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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Clearly, the US today is moving toward the Russian model. In a pseudo-democracy like Russia, enforcement of human rights is poor, the rule of law does not apply to all, journalists are dying by the dozens and the free press is virtually eliminated.
The executive branch is all powerful in the absence of proper checks and balances. There is contempt for human rights and the Constitution.

We now have an oligarch in charge but we are being told conflicts of interests will be sorted out somehow. I'd like to see that :lookaround:

What the President elect might do or not do in the near future is one thing, but we can have an opinion based on what we've already seen and witnessed, and it's not too promising. I'd like to be proven wrong but it's unlikely to happen.

95% of everything you wrote describes the last eight years of the Obama administration.

The United States of America is a republic. We've been making representative Government work while Europe was bowing to Kings, Queens and the Pope.
When somebody actually provides evidence that Trump is corrupt, a Rusky spy or selling Government access, I'll start calling for his impeachment.

Until he actually does something wrong, chill out.
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95% of everything you wrote describes the last eight years of the Obama administration.
I think Obama should have been impeached just like his predecessor. The first is responsible for waging a bogus war and caused huge suffering. We are still reeling from that man-made disaster. GWB also destroyed the imperfect democracy that used to prevail and turned the US into a militarized, dystopian police state.
The latter has pursued and even amplified the practices of the former.
They have violated the Constitution, that they sworn to respect and uphold. What's the presidential pledge worth really ?

Congress should also have been dismissed for treason. Again, in normal countries, governments can and do fall, presidents can be dismissed and stand trial etc. It happens. Macedonia (a struggling democracy to say the least) has been in a deep political crisis due to a scandal that involves the illegal tapping of scores of people.
In the US everybody is under digital surveillance, and it's normal policy..

The United States of America is a republic. We've been making representative Government work while Europe was bowing to Kings, Queens and the Pope.
Many European countries - monarchies and republics alike - are more free than the US (excluding the UK of course). Although they tend to follow the same path to self-destruction as the US.
Democracy is in retreat in the West, along with freedoms and rights. Massively.
Many European countries - monarchies and republics alike - are more free than the US (excluding the UK of course). Although they tend to follow the same path to self-destruction as the US.
Democracy is in retreat in the West, along with freedoms and rights. Massively.

"Many" - Name one.
Norway for example. Luxembourg, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia + others I am less familiar with.
I consider Canada to be way freer too. If you are not concerned about stricter gun ownership laws. For some Americans this is the ultimate benchmark of freedom it seems.
Canada is a monarchy too...
Trump supporters get angry when they are lied to....Hillary supporters get angry when they are told the truth.
Norway for example. Luxembourg, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia + others I am less familiar with.
I consider Canada to be way freer too. If you are not concerned about stricter gun ownership laws. For some Americans this is the ultimate benchmark of freedom it seems.
Canada is a monarchy too...

All have so called hate speech laws, correct?

How many allow home schooling?

Children Seized in Norway, Parents Begging for Help
April 12, 2016: A Norwegian couple’s children were taken by the government because they were being raised according to Christian values. Join HSLDA in helping to re-unite the family


I think you're not very informed or have a different definition of freedom. Or maybe you only care about freedoms you like.
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I am not very familiar with the case, but it seems that the real issue stems from the parents' use of physical discipline. Norway, like other countries, is rather strict about it. In Norway and neighboring countries the threshold for defining child abuse tends to be lower than elsewhere.
Nonetheless, the family is now reunited so maybe justice prevailed after all... I dunno.

I want to make clear that there are no perfect countries when it comes to freedoms. Some are freer than others, but indeed not everybody has the same definition of freedom.

Even a country like Norway has a dirty side. Scandinavian countries have long pursued eugenist policies too but they are not alone. The US has a long history of abuse of its own as well.

I have reservations about hate speech laws, even though they are seldom enforced.
In case anyone missed the exceptional reasoning and debating skills of our resident RogueWriter, here is the full interaction:
Far from draining the swamp as he promised, Trump has been methodically filling his cabinet and administration with some of his largest campaign donors in the last few weeks. Congrats Trump worshipers, your hero is treating you like ignorant suckers, and he is just getting started :)

Get off yer high horse, calling people who want a balanced budget 'Trump Worshippers' is just stupid. Calling people who believe deleting 30,000 emails in defiance of the law is wrong 'Trump Worshippers' is just stupid. I could go on, but basically, the message is you are stupid.

