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How much you would pay for a perfect 63 DOMAIN if you have the money?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • Not more than 1 MILLION USD

  • Up to 2 MILLION USD

  • Up to 5 MILLION USD

  • Up to 10 MILLION USD

  • Up to 20 MILLION USD

  • Up to 50 MILLION USD

  • Up to 100 MILLION USD

  • More than 1 BILLION USD

  • I don't know how much I would pay.

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.

Results are only viewable after voting.


Please read the following explanations about '63 DOMAINS' before posting your 63 DOMAINs and / or your Reply and / or voting at the poll.

63 DOMAINS stands for 63 character domain names.
That means, 63 DOMAINS are domain names which contains 63 characters (left side of the dot).
63 characters is the maximum amount of characters in a domain name.

Those characters can be L (letters) / N (numbers) / dashes / mixed and other signs and / or symbols (IDN).
At the end there are the same rules like in any other domain name.

Just be creative and combine 63 characters in a smart way with the extension you prefer.
Be sure that it have 63 characters before registering it.

Yes, while 'perfect' is of course a relative term.
The most 'perfect' = 'aesthetic' 63 DOMAINS are those which have a clear and logic system / visible pattern in their structure while making sense in some creative way.

The sense behind 63 DOMAINS is simply to own them like art if they are perfect.
Like (abstract) art / f. e. paintings - so 63 DOMAINS are controversial.

The value of 63 DOMAINS depends primarily to the purity of their pattern.
The more purity, the higher the price.
The price of perfect 63 DOMAINS are generally very high.


Share (only) 63 DOMAIN/S in this thread and only your own.

Give your vote to one of the 9 available answers of the 63 DOMAIN poll above to see the results.

Discuss all about 63 DOMAINS related content.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
As much as those are all valid points, I can't help but ask: why do you care so much? How does this impact your life or business?

It's a new idea. Maybe it's a bit crazy, but if you're unwilling to admit that it has at least some chance of success, then I am deeply saddened by the close-mindedness being displayed here. There were people back in the 90's being called crazy for collecting domains. They took a big risk. It paid off.

Is this going to pay off? Who knows. But like I said, even while it's not what I would do, I admire the boldness.

Personally, I think the poll is fantastic. You guys see what he's doing right? Trying to build a sense of value into these things. If everytime you read about these domains, you also are reading about million dollar values, that's going to sink into your brain. Subliminal messaging at its best. Hell.... might be crazy enough to work.

Because he posts his 63 domains in every gltd thread that he posts in.

We are trying to help him. He needs it. He is wasting his money.
There are no sales to support this type of domain. The longest domain I've seen sell is 42 or 43 characters. If someone has to count each char up to 63 then they will never go to this domain again.

No end user will buy one. There is a reason he owns each on, it's because no one else wants one.

I already know the answer to whether or not you've got any offers. It's a big NO otherwise you would be spouting off about getting a multi-million dollar offer. I would be surprised if someone offered you reg fee for one.

When I see someone making mistakes or what everyone else is saying is a bad idea, I speak up.

I could just say, oh that's a great idea why didn't I think of that.
I have not seen anyone on NP that thinks these domains are a good investment. Sorry if you don't like EVERYONE'S opinion.
The poll is bad. The domains are bad.
You're not trying to help him. There's nothing constructive in what you're contributing here. All you're doing is putting someone down.
I personally am a little bit frustrated with His Majesty since I'm still not sure if he's a master of trolling (and wasting money doing it) or he actually believes all the nonsense he's saying.

Just look at the pool - no one in their right mind would actually be serious about the choices he's given us. "More than 1 BILLION USD"? - if that's not trolling I don't know how to describe it without being insulting.
If someone market his domains as the most expensive in the world and makes polls with no realistic choices, at least we (who believe they will never sell, at least not for more than $XX) have to be able to have an opinion?!

