Spaceship Spaceship

For this, let's assume that .tel will not be a total flop.

What type of keywords will be most valuable for this extension? Will it be geographical keywords, like,, etc, or what else?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
And how are you making up these appraisals ?

Hi sdsinc,

"A business man's judgment is no better than his information."- R. P. Lamont.

"The judment of a trader at the stock exchange, is no better than his information, plus his instinct." - Alexander Schiesser.

The judment of a domainer, judging about prices of dot tel domains, is no different.

If you believe to have the right feeling and instinct, keep to your feelings, and keep up to date about the success and improvements, and the market of dot tel: You will be most likely to give a price quote, or a value for a .tel, so that you won't sell under value.

Now, you should buy and register .tel domains, not sell dot tel domains.

Another thing, is, that there ar not a lot of very good .tel names around.
Which means, that you can only make a good price, for a good domain name.

Instead of breaking your head about .tel sales, I would concentrate on creating good .tel domaine names, and then registereing them, and filling those domains with good content. That is about creating value.

If people don't create many good .tel names, what will become of .tel?

There are a lot of "rubbish" .tel names out there, which have no great commercial value at present (offered prices + hidden value).

Make more thoughts about creating value for .tel, instead of looking for opportunities to sell .tel domain names.

Consider all of these thoughts, and you might be able to judge the value of a dot tel domain name at present. :blink:
I think, that is a steal, for 400 Euros, and that you have made a good estimate, with 6200 Euros. Which you could get easily at Moniker, at the TRAFFIC meeting.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Good luck, and all the best.

How to create value for my .tel domain name:

Another thing, that is important with .tel domain names:
If you think, you have a killer .tel domain name, you should get a (.com), or a (, or a other country extension, plus a (.mobi), with the same name, to complement with your .tel domain. That way, you create a lot more value for your good .tel domain name.
On those pages, you could even set up a "Contact Us" .tel page, as well as promote your domain name(s).
Basically, promotion works the other way around: you promote your (.com) domain name through your dot tel domain name, because your .tel domain gets found more easily, and faster than your (.com) domaine name. With time, you will be able to see, that you are boosting your ranking of your (.com) with your (.tel).
That is whay a group of domains with the same name, including a dot tel domain name, makes a lot of sense. And the .tel domain is a valuable player withing the "team", as it boost the ranking of your other websites.

How to create good .tel domain names:


Look for themes (.tel domain sections), such as for example:

Health, Going Out, Internet, Motoring, Property, Services, Shopping, Trades, etc.

Look for categories, within the ".tel domain sections":

Health: Dentists, Doctors.
Going Out: Bars, Cafes, Clubs, Pubs, Restaurants.
Internet: Web Developement.
Motoring: Garages, Motors, MOTs.
Property: Estate Agents, Lettings.
Services: Accountants, Solicitors.
Shopping: Cloths, Food and Drink, Jewelry.
Trades: Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers.

3.) Conclusion; Be creative, and create .tel domain names for sections and categories:

Create section names, and for a section, a goup of category names:

Going Out: Bars, Cafes, Clubs, Pubs, Restaurants:

4.) Create a commercial directory with your .tel domain names, or create subdomain folders, and name them: "portfolio_01", "portfolio_02", "portfolio_03", etc.
Each portfolio, with a theme (domain section with section categoires).
You can even set those subdomins as private.

This is a other method, than just be creative "out of the blue", and have a funny moment, and create funny .tel domains, such as, for example Which might be sellable, or a non go domain.

What sort of themes, should I choose?:

But basically, look for niches within the market; tags: global warming, renewable energy, swine flu, aternative fuels, hybrid cars, hybrid whatever.
Themes about global problems, where troubleshooting is needed, and where there will be start up companies createt, where new values will be created.
Domains, that help save the environement, and the world, that help reduce global warming:
Those are the .tel domains of the future, which will be high in demand.
Not the junk .tel domain names.

