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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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@GILSAN knows the news and the EU. I don’t. Stop this nonsense. I have more experience with Black people than you, you are a Ivy leaguer. Few people from Florida were born there, so I suspect you are a transplant. Just like CA, most are from somewhere else. If you review all of what I wrote before you might recall I rode my bike in Compton. Many times along the LA River. It was a nogo zone in 72’. You never had a best friend who was Black and a roommate in the 70’s like me. If so, show me a photo, I will even send you our photos. I have spent months in the Dominican Republic because I like it there and like Haitians unlike so many in this world. I also have 100’s of photos there. Dominicans in the DR, They don’t have the Farrakhan- Maxine Waters racist bullsh*t attitude. I posted Haitian artwork you never have seen before too on this thread.

haha, I feel embarrassed for you, this has to be one of the most ridiculous posts I've read in awhile. You're actually posting, I can send you pictures of me with black people, I lived in the hood. If you actually knew me, you would understand how ridiculous your post is to me. Maybe you lived in the hood and had 1 black friend, oh boy, congrats. Yet, here you are posting how you get your education from some old racist, living in Portugal, when you can simply use the internet like he does. And not once have I seen you say anything about all the racist stuff he posts. So I don't think you ever had any true black friends, because if you did, you wouldn't accept the garbage he posts, or you lack a backbone and just accept it because he's a Trump fan like you.

You posted Haitian artwork? hahahah, wtf

Something else I wanted to add, last time you posted this nonsense. You sound like Trump in a way with you mentioning hood and black, as if that's where only blacks lived. I think you have a very limited perspective, as if blacks aren't also middle class, high/upper class and even Ivy Leaugers as well.

And what does Ivy Leaguer even mean?

I'm responding to your post. You brought up net neutrality, other policy changes. You attack the NRA like they are out killing people.

You're really not better.

And you didn't point out 1 thing I posted that was wrong. There are polls on these issues, feel free to search for them or simply go back in this thread.
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For you guys complaining about people not saying nice things about Trump:

Trump Administration Sanctions Russians for Election Meddling and Cyberattacks


Have to read more, but I guess these are the sanctions 99%+ of Congress voted for that Trump previously refused to enforce. I guess finally he is.


Schiff: “The sanctions today are a grievous disappointment and fall far short of what is needed to respond to that attack on our democracy let alone deter Russia’s escalating aggression, which now includes a chemical weapons attack on the soil of our closest ally.”
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Now some bad. Going thru some Trump news, thread will be updated. Trump fans, might want to stay away.

It looks like with Canada we actually have a trade surplus:

"The Office of the United States Trade Representative says the United States has a trade surplus with Canada. It reports that in 2016, the United States exported $12.5 billion more in goods and services than it imported from Canada, leading to a trade surplus, not a deficit."

Trump is actually (lying again) on Twitter:

We do have a Trade Deficit with Canada, as we do with almost all countries (some of them massive). P.M. Justin Trudeau of Canada, a very good guy, doesn’t like saying that Canada has a Surplus vs. the U.S.(negotiating), but they do...they almost all do...and that’s how I know!
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 5h5 hours ago

He admits he doesn't have a clue:

"Trudeau came to see me. He’s a good guy, Justin. He said, ‘No, no, we have no trade deficit with you, we have none. Donald, please.' Nice guy, good-looking guy, comes in — ‘Donald, we have no trade deficit.’ He’s very proud because everybody else, you know, we’re getting killed. ...

So, he’s proud. I said, ‘Wrong, Justin, you do.’ I didn’t even know. ... I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ You know why? Because we’re so stupid. … And I thought they were smart. I said, ‘You’re wrong, Justin.’

He said, ‘Nope, we have no trade deficit.’

I said, ‘Well, in that case I feel differently,’ I said, ‘but I don’t believe it.’ I sent one of our guys out, his guy, my guy, they went out, I said, ‘Check because I can’t believe it."


Trump Organization 'negotiated with sanctioned Russian bank in 2016'
Claim is contained in memo by Democratic lawmakers investigating possible collusion between Trump campaign and Kremlin
Another Trump Lawyer Was Involved In The Stormy Daniels Legal Battle
A Trump Organization lawyer was listed on documents filed last month in an effort to keep an adult film star from talking about her alleged affair.
Mueller Subpoenas Trump Organization, Demanding Documents About Russia
Non-Trump News
Foot bridge collapses at Florida university, several hurt. Click to watch full coverage ...

