watching it, but hey, if you know what kind of shampoo that guy is using, please let me know :xf.grin::xf.grin::xf.grin:
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My "vaccine idea": give people plasma from recovered people, and then give real covid virus, so while plasma antibodies help in fighting against infection, the body also creates its own antibodies which would last longer.
That's already a treatment against covid-19 at the initial phase of the infection. It is indicated to high risk people (old people) on their early infection stages, plasma from recovered people.
In fact, the monoclonal antibody cocktail that saved Trump was an improvement of this plasma, where the cocktail only contains those monoclonal antibodies in greater number than a simple plasma from recovered people.
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Do we need a COVID-19 vaccine for pets?

" SARS-CoV-2 has never been an exclusively human problem. Since the early days of the pandemic, scientists have been concerned about the impact of the virus responsible for COVID-19 on pets, livestock, and wildlife. Cats and dogs can become infected, and cats appear to transmit the coronavirus to other cats, at least in the lab. Minks at hundreds of farms around the globe have suffered outbreaks, leading to massive culling, and in some cases, human infections. And scientists worry people or domestic animals could transmit the virus to wildlife, creating an uncontrollable reservoir of the disease. "
Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions

" Severe allergy-like reactions in at least eight people who received the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech over the past 2 weeks may be due to a compound in the packaging of the messenger RNA (mRNA) that forms the vaccine’s main ingredient, scientists say. A similar mRNA vaccine developed by Moderna, which was authorized for emergency use in the United States on Friday, also contains the compound, polyethylene glycol (PEG).

PEG has never been used before in an approved vaccine, but it is found in many drugs that have occasionally triggered anaphylaxis—a potentially life-threatening reaction that can cause rashes, a plummeting blood pressure, shortness of breath, and a fast heartbeat. Some allergists and immunologists believe a small number of people previously exposed to PEG may have high levels of antibodies against PEG, putting them at risk of an anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine. "

It's probably best to stay at the place that you got vaccinated for at least 30 minutes to make sure that there are no immediate adverse reactions in case you are amongst the small percentage of people who might be allergic to the ingredients in the virus. Also be sure to consult with your doctor prior to getting vaccinated to make sure that you are the right candidate for the certain type of Covid vaccine that you are going to be injected with. IMO
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Current poll results:

43 Yes / 47 No

I invite everyone here at NamePros to vote in order to make this poll scientifically more accurate.
Exclusive: Americans' readiness to take the COVID-19 vaccine spikes after the start of shots

From :

" Americans' willingness to take the coronavirus vaccine has jumped since the first two vaccines were authorized by the FDA and health care workers and nursing home residents began to receive the shots.

In a USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll Wednesday through Sunday, 46% say they will take the vaccine as soon as they can. That's close to double the 26% who were ready to get the shot as soon as possible in a USA TODAY poll in late October. In the new poll, 32% say they will wait for others to get the shots before they do so themselves. "

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Coronavirus: Impact of new variant on children investigated

From BBC News:

" Scientists are urgently investigating hints the new variant of coronavirus spreads more easily in children.

If proven, this could account for "a significant proportion" of the increase in transmission, they say.

The claim comes from members of the government's New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats advisory group (Nervtag). "
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Covid vaccine 'highly likely' to work on UK variant, BioNTech says

"Chief executive Uğur Şahin says team will know within two weeks if vaccine works or needs adaption"

“We don’t know at the moment if our vaccine is also able to provide protection against this new variant,” Şahin said, a day after the vaccine was approved for use in the European Union. “But scientifically, it is highly likely that the immune response by this vaccine also can deal with the new virus variants.”

...he said the proteins on the UK variant were 99% the same as those on the prevailing strains, and therefore BioNTech had “scientific confidence” its vaccine would be effective. “We believe there is no reason to be concerned or worried,” he said.

If the vaccine needed to be adjusted for the new variant, the company could do that in about six weeks, Şahin said.

“In principle, the beauty of the messenger technology is that we can directly start to engineer a vaccine which completely mimics this new mutation – we could be able to provide a new vaccine technically within six weeks,” he said.
Just go to the CDC website and look at the #s. (

Maybe you could do a search of historical Flu (common flu) statistics & see how "dangerous" the common flu is as well?

If you really start poking around the CDC you will find that 60K people die every year from falling off ladders (US alone, must be hundreds of thousands worldwide)- and another 90K die from accidental poisoning (again US only) ++++ many many others. These are all just statistics to insurance companies, tiny #s to them.

But I'm not a Dr. just try to read published information from medical authorities & see if it aligns with the News?

The link above will get you to this chart and more. be safe all.

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