Why aren't the (auction) prices for .tel domain names very high?:

The problem with current .tel domain prices, and because they are not high, is that there are a lot of .tel killer domains out there, that are not yet taken.

(The thought, here, is: Why should I pay a high price for a .tel domain, when tomorrow, I maybe have a good creative moment, and am able to create a killer .tel domain, that is not yet taken.
If all .tel killer domains are already taken, a doamainer, has no other choice, than paying a price for a .tel domain name, according to its true market value.)

Same as with (.com): As soon as good domain names, or killer domain names get scarce, the prices will go up.

And so, the same with .tel: As soon as all good .tel domain names are taken, the prices for .tel domain names will rise steeply, Will rise like a rocket.

So create and buy good domain names, and be patient. Like a good investor with a portfolio of good stocks/shares.

Dot Tel News:

Advertisements within .tel, with "TEL-Advert": A extension tool of TEL-MACHINE. is offering a new tool extension for its users: TEL-Advert.

In August, Telnic presented a new format for advertising within .tel domains:

With help of this extension, Telcic allows every .tel domain owner to create advertisements on his TelProxy.

This was difficult to achieve, because of technical restrictions.

The TEL-MACHINE team has taken a closer look at that feature, and recognized, that there would be more technical skills needed to achieve the task, than the average .tel user has.
Respectively, Telnic assumes, that the users that want to set up their ads, have enough technical knowledge and skills, to be abel to read, understand, and follow their instructions for advertisements within .tel, as well as to be able to achieve the task.

Fact is, that a majority of .tel domain users, are lacking those skills. Therefore, the team of TEL-MACHINE has decided, within reasonable time, to make a extension tool to integrate in to TEL-MACHINE.

The handling of this extension tool „TEL-Advert“, is very simple:
In a first step, you create your advertisement:
Next to the information about title, the text of the ad, the URI, as well as the URI label, you can also use as many key words, as you like.

Furthermore, you have the possibility to activate a payment process, where you can give in a price per click, according to your requirements.

In a second step, you are able to set the positon for your ad on your TelProxy, via „drag and drop“.

Also, you are able to define, on which of your .tel domains, you would like to have the advertisement displayed.

In addition, one can choose, if one only wants to have ads displayed, on single subdomains, or on all existing domains.

Furthermore, one is able to select from a bigger choice from advertisment types, such as standard advertisment types, or a modus by random selection, and switch between both choices.

Within the header area, according to the Telnic options, you can only have maximum 2 advertisements displayed.
But, with the new method, if you simply select a bigger amount ads for the advertisement fields, and display them in the header area, then the advertisement will show up on your TelProxy according to to „automatic random selection“.

After all advertisements have been created and displayed, it takes about twenty five minutes, till the advertisements are visible on the TelProxy.

A process, which would go quicker, is not possible, due to technical reasons.

With this system, you are also able to modifye, deactivate, or delete a selected advertisement.


The extension tool for TEL-MACHINE: „TEL-Advert“, completes the pre-existing services of .tel domain tools of
There will be more functions to be added to TEL-MACHINE, soon.


This is a official Newsletter from the developers of TEL-MACHINE, and has been translated by Alexander Schiesser, developer and owner of, a commercial .tel domain name directory.

Thank you, for your kind attention.
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Sorry mactel but all killer dot tel are taken and try to ask any buyer to sell it answer wil be:
1. Not for sale
2. Over $1000

Also your list : dentist, doctors, real estate...... All taken long time ago.

Commercial directories are not worth for all .tel
Hello dear steveteva,

Thanks, for updating me.

But to find more good domain names, one will have to dig..., and cratch form the bottom of the barrel...

I am sure, that there are some nice gems, out there, for a low price: Below $1000.

The names, you mention, are only to ducument the idea of how to proceed, when wanting to create a good .tel domain name.

I can imagine, that members of the forum, will check out, if the domain names I mention in my comments, are taken, or not.
But why not just use your imagination, and don't get too influenced by other existing names, or .tel domain names that have been mentioned.