Why are you taking my post so personally RogueWriter? Are you a Trump worshiper deep down? If not, why take it so personally then lash out at me. Where in my post did I call anti Hilary people or people that want a balanced budget Trump worshipers?

So let's get this straight. First you interject your own paranoia and personal agenda into my post then call me stupid for that same post. That's pretty much the definition of stupid.

Oh if I wanted to lash out at you personally, I would have taken more time to point out the many, many errors in your thought process but frankly you just don't strike me as deserving that much effort.
"The New York Times says the U.S. concludes that Russia hacked the Republican National Committee but did not release its findings, and that they did give documents from the Democratic National Committee to WikiLeaks."

WASHINGTON — American intelligence agencies have concluded with “high confidence” that Russia acted covertly in the latter stages of the presidential campaign to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances and promote Donald J. Trump, according to senior administration officials.



Trump mad


ExxonMobil CEO Tillerson nominated to be Secretary of State

why not



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"The New York Times says the U.S. concludes that Russia hacked the Republican National Committee but did not release its findings, and that they did give documents from the Democratic National Committee to WikiLeaks.".

It pays to make friends instead of enemies.
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"The New York Times says the U.S. concludes that Russia hacked the Republican National Committee but did not release its findings, and that they did give documents from the Democratic National Committee to WikiLeaks."

Until the US Gov release this information with details, AFAIC, it's just another propaganda campaign.

ExxonMobil CEO Tillerson nominated to be Secretary of State

Not happy about this pick. I'm not going to fret over "leaks" about who recommended him b/c the NYT is trash.
An Intelligence Agency Is Interfering In US Politics And It Ain’t Russian

"This is a serious allegation and one, that if true, should result in very public and painful consequences for Russia. But, if it was a serious report it wouldn’t be made public. In fact, if you want a definitive example of an intelligence agency meddling in our domestic politics, you need look no further than this report."

Just an opinion that I agree with.. Hillary didn't lose because of Racist, FBI, Russian conspiracy. She's was a horrible candidate who ran a horrible campaign.

This propaganda is an effort to delegitimize the incoming administration.
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Too bad Hillary couldn't convince the Russians she was their girl.
I've been in many countries that look more peaceful, more relaxed and more democratic overall than the US today.

I will describe in a few words what the President looks like in a normal, mature, democratic country.
The President is a rather experienced politician, therefore older in general. He/she doesn't swear and never uses foul language in public. Because he always has in mind that he has to preserve the dignity of the office (which rests on his/her own personal credibility).

He/she doesn't run a business empire while in office.

He's not at the center of sex scandals, or the likelihood that he/she will have to step down is very high.
If she/he doesn't behave, the people go to the streets and show him/her the door (example: South Korea).

He/she speaks in a conciliatory tone and refrains from making inflammatory statements. His/her job is to mend bridges, not to polarize the public debate. He/she sticks to the mission.
He/she doesn't spend the whole day posting worthless comments about anything and everything on Twitter. Instead, he/she speaks only in designated circumstances, or when he/she has something worthy to say. People listen.

For all those reasons, he/she is usually respected by the vast majority of the population, even those who don't agree with his/her ideas.

In a normal, democratic country, press freedom is sacrosanct and attacks on the press, even veiled ones, are not well received at all. The President has to answer questions from critical journalists, and is always subject to scrutiny by press groups or independent bodies, some of which might be mildly hostile or at least not aligned with the establishment. Nonetheless, he/she has to remain polite at all times, be smiling and convincing, and tolerate the opposition. Misogynistic comments, racist slur, hate speech or personal attacks would cause an uproar and possibly a constitutional crisis. Downplaying opponents as traitors is not something that would get sympathy from the public.

Clearly, the US today is moving toward the Russian model. In a pseudo-democracy like Russia, enforcement of human rights is poor, the rule of law does not apply to all, journalists are dying by the dozens and the free press is virtually eliminated.
The executive branch is all powerful in the absence of proper checks and balances. There is contempt for human rights and the Constitution.

