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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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Arming teachers is asinine.

Many teachers are veterans and or have experience LEO experience so could handle the responsibility.

Two armed law enforcement officers at each school would be great but allowing teachers to conceal carry, especially in rural areas would deter attackers.

The people charged with preventing this failed completely, multiple times. From the FBI, local police, school district to the persons guardians.

Raising the legal age to buy a gun -

There will be so many exceptions... You're really just limiting the rights of good people. Bad people will use a stolen gun.

  • Parkland shooter bought the gun legally. This would have made it more difficult for him to obtain a weapon = reduced risk.
He was able to buy the gun legally because local law enforcement didn't do their job.

Banning gun ownership for those with violence-linked mental illnesses and history of domestic abuse

This is already law. We need to incentivise reporting of ineligible people from buying guns and prosecute people who lie to purchase a weapon.

I think instead of increasing the penalty, we should make it a misdemeanor with a fine and optional jail time. That would let prosecutors punish someone without filling their jail. Judge could decide the punishment required.

Owner biometrics - only the owner can shoot.

Maybe in the future it will work but it's unreliable, failure prone and easy to hack.

  • AR15s and the like weren’t designed to protect you from a burglar or to hunt deer - they were developed as weapons of war, intended to quickly maim or kill large numbers of people. Maximum
  • damage, minimum effort. They seem do that very effectively.
The #2A isn't about hunting or just protecting your family from a burglar... it's about an armed militia being able to protect their own committees from all types of threats.

The AR-15 is a utility weapon. You can buy military grade automatic weapons with the proper licence.
  • “But 2A” - 2A specifically puts gun ownership in context of “a well regulated militia” that is necessary for the “security of a free state.” Originally the “free state” planned to rely on calling upon these “well regulated” groups to defend itself in an emergency. Public safety. OTOH, this it’s been interpreted by SCOTUS to apply to individuals, but we’ve gotten pretty far from the spirit of the original intent. Just sayin.
  • Would this reduce risk? Make it illegal = make it more difficult = reduced risk.

The original intent was for citizens to have the ability to defend their homes, towns, province and if needed form into well regulated, meaning military style organizations.. i.e. revolutionaries.

There’s a saying “You if you do what you’ve always done, you get what you’ve always gotten.”
Whatever we’re doing now isn’t working.
Lots of options to reduce risk. Pick one or three and just do it.

Agreed. The horse and pony show of the last week has been horrifying. Political opportunist using the blood of victims to make their political arguments more virtuous.

Attacking a citizen sponsored advocacy group that spends a large amount of their budget on safety training is ludicrous.
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There was a woman that crashed a car in front of the White just a few years a go. The 'Cops' just shot and killed her boom done.

Yet yesterday's woman rammer was seen with gun in hand and she wasnt shot at.

It would be a few teachers with a gun like 2 or so, If elementary teacher Cindi never shot a gun, nobody going to force her to pack heat.

The biggest problem is Murphy's law.

In a year or two some 'big for his age' boy going to try to take the gun away from the teacher.
Israel proves the NRA's arguments
In reality, Israel's gun policy is living proof of the arguments the American gun lobby has been making for years.

When terrorists attacked a school in Maalot in 1974, Israel did not declare every school a gun-free zone. It passed a law mandating armed security in schools, provided weapons training to teachers and today runs frequent active shooter drills. There have been only two school shootings since then, and both have ended with teachers killing the terrorists.



Then again Israel's situation is different to the USA's.

Personally I would think that schools should be gated and have armed security guards. Anyone entering or leaving schools should pass through a secure gate and show their identity. Is that NOT happening in American schools?

As for teachers being armed in the USA... not so sure about that idea. In Israel it works, but in the USA? Perhaps only well qualified teachers who are willing to do it would be fine, but not forced to do it...
Cops Botched Rescue At Parkland Shooting...

Ben Shapiro is usually very calm... looks quite angry on this video.
I couldn't stand President Trump before he was elected. The hate and hysterics of the left make we want to defend him.

Shockingly ( to me ), President Trump's is a better conservative than Senate and House leadership.