Best, is to get .tel domain name ideas, by reading articles about all sorts of innovative things, and things to come in the future.

You can be a step ahead of others, if you don't care too much about others, and their .tel domain names. And just use your own brain and imagination.

...And, oh, yes: you must do a lot of research, to be able to create valuable .tel domain names.
The more information you have, the more likely you are to create a top .tel domain name, respectively, a so called premium .tel domain name.

I think, that is a very important point, of yours, when you say, that commercial directories are not worth for all .tel: this is very true, and a very important statement.
Thank you, so much, for your comment.
Sorry mactel but all killer dot tel are taken and try to ask any buyer to sell it answer wil be:
1. Not for sale
2. Over $1000

Also your list : dentist, doctors, real estate...... All taken long time ago.

Commercial directories are not worth for all .tel
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There's been a new update to the Community TelHosting interface:

* Username and gaming handles contact type
* Renaming folders with one click; all links are auto-updated
* Customizable title supporting special characters
Three posibilities to advertise within your .tel domain

Three posibilities to advertise within your .tel domain:

1.) Coding by hand, according to my instructions/Telnic instructions (forum page 234).

2.) Using the tool "Ad Manager" within "quick-tel-update", at

3.) Using the tool "TEL-Advert", within TEL-MACHINE. (Read more about, in this forum, three posts above,)

Your choice! Feel free, have fun!

I think, that the normal user has wished to be able to integrate a "Contact Us" .tel page within his existing website, and that he has wished to be able to display advertisements on his TelProxy:
To be able to do this, he would of had to get informations and instructions inside of the developer forum.

However, even a lot of developers where confused and overstressed with the existing instructions: The DNA version for the "Contact Us" page did not work, as intended by Telnic, becaus the LOC records could not be made to work. So nowone has a Google map for his contact page, that is navigatable.

And also, many developers where not albe to achieve displaying advertisements with .tel.

So what makes these so called developers different from the average user, who wishes to do the same tasks, and make achievements?

Both: The developers, as well as the normal user, could use same simplifyed instructions, if there would be such a simple "How To" for all, who want to improve their .tel domain, and also advertise within their .tel domain.

However, this is quasi history, because one can set up a "Contact Us" page, without a Google map, by inserting a simple JavaScript code. And some developers have created "ad manager" tools, for advertising within .tel.

But i think it could be still fun, to try out the hand coding method, by writing the TXT ad records, according to the sample code and its syntax.

If Telnic can provide simpler instructions, in future, for both, developers and normal users, I think, both would be happy, and able to achieve with their tasks, and get some satisfaction, instead of frustration.

Prestige thinking, and "club" thinking, seems only to be hindering both to achieve with their tasks.

Setting up a "Contact Us" page, as well as "Advertisements within .tel" shouldn't belong in a developers forum: It should be the othe way around: Instructions shoud be so far simplyfied, that they can be displayed in the "normal user forum". For all to benefit from.

If we had got it that way before, we would of had less dissapointments and frustration, and Telnic could of kept their face.

But every time, such things turn out to be a struggle and pain, it is not good publicitiy for Telnic.

If Telnic offers better support, by offering simple instructions, which would enable users to achieve to make things work, it would be better for Telnic, for dot tel, as well as for all users, trying to impove their .tel domain.

It is a wrong policy, or politic, to rely on the developers, to develope the .tel tools that are needed. Telnic should decide, who shall come up with workable .tel tools, first.

Better not announce contact pages or possibilities to advertise, if Telnic is not ready, and instructions are not complete, nor usable.

Telnic: Either do it right, from first place, or leave it only up to external developers, if Telnic is not capable to offer the perfect instructions, or tools, at first attempt.

