
Two Year review Afternic DomainAgents Sedo DynaDot Flippa Uniregistry UNDeveloped (DAN) marketplace

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XYNames.comTop Member
Since November 2017, I have listed my domains, all of them, approximately 1500, at UNDeveloped. During this same period of time I have listed all of my same domains at Afternic DomainAgents Sedo DynaDot Flippa Uniregistry marketplaces.

Coming up on the two year mark, I have sold a LOT of domains via Afternic DomainAgents Sedo, and received MANY price inquiries and MANY offers. I have also received MANY inquiries, MANY offers and some sales at DynaDot. I haven't sold much at Flippa and Uniregistry, but I do occasionally receive offers.

At UNDeveloped, the exact same domains have received during this nearly two year period only one joke of a hundred Euro offer, about a year ago, for a domain worth 150 times more than that.

The data, given that I have listed the EXACT same domains, during the EXACT same time period, in all of these different marketplaces, mean that Afternic DomainAgents Sedo DynaDot have the highest amount of buyers searching looking to buy in their marketplaces.

Below these would be Flippa and Uniregistry where I have received some sales and some offers.

At the very bottom is UNDeveloped marketplace, with zero sales and only one offer.

Based on my data their effectiveness as marketplaces would be more or less in this order, with Afternic at top and UNDeveloped at bottom:

DomainAgents / Sedo (Lately Sedo is doing better, before DomainAgents was doing better)
DynaDot (available only if your domains are registered there, as all of mine are)

I am careful to set a BIN on a given domain at one marketplace only at a time, to avoid the issue of the domain selling simultaneously at more than one place. Generally, I place this BIN at Afternic, because it has the highest traffic and highest sales throughput. I have very few of my domains set for BIN (very few listed at premium Afternic), because I do this only after receiving an Afternic price inquiry (which getting this inquiry in the first place reflects buyer traffic at Afternic), and then following setting the BIN many of these domains then sell at Afternic anyway, and are no longer listed anywhere.

So the comparison between the various marketplaces is very fair, and on a very even playing field.

As long as they are all free marketplaces, and non-exclusive, I don't see the downside in listing in all of them. (Keep in mind though that you must have your domains registered at DynaDot to be in their marketplace, and all of my domains are registered at DynaDot.) But the results speak for themselves as far as which have more buyer traffic.

I use my own landing pages with my own FormMail.php submission form on them. I receive almost daily inquiries (at a minimum a few weekly) and steady sales via my own landing pages too.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Thank you xynames for creating this thread...
When you list your domains in these marketplaces, is your target buyer an end user? or a domainer?
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How can one sell domains to endusers at Dynadot, or Namesilo, or Epik, or Uniregistry, or Namecheap, unless the domain points to their marketplace landing page for that domain. Because noone would search such marketplaces to find domains they might be interested in.
One possibility is that they find a link via a search at Dofo, a one-stop place that covers all of the main marketplaces. This is not directly relevant to xynames study, since dofo were just starting then, but going forward I expect more domainers and end users to use their service (I have no association with Dofo). I think this is a strong reason to list at at least one marketplace covered by Dofo, even if you mainly operate from your own site.
if I had very good domains, how likely end users are going to go across them in the main marketplaces?

Last contact I had with DAN over this was December 18, 2019.

I think it's telling when you receive an offer at DAN and you know it's bogus before even thinking about it deeply. Happens too often at DAN, according to other NP members.

Hadn't really thought more about this bogus offer I received at DAN since that date in December, but Just tried to login to my DAN account, unable, and my email address associated with my DAN account doesn't seem to exist.

More will be revealed....
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if I had very good domains, how likely end users are going to go across them in the main marketplaces?

Very few business end-users heard of several of the venues (except Godaddy). Some domainers (like myself) never even heard of DOFO until recently when Bob Hawkes referred to them.
It would be interesting to know if it makes sense to list domains at GoDaddy Auctions or Godaddy Premium Listings (probably with bin) while domains are listed at Afternic. Will it give additional exposure and sales? I think Afternic-listed domains appear at GoDaddy registration path as premiums for sale, but anyway.
There appears to be a new system for offers at DynaDot marketplace.

In the past the offers came in via messages in the regular Inbox, or via Domain Offers, also under the same Messages/Inbox.