I enjoyed some of the apprentice competition and the concept of the show, however the arrogance and self importance part always bothered me. I am not an in-your-face northerner personality. Over the years, I have had many east coast friends two of whom grew up in the Bronx. And several in Queens. More loyal and great LA transplants compared to other misfits who arrived in LA. Most of the state always seemed to have people from “somewhere else”, few born there. California was once a great place, for me never will return with the idiocy I read about.

Trump rubs people the wrong way sometimes with his brash and tactless behavior. His “getting things done” attitude is someone sorely in politics and since Ross Peroe I lost interest. The usual promises during campaign and later in office forgetting them. Ann Coulter keeps reminding him of the wall, so he has hurdles to get support to build it. My view has always been employer sanctions instead of that. If no jobs, then less illegal aliens. But better yet is investment in the Americas instead of low priced non tarriffed crap from China or all this war debt madness in the Middle East.

In fact, regarding the wall.... the irony is you get deported immediately if caught working illegally in Latin America if your gringo status is “restringida” or on a passport without permanent residency residence or special work permit. I have seen it happen first hand. Met convicted US felons unemployable in the US, hide out south of the border, work illegally, etc too. Nobody talks about that. The US gets bombarded with all the negative publicity too from latin mouthpieces on the CNN news about the wall is some racist symbol, yet all countries have borders and all are penetrable all up and down the hemisphere and they do random checks for illegals everywhere in Latin America. Arm chair DC politicians have little or no idea about what really goes on south of the border. Policy change and help to boost economies investing in all of the Americas would be a wise investment to increase trade in the Americas, not so much elsewhere. Especially the EU and most of all Germany, they should be sanctioned for not paying NATO and buying from Russia more than the US, lol.

Yet so much attention is made on wasting money on the middle east, where a totally foreign culture with idealogical and religious differences exist, they have been fighting among themselves for 2000 years anyway so makes no sense to me to allow mass migration of those people to the states. Let them go to Merkel and Macrons backyard.

I have met Plenty of former illegal or 90 day visa people go to the states and actually return too after finding the US is difficult to live in and expensive. Life is less stressful in Latin America. Colombians, Mexicans, Venezuelans, El Salvadorians, Nicaraguans, Hondurans many who leave go to other latin countries illegally like Panamá to work. They are exploited there just like the states.

They leave because of no economic activity or where there is Foreign or US businesses exploit them locally. $2 a day to roll cigars in Nicaragua it is hard to imagine, but thats the pay rate that US owned companies pay or fake cuban mfgers exploit people for, then resell at huge margins to US customers.

Just like the Chinese iPhone “labor” camps. Apple sells for $1,000. Or Nike Shoes in Bangladesh for $4 and sold for $150.

Sorry got off tangent, but imo the US problems are really cultural in nature. Too much importation, Greed, too much national and personal debt, both parents working, latchkey kids, food stamps (they dont hand those out in latin America), too many spoiled entitled people, too much govt, etc. too much tax of the middle class, too many mergers and acquisitions and large companies, None of this will change unless American reprioritize their life styles.

Trump can’t change that unless he leads the country to a self sufficient, “non import from china based” and better manufacturing economy. But unless small businesses and not large businesses are given a chance, its an Amazon only world. I like the optimizism on Wallstreet, but to me its really a bubble and stocks are bid up way too high, with P/E ratios so idiotic. Its partially because of artificially low interest rates so savers are “forced” by their own greed to take money from fixed assets into the worlds largest rigged casino- wall street. Low interest rates have again pushed up to hyperinflate home values too in coastal places like Silicon Valley and Washington. Even in Colorado I read of high prices.

Trump is not the solution nor the problem, its America looking at itself in the mirror.

Guns are the least of US problem, its developed into a sick, violent culture and one focused on easy living, excessive “stuff”, divisive hate and the “getting ahead” at any cost mantra while at stomping all over your neighbor or other countries.
Personally I would think that schools should be gated and have armed security guards. Anyone entering or leaving schools should pass through a secure gate and show their identity. Is that NOT happening in American schools?