This is no service or favor, either for Telnic, nor for developers, if there is quasi a discrimination of the normal user, and quasi a "apartheid system", between so called developers and average users. And the system is only hindering both to achiev with useful results.
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your .tel domain gets found more easily, and faster than your (.com) domaine name
.tel pumpers like to make this statement, but I have not heard a scenario where it is or will be true.
This thread is always entertaining. Sure there are some fans of .TEL who make well thought out rational arguments, but the majority are the Kool-Aid drinkers.

Some of the claims, statements, and opinions in this thread are just delusional.

.tel pumpers like to make this statement, but I have not heard a scenario where it is or will be true.


1.) You are violating the forum rules, because you are using the word "pumper" for other members, whitch is clearly discriminating.

2,) It seems like you are looking for the truth. But the discussions have nothing to do with true, or not true: the facts are scientific facts, and have been prooved and aproved.
It is not my problem, if you are trying to believe. We don't believe, what is a scientific fact: We know, and therefore do not believe.

3.) If you haven't heared about the fact, that .tel is google juice, because its information is stored directly in the DNS, and works in a differnt way, than how a website works within the DNS, etc., than that is not my problem.
We read a lot of informatin about .tel domains, and how they function and interact with other websites, so we know quite a lot of background information.

4.) I am not going to argue with a "non-believer", because that would be totally fruitless. Our discussions are based on scientific facts, about the Dot Tel DNS (NAPTR, LOC and TXT). If I want to believe, I go to church, but not to a forum, where we are interested in prooven facts, and basic knowledge about DNS, TelHosting and TelProxy, etc.

5.) Every time, I heare you talk and hear your agruments, you sound like someone, who has never analized .tel, who has never observed his own .tel domains, to see, if, and how they make progress, and how they interact with other websites, and if they are linked to other websites, how they boost them in their Google ranking, etc.

6.) You talk is not scientific. It is the talk of a person, whom its only intention is to make .tel bad. You sound like a person, who has a chip off his sholder, who has a complex of some sort.

You have been lurking in the woodwork, for a few days, like a coward, and has come out, again, to attack. Like a wolf, or a lion in the jungle, looking for some easy victims, to get hold of.

This won't work with me, my friend. Not with me. Because you will be suspendend from this forum, before you even have realized, what happened.
@ bmugford:
I have been watching you, for a while. You didn't have the courage to post any useful comments,
You where reading the posts, day by day, without posting your self, and now, you come out of the woodwork, to quasi attack, again, to put .tel and the .tel community down.
Why not use your time, for someting else?
No: This gives you more satisfaction, same as Dubdubdubdot.
Just timewasters, here.
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1.) You are violating the forum rules, because you are using the word "pumper" for other members, whitch is clearly discriminating.
Pumper, shill, fool... .tel domainers have been called a lot of things by a lot of people.

the facts are scientific facts, and have been prooved and aproved.
Was it a scientific fact when you claimed that .tel domains will go up in value $2,000 per year? Let's see what kind of data and theories you have to back that one up with.

3.) If you haven't heared about the fact, that .tel is google juice, because its information is stored directly in the DNS, and works in a differnt way, than how a website works within the DNS, etc.,
Google does not care where the data is being served from, noob. It could be a static HTML page, one using MySQL or a text file database. Google views it all the same. But why am I telling you this? You still think that .mobi is necessary display mobile compatible pages. Even after I showed you .com mobile examples, you were still going on about needing .mobi. Obviously you are so new at this that the naysayer arguments are flying right over your head.

6.) You talk is not scientific.
I'm pretty sure I've backed up everything I've said in this thread. You on the other hand back nothing up.

This won't work with me, my friend. Not with me. Because you will be suspendend from this forum, before you even have realized, what happened.
No, I will not, be, suspended. I, have broken, no rules, here, at all.
3.) If you haven't heared about the fact, that .tel is google juice, because its information is stored directly in the DNS, and works in a differnt way, than how a website works within the DNS, etc., than that is not my problem.
Do you work for google ?
google juice ? LMAO.
This is not a fact at all.

