discuss What are your "catchiest" domains?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I've been spending a little time reviewing the brand who advertises here on NamePros. They're headquartered in France and seem to have a good presentation. They say in their add; "catchy domains for lease"

First off, what's a "catchy domain"? Hell if I know, but I know one when I see one. "Catchy" domains require a sense of humor, something that seems to be lacking in the world today:xf.frown:

I believe I have a few "catchy" domains, two of which I reg'd in the last 48 hours, and neither of which have been registered before.

The first one I registered is; LakeCatchy(.)com. If you don't see the humor here I'm really sorry, but "Lake Catchy" has got to be the best name of any fishing hole in the world.

Moving on, while meeting with some friends earlier, I thought of a flea market as I rounded a corner headed for home. So what should POP into my pea brain, but I don't know if you have flea markets where you are, but could you imagine a national chain of "Corner Flea" markets selling things from all over the world? Can anyone even begin to imagine how that might be accomplished? They could even sell fresh fish from Lake Catchy that are shipped overnight to a corner near you:xf.grin:

Do you have any "Catchy" domains? Share them with us and the story behind them. Thanks(y)

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Pistanbroke /// com

Now break it up into three syllables 😄
I just got it.....Duh and Ha! Ha! Ha!
This thread would be imo totally incomplete without my favourite catchy domain name: - I mean, who would not like domain name like that? :glasses:

Show attachment 130663
That reminds me of a buddy of mine who's 80 years young, and when I told him some people even name their body parts, he told me he as a name for his;

Lonesome:xf.rolleyes: It's not a domain, but it sure was/is funny/catchy:xf.wink:
lmao .. I almost died laughing seeing that "catchy" domain! :)
lol :)

I've got waaay too many catchy ones to list, but here are some of the more fun / unexpected / double-entendre / worthless ones .. lol .. (all in com unless specified)

Big Fish Think Tank - Just cause it made me laugh
Bedroom Advice - Home Decor and/or Sex Therapy!
Bull Dung - Perfect brand for a gripe site
Crypto Disco - I have tons of rhyming domains, this one always makes me smile
Drinks For Sale - I LOVE this for the name of a simple bar .. beautiful simplicity! :)
FThe Guestlist - Because I used to DJ/manage clubs and do promotions
Got Doob - Speaking of Doobies!
The Music (dot) biz
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TUTH (tooth)
JUDJ (Judge)
DJIL (Jill)
TOHT (taught)
HODT (hot)
UK9 (uCanine)
LVRG (Leverage)
TEIP (tape)
QOLD (Cold or Gold)
CEAZ (seize)
EEQO (eco)
DIHD (deed)
FVRS (Favors)
ENYG (enigma)
ELIX (Elixir)
EGZO (exo)
POZH (posh)

and many others...
My catchy domains i believe are

I'm not so sure? I think you probably own a lot more catchier domains than what you listed. Like a laugh meter that measures laughter or applause from a crowd, maybe there should be a "catchy" meter to determine who gets it, and who doesn't. Like I said however, I know "catchy" when i see it, but I don't think everyone does.

Some of my domains are meant to attract attention like; Now golf is truly a dying sport, but Golf Died??? So far when I say to the "average" bloke on the street, "Did you hear "Golf Died"? It spawns an interesting reaction. I just hand registered the name four days ago, and already three different people have asked if they could buy a tee shirt from me with a tombstone saying Golf Died - 1474 - 2020. Then the caption; "Here Lies Golf". Ever hear of a Golf Widow?

A catchy Meter would would work

I reckon if environmental consultants can use cost-benefit analyses, and apply a monetary value to happiness (so a Meter( for protecting a Koala reserve, then a value could easily be applied to catchy... ness.

You would just have to look at where it's being applied.

Your brand "Golf Died" isn't exactly the "Hello World," but a slogan can build momentum.
Your domain has sporting written on the can. and and are some computer ones I have. I guess they're catchy. .exe is a file format, and CTRL being the keyboard command, and CMD being the word for Command on Windows.

