What's going on with Epik and Rob Monster?

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I'm catching the tail end of this, seems to be some kind of controversy...

Must be something odd to evoke this type of a response from one of our members.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: (1 Thess. 4:16)

These are the ones that sleep awaiting a resurrection. Already dead in the flesh, are resurrected (like Jesus) in spirit bodies.

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1 Thess. 4:17)

These ones are changed in the twinkling of an eye. Their fleshly bodies are immediately changed to spirit bodies:

Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52

Those brought back are judged from what is already written in Book of the Dead and Book of Life. (And maybe some other book/s?). See Rev 20:12-13

You are correct. The text clearly says that the book was opened, and "the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works."

This would harmonize with the rulership of Jesus and those resurrected at his coming that would act as kings and judges for a thousand years:

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (vs. 4)

It is consistent with that text that the Book of Life would be written during and prior to the millennial reign. Since the payment for sin is death, "their works" (of the resurrected ones) would consist on their life choices during the thousand year reign.

Only those that were resurrected from the dead (the unjust) are judged at this point.

For the wages of sin is death; (Rom. 6:23)

And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. (Acts 24:15)

The resurrection of the just are those that died faithful and the unjust are those that died in ignorance. Both groups spoken of in the text are resurrected to life on earth during the thousand year reign.

The scriptures also indicate that the book of life was started to be written prior to Armageddon as well. In fact, from the founding of the world:

Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin—; and if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written.

And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.
(Ex. 32:33)

Those written in the book who died (before Christ) then they are among the just resurrected. Their names are already in the book of life.

Those that died that never had a chance to choose God's side because of ignorance, including those sacrificed to the god of war and other false gods, those murdered, etc., will be resurrected during the thousand year reign and have full opportunity to live and learn the truth without Satanic influence until the final test. These are the ones judged in Rev. 20:12-13.
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If you see one of these windowless conversion vans driving in your neighborhood, feel free to have law enforcement pull them over for a friendly inspection:

This an example of a sound proofed, windowless unmarked van outfitted with shackles. Ignore the audio commentary as these folks clear;y don't understand what they stumbled across.

Thanks to this free speech site, this video has been watched at least 280,000 times since it was uploaded earlier TODAY. That is VIRAL exposure of part of a depraved supply chain.

Thanks to free speech the whole world is getting wise to the institutionalized practice of abduction for ritual sacrifice, organ harvesting, adrenochrome extraction, etc.

THAT Is the power of free speech to extinguish evil.
come on I know a lot of Christians
who would never think these fairy tales
have to been taken literally
Oh, is that so?

All Christians have something very special- an unwavering faith in the word of God. We interpret His message in many different ways, but I assure you they are not fairy tales to any believer. What makes you think this? I would be weary of those whom call a spiritual calling a fairy tale.

When one is searching for meaning, the answers that are found in the Bible may be profound, and have a literal impact on the believer. This impact is radiated back to the rest of us, to those of us with a metaphorical sense of the answer, and to those of us with a literal sense. In turn, we radiate back to our fellow believer.. it's a big pulsating radiant orb, amazing really.. sharing our love for the Lord. This is all that matters.
Oh, is that so?

All Christians have something very special- an unwavering faith in the word of God. We interpret His message in many different ways, but I assure you they are not fairy tales to any believer. What makes you think this? I would be weary of those whom call a spiritual calling a fairy tale.

When one is searching for meaning, the answers that are found in the Bible may be profound, and have a literal impact on the believer. This impact is radiated back to the rest of us, to those of us with a metaphorical sense of the answer, and to those of us with a literal sense. In turn, we radiate back to our fellow believer.. it's a big pulsating radiant orb, amazing really.. sharing our love for the Lord. This is all that matters.

read this
and then quote me again
Oh, is that so?

All Christians have something very special- an unwavering faith in the word of God. We interpret His message in many different ways, but I assure you they are not fairy tales to any believer. What makes you think this? I would be weary of those whom call a spiritual calling a fairy tale.

