Someone mass-clicked my ads

I just got accepted into adsense yesterday, and I got 5 clicks. Well today I got 39, so I'm assuming someone mass-clicked the ads. I contacted Google about it and asked them to remove those clicks and the money I earned from them. Is there anything else I should do?
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johntxy said:
woah. This is an insightful thread. Now i know cannot anyhow ask people to click the ads. :)


Web pages may not include incentives of any kind for users to click on ads. This includes encouraging users to click on the ads or to visit the advertisers' sites as well as drawing any undue attention to the ads. For example, your site cannot contain phrases such as "click here," "support us," "visit these links," or other similar language that could apply to any ad, regardless of content. These activities are strictly prohibited in order to avoid potential inflation of advertiser costs. In addition, publishers may not bring unnatural attention to sites displaying ads or referral buttons through unsolicited mass emails or unwanted advertisements on third-party websites. Publishers are also not permitted to use deceptive or unnatural means to draw attention to or incite clicks on referral buttons.
quoted from:
strange thing happened with me, i inform them of invalid clicks, they told me they will dedeuct the money and everything is ok, i was about to write a thank you mail to them for the cooperation and 14hrs or so after the first mail i got the banned mail, i mailed them again to sort out the inconsitent mails, and nothing yet...
Maybe most of the ips were from my university ip, the site wasnt launched properly yet and got over hundreds of clicksi reported... the thing that might have got then wrong is the similar nature of ips, well no one outside the uni knew about the site then, that too some study group people and such situation you can accuse no one, and google must be having a hard time believing it wasnt me..

Best of Luck!

Wish YPN is intelligent enough,
any idea when it goes international?
I got one impression on one of my sites which I haven't publicized at all and I got a click on it.

That was kinda weird...a 100% CTR

Hope they don't ban me lol

Anyway I've heard a lot of people get to payout and then get banned even after doing nothing wrong. It kinda sucks.

And there's really no way to prevent users from mass clicking your ads. Its dumb how Google bans the account for that, since its way out of your control
After a guy spammed the ads on my site and nearly got me banned, I had a friend actually mod the Google script to not allow the user to click if the user had clicked before in the past few hours. I do hope Google won't ban me for that either! :)
Happened to me as well... I actually contacted one of the "click groups" which I found through my logs...It was a "yahoo" group ....offered to "click" on my links for $$$.... until I told him I was banned because of his group (he was a teenager) for clicking on my ads already so... no more ads to click on... turned him into google but they still would not reinstate me...just stated they could not "divulge their methods" of "detection"...

It was probably one of my competitors since I have "niche" sites targeting keywords...

Live and learn...

It's a scam... Adsense is using an arbitrary gauge to ban people with no reasons after the fact. I read this all over the Internet. Banned and no response. No Reason given.

Think about it... Google STILL GETS PAID for the ads that were viewed regardless of whether or not they paid you. It's alot like the Oil Companies running the cost of gas to the moon "just beacause".

Like the Oil Cos, Adsense doesn't have an official person of office that makes this call and it seems arbitrary at best.

Here's some odd and interesting questions...

How many of you have your own site booked as your home page?

How many people do their own design work and repeatedly load their pages while designing to ensure the site is looking good and working correctly?

How many people tell their friends, families and co-workers about their new sites (sometime while being in their physical presense)?

How many people, after having seen their own sites for whatever (and often many) reasons, do they spy an ad that is of interest... TO THEM?

I'm trying to make my site better... I see an ad pop up on my site while working on it or sharing it... and it shows me a great SEO site or info on how to list my site in a directory for free. I'm NOT supposed to click the ad? Even when I go there and BUY something?

I have done this. I found a SEO company that I absoultely love. Found it through a link on my adsense ads on my own site. Clicked it... bought it... love it.

Now, two things here... 1 - I will most probably be banned for clicking my own ad and admitting it here publically... and 2 - I'm sure that the advertiser that I have now spent well over 100 bucks with is NOT CONCERNED about the fact I clicked my own ad.

Now, I know that the issue here is people running their own ads to the moon just to make a buck. So, because of the looser abusers, the rest of us have to suffer?

Here's a plan Mr. Google... Place an exception to a user to use his OWN ADS without pay. Simple... then, we site builders can then use our very best resource... a site we built and know how it runs and exactly where the resources WE want to use actually ARE.

If you ask me, it would be better for the advertisers. After all, who looks at a site more closely, including the ads placed there, more often than the SITE OWNER?

I think that the fact that Google has absolute power absoultely is a huge potential risk. If you ask me, if there is click fraud to be found, it is perhaps partially within Google/Adsnese itself through banning (and keeping) the money that good advertisers are entitled to.

I know that I am guilty of at least a half dozen self-clicked ads from my various sites and 45 plus pages. These clicks have always resulted in my choosing either to buy or not to buy a product, or signing up for a service at which I continue to develope and grow my site. Kinda folds back into itself, eh?

Anyway, assuming that Adsense is the evil ogre that I keep reading they are, my site is going to get banned doing exactly what the Adsense program is in the business to do... SELL PRODUCTS, GOODS and SERVICES.

The more I read the more frustrated I get. There has... HAS... to be some sanity on all of this.

One other thing... I continually read that people are being banned for infractions are NOT against their TOS... but has been determined to be BAD by adsense.

There has to be acountability on their part as well.

I have heard about people storming a websites adsense ads to get the website owner banned from adsense... its a sick world...
in an affiliate program such as adsense, more benefits are given to the merchant rather than the affiliate member sad to say but it's true it's where they get their money.

SrbShooter, i wonder what happened? any updates?
They didn't really say anything about it...

By the way I just accidently clicked my own ad today. I emailed them immediately. Hopefully they can clear it up so I don't get banned.
I have heard about people storming a websites adsense ads to get the website owner banned from adsense... its a sick world...

How true :(
egkuan said:
After a guy spammed the ads on my site and nearly got me banned, I had a friend actually mod the Google script to not allow the user to click if the user had clicked before in the past few hours. I do hope Google won't ban me for that either! :)

i have seen people who do this, IMO google should incorporate this into their own code. It is not hard to determin that if alll the clicks are coming from one IP then they could discard these clicks as fradulent.
Happed to me aswell, 80 clicks a day with only 4,000 impresions, the funny thing is 80 clicks happend in the same hour and never after, then i got banned and moved to clicksor wich doesnt bann me for peaple clicking on the adverts and i got my money :d lol
Amnezia said:
i have seen people who do this, IMO google should incorporate this into their own code. It is not hard to determin that if alll the clicks are coming from one IP then they could discard these clicks as fradulent.

I think this is the perfect way to handle this situation.

But IMHO Google is actually playing with us publishers. I know it sounds weird but as far as my opinion goes it may be true.
For Google there are millions of publishers so banning a 100 each day won't hurt them in any way. Why should they Ban the publishers then?? It is just stunts for the Advertisers (the people who give them the real money).
Since this click fraud is on rise and Google must do this ban stunts to impress the Advertisers. So more advertisers turn to Google for there needs. Not replying to Publishers queries just proves that. I haven't heard Google not responding to any of it's advertisers though :-/ .
Just my 2 cents

..:: peace ::..
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