Edit: I'm out of here now! Good luck! :P
  • Currently I market (one of) them as 'the most expensive domain of all time' and not as 'the most expensive domain in the world'. But even with your 'version' you are right in some way because 'the most expensive of all time' includes 'the most expensive in the world' of course.
  • Not all of them are 'ultra expensive' - because I think also non - billionaires should have a chance to buy them from me. I am answering every offer (if it's made via SEDO) I get for them. If it's the right offer I accept it.
  • The poll gives you every 'I would pay... - choice' you like to give, from zero ('Not more than 1 MILLION USD') up to endless ('More than 1 BILLION USD').
  • Yes, we all are able to give our opinions (if they are constructive and respectful) here and thats great.
@kohsamui Ok, you are out now - but you are allways welcome back for sharing your views to this special domain field here - we all know, views can change.
:$::$::$: Good luck too!
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I'm not sure why folks on here are so intent on trashing this investment strategy.

I may not personally agree with it, but I think we all have to admit a few things:
  1. He's taking a risk and being creative.
  2. It's unique
  3. You noticed
  4. We're talking about it
  5. It has a chance (no matter how small we may think) of success
Can the rest of us claim all of this? I know I can't. I'm not prepared to put myself out there in that way, but I'll probably also never make 7 figures in this business.

Well said, thanks a lot.
You seem very open minded and that's good in business because every today's established succesfull thing had a start at some point in the past.

I just think, that many domainers are simply 'frustrated of domaining at whole' because it's not a 'guaranteed business' at all and we all know it's difficult enough to sell 'normal' domains.

So to accept the fact that someone is creating / offering domains which have uncommon high prices and which are probably x times harder to sell, seems (understandably) very hard for the most.
I am sure you are one of those which are understanding, that those domains are simply made for special welthy clients without any expectations.
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He's not investing, not even gambling. Just burning money ablaze. He keeps buying names that even a drunkard would not buy. That's why I am saying some domainers should donate to charities instead. If you have money to burn, do it right.
Some domainers make sales, the others are domain collectors.

Thank you for your (I'd say partially bizarre) opinions.
Maybe I 'have money to burn', but I never would burn money.

You may have your reasons for your 'negative / unoptimistic' view to it but I am optimistic that even you will get a more optimistic view to my 63.DOMAINS in future.

I 'agree' to your last sentence in some way - means, I'd say, all domainers are 'domain collecters' until they sell their domains.
It's not a secret that we have to 'collect' domains ('portfolio' - the size of it is another discussion) to become able to sell domains ;)
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Because he posts his 63 domains in every gltd thread that he posts in.

We are trying to help him. He needs it. He is wasting his money.
There are no sales to support this type of domain. The longest domain I've seen sell is 42 or 43 characters. If someone has to count each char up to 63 then they will never go to this domain again.

No end user will buy one. There is a reason he owns each on, it's because no one else wants one.

I already know the answer to whether or not you've got any offers. It's a big NO otherwise you would be spouting off about getting a multi-million dollar offer. I would be surprised if someone offered you reg fee for one.

When I see someone making mistakes or what everyone else is saying is a bad idea, I speak up.

I could just say, oh that's a great idea why didn't I think of that.
I have not seen anyone on NP that thinks these domains are a good investment. Sorry if you don't like EVERYONE'S opinion.
The poll is bad. The domains are bad.

Thanks for your statement and your intention 'to help me' but at the same time I have to say that I don't need your 'help'.
I am not wasting my money, in fact I am seriously investing, no matter how you call it.

Your critics ar always welcome but let me remember you, to considering your precious time, I recommend you that you don't have to criticise again and again what you have criticised already again and again.

Everybody can post his domain's in related threads as long as he follow the nP rules.
So what's your point?
For example, I do nothing wrong if I post my clubclubclub... .club domain in the .club thread / showcase - every .club doman owner can do the same.
The same with other TLDs in related threads.

I can't confirm that the poll / the domains are bad.
In fact the poll is great and those domains are great.

Let me remind you that you know nothing about what will happen in future.
No one knows it.
So we have the choice - being optimistic or being pessimistic.

While you are obviously have a pessimistic view to it I obviously have an optimistic view to it.
What I have learned in life, is, that an optimistic lifestyle is healthier than a pessimistic lifestyle.