When one is searching for meaning, the answers that are found in the Bible may be profound, and have a literal impact on the believer. This impact is radiated back to the rest of us, to those of us with a metaphorical sense of the answer, and to those of us with a literal sense. In turn, we radiate back to our fellow believer.. it's a big pulsating radiant orb, amazing really.. sharing our love for the Lord. This is all that matters.

Agreed here.

One of the interesting things that is worth sharing in the context of Frank's observation is that the clergy is full of non-Christians. I realize this sounds ironic but it has been systematically infiltrated by folks whose intention is to weaken it from within. The more I learn the more I know this to be true.

Just yesterday a family member revealed something telling about someone we know well: a Christian youth pastor for 10 years who recently moved on to another career. He recounted on social media that he was an atheist the whole time. Ironically, from the day I first met him, I sensed that this could be the case.

So Frank is right that there are many in the clergy that will openly deny their own faith. This is the reason I rarely spend time in physical churches, and also the reason why I claim no Christian denomination. I am simply a Bible-believing Christian. I am priest of my own house, and I have fellowship everywhere I go.

The sad thing is that "baby Christians" tend to join local churches. Too often they get chewed up by and end up having less faith than they would have had if they had simply read their Bible, spent time in their prayer closet and/or just talking to God like he was right there.

And on a related note, earlier this evening my wife was watching the Bachelorette. The Christian candidate ends up looking like an idiot, and is portrayed by the editors as being something like a cave man with the crowd vilifying him for attempting to govern himself by a Christian standard.

It is not so easy being a Christian these days. The Bible prophesied this stage about 2000 years ago:

Agreed here.

One of the interesting things that is worth sharing in the context of Frank's observation is that the clergy is full of non-Christians. I realize this sounds ironic but it has been systematically infiltrated by folks whose intention is to weaken it from within. The more I learn the more I know this to be true.

Just yesterday a family member revealed something telling about someone we know well: a Christian youth pastor for 10 years who recently moved on to another career. He recounted on social media that he was an atheist the whole time. Ironically, from the day I first met him, I sensed that this could be the case.

So Frank is right that there are many in the clergy that will openly deny their own faith. This is the reason I rarely spend time in physical churches, and also the reason why I claim no Christian denomination. I am simply a Bible-believing Christian. I am priest of my own house, and I have fellowship everywhere I go.

The sad thing is that "baby Christians" tend to join local churches. Too often they get chewed up by and end up having less faith than they would have had if they had simply read their Bible, spent time in their prayer closet and/or just talking to God like he was right there.

And on a related note, earlier this evening my wife was watching the Bachelorette. The Christian candidate ends up looking like an idiot, and is portrayed by the editors as being something like a cave man with the crowd vilifying him for attempting to govern himself by a Christian standard.

It is not so easy being a Christian these days. The Bible prophesied this stage about 2000 years ago:

Show attachment 124270

is slavery a good thing?

do you believe "God" wants somebody to be a slave?

do you think that the Bible teaches you how to treat slaves the "right" way?

read exodus 21

( Buch Moses 2 Kapitel 21 )
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It is not so easy being a Christian these days. The Bible prophesied this stage about 2000 years ago:

I find myself saying this often to others in the last couple of the last 6 months much more.

Just last week I walked away from a customer, a local celebrity, that made fun of another Christian working on their 'mansion'. The project would have netted me about 4 grand in 3 days but I told the person (after verifying their hatred toward Christians) their money was not important to me since it was an environment I did not want to expose myself or others to. I can still see their cap filled mouth gaping open as I walked away.
I find myself saying this often to others in the last couple of the last 6 months much more.

Just last week I walked away from a customer, a local celebrity, that made fun of another Christian working on their 'mansion'. The project would have netted me about 4 grand in 3 days but I told the person (after verifying their hatred toward Christians) their money was not important to me since it was an environment I did not want to expose myself or others to. I can still see their cap filled mouth gaping open as I walked away.

Thanks for sharing. Good on you for walking your truth, and not selling out for an easy buck, and not bowing down to local celebrity. That is not an easy thing to do.

Epik routinely gets inbound calls from people who are filled with anger, anxiety and hate. Some of them are even potentially misanthropic capable of deadly force.

