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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
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..rational adults can be mentored by someone in one aspect of their life without being lockstep with them in everything.

I know this is a difficult concept for some here who seem to view everything in binary.
Her next sentence is a binary take on General Lee.

Robert E Lee was a traitor.
That doesn't negate the fact he was a great general.

Kanye is mentally ill (and off his meds.)
Crazy house negro stepping off the reservation has a lot of people upset. None of your thought leaders complained when Kanye said GW Bush hates black people.
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That quite an essay. Now explain why calling Kany West a Step and Fetch House Negro isn't racist.

Trump has also attempted to inoculate himself from charges of racism by selectively citing polling numbers, which suggest he’s remarkably popular for a Republican president among African Americans. The president, for example, retweeted these polling numbers from Rasmussen on Wednesday:

Today’s @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 36%

This day last year: 19% https://no_url_shorteners/mazBCWoIMy @POTUS @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/uIqYxoBn6w

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) August 15, 2018
Those results were then picked up by pro-Trump media outlets like Breitbart, which used the data to argue against “accusations of racism from the Democratic left.”

It might seem far-fetched that over a third of African Americans would now approve of a president with a very long history of racial insensitivity — especially because fewer than 10 percent of black voters supported him in 2016.

That’s because it is far-fetched. Trump’s black approval rating is nowhere near 36 percent.

Polling firms that have interviewed far more African Americans, and that are much more transparent than Rasmussen, all show that Trump’s black approval rating is much lower than 36 percent.

For example, Gallup has interviewed thousands of African American respondents in 2018. Its polling suggests that Trump’s black approval rating has consistently been around 10 to 15 percent through 2018.


Civiqs, which has interviewed more than 140,000 respondents in 2017 and 2018 suggests that Trump’s black approval rating has consistently been in the single-digits throughout his presidency:

YouGov/Economist surveys conducted in July and August was 13 percent. His average approval rating among African Americans in four Quinnipiac University surveys conducted over the past two months was just 9 percent.

These data remind us to be skeptical of outlier polls — especially when those results fly in the face of what we already know about African Americans’ weak support for Republican presidents in general and their strong disapproval of Donald Trump in particular.

Michael Tesler is associate professor of political science at the University of California at Irvine, author of “Post-Racial or Most-Racial? Race and Politics in the Obama Era,” and co-author of the forthcoming book, “Identity Crisis: The 2016 Presidential Campaign and the Battle for the Meaning of America.”

Jim Brown doesn't agree with either of you.
Poignant piece on Jamal Khashoggi by his fiancée. If he was tricked into walking into a trap and assasinated, there must be retribution.


So what if he wasnt a US citizen? If they’re allowed to get away with something like this, their next victim may be.

And just like that, we're back to being the police department for the world.
There with that word again.

Robert E Lee betrayed his country and his uniform by choosing to serve an uprising whose goal to fight to preserve slavery. This is not a subjective issue, nor is it political hyperbole like North Korea uses. If you have a word you prefer for it, great!

Even his own relatives agree:

PS - if you're trying to sway the black vote, that's not usually a good name to bring up.
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You jumped on the liberal band wagon calling Kanye a mental defect, house negro. Now you're being insulting, lying and attacking me personally.

Apologize and move on or don't.

Again, your struggle. It's not he's off his meds as a joke, haha. He's literally off his meds. And this doesn't excuse Gilsan's or your postings.

"You interpret a sarcastic remark" ?

"Like I quoted MSNBC. Dow peaked, made a record then pulled back on the last few minutes of the session. What's it like to be owned by an White Republican?"

Where is the sarcasm? I've asked you to explain it since the day you posted it, you've done nothing but dodge. You had all this time, and that's what you came up with. Doesn't even make sense.

Your other stuff is dumb as well.

Hillary wasn't even born when he joined the Klan. He dropped out shortly after. "While he initially voted against civil rights legislation, in 1959 he hired one of the Capitol's first black congressional aides, and he also took steps to integrate the United States Capitol Police for the first time since Reconstruction."

The Rev. Wright stuff. I would imagine you might be not like America much if you grew up black when he did. You should worry more about the church folk that mess with kids. Tidy up your own backyard.
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Excellente Video... Thanks. All Liberals especially the more brainwashed white ones, like some in this thread should be forced to see it, because judging from many polls, a lot of blacks are changing their minds and beginning to realize that they've been fed a lot of BS by the DemonCraps and the Liberals for too long.
For most of his life, Wright was just an ordinary pastor. He became more controversial after he retired from the clergy.