1970’s my High School we had 20 ft prison like fences, gates, id cards, security. Don’t recall armed security though. It was a lovely place full of liberal teachers and in an Inner city shithole part of town. Still is a shithole. So lived through that, had shootings then too. One here, one there only then usually all pistols. Did it stop people from having guns and knives at school then? Nope. They even made knives in metal shop.

Arming liberal teachers is really a bad idea, they might start a civil war. Lol.
I enjoyed some of the apprentice competition and the concept of the show, however the arrogance and self importance part always bothered me. I am not an in-your-face northerner personality. Over the years, I have had many east coast friends two of whom grew up in the Bronx. And several in Queens. More loyal and great LA transplants compared to other misfits who arrived in LA. Most of the state always seemed to have people from “somewhere else”, few born there. California was once a great place, for me never will return with the idiocy I read about.

Trump rubs people the wrong way sometimes with his brash and tactless behavior. His “getting things done” attitude is someone sorely in politics and since Ross Peroe I lost interest. The usual promises during campaign and later in office forgetting them. Ann Coulter keeps reminding him of the wall, so he has hurdles to get support to build it. My view has always been employer sanctions instead of that. If no jobs, then less illegal aliens. But better yet is investment in the Americas instead of low priced non tarriffed crap from China or all this war debt madness in the Middle East.

In fact, regarding the wall.... the irony is you get deported immediately if caught working illegally in Latin America if your gringo status is “restringida” or on a passport without permanent residency residence or special work permit. I have seen it happen first hand. Met convicted US felons unemployable in the US, hide out south of the border, work illegally, etc too. Nobody talks about that. The US gets bombarded with all the negative publicity too from latin mouthpieces on the CNN news about the wall is some racist symbol, yet all countries have borders and all are penetrable all up and down the hemisphere and they do random checks for illegals everywhere in Latin America. Arm chair DC politicians have little or no idea about what really goes on south of the border. Policy change and help to boost economies investing in all of the Americas would be a wise investment to increase trade in the Americas, not so much elsewhere. Especially the EU and most of all Germany, they should be sanctioned for not paying NATO and buying from Russia more than the US, lol.

Yet so much attention is made on wasting money on the middle east, where a totally foreign culture with idealogical and religious differences exist, they have been fighting among themselves for 2000 years anyway so makes no sense to me to allow mass migration of those people to the states. Let them go to Merkel and Macrons backyard.

I have met Plenty of former illegal or 90 day visa people go to the states and actually return too after finding the US is difficult to live in and expensive. Life is less stressful in Latin America. Colombians, Mexicans, Venezuelans, El Salvadorians, Nicaraguans, Hondurans many who leave go to other latin countries illegally like Panamá to work. They are exploited there just like the states.

They leave because of no economic activity or where there is Foreign or US businesses exploit them locally. $2 a day to roll cigars in Nicaragua it is hard to imagine, but thats the pay rate that US owned companies pay or fake cuban mfgers exploit people for, then resell at huge margins to US customers.

Just like the Chinese iPhone “labor” camps. Apple sells for $1,000. Or Nike Shoes in Bangladesh for $4 and sold for $150.

Sorry got off tangent, but imo the US problems are really cultural in nature. Too much importation, Greed, too much national and personal debt, both parents working, latchkey kids, food stamps (they dont hand those out in latin America), too many spoiled entitled people, too much govt, etc. too much tax of the middle class, too many mergers and acquisitions and large companies, None of this will change unless American reprioritize their life styles.

Trump can’t change that unless he leads the country to a self sufficient, “non import from china based” and better manufacturing economy. But unless small businesses and not large businesses are given a chance, its an Amazon only world. I like the optimizism on Wallstreet, but to me its really a bubble and stocks are bid up way too high, with P/E ratios so idiotic. Its partially because of artificially low interest rates so savers are “forced” by their own greed to take money from fixed assets into the worlds largest rigged casino- wall street. Low interest rates have again pushed up to hyperinflate home values too in coastal places like Silicon Valley and Washington. Even in Colorado I read of high prices.

Trump is not the solution nor the problem, its America looking at itself in the mirror.