I have personally witnessed to many of them. You might be surprised how many unaccountable bullies and thugs are just waiting for someone to call them out. I do it politely, and without judgement, but simply to the effect, of "I would be happy to assist you, but my condition for doing so is that we can have a civil conversation. Is that fair?".

I share this because I know of many specific Epik customers who were once some of the meanest, angriest and most impatient people you ever met. The undeniable transformation of these angry people to now kind people who love the Lord is one of the greatest proofs I know of in this world that the Holy Spirit is real and transforming people from the inside out.

At the end of the day, the great commission is to witness to all, including to ignorant asshats. "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34).

I realize every situation is different and your approach no doubt made an impact. You might be thinking of "be ye separate" (2 Corinthians 6:17). I believe this is referring to coming out of Mystery Babylon rather than being isolationist. We are instructed to be "salt and light" (Matthew 5:13-16). It sounds like you deserved the salt but remember to deliver the light, e.g. by praying for the lost.
At the end of the day, the great commission is to witness to all, including to ignorant asshats. "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34).
It is us too, though. We are all sinners, in the eyes of the Lord.

Rob, thanks. Day in, day out.


@Mister Funsky that is amazing. It takes courage, perseverance, to do what you did.


Frank, I would like to travel outward to explore your answer, but I am content to stay here. What you search for, is not too far away.
I share this because I know of many specific Epik customers who were once some of the meanest, angriest and most impatient people you ever met. The undeniable transformation of these angry people to now kind people who love the Lord is one of the greatest proofs I know of in this world that the Holy Spirit is real and transforming people from the inside out.

Best example I can give of this concerns a one-time best friend, who moved to another city and went the direction of 1% biker for a # of years. I talked to him on the phone one night, and again 3 nights later, regarding my maybe selling in his city a bike I had. In those 3 days he changed from someone up on assault and weapons charges, to a Christ believer. Had an 'experience', he said. I thought it would pass, but years later he was still firmly walking the path, last I talked with him.
Best example I can give of this concerns a one-time best friend, who moved to another city and went the direction of 1% biker for a # of years. I talked to him on the phone one night, and again 3 nights later, regarding my maybe selling in his city a bike I had. In those 3 days he changed from someone up on assault and weapons charges, to a Christ believer. Had an 'experience', he said. I thought it would pass, but years later he was still firmly walking the path, last I talked with him.

That is cool, and is not atypical.

That said, from what I have observed, most of us don't get to have a "Road to Damascus" experience. However, many do have an epiphany about the simplicity of the Gospel and understanding the sufficiency of Christ's blood atonement.

Speaking from experience, I do believe educated people struggle with that idea of salvation as a gift. Add to that, educated people are surrounded by other educated people, e.g. a domainer friend who sent me a copy of the book "Sapiens", which I will try to read before a lunch meeting on Friday.

We are all on a journey. Today's drug-addled psycho biker is tomorrow's soulwinner. Go figure!
I realize every situation is different and your approach no doubt made an impact. You might be thinking of "be ye separate" (2 Corinthians 6:17). I believe this is referring to coming out of Mystery Babylon rather than being isolationist. We are instructed to be "salt and light" (Matthew 5:13-16). It sounds like you deserved the salt but remember to deliver the light, e.g. by praying for the lost.

I wish I could say I was thinking of scripture at the moment but it was more of an impulse move. Although the money is/was needed, I had just completed 21 straight days on another project and exhaustion had set in...made it easier to walk away. On a somewhat related story, the person I had just completed the 21 day project for (an executive in charge of social media for an international corporation) was/is not a believer. She was very cold and distant at the beginning, but warmed up as the days went the end she began asking questions "why do you believe", "how can you be sure" and I answered as best I could. She did not have a change of heart, but I could tell a seed had been planted.

It seems I can tell more easily lately if a person has any receptiveness or if they have a 'hard' wall up against anything like a superior being or power, much less having an open mind towards Christianity.