Wright preached liberation theology. A racist blaspheme of the Gospel, Romans 2:11-16.

In the same post Entitled:

  • Excuses Hillary praising Robert Byrd; "People are not binary". Then makes a binary statement about Robert E Lee.

  • Excuses Barack Obama for attending a church that preached a racist theology; then insinuates trump praised General Lee's military leadership because he's racist.

Take five seconds and read what you write
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Heard the Muller probe is winding down, people leaving.

No collusion, no illegal activity ( except by the Gov and Hillary campaign ), some questionable behavior.

Wright preached liberation theology. A racist blaspheme of the Gospel, Romans 2:11-16.
In the same post Entitled:
  • Excuses Hillary praising Robert Byrd; "People are not binary". Then makes a binary statement about Robert E Lee.
  • Excuses Barack Obama for attending a church that preached a racist theology; then insinuates trump praised General Lee's military leadership because he's racist.
Take five seconds and read what you write
Hahaha... I had also noticed that total hypocrisy from her as well!

Just like she's so preoccupied about the illegals being jailed and separated from their children, but LIKES the GIF of Trump's head being blown to smithereens...
That quite an essay.

It's not as essay, your reading struggles, it's an article from The Washington Post that I copied for offthehandle.

You jumped on the liberal band wagon calling Kanye a mental defect, house negro. Now you're being insulting, lying and attacking me personally.

Apologize and move on or don't.

I never called him those words, it seems those are words you're real comfortable with. I said he was a sellout and other people feel that way about him obviously. Never called him a mental defect, the drama queen in you again, I said he was off his meds, which is a fact. Seems you guys are real comfortable taking advantage of him for votes when he's in that condition.

Heard the Muller probe is winding down, people leaving.

No collusion, no illegal activity ( except by the Gov and Hillary campaign ), some questionable behavior.

That's for the insight, maybe wait for it to be actually finished and come out?
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The Brainwashed UK Police spreading lies...

Met Police brutality in London (DFLA protest against extremism)
DFLA = The Democratic Football Lads Alliance

Tommy Robinson Published on Oct 14, 2018

Protest yesterday against extremism in London. Similar to the policing on the demonstrations to free me, the Met Police tried to provoke trouble. Yesterday this THUG in uniform crossed the line. I have witnessed Far Left and Muslim demonstrations that are violent or where they set fire to poppies with lighter fuel screaming obscenities through the minutes silence and in all instances the Met police did nothing.
For some reason the police feel that working-class protests can be met with unprovoked police violence. Did anyone get his number? He should be sacked and prosecuted. #TwoTierPolicing

Liar it is then.


It's not as essay, your reading struggles, it's an article from The Washington Post that I copied for offthehandle.

I never called him those words, it seems those are words you're real comfortable with. I said he was a sellout and other people feel that way about him obviously. Never called him a mental defect, the drama queen in you again, I said he was off his meds, which is a fact. Seems you guys are real comfortable taking advantage of him for votes when he's in that condition.

That's for the insight, maybe wait for it to be actually finished and come out?

Yet you keep going back in time to argue.

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Liar it is then.

What have I lied about? I don't lie, I think you're projecting yourself on me again. You are a known liar in this thread.

Ah, is that what you're talking about? Mr. complaining about sub-posting, then sub posts.

I addressed that in my last post "other people feel that way about him obviously."
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Poignant piece on Jamal Khashoggi by his fiancée. If he was tricked into walking into a trap and assasinated, there must be retribution.


So what if he wasnt a US citizen? If they’re allowed to get away with something like this, their next victim may be.
Is this what you wanted to hear?
(AFP) WASHINGTON — US President Donald Trump has said Saudi Arabia could be behind the disappearance of missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi and warned Washington would inflict “severe punishment” if he was murdered.

The Saudi critic has not been seen since he walked into the kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul on October 2, with Turkish officials accusing Riyadh of murdering him inside the diplomatic mission.

“We’re going to get to the bottom of it and there will be severe punishment,” Trump told CBS’s “60 Minutes” program, according to an excerpt of an interview that was released on Saturday.

Unlike Barack "the pussy" Obama... when Trump takes a harsh stand against foreign leaders (dictators or non-dictators) they have better understand that he means business!!! He ain't messing around!