Fact: .tel is not SEO friendly because it has data but no contents - now this is a FACT ;)
Not everybody on this forum is a newbie. If you want us to take you seriously you need to add substance to your claims. For instance there is no scientific reasoning whatsoever behind your crazy valuation models.
You have been lurking in the woodwork, for a few days, like a coward, and has come out, again, to attack. Like a wolf, or a lion in the jungle, looking for some easy victims, to get hold of.

You do make one good point, this thread is full of victims. (B-)) IMO.
Fact: .tel is not SEO friendly because it has data but no contents - now this is a FACT ;)

What does that even mean? .tel is meant for semantic contact information, but you can use all the keywords and descriptive text you like to provide hints to search engines. My .tel is indexed by Google properly - the only reason it's ranked #13 instead of #1 is because it doesn't have enough PageRank to beat the various social networking domains I'm in, and Google hasn't yet worked out that my .tel is the most authoritative thing about me.

P.S. You were wrong in relation to the earlier discussion on META tags.
P.S. You were wrong in relation to the earlier discussion on META tags.
You miss the point. The tags are not useless. First, the meta description tag can be used to provide a more meaningful description of your website in search engine results. If you don't, the search engines will fall back to the title tag or the first sentence.
For example: type ".tel domain" in google and you'll get this:

Telnic | FAQ
Read top questions about .tel, the .tel technology, buying .tel domain names and the .tel community. - Cached - Similar

The page contains this meta tag:
<meta name="description" content="Read top questions about .tel, the .tel technology, buying .tel domain names and the .tel community." />

Second, other search engines take the tags into account, for example if you want to rank in yahoo for a typo of your name, it's a good idea to include it in your meta keywords tag.
There is a world beyond google...
.tel is not Google friendly in regards to generic keywords. At least not white hat anyway.

The number of sites linking to your site, and especially who those sites are, play a huge role in your own ranking. So you have an awesome article about some widget on your .com. Then a bunch of sites link to your article. This then drives your article's page up. Now think about that for a .tel. Nobody is going to link to .tel profiles. There is no point. So even if you have a totally awesome, it's still doomed in the rankings.
You miss the point. The tags are not useless. First, the meta description tag can be used to provide a more meaningful description of your website in search engine results. If you don't, the search engines will fall back to the title tag or the first sentence.

Which is the header text description - isn't that what you'd want to fall back on for the default blurb?

Anyway, META tags make no difference to SEO ranking, and that was your original concern. Of course the shifting sands don't surprise me anymore :)

sdsinc said:
Second, other search engines take the tags into account, for example if you want to rank in yahoo for a typo of your name, it's a good idea to include it in your meta keywords tag.
There is a world beyond google...

And I'd wager Yahoo/Bing also treat META tags as negligible in terms of ranking.

.tel is not Google friendly in regards to generic keywords. At least not white hat anyway.

The number of sites linking to your site, and especially who those sites are, play a huge role in your own ranking. So you have an awesome article about some widget on your .com. Then a bunch of sites link to your article. This then drives your article's page up. Now think about that for a .tel. Nobody is going to link to .tel profiles. There is no point. So even if you have a totally awesome, it's still doomed in the rankings.

Exactly - there has to be a different approach.
Anyway, META tags make no difference to SEO ranking, and that was your original concern. Of course the shifting sands don't surprise me anymore :)
Let me clarify if there has been any confusion arising from my past post.
While META tags don't directly help for ranking, they are still useful. One simple reason: a meaningful description in search results can only encourage visitors to click the link to your site.

On the other hand the TITLE tag does matter for SEO. But .tel domains do not exploit the tag, only the domain name is present.


The facts:
  • .tel has no META tags, which means you have less control over how it appears in search engine results
  • .tel has a generic TITLE tag with strictly zero SEO benefits (no keywords etc)

Now, if google decides to extract .tel data straight from the DNS, I doubt it make any difference.

