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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Back to coat hangers. Except they are made of plastic now. That’s a sick disgusting sarcastic joke, abortion isn’t going to be overturned.

I bet the SC will push it back to individual states they will handle it with separate laws. So, those irresponsible women who cant figure how to use birth certificate control pills, simply Leave their home state on a Greyhound, and get a taxpayer funded free abortion from wealthy NYC area or Silicon Valley. The laws should be modified to less than 90 days (like elsewhere and EU) and other bad circumstances ie: rape, etc, not abused and used as birth control is now. Gov’t out of the bedroom.

Oh boy.

First, this is what would happen if it was overturned - https://www.washingtonpost.com/grap...-rights-supreme-court/?utm_term=.d94f2dec060c

Then, you realize birth control is not 100% effective?

Then, what about those religious people who are against abortion, even in cases of rape, because they believe it is a life.

Then you said gov't out of the bedroom, when this does the opposite.

Why not? Whatever wake up call is needed. The beehive needs to kicked over immediately. This is a wake up call that countries should not expect the US taxpayer to pay their bills anymore. Done. 2024? So germany saves 0.8% of their GDP for 6 more years? What about back payments? Meanwhile the US pays 3.65% of a much larger GDP? This does not make sense. Greece and Poland are paid up.

Because it hurts Americans, it's stupid.

Yes, 2024. That was the deal. Trump is just deflecting. And it's not a good habit to go around breaking deals, violating agreements etc. Probably, part of the reason the NK stuff isn't going to get done. Trump can't be trusted.
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"'Germany, as far as I'm concerned, is captive to Russia,' U.S. president says because of gas pipeline"

"'Germany, as far as I'm concerned, is captive to Russia,' U.S. president says because of gas pipeline"

Trump: Germany is ‘Totally Controlled By Russia’

So I'm right. Again.
"'Germany, as far as I'm concerned, is captive to Russia,' U.S. president says because of gas pipeline"

Trump: Germany is ‘Totally Controlled By Russia’

So I'm right. Again.

No, you idiot, I literally posted video. It's exactly what he said.

Germany Is Totally Controlled By Russia

Not what he said.

Right from his mouth.

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And isn’t it ironic that issues pertaining to women’s health care are being decided by a bunch of geriatric men? (That was a rhetorical question - don’t even THINK of “mansplaining” it to me.)


Supreme Court rules on Roe vs. Wade in 1973

No, you idiot, I literally posted video. It's exactly what he said.

Germany Is Totally Controlled By Russia

Right from his mouth.

Someone has a stick shoved up their ass and it's blocking o2 to their brain.
Someone has a stick shoved up their ass and it's blocking o2 to their brain.

Then go see a doctor. Get your brain malfunction looked at.

Kate posted - Trump: Germany is ‘Totally Controlled By Russia’

You reply - Not what he said.

I reply with a quote and video of Trump saying exactly that.

And you still try to argue he didn't say that, lol, wtf
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I bet the SC will push it back to individual states they will handle it with separate laws. So, those irresponsible women who cant figure how to use birth certificate control pills, simply Leave their home state on a Greyhound, and get a taxpayer funded free abortion from wealthy NYC area or Silicon Valley.

First of all NO “taxpayer money”: goes to pay for abortions.
Second, if the SC overturns it immediately becomes illegal in a number of states.

Your “joke” was beyond disgusting and sick. Do you think women dying is funny?

For each so called “irresponsible woman” there was some equally “irresponsible” guy who didn’t keep it in his pants.

Birth control is NOT 100% effective, even the pill. Do you realize some women can’t take the pill for medical reasons (increased risk of stroke and blood clots)?

Some can’t afford it. Speaking of “can’t afford it”, do your know how many COUPLES terminate a pregnancy because they can’t afford another child? Or they find out the fetus has a birth defect which would completely wipe out their finances due to inadequate or non-existent insurance? Over 50% are done for financial reasons.

Also on the “can’t afford it” - do you think someone with low income is going to travel several states away? Do you realize the length of the wait and probably increase in cost there will be for doctors in these high demand clinics?