Guns are the least of US problem, its developed into a sick, violent culture and one focused on easy living, excessive “stuff”, divisive hate and the “getting ahead” at any cost mantra while at stomping all over your neighbor or other countries.
Great post except for the part about people from the Middle East; "Let them go to Merkel and Macrons backyard"

Please don't wish that upon us in Europe. Don't forget that once they become French or German citizens, they are free to roam all over Europe.

Just pray so that the peoples of Europe come to their senses and vote in, right wing governments that will start sending all those millions of mostly male illegal invaders back to their 4th world sh*tholes...


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Attacking a citizen sponsored advocacy group that spends a large amount of their budget on safety training is ludicrous.

This is false. It's basically just the marketing arm of gun manufacturers:

How The Gun Industry Funnels Tens Of Millions Of Dollars To The NRA

"The bulk of the group's money now comes in the form of contributions, grants, royalty income, and advertising, much of it originating from gun industry sources.

Since 2005, the gun industry and its corporate allies have given between $20 million and $52.6 million to it through the NRA Ring of Freedom sponsor program. Donors include firearm companies like Midway USA, Springfield Armory Inc, Pierce Bullet Seal Target Systems, and Beretta USA Corporation. Other supporters from the gun industry include Cabala's, Sturm Rugar & Co, and Smith & Wesson."

And the article goes on to explain other ways to funnel money:

"Additionally, some companies donate portions of sales directly to the NRA. Crimson Trace, which makes laser sights, donates 10 percent of each sale to the NRA. Taurus buys an NRA membership for everyone who buys one of their guns. Sturm Rugar gives $1 to the NRA for each gun sold, which amounts to millions. The NRA's revenues are intrinsically linked to the success of the gun business."

"Today's NRA is a virtual subsidiary of the gun industry," said Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence Policy Center. "While the NRA portrays itself as protecting the 'freedom' of individual gun owners, it's actually working to protect the freedom of the gun industry to manufacture and sell virtually any weapon or accessory."


More companies distancing themselves:

NRA responds to boycott movement after United and Delta cut ties
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The original intent was for citizens to have the ability to defend their homes, towns, province and if needed form into well regulated, meaning military style organizations.. i.e. revolutionaries.

That’s a misconception.

The original intent was for state militias to be maintained for the defense of the state. Ordinary citizens, with their own weapons who would receive some military training and could be called up if need be.

These militias were to be “well regulated.” - that’s a key concept. They foresaw reasonable regulation of guns and gun owners. State governments kept rolls of of which households had firearms suitable for militia and had mandatory “musters” at which weapons were inspected. There were also laws in some places requiring the citizenry to keep militia-appropriate firearms.

These state based militias have since been incorporated into the national military.

The second half, the “right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed“ - in 1791,the country was just starting out. Nobody knew what direction the new government would take, and anti-federalists feared federal oppression of the states. This wording was something federalists and anti federalists could agree upon. At the time, it was realistic to think that an armed militia of citizens could reasonably defend against a rogue government because the weapons on both sides were the same - something that’s no longer the case.

But it was originally intended to be about regulated citizenry defending the states, not the right of every individual to have any type of gun they want.
Great post except for the part about people from the Middle East; "Let them go to Merkel and Macrons backyard"

Yeah, I thought I’d tease ya there. Lol. You are correct If they get EU passports then they will eventually arrive in the US too. That video from italia was horrible, “we are entitled” written all over those people. No humble behavior at all. They must have been indocrinated with the ghetto vibe Mtv bling crap. Sure were dressed well too.

Thanks for sending that, it saved me several thou in money so I won’t go there on went I return on vacation, was looking at tickets in fact yesterday.
Would be nice if judges were that considered about what the founding fathers meant about stuff

It will end up that people have a right to 'long' guns

And they will have a right to a certain caliber.