Several dead

BREAKING: House Democrats say a whistle blower has come forward with claims the State Dept. was targeting career employees who aren't "supportive" of Trump's agenda

12:09 PM - Mar 15, 2018
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haha, I feel embarrassed for you, this has to be one of the most ridiculous posts I've read in awhile. You're actually posting, I can send you pictures of me with black people, I lived in the hood. If you actually knew me, you would understand how ridiculous your post is to me. Maybe you lived in the hood and had 1 black friend, oh boy, congrats. Yet, here you are posting how you get your education from some old racist, living in Portugal, when you can simply use the internet like he does. And not once have I seen you say anything about all the racist stuff he posts. So I don't think you ever had any true black friends, because if you did, you wouldn't accept the garbage he posts, or you lack a backbone and just accept it because he's a Trump fan like you.

You posted Haitian artwork? hahahah, wtf

Something else I wanted to add, last time you posted this nonsense. You sound like Trump in a way with you mentioning hood and black, as if that's where only blacks lived. I think you have a very limited perspective, as if blacks aren't also middle class, high/upper class and even Ivy Leaugers as well.

And what does Ivy Leaguer.

I think you need a tune up Mr Alt Liberal. Go take your meds. Like CNN you focus on negative and sensationalize. You dont address anything, but simply nit pick. Why dont you go to work for Mueller? He looks like he is prolonging his paycheck chasing the wind.

Mr x sums you up. You deflect. You are an arm chair critic, never a hands on person. Probably a former corporate robot or govt employee living in a lily white trailer park somewhere protected behind a guard gate. Mommy and Daddy paid for your left wing Yale education in humanities. Maybe you were throwing bottles in Berkeley. Have you ever had employees? Have you lived in CA?

@GILSAN is a smart guy, he is entitled to his opinion. 1st amendment to say what he thinks and you should respect that even if you disagree with it. Now I see why he blocked you. You twist, you ignore reality, you call names, accuse racism, what else. CNN like Don Lemon BS. “Can’t polish that turd” comments from his buddy on election night. No respect for democracy. You would be perfect for Maxine Waters assistant, spewing and spinning. You might help her learn something as you are more intelligent than she is.

Gilsan posts things you don’t like and the reality nobody else dare to state and has strong views which I happen to agree with many of them, but not all. You critcize and call him names for speaking his opinion, you are the one who is embarrassing. He does not particularily like the lopsided govt in the EU and cares about it being ruined by the invasion of non christian future non assimilating terrorists who are there for free stuff. Just like the Bernie Sanders crowd of no self pride of making a life independent of govt assistance. I dunno, maybe you are not a spoiled rich kid from New Hampshire and you grew up white trash on food stamps too?

You have no hands on experience otherwise you would respond. You have no friends from the ghetto nor any experience other than wikipedia.

Unlike most all here, I said it early on when you slammed me the first time and called me a nut job. I’m an Athiest. I am also pro choice up to legal 3 month point, both are unpopular with most everyone here. I dont argue or promote my position here in these as they are not politics and should be personal decisions. I do not speak against faith in god either like your phony friends on the View do.
The Trump organization was open book. Mueller is politicizing this by the subpeona. More chasing hot air. The taxpayers will be paying dearly for this wild goose chase. Enjoy posting all your links to CNN, masnbc and so forth.
Always negative. All I asked google was for a Trump Statement (regarding today's announcement) and they present Tillerson. lol. Fake Search Google FSG

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I think you need a tune up Mr Alt Liberal. Go take your meds. Like CNN you focus on negative and sensationalize. You dont address anything, but simply nit pick. Why dont you go to work for Mueller? He looks like he is prolonging his paycheck chasing the wind.

Mr x sums you up. You deflect. You are an arm chair critic, never a hands on person. Probably a former corporate robot or govt employee living in a lily white trailer park somewhere protected behind a guard gate. Mommy and Daddy paid for your left wing Yale education in humanities. Maybe you were throwing bottles in Berkeley. Have you ever had employees? Have you lived in CA?

Ok, I tried to save you from embarrassment, but you don't learn. This one time, I'll let you in on some background. Now I know what you mean by Ivy Leaguer. Short version:

When I was born, dad was in Army. When I left home, dad was in Army. He was in the Army 20 years. Army brat. Born in Germany, lived many different places including Kentucky, Tennessee, Upstate NY, Florida, Atlanta Ga.

Left to go to school in Orlando/UCF. Paid for my own apartment, expenses etc. after the first living situation didn't work out. Had a job for a long time, then have my own business working from home since 2002.

Since you're preoccupied with demographics, why not check Atlanta, 55%+ black. Compton less. Lived in Clayton County, rural, aka white. Lived in Fulton County, black. Now this stupid hood stuff, that you seem to think is important or you get some kind of pass. Atlanta one place was bad. House robbed twice, moved. Orlando, "hood places" Played basketball in the hood, had friends lived in the hood, Pine Hills aka Crime Hills. So yes, been in hood before. Whoopty do. Orlando, same area of crime as Compton, nothing to be proud of.