As far as praying for the lost, I seem to be doing it much more lately...even my enemies. It surprised me the first time I found myself doing it (actually not that long ago) but now it has become easier...I guess God is not through with me yet!?!?!
A couple recent deaths in the family got me thinking again about my own death and what might happen with the domain names I have (most all at Epik). A question/thought: Is it possible that Epik could have a section on what inheritors could do/should do if a domain holder were to die (at least when it concerns domains at Epik). A section that inheritors can be told in advance to search out?

Or is there a better alternative to that?
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A couple recent deaths in the family got me thinking again about my own death and what might happen with the domain names I have (most all at Epik). A question/thought: Is it possible that Epik could have a section on what inheritors could do/should do if a domain holder were to die (at least when it concerns domains at Epik). A section that inheritors can be told in advance to search out?

Or is there a better alternative to that?

Three things:

1. We offer Forever renewals.

2. We generate domain certificates that you can put into your estate files. See attached example.

3. You can provide us instructions for authorized contacts in the event of decease. We have this for may clients, including before major hospitalizations.

It is more common than you might think.


  • certificate_EPIK.COM.pdf
    639.3 KB · Views: 84
I just saw this online it looks like hosting and media outlets are removing many accounts including crypto related content...
I totally agree with removal of any unlawful or hateful content.
As far as I know there have not been any violence in the name of crypto
Whats going on with censorship in the US?

Censorship of crypto content seems extreme. AFAIK it is not unlawful. So, yes, seems heavy-handed.
Three things:

1. We offer Forever renewals.

2. We generate domain certificates that you can put into your estate files. See attached example.

3. You can provide us instructions for authorized contacts in the event of decease. We have this for may clients, including before major hospitalizations.

It is more common than you might think.

How long is forever?

what happens to "forever" domains
when epik goes bankrupt
or you sell epik ?

this company was offering lifetime (forever) free hosting packages
for like $245 USD one-time payments
How long is forever?

what happens to "forever" domains
when epik goes bankrupt
or you sell epik ?

That always seemed an odd option, fishy almost. I've received spam renewals with a forever registration option.

The Epik price basically covers 27 years, if the renewal stays at $9 per year the whole time.

Since many domains registrations are already reaching that age, these are valid questions.

Hope @Rob Monster can clarify as to what happens to the domains with the "forever renewal". Are the domains renewed past the 20 and 30 years? Are the domains passed on to next of kin in the event of death?

Rob, you linked a certificate for a "forever renewal" domain. But can it be used in the court of law in case you lose the domain? Is the "forever renewal" recognized by ICANN? So in the event Epik ceases to exist or loses its registrar accreditation, will it be honored?
That always seemed an odd option, fishy almost. I've received spam renewals with a forever registration option.

The Epik price basically covers 27 years, if the renewal stays at $9 per year the whole time.

Since many domains registrations are already reaching that age, these are valid questions.

Hope @Rob Monster can clarify as to what happens to the domains with the "forever renewal". Are the domains renewed past the 20 and 30 years? Are the domains passed on to next of kin in the event of death?

Rob, you linked a certificate for a "forever renewal" domain. But can it be used in the court of law in case you lose the domain? Is the "forever renewal" recognized by ICANN? So in the event Epik ceases to exist or loses its registrar accreditation, will it be honored?

Forever domain registrations at Epik are agency agreements, similar to how a WHOIS privacy proxy works. It is a completely legal way for someone to accomplish an objective. In the case of WHOIS privacy, proxy the registrant is delegating the privacy proxy to represent them for inbound inquiries, which in our case is largely automated.

The mechanics of a Forever registration is that we renew for the maximum period allowed by the registry. We then renew for another year on the anniversary date so the domain is renewed for the maximum period. We get a customer for life, and the customer gets peace of mind and saves time. Win-win.

ICANN does not offer a Forever registration. I actively petitioned for that, including a Forever ICANN fee. See here. As a result, pricing becomes an underwriting task for Epik where we decide how much to include for reserve beyond 10 years. Some registries, notably Uniregistry, are perhaps too much of a crapshoot to underwrite.
Forever domain registrations at Epik are agency agreements, similar to how a WHOIS privacy proxy works. It is a completely legal way for someone to accomplish an objective. In the case of WHOIS privacy, proxy the registrant is delegating the privacy proxy to represent them for inbound inquiries, which in our case is largely automated.