Remember, that you simply draw your conclusions from your own experiences.
I have nothing to do with your experiences but I wish you the best.
I believe he is very intelligent and has a non investor perspective on that. But on the other hand, the creativeness should be in abstract line of 63 signs, not just repeating the sequences. I wonder what kind of nice modern one line painting could somebody register still. Not really into painting, but I believe this 63 sign could be applied in sort of haiku poetry. Just my opinion.
did kingoftop acquire
petpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpetpet.pet yet?
Not yet ;)
But I will register it if it will still be free to register it at the time when I want to register it.
I always like to optimize my chances.

Hey man. Just wondering, it's obvious you're doing this just for kicks. Why not just admit it? There's never any harm in doing something for fun. But when you pass off jokes as serious business, even you will start to believe yourself. Then all hope is lost.

Anyhow, I for one will admit to owning a 63 character domain. In fact, it was my first post on NP. But I'll tell you, it's only for fun. As @Kate previously mentioned on here, there's two kind of domainers: money-makers, and collectors. I do both, however, the 63 character domain I made was for record-making purposes only, an easy fun way to do something different.

The main thing is, you gotta enjoy what you do. And it looks like you are. For this, I give you all the respect in the world. But I would like to see you concede there's more of novelty in 63 character domains than anything. Which is really the only value in them.

If you really want to see your poll properly reflect people's stance, you can't have it closed-ended with "Not more than 1 million".

My novelty 63 character:


and just for fun I've got longest.in forwarded to it.

and really went all-in with longestdomains.com --> longest.domains --> showcasing my temporary insanity.
I personally am a little bit frustrated with His Majesty since I'm still not sure if he's a master of trolling (and wasting money doing it) or he actually believes all the nonsense he's saying.

Just look at the pool - no one in their right mind would actually be serious about the choices he's given us. "More than 1 BILLION USD"? - if that's not trolling I don't know how to describe it without being insulting.

His majesty believes in his goals.
His majesty is not 'trolling', his majesty is 'polling'.
His majesty is simply 'playing Tetris' with new TLDs - playing already 'just another level'.

It's ok if you don't agree with my (or any other's) poll* or if you obviously can't imagine what I obviously can ('more than 1 BILLION').

*a poll is a poll and there is no rule in the world how a poll has to be - if there isn't the exact choice included wich you would like to vote, you simply don't have to vote.
Like @kohsamui already said*, you are at least free to share your opinion here - means, you simply can 'post your exact vote'.


Everybody is free to act in this world as long as he isn't insulting others.
I just using the possibilities of nP as a paying member of this forum - I am not here to waste my time in any way, I make polls with a serious background and it's up to you to give your vote or to ignore them.

If you are being frustrated by them - be sure that's not my intention, Sir.
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Hey man. Just wondering, it's obvious you're doing this just for kicks. Why not just admit it? There's never any harm in doing something for fun. But when you pass off jokes as serious business, even you will start to believe yourself. Then all hope is lost.

Anyhow, I for one will admit to owning a 63 character domain. In fact, it was my first post on NP. But I'll tell you, it's only for fun. As @Kate previously mentioned on here, there's two kind of domainers: money-makers, and collectors. I do both, however, the 63 character domain I made was for record-making purposes only, an easy fun way to do something different.

The main thing is, you gotta enjoy what you do. And it looks like you are. For this, I give you all the respect in the world. But I would like to see you concede there's more of novelty in 63 character domains than anything. Which is really the only value in them.

If you really want to see your poll properly reflect people's stance, you can't have it closed-ended with "Not more than 1 million".

My novelty 63 character:


and just for fun I've got longest.in forwarded to it.

and really went all-in with longestdomains.com --> longest.domains --> showcasing my temporary insanity.

Hey man, you clearly fool - don't try manipulating me, I have nothing to admit.

While you register some domains 'for funny' I register them 'for money'.
I am serious with them and their ultra high prices and I collect them to sell them - so I am a collecter & seller too, but with the difference that I have the intention to sell my collection (or parts of it) to (billionaires / millionaires / x) someday while it seems that you don't have this intention.

:?: You say, you 'would like to see me concede that the only true value of those domains is the novelty of them'.
:!: I more would like to see you 'concede that you are obviously not able to see the ultra high value in my 60 / 63 character domains which I obviously can see'.
Just because you proclaiming that 'you would like to see me concede (something)' it doesn't mean that there is something to concede for me.