Now, you are notified via email with a direct URL to the offer link,


and the offer looks like this:


Still apparently no way to set a minimum offer on your domains though. @Dynadot

You will find the offer after login under Aftermarket/Incoming Offers.

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Why would you block Afternic price requests? Many of these have led to sales for me including for mid to high five figures.

Just make sure you have a decent minimum offer in place at Afternic for all domains so that any price request indicates that someone realizes that it is worth a lot more than your minimum.

I have received offers and sold domains via GoDaddy brokers for my domains listed at Afternic.

Paying UNDeveloped (DAN) 9% just to track IP address when your own landing page plus will cost just a couple percent all two percent of which you may have the buyer pay easily? (n)

Add Google Analytics to your own landing page then and track all landings for free.
So you don't recommend setting bin on afternic..just a good minimum offer..and you field request?
Have you noticed that Flippa allows offers of as low as 25% of your minimum?

My suggestion would be to make the minimum offer the lowest offer anyone may send in, which is how it works on all other sites. Or, Flippa could add a setting which when checked disallows any offers below the minimum set.
@flippa_marketplace @FlippaDomains
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Still apparently no way to set a minimum offer on your domains though.
This is changed now. When you select Buy Now + Make Offer it gives you the option of setting a minimum, or leaving it blank.

If you use the default Buy Now setting a minimum offer option does not show up, but going to the next selection in pull-down menu makes it appear.
If you're talking about DynaDot, yes, they have allowed setting a minimum offer for some time now. But for a large portfolio it takes some time, one page at a time, and when I did it, I didn't bother with looking at all the domains I had set BINs on, and just plowed through all that because it would have taken even longer to go through and make sure these BINs were retained. So, it is a flawed system, where there are limits to how many domains you may alter settings for at a time
but it works.
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Great thread!

For what it's worth, I am following the same path of listing my names in all the same Marketplaces as xynames.

Granted, I am operating on a much smaller scale of about 80 names vs the 2300 approx of the OP's

Since my names are not regged at Dynadot, this is the one marketplace we differ.

This thread has been very helpful in organizing my 'List Everywhere' strategy, but also helped set my expectations realistically.

Thank you!
Have you noticed that Flippa allows offers of as low as 25% of your minimum?
Does anyone still use Flippa these days?

Even if their website went down permanently I wouldn’t notice unless reported it :xf.rolleyes:
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Does anyone still use Flippa these days?

Even if their website went down permanently I wouldn’t notice unless reported it :xf.rolleyes:
I sold a small developed affiliate site on thete last year, but I don't use it for domains anymore
One tip I have found, for example on SEDO to deal with recalcitrant offerers who keep mindlessly submitting your minimum offer no matter what you counter with, or what you say in the Sedo offer comments, is to raise the minimum in your settings for that particular domain to half of your counter before making the counter.

This shuts out the lowballers, and compels at least a decent offer if the buyer is serious.

Ideally of course your minimum offer on each domain should be about half of what your intended asking price would be, but with thousands of domains listed on multiple platforms, I don't have time to go in there on every platform where I list to alter the minimums on each domain.


1) I have an actual BIN listed on ONE platform only at a time, for me it's Afternic - and the BIN is set only after I receive a price inquiry.

2) For all domains across all platforms, I have a decent minimum offer set somewhere between mid to high three figures, to at least weed out the jokesters.

3) I have the same minimum offer noted in the verbiage of my Contact Us form on my landing page for all domains, for buyers who go directly to the domain and are directed to my landing page.
(I am experimenting with custom, unique landing pages for some of my highest quality domains.)

4) I raise the minimum to about half of the intended or actually listed BIN, for any domain where I get inquiry or offer activity, for that platform.
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Flippa - the search function doesn't seem to work today, as I try to find a few domains in order to delete them.
Dashboard / selling / Domain Portfolio / Search / Select / Delete
I contacted Flippa support - they confirmed that Search wasn’t working - and deleted the domains for me manually.
I update regarding (formerly UNDeveloped) that I HAVE now sold a domain via - for low five figures. This is a domain listed at DAN marketplace - I do not use DAN landing pages.