Then there’s health and life of mother - Do you know if something goes very wrong during a pregnancy the mother can go septic and die if the fetus isn’t aborted?. Happened to this woman Ireland, prompting the laws there to change. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/27/world/europe/savita-halappanavar-ireland-abortion.html

Abortion was legal and acceptable practice (until the fetus “quickened”, or started moving) for centuries, up until the late 1800s. Even the Catholic Church was on board. Look it up. Making abortion illegal isn’t going to stop women from terminating pregnancies, it will just mean more women will die because they will have complications and be afraid to go to a hospital

Want to cut down on abortions?
  • Make birth control affordable, obtainable, covered by insurance.
  • Make sure all women have affordable access to pre natal, obstetric and maternity and neonatal care
  • Affordable available child care and maternity leave.
  • Safety nets for low income kids - SNAP, CHIP, etc.
But the “pro birth” evilgelicals don’t want any of that.
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Russian mining firm places seal with Trump's face on asbestos products

The Guardian reported on Wednesday that Uralasbest has adorned pallets of its products with Trump's face and the message, “Approved by Donald Trump, 45th president of the United States."

The newspaper noted that the move came after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) elected not to prohibit the new asbestos product outright. "Donald is on our side!" Uralasbest announced in a Facebook post accompanied by the products with Trump's face stamped atop them.

The post also thanks Trump for supporting former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and adds that Trump called asbestos "100% safe after application."


“Trump demanding that NATO allies "reimburse" Washington for defending the continent.“up.
Just to be clear: the allies do not owe the US money for NATO.
Lots of rhetoric here.

What 45 is saying is that allies should commit to spending 2% of their GDP (a non-binding target) on national forces (forces that may be made available to NATO). That money goes to national defense, not to the general NATO budget. We are not talking about NATO funding here.

Your president doesn't really understand how the world works, and what alliances are.
While it is fair to say that the US goes the extra mile as a financial contributor to the alliance, some European countries contribute a lot to NATO in terms of personnel and equipment (and casualties too). They are very well represented in different zones, including in places like Afghanistan where the US is entangled. Perhaps you guys would rather be left alone to deal with the Taliban ?
Yeah right, what are we doing there... ? Isn't your problem after all ? :xf.smile:

This is tunnel vision really, because there is no correlation between levels of defense spending and actual contributions and commitment to NATO. For example, Greece is one of the few countries that meet the 2% threshold on defense spending but it does not contribute much on troops if any.

And I find it somewhat contradictory that 45 is claiming he's funding NATO to protect us from Russia while he is always siding with Putin and against allies. Make up your mind !
First of all NO “taxpayer money”: goes to pay for abortions.

500 million /year to an organization who's primary purpose is abortion. They hand out condoms, birth control, "some" test for std's. No mammograms, no prenatal care, only referrals.

Second, if the SC overturns it immediately becomes illegal in a number of states.

Your “joke” was beyond disgusting and sick. Do you think women dying is funny?

For each so called “irresponsible woman” there was some equally “irresponsible” guy who didn’t keep it in his pants.

Birth control is NOT 100% effective, even the pill. Do you realize some women can’t take the pill for medicsl reasons (increased risk of stroke and blood clots)?

Some can’t afford it. Speaking of “can’t afford it”, do your know how many COUPLES terminate a pregnancy because they can’t afford another child? Or they find out the fetus has a birth defect which would completely wipe out their finances due to inadequate or non-existant insurance? Over 50% are done for financial reasons.

Also on the “can’t afford it” - do you think someone with low income is going to travel several states away? Do you realize the length of the wait and probably increase in cost there will be for doctors in these high demand clinics?