Black friends? Yes. Lots of black friends, some of my best friends were black, still to this day. Had friends of all colors. Again, army brat, grew up very multi-cultural. White friends, Spanish friends, black friends, everything. I had birthday parties where I had more black friends than white, depending where I lived at the time. Used to be into breakdancing/rap when I was kid, so you figure that out. It's why I found it kind of funny you mentioning NWA to me like I didn't know who they were, when I was listening back when it first all started.

And it's why I think you maybe had just 1 black friend your roommate based on your silly posts. You literally posted that you posted Haitian artwork, I mean really. And you don't speak up when you see racist posts from Gilsan, you let it slide.

And no, Gilsan posts up dumb shit and you just lap it up. I don't care how many pretty pictures he posts up elsewhere. Was that Muslim video you posted just to try to impress him? What was that all about? Do you you think that was a decent thing to do? You're part of the problem, it's just your little contribution to amping things up.

And these 2 white, sorority looking girls from Canada and the U.S. going to other countries, with their Allah is Gay leaflets as a "social experiment" are just basic shit stirrers doing it for social media. And some of you guys are putting them on some pedestal like they're some free speech warriors. It's pathetic. They're getting handled like they should be.
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It's poltically motivated from the start. Great way to earn a living as a team of lawyers charge $500-1000 or more an hour for their time fiddling with paperwork, pushing papers back and forth, calling for more discovery, more discovery, more discovery, and extends the billing hours!

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And it's why I think you maybe had just 1 black friend your roommate based on your silly posts.

Yea, well wrong. Professionals?- a number. Traveled to South America for work at 25, with my Black work associate. We entered customs in the Sao Paulo airport and he looked around said- "Wow man, this is funny, it looks like everybody has been f ing everybody here for years, unlike the states". He was in the Navy but never overseas. Mulatto's, were new to both of us. Our local agent took us to Oba Oba mulatta show in Rio, great show. Another trip extended many weeks after the dirty war in Argentina, we walked the small town streets nightly when siesta ended at about 7pm or 8pm and everybody looked at him as though he was out of place. We laughed, at the time neither of us knew spanish. Electronics Tech we worked together and remained friends, lost track. Another professional black friend who had a laboratory that I worked with and later he took a job I recommended when asked by my former boss who to hire and he changed careers because of me. I need to call him one of these days. Another is a Pharmaceutical Salesman, super intelligent a pilot, guitarist, composer, horse trainer- much more accomplished than me.... I could go on and on. Quite a few others. They all "integrated" they were all professionals, not Maxine Waters bigots or haters of their self inflicted plight on non education or hard work. I only brought up the Compton crap since I have no use for it. It degrades the culture. You think what NWA says is ok? Fine, free speech, but cop killer is simply wrong imo.

I went to a famous inner city high school known for many black athletes, as I told you. It was a shitty liberal school in the ghetto. I had friends there all races. Many "celebrities" also attended it. bfd.

Thanks for sharing your "secrecy". Sounds pretty much unlike what I would have expected. But your background is diverse as mine. You are 10 or more years younger than me. We didn't have birthday parties, I was on my own making my own money no allowance since 15.
ALL CNN, ALL THE TIME!!! Just like their slogan. Can't find the other side.

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I only brought up the Compton crap since I have no use for it. It degrades the culture. You think what NWA says is ok? Fine, free speech, but cop killer is simply wrong imo..

When I hear cop killer I think of Ice T's Body Count. As far as what they say, obviously when it comes to smacking women up, stuff like that, of course not. As far as cops, I think they're mainly talking about dirty cops, like their F The Police song. I can understand anger if you constantly get hassled or they're doing dirty stuff. It's just an outlet that sells records. Even today, you can hop on WorldStarHipHop and see videos sometimes of police planting evidence and doing other dirty stuff and that's with them wearing body cameras, imagine when they didn't. I think most police do their job correctly, tough job but bad police is not something that should be tolerated. Also, plenty of rock songs out there same type of lyrics.

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God, Cocaine, Money and Forgetting: A Look at Donald Trump's New Economic Adviser
Apparently Kudlow was spending $100,000 a month on cocaine, people are saying he could have got it for $50,000, so questioning if should be an economic advisor.

I am curious about what Trump supporters think of what I posted above. Our President having no clue about a big trading partner we share a border with, Canada. Had no idea if we had a trade deficit or surplus with them. That's just unbelievable. And then literally lying about it today on Twitter, as if people don't know or can't find out the truth.

This gif, Melania wants the same. Can you imagine what she's going thru with all the stuff that has come out about Trump, and now this ongoing Stormy Daniels stuff. But then there is a part of me that knows she probably married him for his money, so.

