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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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He's hurting the company. First, 25% drop in sales, people believe due to his comments about the protests and then this.

Yeah, the PR firm he hired to help just killed his career.
Yeah, the PR firm he hired to help just killed his career.

And it's not just a word, the N word. He's just kind of stupid.
Just catching up. Strozk ripped him a new one.
Jackson Lee hit back hard too.
The Democrat parrots still blabbering about Russia...
The Democrat parrots still blabbering about Russia...

Yep, hiding behind allegations of Russian interference in the election is the only way they can possibly explain loosing to one of the most clueless, unintelligent and unequipped Presidential candidates in US history.
Funny thread started by a journalist, about how "quaint" Mitt Romeny's gaffes were compared to Trump.

One of the politest, successful men in politics and the media called him sexist, homophob, nazi, zealot, jesus-freak, throw-back. Ridiculed his religion, his kids, his wife.

I have no problem voting for Trump. At least he knows how to fight back.
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My favorite thing about Trump is when he looks directly at a reporter, points and says, "you're fake news".
My favorite thing about Trump is when he looks directly at a reporter, points and says, "you're fake news".

Why do you like him lying and embarrassing himself? This guy literally lies all the time and his favorite news station Fox News, is a joke. It's not being tough when he does this, he just comes of looking simple and dumb. Attacks the media, attacks the Justice Department, attacks our allies, props up Putin.

I can't wait till the next Presidential election.
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Former UK Ambassador to the US Sir Christopher Meyer, 74, was beaten bloody by two attackers at Victoria Station in London on Wednesday, hours after he published an essay supporting President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK Thursday.

The Metro reported two teens, a boy and a girl, were arrested at the scene.

…A 15-year-old schoolgirl was one of two teenagers arrested at the station following the attack at around 2.45pm. British Transport Police (BTP) also arrested a 16-year-old boy.

Former UK Ambassador to the US Sir Christopher Meyer, 74, was beaten bloody by two attackers at Victoria Station in London on Wednesday, hours after he published an essay supporting President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK Thursday.

The Metro reported two teens, a boy and a girl, were arrested at the scene.

…A 15-year-old schoolgirl was one of two teenagers arrested at the station following the attack at around 2.45pm. British Transport Police (BTP) also arrested a 16-year-old boy.


Nothing to do with Trump, it was a robbery. I'm guessing the 15 and 16 year old don't hang around and read that guy's articles, kids are usually doing other things.

"Police say it looks like a robbery"
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Trump tells Theresa May her soft Brexit plan will 'kill' any US trade deal after Britain leaves the EU, adds Boris will make a great PM and blames Sadiq Khan for terrorism in explosive start to UK visit...
  • Trump said the PM has ignored his advice on Brexit negotiations, explaining: 'I would have done it differently'
  • Sources close to president earlier warned lucrative transatlantic trade deal cannot happen with a soft Brexit
  • It comes after May used a lavish welcome dinner for Trump at Blenheim Palace to press her case for a deal

Well done Trump... Show these little EU pussies who the Boss is... I'm lovin' it...
Republicans didn't want him to win the primary, democrats and the media did....Trump was a regular on morning shows at CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, FOX Business.
And yet most on the Right call most of those same stations fake news. The MSM didn't cover Trump because they wanted him to win, they covered him because like all train wrecks people are compelled to watch and eye balls = ratings = advertising dollars.

You are right about the DNC and Hillary's team wanting him to win though, because they were arrogant, corrupt and living in their own corporate democratic bubble thinking they had no way to loose and that most on the left would never abandon them because we have no were to go. They were wrong. Progressives are fighting to take our Country back from the corporate thieves in both corrupt major parties. If you consider yourself a true American and actually believe in true Democracy, you will too.
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Missed this, while Pompeo went to NK to meet with him, he was touring a potato farm and didn't show up, also:

North Korea Submarine Development Signals Increased Nuclear Threat
Pyongyang is thought to be working on a new submarine capable of launching nuclear-armed ballistic missiles


Today, Trump is overjoyed he got sent a nice note:
A very nice note from Chairman Kim of North Korea. Great progress being made!

I guess because they used the world Excellency 4 times.


Trump retweeted this pic, meaning he liked it:
.@realDonaldTrump's shadow is reflected on the wall as he makes a statement and answers questions as he departs the NATO Summit in Brussels, Belgium. Also reflected is Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton.


Some of the replies:




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Drunk as a Skunk
Jean-Claude Juncker stumbles and is helped by leaders at NATO gala

The European Commission President was attending a dinner at the NATO summit in Brussels attended by US President Donald Trump and a number of other world leaders. Juncker was stumbling and swaying to the extent that the presidents of Finland and Ukraine, among others, had to help keep the 63-year-old upright. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte also stepped in to guide Juncker.

The Media is saying it was Sciatica pains... :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:

It's fuc*king "Trump Derangement Syndrome" you bloody idiots.

Give them Hell, Donald... show them and the Liberal Media who the Boss is..
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Give them Hell, Donald... show them and the Liberal Media who the Boss is..

Yes because there is no so called "conservative" media out there pushing right wing propaganda for the ignorant masses like yourself that just swallow it whole. I'd call you an Fing joke but I respect comedy and that would be insulting to jokes.
Hey Donald... Show the bastards who is the Boss

Teresa May, you useless hag... you have your days counted... Resign immediately and let someone with a decent pair, do the job...
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And yet most on the Right call most of those same stations fake news. The MSM didn't cover Trump because they wanted him to win, they covered him because like all train wrecks people are compelled to watch and eye balls = ratings = advertising dollars.

You are right about the DNC and Hillary's team wanting him to win though, because they were arrogant, corrupt and living in their own corporate democratic bubble thinking they had no way to loose and that most on the left would never abandon them because we have no were to go. They were wrong. Progressives are fighting to take our Country back from the corporate thieves in both corrupt major parties.
If you consider yourself a true American and actually believe in true Democracy, you will too

By voting for socialist?
Strzok is a sociopath.

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most clueless, unintelligent and unequipped Presidential candidates in US history.

[Insert picture of Obama here]

Obama: “A vote for Republicans in November is a vote to let klansman run wild in our communities, to let racism pour into our cities, & to use tax payer money to prop up dying industries like coal. Democrats want reason, science & unity - Republicans want DIVISION, BIGOTRY & FEAR!”

That above current out of touch statement is what happens when you live in the most expensive part of DC, where mostly the Rich live. Yet Chicago is a mess, full of fear and division. When did you see a Klansman run wild? Talk about idiotic statements, this idolized ex president says that?

Reason, Fear and Unity? Like Democratic Berkeley shout downs, BLM, Antifa, 14th district NYC communist 28 year old nobodies, hate inc. MSM, Unity? Yea...in one common goal to shut down free thinking and eliminate free speech and conservative thought in Google, Facebook, etc.
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