It's tough because all to find something catchy for everyone. That's where the money is.
I think these are my catchiest, but I'm biased of course:xf.laugh: :
Pistanbroke /// com

Now break it up into three syllables 😄
I like it now that you explained it. However, what I've found is that while a lot of domains are "catchy", few are ever monetized. When I create what I think is a "catchy" domain, take 9Time™ or CornerFlea™ for example, my mindset immediately turns to, how can I or anyone else monetize it? Regardless of whether you like my names (according to NP critics my names are "crappy":xf.rolleyes: and not "catchy"). However, I know enough about business that both of the "catchy" domains I shared here can be developed into mega million dollar businesses, one for a new sport that resembles golf, but it's not, and the other CornerFlea that's a when considering how much business can be done on street corners around the world. Make Sense?....ever watch the Canadian sitcom CornerGas?

Finally, I just researched the top 100 Brand names from around the world and only found maybe a dozen names that I would consider "catchy". Here are a few;


Thanks for chiming in....btw, is long gone:xf.frown:
The main problem with hacks,catchy domains etc is that if you have to explain them you have a problem. Often only in the eye of the beholder.
Still over my head:xf.rolleyes: Does it read "MYABCXYZ" ? I still don't get...sorry:xf.confused:
Ok then, never mind, how about "HOT.COOL"? My main target end user is Dyson.:punch:
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Ok then, never mind, how about "HOT.COOL"? My main target end user is Dyson.:punch:
I get it and I like it, but with a little color " (y)
Thanks for starting a thread on catchy domain names @ThatNameGuy . Also thanks to everyone who participated with some catchy (and OK I admit a few head scratching to me too) entries.

Of course all of mine are catchy! So you could just look at my full portfolio. :-P

But OK if I were to pick a few, hmmm, good question! Here are a few of my favourites from different extensions.
  • (recent acquisition, I thought it was cute, whether duck is a bird or something you do)
  • (could skateboard, snowboard, surf or board a party bus for boarding fun)
  • (who doesn't want a robot to visit them? :xf.grin: I also got the visiting robot it's own domain name
  • (what more could a dental hygienist ask for - many other best are catchy too)
  • (err look at our flag if you don't see why this one is catchy)
  • (maybe not funny catchy, but love how descriptive this is of prototyping)
  • (or if I decide I just need to stop domain investing, I also have :-P)
  • (what kind of agency doesn't like smiles? Dental, therapy, education, etc.)
  • (I liked it as a hack for Monaco, but also GoMona makes sense with first name)
  • (most .monster domains are catchy, but this one, well it is mysterious)
  • (catchy in a more serious way, this is my favourite .net)
Anyway, I hope everyone's path today in domain investing and in life is a (oops did I slip in another catchy one in?). In which case feel free to join the

Thanks again for the thread! (y)


PS I am sorry but I don't actually have any domain names that literally have the word catchy. I guess I should drop catchy one!
Bob....the first name on your list is a great name for a Convenience Store, especially with a wacky duck as your logo. It's interesting that we had a famous restaurant on the Bay here called the Duck Inn and even though it closed 10 years ago, they still sell their tee shirts and one of my neighbors has "Duckn" on his vanity license plate. I have simply, "Name Guy" on my license boring:xf.grin:

This thread spawned me to register two more domains this am; CornerCred and one that's not so catchy, but was available; I was actually shocked Corner Pawn was available, especially with the success of the hit TV show "PawnStars" which I must say is one of the catchiest names known to man. And now that I think about it, probably my catchiest domain is "JumboLumpDaddy" that few reading this thread would get, but has a lot of potential anywhere Blue Crabs are caught and eaten. I didn't make up the name, but registered it after hearing a band play a few years ago called, "Jumbo Lump Daddy and the Backfin Boys" Greatest name of a band EVER imho!!