And that "scary' looking guns will fall into that right(the two above).
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Some countries have liberal gun laws, even in Europe for example Switzerland or the Czech republic. But normally permits for fully automatic weapons are hard to get. Concealed carry is not easy to get either but possible. The idea is that you keep your gun at home and only go out with it to go to the shooting range for practice.
They don't have those mass shootings in spite of high rates of gun ownership, it's an American thing.
The question is why so many Americans are going postal.
Maybe it's because of drugs: https://www.namepros.com/threads/the-nps-official-usa-political-thread.764342/page-513#post-6379007
“Today's NRA is a virtual subsidiary of the gun industry,"



If you are singling out one lobbyist, well that is such small part. The Gun lobby. What about the Trial Lawyers lobby, insurance lobby, Bankers, Wall Street, Petroleum, Drug company lobbyists and donors, even the lemon growers lobby. They are all exactly the same! You are leaving out the part that the system is entirely a corrupt bribery system, worse and more corrupt globally in dollar amounts of bribes paid than a small GDP “Banana” republic. Politicians in their arrogance like to throw around that cliche’ term about the rest of the world, and justifying that somehow their swamp life is cleaner and better than the rest of the world’s governments. That is a myth, DC is more corrupt.

All Lobbyists are a subsidiary of the USA Govt, not just the NRA.

Every industry has a PAC of swamp creatures protecting the swamp. All are donors. Why should DC have 300k Govt employees and even have a union(s)? Just about anyone can get into a govt job and never be fired.

Swamp list:
Yeah, I thought I’d tease ya there. Lol. You are correct If they get EU passports then they will eventually arrive in the US too. That video from italia was horrible, “we are entitled” written all over those people. No humble behavior at all. They must have been indocrinated with the ghetto vibe Mtv bling crap. Sure were dressed well too.

Thanks for sending that, it saved me several thou in money so I won’t go there on went I return on vacation, was looking at tickets in fact yesterday.
Not just in Italy. These ungrateful invaders know that the minute they set foot on European soil, they are entitled to everything for FREE, so they get pissed off if the Wi-Fi reception is not too good or if the food is not to their liking, or the place they are staying at for free is NOT in the city centre, etc. etc.

And they also know that that the European Courts will put their human rights ahead of the Native Europeans human rights.

Matteo Salvini of the "Northern League" party has pledged large scale deportation of refugees.

He is the guy I'd like to see win the Italian elections a week from today

Likely future Italian PM on Islam,

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Something to offend everyone, a great laugh.
Not just in Italy. These ungrateful invaders know that the minute they set foot on European soil, they are entitled to everything for FREE, so they get pissed off if the Wi-Fi reception is not too good or if the food is not to their liking, or the place they are staying at for free is NOT in the city centre, etc. etc.

And they also know that that the European Courts will put their human rights ahead of the Native Europeans human rights.

Matteo Salvini of the "Northern League" party has pledged large scale deportation of refugees.

He is the guy I'd like to see win the Italian elections a week ]

Ballsy guy, great to see that, that gives me a bit of hope. Farage and Him and a few others ought to form a EU wide party to purge the mess of entitled rubber raft invaders. How did Merkel get so much power and how would the populace of hard working Germans elect someone from socialist East German roots anyway? Have all the smart Germans left for Switzerland? I am baffled.

“Islam is a law, not a religion”. Exact statement I never heard it said before. Its a culture too. First person I have heard say that like that. Never paid any attention to Islam until 9/11, (nor any religion for that matter) and really try to avoid it and very little Interest in trying to understand it. All I know is it sure is incompatible with the west, just on the basis of how they treat women.
But it was originally intended to be about regulated citizenry defending the states, not the right of every individual to have any type of gun they want.

SCOTUS disagreed with you.
Not exactly the same.. How many other "lobbyists" have 5 million+ dues paying members.

I know PP doesn't.

“Today's NRA is a virtual subsidiary of the gun industry,"



If you are singling out one lobbyist, well that is such small part. The Gun lobby. What about the Trial Lawyers lobby, insurance lobby, Bankers, Wall Street, Petroleum, Drug company lobbyists and donors, even the lemon growers lobby. They are all exactly the same! You are leaving out the part that the system is entirely a corrupt bribery system, worse and more corrupt globally in dollar amounts of bribes paid than a small GDP “Banana” republic. Politicians in their arrogance like to throw around that cliche’ term about the rest of the world, and justifying that somehow their swamp life is cleaner and better than the rest of the world’s governments. That is a myth, DC is more corrupt.