Then there’s health and life of mother - Do you know if something goes very wrong during a pregnancy the mother can go septic die if the fetus isn’t aborted?. Happened to this woman Ireland, prompting the laws there to change. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/27/world/europe/savita-halappanavar-ireland-abortion.html

Abortion was legal and acceptable practice (until the fetus “quickened”, or started moving) for centuries, up until the late 1800s. Even the Catholic Church was on board. Look it up. Making abortion illegal isn’t going to stop women from terminating pregnancies, it will just mean more women will die because they will have complications and be afraid to go to a hospital

Want to cut down on abortions?
  • Make birth control affordable, obtainable, covered by insurance.
  • Make sure all women have affordable access to pre natal, obstetric and maternity and neonatal care
  • Affordable available child care and maternity leave.
  • Safety nets for low income kids - SNAP, CHIP, etc.
But the “pro birth” evilgelicals don’t want any of that.

Most *Evangelicals. have no problem with birth control or anything else on that list. I would say 98% of protestants have no objection to anything on your list, besides plan b or abortion pills.

Catholics don't support birth control b/c the Pope says it a sin. LGBT mafia fighting to prevent Catholic / protestant charities from providing child care because the don't support same sex marriage.
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Birth control is NOT 100% effective, even the pill. Do you realize some women can’t take the pill for medicsl reasons (increased risk of stroke and blood clots)?

Patch, IUD’s and Condoms also work pretty well. Common sense please. Condoms cost what about $1.00. Thats affordable for just about anyone in the USA. There are other means of birth control that work too, like abstinence. Or vasectomies $500 for those couples who don’t want more children. Btw In Latin America, many women choose to get their tubes tied after 2 kids, that is completed the same time after their second child is born.

I fail to see your nanny state program and hand holding by the taxpayers help advance society where personal responsibility comes into the picture you paint.

BTW, if you read my earlier posts I am pro-choice except I do see the idiocy of abortions at late stage, really is terrible. It probably should be outlawed after 90 days, and mother forced to carry full term to give up for adoption. Thats the way it used to be too.

All those benefits you mention, like you believe taxpayers should pay for it? If so, thats socialism. Not my country. I am the resistance. Lol.
*IF ( big if ) Roe vs Wade was overturned, it would be up to the states to regulate abortion. You'd probably see rules similar to what they have in EU. Limiting abortions after a baby is old enough to live outside the womb with rare exceptions. No abortion for sex selection.

Millions of people won't be murdered, dissected and sold for medical research.
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While it is fair to say that the US goes the extra mile as a financial contributor to the alliance, some European countries contribute a lot to NATO in terms of personnel and equipment (and casualties too). They are very well represented in different zones, including in places like Afghanistan where the US is entangled. Perhaps you guys would rather be left alone to deal with the Taliban ?

Its a different world now with the Trump agenda. Populism is rising up. Globalism is being exposed for what it is.
Extra mile? 3.96% is more than an extra mile, and the US GDP is huge. I say exit NATO to wake the EU up. The US taxpayer gets nothing from protecting EU. The EU gets to prosper paid for by US taxpayers and you know it. Let the Airbus coalition start building their own fighter jets. The US isnt responsible to protect anywhere but it’s own borders. It has been traditional, but now with Germany and other rich EU nations they should pay 100%, this isn’t post WWII. Taliban? I say remove all troops Afghanistan has been historically a mess, as you recall Russia left. Spray the poppy fields with vegetation killer and their cash crop goes away.
USA should scale back NATO by 80%, remove all nonessential civilian and military personal. Let EU, especially Germany, raise their own army to protect their borders.

We could put small bases in places like Poland where we're welcome.
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Shocking every journalist in the US, Obama and Kerry opposed pipeline from RU in 2015.
They are right IMO.
(of course it's easy to say when you don't depend on Russia for 50% of your gas supply)
On the other hand, the US has never stopped importing crude oil from Venezuela.
President Trump is just louder and willing to impose USA interest. Chances of RU using CH4 supply as leverage against former soviet states is 100%.

VZ has no leverage.
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Roe vs. Wade will never be overturned.
Patch, IUD’s and Condoms also work pretty well. Common sense please. Condoms cost what about $1.00. Thats affordable for just about anyone in the USA. There are other means of birth control that work too, like abstinence. Or vasectomies $500 for those couples who don’t want more children. Btw In Latin America, many women choose to get their tubes tied after 2 kids, that is completed the same time after their second child is born.