Thanks for everything Bob and I'm sure glad you're a friend. btw, 9Time™ is gaining cred:xf.wink: You suggested I just buy a few domains supporting it, but I couldn't help but buy the domain a few days ago, and it's already drawn some attention to 9Time™ as I thought it might. Fore!!!
I like it now that you explained it. However, what I've found is that while a lot of domains are "catchy", few are ever monetized. When I create what I think is a "catchy" domain, take 9Time™ or CornerFlea™ for example, my mindset immediately turns to, how can I or anyone else monetize it? Regardless of whether you like my names (according to NP critics my names are "crappy":xf.rolleyes: and not "catchy"). However, I know enough about business that both of the "catchy" domains I shared here can be developed into mega million dollar businesses, one for a new sport that resembles golf, but it's not, and the other CornerFlea that's a when considering how much business can be done on street corners around the world. Make Sense?....ever watch the Canadian sitcom CornerGas?

Finally, I just researched the top 100 Brand names from around the world and only found maybe a dozen names that I would consider "catchy". Here are a few;


Thanks for chiming in....btw, is long gone:xf.frown:
I'm a British so in the UK.But if they ever show Canadian TV I will take a look 😂
This thread spawned me to register two more domains this am; CornerCred and one that's not so catchy, but was available;

I was waiting for you to post one I liked before saying how much I didn't like CornerFlea .. lol .. Flea Market is akin to Five and Dime ... in that it's pretty much a dying term (much faster than golf). CornerDollar or even CornerBuck (available now at handreg) would be the better ones .. but even dollar stores are in need of a new term as most products are now all priced over $1. BTW .. FleaDied is also available at handreg! lol

But given that .. that's why I'm happy to say I do like CornerPawn .. it's not really the same type of "catchy" .. but it's not a bad domain because pawnshop is not an outdated term .. and in fact it'll probably be a term used for many more years to come. That being said there are tons of alternatives since the fact a pawnshop is on a corner isn't really an enhancing adjective (like SuperPawn or something like that) .. but it most certainly could be argued that "corner" means it's on your street corner, so it's close to you, which is a good thing .. so CornerPawn is a decent domain .. even more so at handreg.
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Thanks for the post and inspiration cause...

EyeGuess I PaidCache :)

In dot com

Btw, Eye Guess was a really old TV show so this might be the oldest Catchy name going :)

Also I'm wondering if a typo could be considered a "catchy" name or not? If so I'll post a few of those as well. I hope so cause I know Bob will like them :)
FThe Guestlist - Because I used to DJ/manage clubs and do promotions

That made me laugh and smile...we have some similar life experiences. When I was a much younger man I became friends with a club owner in Miami and ended up starting a side business marketing/consulting clubs...took me all over the country...East coast primarily...with it ending in Detroit (long story but Windsor had something to do with it!).

I will get busy to see if I can reg a good hack for the thread...
I was a vinyl DJ if that tells you anything .. CDs did exist .. but I stopped DJing just as the CD mixers were starting to get accurate .. at the start they were garrrrrrrrbage! lol

I also own GuestlistPro (in king) and GuestList (dot) info

I recently acquired the, but had the .info for a while and was actually always planning on building out out a short an simple page that effectively said something like:

Just because you're on the guestlist does not mean you can get in if you're wearing running shoes, sandals, a t-shirt, shorts or a cap .. and don't expect to get in if you show up anything less than 30 minutes before the end of guestlist. And YES .. it is rude to ask for list and not show up with at least near the number of +'s you asked for.

Ah the joys of nightlife! About 7-8 years ago my friend opened what was at one point essentially the largest club in Canada. So I helped him out the first couple of years .. when I left they replaced me with 4 people! lol

Anyhow .. here are a few more adult/alcohol related names (all in com):

Game Of Inches - Football and/or penis enlargement! lol
Grab My Meat - Just a fun cheeky catchy brand for a butcher
Horny Cupid - Hookups
Hostess Mostess - I actually like this shortened version, it's catchy! lol
I Need A Beer
Sausage Market
Squished Grapes - Wine
Vote For Mary Jane - Cannabis legalisation
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Thanks for the post and inspiration cause...