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So the sanctions imposed today are NOT the ones overwhelmingly voted for in July. They are narrowly focused and won’t have much actual impact,

However, they include Russia’s Internet Research Agency and over a dozen people connected to it who were named in Muellers indictment, validating these results of the investigation.
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Thank you.
I read all it and the townhall article, its frankly sad. I blame partially the EU politicians for this push with their censorship suits and fines. There is so much hate and simple weirdness, an air of brainwashing mind control. I was too young to recall the 60’s Vietnam war protests but an older friend said it was pretty bad. However the “instant everything environment” we have now makes it potentially more risky and worse.

https://townhall.com/columnists/kur...-would-lose-the-second-civil-war-too-n2459833 The article referenced.
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Also, plenty of rock songs out there same type of lyrics.

Huh? I know thousands of lyrics of the 70’s. You have examples? I am racking my brain to come up with something close. At least pre 80’s and until Punk like 80’s Black Flag maybe, but even early Metal was not like todays grotesque death metal stuff.

I was at a concert where a huge punk riot broke out at a hall near McArthur Park the early GoGo’s and SF bands were badgering police, breaking police cars, etc. horrible anti hippie skinhead movement sparked then and then was a huge anti police thing, but it was really light weight compared to NWA. “Let’s lynch the landlord” by Dead Kennedy’s finally thought of one. Jello Biafra he was a smart guy and lefty from SF. Alice Cooper’s early stuff like “Dead Babie’s” was shock value. Like a horror movie. Not inciting violence.
So the sanctions imposed today are NOT the ones overwhelmingly voted for in July. They are narrowly focused and won’t have much actual impact,

However, they include Russia’s Internet Research Agency and over a dozen people connected to it who were named in Muellers indictment, validating these results of the investigation.

Follow the money.

Germany and others are a huge Oil partner/Customer.
Huh? I know thousands of lyrics of the 70’s. You have examples? I am racking my brain to come up with something close. At least pre 80’s and until Punk like 80’s Black Flag maybe, but even early Metal was not like todays grotesque death metal stuff.

I was at a concert where a huge punk riot broke out at a hall near McArthur Park the early GoGo’s and SF bands were badgering police, breaking police cars, etc. horrible anti hippie skinhead movement sparked then and then was a huge anti police thing, but it was really light weight compared to NWA. “Let’s lynch the landlord” by Dead Kennedy’s finally thought of one. Jello Biafra he was a smart guy and lefty from SF. Alice Cooper’s early stuff like “Dead Babie’s” was shock value. Like a horror movie. Not inciting violence.

Yeah, not as popular as NWA, I was thinking more (hardcore) punk groups, first 2 links have some examples:

And another one's gone - President Trump has decided to remove H.R. McMaster as his national security adviser
Trump decides to remove national security adviser, and others may follow

So who's next, John Kelly or Jeff Sessions?

Obama and Bush 1, friendly basketball brackets

41: I like the competition. And the loyalty to the home team. - 44 https://twitter.com/georgehwbush/status/974345353322483713 …
Barack Obama @BarackObama
8:22 PM - Mar 15, 2018

Respectfully differing with @BarackObama so out on a limb here, but I have a gut feeling my @TAMU @aggiembk #Aggies are going the distance @marchmadness. #GigEm
George Bush @GeorgeHWBush
2:03 PM - Mar 15, 2018
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ok, so looked at those links. Then searched more and see this one.
I was at this show, says 78' seems right, my gf at the time and I split early.
before X went on. Don Snowden recollects who comments seems to distort
the story though. WTF whoever wrote this is FOS. "Badge of Honor".
"Hetropartriarchy". "Masscre", "War- Zones", "Imperial Logic" this
is fiction. SM Civic and Palladium had their own security inside always.
These were white middle class kids mostly, not hood dwellers. It was
a tribe of posers usually. The OC hardcore punks really started to hassle the police
and cause issues.
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Just an algorithm. Bad Fox SEO.

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"Citing five people with knowledge of the plans, the Post said Trump was considering several possible replacements, including former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton and Keith Kellogg, the chief of staff of the National Security Council.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request from Reuters for comment.

-------- More Fake news ---------

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Just an algorithm. Bad Fox SEO.

Show attachment 83117

Those top stories change. I have Politico, CNN, Fox News Insider right now

Organic results have FOX and other Conservative leaning sites on page 1.

As far as some of the other stuff being posted. I would have no problem finding Super Conservative, way right leaning sites, channels, pages, in Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter etc. Most of the time when somebody gets zapped or warned it's simply people violating rules somewhere. It's their platform, their rules. Follow them and most of the time you'll be ok. Some people know these rules and purposely break them or push it and use it for attention, that happens a lot. Or what happened with those 2 girls. Never heard of them and they got a lot of attention when they were detained. They benefited from that. Look how many times Gilsan alone posted about them being detained. Most of that stuff is planned. Get detained - make the news - get the tweets - get the posts all over the internet = Attention.
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