None of those methods are 100% . Patch is same risks as the pill. Condoms break. What about guys who refuse to wear one? I’m glad to see you view iuds as an option. Some extremists would like to make IUDs illegal because if an egg does get fertilized, a secondary function of the iud is to keep the zygote from attaching to the uterus.
Abstinence? Get real - not going to happen. Try telling that to some guy friends you know if they ever mention not wanting more kids. With a straight face.
Vasectomies / tubal litgation - great options. How much do they cost in the US if you don't have insurance? How much do they cost if you do?

Giving the less fortunate a hand when needed isn't a "nanny state". It's called compassion. It's called "love thy neighbor as thyself." And I find it ironic coming from self-proclaimed pseudo-christians that they want all these babies born but are quick to turn their back on kids or families in need. Hypocrisy at its finest. The would-be American Taliban.
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‘Turned From Rescue to Piracy’: Migrants Threatened to Kill Ship’s Crew Unless Sailed to Europe
African migrants who thought they would be denied passage to Europe became violent and threatened to kill the crew of an Italian supply ship that had rescued them.

Vos Thalassa, a specialist Offshore Supply Ship which works supporting French oil and gas company Total, picked up more than 60 migrants after responding to a distress call in the Mediterranean on Sunday night.

But within minutes, the crew were taken “hostage” by the people they allowed on-board, according to Il Giornale, which reported that some of the individuals who were rescued became enraged when a Libyan coastguard boat arrived on the scene to take the illegal immigrants to safety.

I didn't realize Europe was in short supply of "Pirate Invaders"
US autoworkers urge Trump to take action on GM

"David Green, the newly elected president of UAW Local 1112, said GM is scaling back its Lordstown Complex which builds the Chevy Cruze, laying off two-thirds of the workforce.

"You campaigned on the promise to keep Americans working, yet on June 22, 2018, GM announced they would build the new Chevrolet Blazer in Mexico," Green said in the July 6 letter. "Ironically this was also the very last day our second shift, another 1,200 workers were laid off."

He said the cutbacks have happened despite the fact the company received "huge tax breaks" from the tax cuts last year.

And I find it ironic coming from self-proclaimed pseudo-christians that they want all these babies born but are quick to turn their back on kids or families in need. Hypocrisy at its finest. The would-be American Taliban.

You are mixing things up. Unwanted babies should not be aborted after 3 months. Period. Unwanted pregnancies should be carried to term and put up for adoption, there are plenty of infertile couples wanting children. A person with 86 IQ can make such a decision to abort in less than 90 days. Abortion isn’t a form of state subsidized birth control for stupid people.

American Taliban? Huh? What does that have to do with this issue? There are plenty of abusive cultures, it’s horrible how women are treated in many places around the world. Usually they seem to be non Christian based societies.
Giving the less fortunate a hand when needed isn't a "nanny state".

Yes it is. Abortion clinics are not birth control clinics. Many abortions are done by irresponsible, dumb people. Less fortunate does not equal ignorant. The free education opportunities the US provides is incredible. I travel the developing world and interact with the less fortunate daily. Most live happier lives that Americans. With much less “stuff”. The spoiled Americans most have no idea how the rest of the world really lives. Immigrants have an idea about how fortunate they are compared to where they migrated from.
Giving the less fortunate a hand when needed isn't a "nanny state". It's called compassion. It's called "love thy neighbor as thyself." And I find it ironic coming from self-proclaimed pseudo-christians that they want all these babies born but are quick to turn their back on kids or families in need. Hypocrisy at its finest. The would-be American Taliban.

Personal charity is compassion. There is welfare, snap and a half dozen other state and federal programs specifically for pregnant women and children. Children of illegal immigrants included.

Catholic charities are fighting local governments who are excluding them from services like foster care because the refuse to endorse same-sex marriage.

Hypocrisy seems to be a two way street.
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