I negotiated the offer myself, which came in initially at mid four figures, until buyer claimed that he was at his limit. I requested that 10% be added to buyer's offer to cover the DAN 9% commission, buyer agreed, and transaction was funded and closed soon afterwards.

This particular domain has received many four figure offers over time, but I wasn't willing to sell below the five figure price I received via DAN. Once buyer's payment was secured, I pushed the domain to DAN via DynaDot forum push.

Payment from DAN to me was via Bank Wire, and took two business days from the date the transaction closed to reach my U.S. Bank account. My bank charged a $16. incoming wire fee.

I would have to say that having my portfolio listed at DAN marketplace was worthwhile, based on this sale alone.
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Hi All,
This is a great post for me to learn on Domain investing. I just started and have about 30 domains. From what i understand on the post here it is recommended to:
1) list domains at most of the popular ones like afternic, sedo, dan, flippa.
2) set all at offer but with a mid range 3 fiqure price to weed low ballers.
3) set a BIN AFTER getting offers as a sale is likely to happen after setting a reasonable BIN price.

Questions i have after exploring for the past week:
1) how do i determine the price to sell? some of the domains i have range from low hundreds to high 4 fiqures on Godaddy appraisal. Even if i check at Namebio the price for comparison is wide.
So for such case should i start with a make offer of like $30 to $50? and see how it goes?
2) what is the sales rate for those old-timer here for comparison? like number of domains vs sale time vs number of domain sold?
3) i see from here Afternic seems to have good results. Should i also list it at Godaddy auctions? i see from namebio Godaddy has close to 100 thousand sale up to now in 2021 alone.
4) how many domains should i hold? does the domain age/TF/traffic matters in terms of easier to sell? i saw some names has hundreds of bids from godaddy.

Thanks in Advance for any advice!
Since November 2017, I have listed my domains, all of them, approximately 1500, at UNDeveloped. During this same period of time I have listed all of my same domains at Afternic DomainAgents Sedo DynaDot Flippa Uniregistry marketplaces.

Coming up on the two year mark, I have sold a LOT of domains via Afternic DomainAgents Sedo, and received MANY price inquiries and MANY offers. I have also received MANY inquiries, MANY offers and some sales at DynaDot. I haven't sold much at Flippa and Uniregistry, but I do occasionally receive offers.

Tone & content clearly highlight "Voice of Experience." Who shows it best knows it best. Inordinately magnificent mini-guide! What's between the words packs it as richly as the data.

Adding CNAMES and TXT at GoDaddy is excruciatingly slow (hundreds of repetitions before finally figuring people can save time by simply changing domain name in URL bar after each add). Doing it hundreds of times equals theft of life's great minutes, so, your guidance means not wasting time w/ the bottom three marketplaces. Best post on domain-selling seen in 20+ yrs of collecting domains and finally coming around to proactively selling.

Two questions, with your permission. Registered .com's weekly for 20 yrs. More recently intrigued by .work, being a statement as well as TLdomain. Each time I've gotten someone to say their keyword out loud with "dot-work," they light up... and often pay up, generally about .1% of the reported .com sale for that word.

(Searched for .work versions of the so-called all-time Top 1000 .com sales). Surprised to find cameras, porno, attorneys, etc. For years, google effectively banned .work from results thx to years of spammers. W/ one-word sites such as lasers, shortcuts, even some in oneword domain searches, google seems to've remediated. A dozen now on front search pages.

1) In your opinion/finding, is the bulk of effort (70-80 hrs pr wk) more wisely focused on landing pages when one can put any page on first page of google in a week or less ... OR direct marketing, ie: sending 1,000 emails to lawyers and whoever ranks in top 50 search for, legal and judicial domains? If no sales from the first thousand, despite short, powerful emails, send another thousand, right? So many categories, and billions of people who might like a one-word domain, heh heh.

About 6 years into seeing scores of shlocky domains get big dollars reported at DNJournal, etc., sincerely asking if it's moronic for me to think that, "Since the .com's gone, this is next best" ???
Is it overoptimistic to think that dollars, tablets, condos in .work are better than most of the inane or even simply most two-word .com's? The .com's gone, for most people. So, we sprinkle in a few hundred of our big-ticket .com's, in an ocean of delicious .work domains.