The mechanics of a Forever registration is that we renew for the maximum period allowed by the registry. We then renew for another year on the anniversary date so the domain is renewed for the maximum period. We get a customer for life, and the customer gets peace of mind and saves time. Win-win.

ICANN does not offer a Forever registration. I actively petitioned for that, including a Forever ICANN fee. See here. As a result, pricing becomes an underwriting task for Epik where we decide how much to include for reserve beyond 10 years. Some registries, notably Uniregistry, are perhaps too much of a crapshoot to underwrite.
Just wondering would you say Uniregistry is a crapshoot?
Just wondering would you say Uniregistry is a crapshoot?

- They implemented up to 30X price increases in the 2017. See here.

- I am told from reliable sources that their registry business is still burning cash.

- Frank's ex-wife likes cash and is apparently hunting for it. See here.

If Uni needs to play lifeboat, I think they end up dumping the registry business.

Frank himself of course will be fine, but the new gTLD economy is tough!
- They implemented up to 30X price increases in the 2017. See here.

- I am told from reliable sources that their registry business is still burning cash.

- Frank's ex-wife likes cash and is apparently hunting for it. See here.

If Uni needs to play lifeboat, I think they end up dumping the registry business.

Frank himself of course will be fine, but the new gTLD economy is tough!
All fair points, backed up with data, facts are facts.

The registry business is vital to their uni market, I mean they do a lot of commission based sales thru there. They have FMA’s portfolio exclusive, as well as their own which I assume subsidies their platform, which does have a lot of large domainer portfolios.

The ex wife bit is pretty scary, given she was there since the start in 2001. Sure they have a lot of brokers on the payroll, losing J Gabriel does not help, but to dump their registry would be a huge ego blow. He has a strong enough portfolio with enough gems to sustain losses if he is willing to stay the course. They are still spending good money acquiring .com’s thru the aftermarket, outbidding most domainers with strong proxy bids. I don’t think the subscription model went over to well with smaller accounts. What I did notice they don’t auction off their own expired inventory, which is strange given they have dropped some monster names thru some of their accounts.

Their technology on the platform is the most seamless I have seen to date on any other platform. Where as Godaddy just introduced a new platform which is impossible to use.

They do offer payment plans, but it has to go thru their broker, and there is a $40 a month holding fee, which can hurt smaller payment plans. I have to give Epik props for being the front runner in payment plans, which are very easy to setup, and very affordable for both parties to implement on their platform.
All fair points, backed up with data, facts are facts.

The registry business is vital to their uni market, I mean they do a lot of commission based sales thru there. They have FMA’s portfolio exclusive, as well as their own which I assume subsidies their platform, which does have a lot of large domainer portfolios.

The ex wife bit is pretty scary, given she was there since the start in 2001. Sure they have a lot of brokers on the payroll, losing J Gabriel does not help, but to dump their registry would be a huge ego blow. He has a strong enough portfolio with enough gems to sustain losses if he is willing to stay the course. They are still spending good money acquiring .com’s thru the aftermarket, outbidding most domainers with strong proxy bids. I don’t think the subscription model went over to well with smaller accounts. What I did notice they don’t auction off their own expired inventory, which is strange given they have dropped some monster names thru some of their accounts.

Their technology on the platform is the most seamless I have seen to date on any other platform. Where as Godaddy just introduced a new platform which is impossible to use.

They do offer payment plans, but it has to go thru their broker, and there is a $40 a month holding fee, which can hurt smaller payment plans. I have to give Epik props for being the front runner in payment plans, which are very easy to setup, and very affordable for both parties to implement on their platform.

Great analysis there. I won't speculate further, but I was simply clarifying the question about why we don't sell Forever Uni names. I have pitched them hard on letting us do that for them but they did not go for that option. I do think it would help their registries.

As for payment plans, indeed Epik is very strong there, and also SSL parking landers. Look for a breakthrough upgrade to our Marketplace platform later this month followed by an Escrow dashboard.
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