2 of the most critical must-haves to strong SEO:
  • contents: no contents in .tel, just data
  • link juice: DubDubDubDot is right, what's the point of linking to a .tel
.tel is a double failure :gl:
Take It Easy Mactel

P.S Also can someone check the attach and let me know if they get the same results


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    Picture 4.png
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One simple reason: a meaningful description in search results can only encourage visitors to click the link to your site.

Okay, so just put your meaningful description in the header text. That's what it's there for :)

On the other hand the TITLE tag does matter for SEO. But .tel domains do not exploit the tag, only the domain name is present.

Since the last update there's a new record type for a title - when set it appears at the top of page and replaces the TITLE tag. See for an example.

In terms of link backs why should you expect a .tel to really have any? If you accept that is the most authoritative source about me then you should realise the problem is not with .tel, it's with conventional means of search. PageRank is not adequate for people, a new approach is required.
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When you are logged in as Google member, than, your .tel domain apears at the top.
When you are logged out of Google, your .tel doamin will bes displayed, like others will see it, as well: maybe on page two, three, or five. And it won't show the green arrow.
The green arrow, only shows up, when you are logged in.
Some People extremely like google,why not set up a new extension for google only. Google and tel should suit for each other under marketing.
In terms of link backs why should you expect a .tel to really have any? If you accept that is the most authoritative source about me then you should realise the problem is not with .tel, it's with conventional means of search. PageRank is not adequate for people, a new approach is required.
Indeed I don't think it really makes sense to link to .tel. So the question of how .tel will 'rank' remains open. So much for "google juice".
I think the issue you raise is pretty tough, because .tel is at the edge of the Internet by design, which possibly means invisible. I doubt the search engines have a lot of incentive to come up with a tailored solution in order to accommodate a struggling TLD, unless we see mass adoption by end users. Kinda chicken and egg situation :]
Indeed I don't think it really makes sense to link to .tel. So the question of how .tel will 'rank' remains open. So much for "google juice".
I think the issue you raise is pretty tough, because .tel is at the edge of the Internet by design, which possibly means invisible. I doubt the search engines have a lot of incentive to come up with a tailored solution in order to accommodate a struggling TLD, unless we see mass adoption by end users. Kinda chicken and egg situation :]

I guess it's a matter of perspective. You see it as something on the periphery whereas I see it as something absolutely central to trends in communication that are already occurring.

Getting end users to see the value before we reach critical mass (and the killer apps/services) is a challenge, just as it was for the web and anything else of this nature, but the chasm will be crossed one way or another. Nobody has ever leapt across it from a standing position, but .tel has had a strong start - not just in terms of registrations, but with the kinds of interesting partnerships that are forming. I wouldn't describe Usain Bolt as "struggling" during his first stride of a race. :)

But these are just my opinions and we can agree to disagree.

FYI: Digitrad launched a new product called OrganiP at DEMOfall this week. Are they the first funded .tel startup or do you know of others?
You do not link to .tel (because .tel is the strongest link, light weight, and fast):

You link .tel to your website (by putting your website link on TelProxy).

Because, for one thing, mostely, your .tel is found first (ecxept for Tesla Motors, however). Secondly, that way, you boost SEO of your website.

Which is a difference.

Indeed I don't think it really makes sense to link to .tel. So the question of how .tel will 'rank' remains open. So much for "google juice".
I think the issue you raise is pretty tough, because .tel is at the edge of the Internet by design, which possibly means invisible. I doubt the search engines have a lot of incentive to come up with a tailored solution in order to accommodate a struggling TLD, unless we see mass adoption by end users. Kinda chicken and egg situation :]
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When you are logged in as Google member, than, your .tel domain apears at the top.
When you are logged out of Google, your .tel doamin will bes displayed, like others will see it, as well: maybe on page two, three, or five. And it won't show the green arrow.
The green arrow, only shows up, when you are logged in.

Cool Cheers for the info.... :)

---------- Post added at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 PM ---------- is #23 for me.

Thanks Man
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