We now have an oligarch in charge but we are being told conflicts of interests will be sorted out somehow. I'd like to see that :lookaround:

What the President elect might do or not do in the near future is one thing, but we can have an opinion based on what we've already seen and witnessed, and it's not too promising. I'd like to be proven wrong but it's unlikely to happen.
That's a lovely post you put up. I'm even gonna give you a Like for it. We've all been through many, many presidents and prime ministers as you describe, in our countries and in major countries that are important to us. Most of these leaders were/are experienced, slick talking Politicians that have the ability to convince people to vote for them on election time.

They promised us heaven on earth and sometimes even more, then they disappointed most of us by not keeping their promises, by lying to us, by deceiving us.

Don't you understand that many of us have had it to our necks with all the BS from these bastards, and the same applies to modern day reporters.

These bastards don't listen to us. They allow millions of illegals into Europe to force "diversity" down our throats, against the will of the people. The British people voted BREXIT, but all these bastards are gonna try by hook or by crook to stop it.

They keep on increasing all types of taxes, because the EU tells us we need to make reforms and so they force austerity on us. They bail out the banks because they are too big to fall and naturally it's the taxpayer that pays the bill and for all the mistakes that banksters made, who amazingly still got massive benefits and salaries.

We are tired of NORMAL Politicians, so when someone like Farage or Trump with all his faults comes along and bashes the Media, we love it, when he says "build a wall" to stop ILLEGALS, we love it, when he says lets get tough on "Radical Islamic terrorism", we love it, when he is NOT afraid about being Politically Incorrect, we love it.

There's lots of other things we love about Trump. If he doesn't keep his promises, then believe me, we will fall out of love.

Don't you understand that we are tired of all the lies, broken promises and PC that most of this Political class is good for? And to top it off, the Liberals still have the advantage of having the biased Media defending them and brainwashing everyone they can.

Vive Marie Le Pen. I'm praying for her success and also praying for a big downfall of the worst politician that Europe has had the misfortune to have in a long time... Angela Merkel.

May the flees of a thousand camels infest her armpits when she gets kicked out.

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I will describe in a few words what the President looks like in a normal, mature, democratic country.

Ooh. That's just a wee bit patronizing, Kate. I have visited, done business in and lived in several countries, and my observation is that they mostly all have corrupt and stupid governments. Some just use prettier language, which people seem to interpret as being honest and decent.

Boring governments like you describe can bring down a country as well as anyone. They just do it less noticeably and maybe a bit more slowly. Then, when the people wake up to how their boring government is destroying the country, they vote in a loudmouth to break things up.

That usually hastens the demise, but it's the only way the people feel they can effect change, because the boring government long ago stopped listening to them. Others really do support the more extreme government, because they have gotten used to living off credit that future generations will pay for. Either way, they are feeding the machine they hate if the loudmouth is one who wants to increase government.

Sadly, all we can do is wait for a collapse, and hope it doesn't get too ugly. After much pain, the people of a country may come to their senses for a bit and realize government needs limits, but the process will start over.

If you think Trump is wild, wait until you see what Europe brings in the next few years.
Hillary wasn't a horrible candidate.. The Russians just wanted you to THINK she was horrible.

These people are unbelievable.


Peter’s journey has taken him from Beirut to the Beltway — from a war zone to the war rooms of two U.S. presidential campaigns. He has advised major political figures, including Hillary Clinton, Arlen Specter and John Kerry, and was described by the New York Times as “one of the most prominent political bloggers in the nation.”

I'm pretty sure if you look up Retard, you'll find Peter Daou's picture.
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The Russians did not convince me that Hillary was corrupt, flawed, unlikable and dishonest. It was Hillary that convinced me.
The Russians did not convince me that Hillary was corrupt, flawed, unlikable and dishonest. It was Hillary that convinced me.

And Trump is that, many times over.

Talked about this part earlier in the thread:

"U.S. concludes that Russia hacked the Republican National Committee but did not release its findings"

Imagine if we had all RNC, Trump emails etc. It was clearly one-sided.
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The Russians did not convince me that Hillary was corrupt, flawed, unlikable and dishonest. It was Hillary that convinced me.

They started 20 years ago after Bill Clinton became President..
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