EyeGuess I PaidCache :)

In dot com

Btw, Eye Guess was a really old TV show so this might be the oldest Catchy name going :)

Also I'm wondering if a typo could be considered a "catchy" name or not? If so I'll post a few of those as well. I hope so cause I know Bob will like them :)
I like both EyeGuess and PaidCache..."Eye Guess" is certainly "catchy", but I can't think of a way to monetize it. However, PaidCache, I see where you must have regg'd it for the first time today....good job. I'm not sure why, but as a business guy, it has a real good and secure sound. Also, I see where you must have regg'd EyeGuess today too, but it's been regg'd on and off for 15 of the last 20 years telling me no one knew what to do with it either.

Finally, as for typo's, I can't say as I have any "typo" domains, but that's not to say they can't work. I believe Google was a typo and a few others are in the top 20.
I was a vinyl DJ if that tells you anything .. CDs did exist .. but I stopped DJing just as the CD mixers were starting to get accurate .. at the start they were garrrrrrrrbage! lol

I also own GuestlistPro (in king) and GuestList (dot) info

I recently acquired the, but had the .info for a while and was actually always planning on building out out a short an simple page that effectively said something like:

Just because you're on the guestlist does not mean you can get in if you're wearing running shoes, sandals, a t-shirt, shorts or a cap .. and don't expect to get in if you show up anything less than 30 minutes before the end of guestlist. And YES .. it is rude to ask for list and not show up with at least near the number of +'s you asked for.

Ah the joys of nightlife! About 7-8 years ago my friend opened what was at one point essentially the largest club in Canada. So I helped him out the first couple of years .. when I left they replaced me with 4 people! lol

Anyhow .. here are a few more adult/alcohol related names (all in com):

Game Of Inches - Football and/or penis enlargement! lol
Grab My Meat - Just a fun cheeky catchy brand for a butcher
Horny Cupid - Hookups
Hostess Mostess - I actually like this shortened version, it's catchy! lol
I Need A Beer
Sausage Market
Squished Grapes - Wine
Vote For Mary Jane - Cannabis legalisation
So a buddy of mines restaurant in VB is next door to the coolest Vinyl Record store on planet earth. Go to VinylDazeRecords(.)com to see it. As far as your "catchy" names, I only see one I like, and that's is a Game Of Inches, but sports, especially football is where this domain/name deserves to be. I have some ideas how I would monetize it, but I refuse to share it with the NP Cabal:xf.wink: So it took four people to replace you, did it? That's really catchy!

I like both EyeGuess and PaidCache..."Eye Guess" is certainly "catchy", but I can't think of a way to monetize it.
Yes, that's what I meant by you inspired me :)

As to Eye Guess... well Eye Guess it would be good for an eye doctor and an eye exam. For example...

Don't Guess With Your Eyes, Visit Dr Who And Be Sure What You See Is What You Get!

Also, there could ALWAYS be a remake of the old 1966 game show and well Eye Guess it would be perfect for it :)

Regarding typos since I'm also Canadian, I got a bit silly and picked up...

Canardian dot com
Canadens dot com
Canadans dot com

For me right now all hand regs are experiments as I get back into the domain game after being off for awhile.

I also have a strategy which I'll disclose soon.

Btw, I've made some really good money in the past with typos but that is probably no longer the case.
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Regarding typos since I'm also Canadian, I got a bit silly and picked up...

Canardian dot com

I liked this one! Sounds funny when I try to say it with a Canadian accent, (which is not a really good one).
"I'm Canardian, what are you?"
I have some cheap hacks:

premanufactu .red
remanufactu .red
workingfor .tips

Also, it may be too old of a reference to the tv repairman who used to come to your house and fix televisions but updated towards electric vehicles:

evrepairman .com
I also like the name listed at the eye and ear, fully brandable..
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