2) Again, don't mind 1,000 - 2,000 work hrs between now and Feb. Question is, can an obviously skilled AND seasoned domainist such as yourself drop a gem or two of wisdom to help inform this decision? Already listed a few hundred at Sedo and Afternic this week, w/ attendant bumps and learning curve. If you could shape a new champion of putative sweetestdomains, what's your best guidance? Can mere listing at marketplaces be top dog over the course of 100 to 200 wks of effort, or do you see direct marketing to be wiser? What dentist wouldn't want cavity or cavities or other related domains if it's all in just one very related word? Please advise if you think I'm a bit out to lunch on this. It seems so "supply-and-demand." Somehow, can't look as good on ad or card as Entirely interested in your take on what may amount to "visionary or lunatic, since they're the only ones who can see the future."

While sensitive to the superlative, your posts, particular this one, are no less than magnificent. You say so much and in so few words! Power between your words, as well. Sincere thanks. You've doubtless saved thousands of minutes on Dan alone. Whew! LOVE data-based wisdom! Best of energy to the best of your efforts.

"Imitating masters is still the most treasured of shortcuts."
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I’ll have to think about your questions in general - but at I deal almost entirely with dot com domains only.
Thank you for the courtesy of response. Looking forward (at your convenience, natch) to read your thoughts on directly approaching thousands of logical prospects versus primary focus on listings and landing pages alone. Really liking the most brandable of your names at Good, creative thinking! Cheers.
Hi All,
This is a great post for me to learn on Domain investing. I just started and have about 30 domains. From what i understand on the post here it is recommended to:
1) list domains at most of the popular ones like afternic, sedo, dan, flippa.
2) set all at offer but with a mid range 3 fiqure price to weed low ballers.
3) set a BIN AFTER getting offers as a sale is likely to happen after setting a reasonable BIN price.

Questions i have after exploring for the past week:
1) how do i determine the price to sell? some of the domains i have range from low hundreds to high 4 fiqures on Godaddy appraisal. Even if i check at Namebio the price for comparison is wide.
So for such case should i start with a make offer of like $30 to $50? and see how it goes?
2) what is the sales rate for those old-timer here for comparison? like number of domains vs sale time vs number of domain sold?
3) i see from here Afternic seems to have good results. Should i also list it at Godaddy auctions? i see from namebio Godaddy has close to 100 thousand sale up to now in 2021 alone.
4) how many domains should i hold? does the domain age/TF/traffic matters in terms of easier to sell? i saw some names has hundreds of bids from godaddy.

Thanks in Advance for any advice!

What a great summary of what you've gleaned!! Have only sold a handful of domains, all 4 or 5 digits, and frankly, too scared to start a one-word domain sale with such a low make-offer. Too many thousands of people who want that word ... who don't know it's for sale. Our current approach is, A) no less than 4x what godaddy estimates if it's under $1k, and at least 10x what godaddy estimates for 4-digit estimates.

Despite some semi-premium .com's, ie: winnables, unwinnables, contractsnegotiated, and a thousand more one-worders, have never (we're w/ godaddy 20 yrs) had a domain estimated by godaddy to be worth more than 4500. All 5 domains sold this year went for 9 to 27x what godaddy estimated.

Added to that is the issue that, perhaps because they're a registrar, godaddy doesn't want to estimate too high. Since Bob Parsons sold it, our PERSONAL opinion is that godaddy is as skanky and unethical as the corner hustler. Maybe you'll see wisdom in checking in with sale prices at DNJournal and the like. Seeing the "insane" high prices of non dotcoms the past 2 yrs, hope you have resources to hold hold hold. Godaddy said "electables" (dot com) was worth $385 for several years. Sold it a month ago for 12x that, with only one counteroffer submitted. Within our limited experience, we're finding that patience pays so much more for serious domainists.

PS: A mind as inordinately well-organized as yours is likely to take you to some mighty big sales! </opinion>
Thanks for a post that's helping me to organize and think more effectively. Best wishes to your best efforts

#oneworddomains #domainists #smartquestions :)
As an update, most of my sales since my last posts in this thread (October 2021), have been either direct sales done via or sold via Afternic, although I did have one big sale via DynaDot marketplace too.

Over all, as I keep track of reg fees ( outflows) versus income (inflows), the total remains on the rise (positive) on an ongoing basis, which is good.
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