Of course I want to see my poll properly reflect people's stance - that's why I have it closed - ended with 'Not more than 1 MILLION USD' - this option includes in fact the ammount of ZERO USD up to 1 MILLION USD.

Your mentioned 63.DOMAIN is smart, I like it - although there can't be a 'longest domain' because nobody can make it longer than 63 characters + longest TLD. 'Everybody' can create a 63 character domain + longest TLD, so at the end they all have the same length.
I think you know that - but maybe you are playing with the word 'official' - I don't know exact what that should mean in this case but as long as you know it, it's ok.

In this sense, I also like your domain longest.domains because this wording makes definetely sense (while the wording 'longest domain' make definetely no sense).

All the best.
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@kingof.top either you are a genius or a complete idiot. There is no middle ground with this strategy. I genuinely hope you are the genius and Im the complete idiot but I fear not.

One thing is for certain you have no competition with these 63 character names.
@kingof.top either you are a genius or a complete idiot. There is no middle ground with this strategy. I genuinely hope you are the genius and Im the complete idiot but I fear not.

One thing is for certain you have no competition with these 63 character names.

I am the complete idiot as long as I didn't publish a sale.
I am the genius from the moment on I publish a sale.
That's the psy pattern which all 'pioneers' know - first the idiot, then the genius.
So no problem.

Thanx for hoping genuinely that I am the genius and you are the complete idiot.
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I am the complete idiot as long as I didn't publish a sale.
I am the genius from the moment on I publish a sale.
That's the psy pattern which all 'pioneers' know - first the idiot, then the genius.
So no problem.

Thanx for hoping genuinely that I am the genius and you are the complete idiot.

At first they ignore you, then laugh at you, then fight you and then you win.
At first they ignore you, then laugh at you, then fight you and then you.... actually at this point you have to pay renewal fees and you start to rethink your ingenious plan.
At first they ignore you, then laugh at you, then fight you and then you.... actually at this point you have to pay renewal fees and you start to rethink your ingenious plan.
Hahahha very good
At first they ignore you, then laugh at you, then fight you and then you.... actually at this point you have to pay renewal fees and you start to rethink your ingenious plan.
If a plan is ingenious, then renewal fees are a calculated part of it.
I am not in fears of years.
While you register some domains 'for funny' I register them 'for money'.

Just because there's novelty or pleasure in something doesn't mean it doesn't have value. Indeed, many of the luxuries in life are for pleasure, not for necessity, yet they may be very valuable.

Moving on, I think your best kick-ass 63 is your top(x21).top. It's intriguing. I would definitely consider it a fine addition to anyone's collection.
Moving on, I think your best kick-ass 63 is your top(x21).top. It's intriguing. I would definitely consider it a fine addition to anyone's collection.

Would you buy it for "Not more than $1million" or closer to "$1billion"?

Have you try to type this domain in? Even copying and pasting "top" in 21x is a pain in the butt. Count wrong and you have to start over. Give it a try and see how convenient it is.

Indeed, many of the luxuries in life are for pleasure, not for necessity, yet they may be very valuable.

I like doing crack, it's not for necessity, just pleasure. It's also pretty valuable!
What's with you and crack?? You might like Crack.Rocks. Not mine, but truly awesome name..goes to a vid of a train blaring it's horn...not sure what it has to do with crack though.

Would you buy it for "Not more than $1million" or closer to "$1billion"? Have you try to type this domain in? Even copying and pasting "top" in 21x is a pain in the butt. Count wrong and you have to start over. Give it a try and see how convenient it is.

Unless I can copy/paste the name to my url bar...would never type it in. OP should consider creating url shortner to it...something in the neighborhood of Top.To or the likes.

Would pay between $100 and $200 for it, no more. And just the top(x21).top, the others don't interest me. Unless they came out with .crack. Crack(x21).Crack ohh yeah

@kingof.top Just realized I posted my 63dom on your thread without reading your criteria, which it doesn't meet. Apologize for that.

Maybe I'll go out get me one that does...just for kicks though! Getting me sucked into this all over again.
Thx all for your replys, although I don't agree with many of them.

Using an URL shortener for 63.DOMAINS is a possibility of course.

But at the other side those long domains are not as difficult as some think to get them into browser if they have a repeating pattern.