It's called the "Trump Effect" and it's working beautifully!

Give them hell Donald and "Build that Bloody Wall"... starting in November, after the mid-terms win...
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And just like that, we're back to being the police department for the world.

Our country because of its status and influence has a history of championing human rights in situations like this. All of a sudden you think we should no longer give a flying rats ass? Why? Lives don’t matter to you? Do you have any moral compass or just when it concerns you personally?

Among other things, may have triggered the global Magnitsky act.

Luring somebody to an embassy that’s on foreign soil and assasinating them - killing them with no judicial process - is a heinous crime that among other things sets a very bad and dangerous precedent. Aside from being cowardly and dishonorable, it would be short sighted and foolish to let it go without consequences.

If that’s what happened, but apparently there’s video and audio.

So 45 is now threatening severe consequences. Oh no! Is he policing the world? Is he actually going to do anything or is it all talk? Well see.

The Saudis need us more than we need them.
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This is actually pretty funny:
Me (right after the incident was reported, while 45 was still dithering): That’s awful. We need to look into this and impose consequences if it happened.
Greek Chorus of Trumpists: Damn liberal, We’re not the worlds police.
POTUS: “We’re going to get to the bottom of this and there will be severe punishment” if Khashoggi was murdered.
Greek Chorus of Trumpists: Yehaw! Now that’s what Im talking about! Yeah baby! Give em hell, Donald!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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The USA is involved in seven civil wars. Democrat leadership blew up north Africa and now people are starving.

You've written two rambling post today, one with such congnative dissonance it was dizzying. Not only do you not know what happened, your "concerns" are nothing more than self-virtuous, politically motivated hand wringing.

Our country because of its status and influence has a history of championing human rights in situations like this. All of a sudden you think we should no longer give a flying rats ass? Why? Lives don’t matter to you? Do you have any moral compass or just when it concerns you personally?

Among other things, may have triggered the global Magnitsky act.

Luring somebody to an embassy that’s on foreign soil and assasinating them - killing them with no judicial process - is a heinous crime that among other things sets a very bad and dangerous precedent. Aside from being cowardly and dishonorable, it would be short sighted and foolish to let it go without consequences.

If that’s what happened, but apparently there’s video and audio.

So 45 is now threatening severe consequences. Oh no! Is he policing the world? Is he actually going to do anything or is it all talk? Well see.

The Saudis need us more than we need them.
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Our country because of its status and influence has a history of championing human rights in situations like this.

What Status? Perpetual debt, which doubled under Obama? I don’t admire indebted countries. And the US babysitting the rest of the world has increased the deficit. Trump is the first President since Reagan that believes in peace through superior firepower. And insisting external countries pay for defense. This imposing of the captalism anywhere possible, has been a failure. Look at Iraq. Trillions of wasted tax dollars and lives destroyed in Soldiers, their families and Iraq locals. The US taxpayer pays the bills or should I say peoples grandchildren will be left with the debt. US taxpayers paying more for NATO protecting the EU, than the EU?

Rubio is an idiot equally stupid comments as Sanders today, myopic and ignorant economic views on how the world works. Trump too is ignorant if he exchanges some stupid political human rights statement embargoing SA arms trading over a non citizen, nobody missing journalist for 1000’s of US Defense jobs and military sales. This is a delicate balance. SA will retalitate and F up the entire oil situation too, its a no win situation. $10 a gallon gas in a year.? Are you willing to pay that to prove a point? There are hundreds of killed, missing or imprisoned US Citizens around the world. Why is that guy more important?
This is actually pretty funny:
Me (right after the incident was reported, while 45 was still dithering): That’s awful. We need to look into this and impose consequences if it happened.
Greek Chorus of Trumpists: Damn liberal, We’re not the worlds police.
POTUS: “We’re going to get to the bottom of this and there will be severe punishment” if Khashoggi was murdered.
Greek Chorus of Trumpists: Yehaw! Now that’s what Im talking about! Yeah baby! Give em hell, Donald!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
First off, I never mentioned that guy at all, so not part of the Greek Chorus. Secondly you are always jumping the gun with anything related to Trump, assuming that behind the scenes he and his staff are doing NOTHING.

What do you want him to do? Telegraph to everyone and to whole world what he's gonna do? Your impatience towards Trump and everything he does or doesn't do when you want him to do it, is because of your pure hatred for him...

Viva Trump and Build that Wall
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