All Lobbyists are a subsidiary of the USA Govt, not just the NRA.

Every industry has a PAC of swamp creatures protecting the swamp. All are donors. Why should DC have 300k Govt employees and even have a union(s)? Just about anyone can get into a govt job and never be fired.

Swamp list:
To the man who knows everything b/c he read it on the Internet, NRA still has over 5 million dues paying members.

The NRA spends a significant amount of money on safety training for civilians and police.

Soon to be 6 million memebers thanks to the DNC / media memebership drive.

This is false. It's basically just the marketing arm of gun manufacturers:

How The Gun Industry Funnels Tens Of Millions Of Dollars To The NRA

"The bulk of the group's money now comes in the form of contributions, grants, royalty income, and advertising, much of it originating from gun industry sources.

Since 2005, the gun industry and its corporate allies have given between $20 million and $52.6 million to it through the NRA Ring of Freedom sponsor program. Donors include firearm companies like Midway USA, Springfield Armory Inc, Pierce Bullet Seal Target Systems, and Beretta USA Corporation. Other supporters from the gun industry include Cabala's, Sturm Rugar & Co, and Smith & Wesson."

And the article goes on to explain other ways to funnel money:

"Additionally, some companies donate portions of sales directly to the NRA. Crimson Trace, which makes laser sights, donates 10 percent of each sale to the NRA. Taurus buys an NRA membership for everyone who buys one of their guns. Sturm Rugar gives $1 to the NRA for each gun sold, which amounts to millions. The NRA's revenues are intrinsically linked to the success of the gun business."

"Today's NRA is a virtual subsidiary of the gun industry," said Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence Policy Center. "While the NRA portrays itself as protecting the 'freedom' of individual gun owners, it's actually working to protect the freedom of the gun industry to manufacture and sell virtually any weapon or accessory."


More companies distancing themselves:

NRA responds to boycott movement after United and Delta cut ties

Liberalism can't exist without someone to hate.
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To the man who knows everything b/c he read it on the Internet, NRA still has over 5 million dues paying members.

That info isn't private. The NRA gets a lot of gun manufacturer money. And yes, the internet is where lots of us get info, it's a good thing. Again, from that article, you even have gun manufacturers paying for memberships. It's a fringe organization. Advertisers starting to see that, hence the running away.

I couldn't stand President Trump before he was elected.

And with good reason, should have more trust in yourself, stay true. You abandoned Cruz, Cruz never abandoned you. I know it's typical sometimes for people to feel sorry for someone when it seems they're getting piled on, they become a sympathetic figure sometimes. But it's Trump, it's deserved. You should never feel sorry for him.
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So are you saying they don't have have paying members or don't give safety training? That was the scope of my comment, not they don't have other sources of income.

No-body cares what you think of their brand. The more progressives / media attack the NRA, the more memberships they'll sell.

That info isn't private. The NRA gets a lot of gun manufacturer money. And yes, the internet is where lots of us get info, it's a good thing. Again, from that article, you even have gun manufacturers paying for memberships. It's a fringe organization. Advertisers starting to see that, hence the running away.
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So are you saying they don't have have paying members or don't give safety training? That was the scope of my comment, not they don't have other sources of income.

Sure they have regular members, never said they didn't. The article goes thru it. It is mainly a marketing arm of the gun manufacturers, that's pretty clear. If you don't want to believe that, then don't. There are other gun associations whose beliefs are more in line with the majority of Americans.

Latest update, dropping like flies. When you have so many dropping, it just puts even more pressure on the remaining ones.



OOPS: Senator Who Advocates Arming Teachers Accidentally Shoots Teacher With Rubber Bullet

"Arkansas Sen. Jeremy Hutchinson (R) recently participated in “active shooter” training and mistakenly shot a teacher who was confronting a so-called bad guy. The experience gave Hutchinson “some pause” but failed to shake his confidence in the plan."

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