Here is the 'key':

3 L = 21 times repeat = 63 characters = PREMIUM 63.DOMAIN
4 L = 15 times repeat = 60 characters
5 L = 12 times repeat = 60 characters
6 L = 10 times repeat = 60 characters
7 L = 9 times repeat = 63 characters = PREMIUM 63.DOMAIN
8 L = 7 times repeat = 56 characters
9 L = 7 times repeat = 63 characters = PREMIUM 63.DOMAIN
10 L = 6 times repeat = 60 characters
11 L = 5 times repeat = 55 characters
12 L = 5 times repeat = 60 characters
13 L = 4 times repeat = 52 characters
14 L = 4 times repeat = 56 characters
15 L = 4 times repeat = 60 characters

Just write the word one time, copy it and paste / repeat it in the wished ammount + TLD at the end.
Very simple, nothing painfull in my eyes.

Of course I know, that those which are proclaiming that 'it's so hard to count the ammount' are most likely not those which will buy this / those domains - so I don't care much about their (those) sayings - although I respect and understand them.
But beside this 'fact' I wanted to make it easier for all - so I met precautions.
Here is what I have done already months ago:

I registered 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 times repeating 'top' + TLD .top
All those domains are already forwarding to the .top PREMIUM 63.DOMAIN = 21 times 'top' .top

You can type in 'tooop' in every length* to land on the .top PREMIUM 63.DOMAIN = 21 times 'top' .top
*by adding as many 'o's as you like, minimum are 4 'o's, maximum are 61 'o's + TLD .top
.top or toooop.top or toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop.top or any other length in your mind.

You can type in 'toppp' in every length* to land on the .top PREMIUM 63.DOMAIN = 21 times .top
*by adding as many 'p's as you like, minimum are 4 'p's, maximum are 61 'p's + TLD .top

.top or toppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.top or topppppppppp.top or or any other length in your mind.

This should just give you an inside of the awesome possibilities how to 'build' a structure behind 63.DOMAINS or behind PREMIUM 63.DOMAINS
This post should be an inspiration for us all what we can do with new TLDs.

Whatever you think about it - it will not fail, I am working hard on it and somewhere some fascinated young or old, male or female billionaires waiting for it to get it - that's what I feel.

So - what are your own 63.DOMAIN/S?
Whats your idea behind it / them?
Please stay serious and post only your own, allready registerd 63.DOMAINS or PREMIUM 63.DOMAINS here.
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I registered 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 times repeating 'top' + TLD .top
All those domains are already forwarding to the .top PREMIUM 63.DOMAIN = 21 times 'top' .top

You can type in 'tooop' in every length* to land on the .top PREMIUM 63.DOMAIN = 21 times 'top' .top
*by adding as many 'o's as you like, minimum are 4 'o's, maximum are 61 'o's + TLD .top
.top or toooop.top or toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop.top or any other length in your mind.

You can type in 'toppp' in every length* to land on the .top PREMIUM 63.DOMAIN = 21 times .top
*by adding as many 'p's as you like, minimum are 4 'p's, maximum are 61 'p's + TLD .top

.top or toppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.top or topppppppppp.top or or any other length in your mind.

So just how many top.top combinations did you actually register?
So just how many top.top combinations did you actually register?

To answer your question - as I said above, I registered 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 times repeating 'top' + TLD .top
PLUS the .top PREMIUM 63.DOMAIN = 21 times 'top' + TLD .top
That's 10 toptoptop... .top combinations + 1 (most possible) toptoptop... .top combination*

*The PREMIUM 63.DOMAIN = 21 times 'top' + TLD .top

And beside this combinations I registered the mentioned 2 'pyramids' tooo...p.top and toppp....top
PLUS many other forwarding .top domains, you can find them all at the .top PREMIUM 63.DOMAIN = 21 times 'top' + TLD .top
For example, themost.top or themostpossible.top are just two of those forwarding .top domains but there are much more others.

Hope that helps.
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around 60 combinations



another 60

plus like you said 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 times repeating 'top'

So overall around 130 x $10 = $1300 renewal fee for something insanely pointless (and sorry to say - unsellable)

And that's only your top.top collection.

Don't get me started on your 63.DOMAINS list - another thousands of $ in renewals.

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