
Quick insight needed... What is the general consensus on UDRP and NGTLDs?

Spaceship Spaceship


Selling hotcakesTop Member
I have been this topic sparingly touched on in a few different threads. But I have not seen a thorough discussion about it anywhere on the web.

Say for example a company's brand name is:
Seeds Center LLC
and they use

If you were the owner of the following NGTLD:

What are your rights as a domain owner? Would Seeds Center LLC have a good case to get your domain name,

I have seen mentioned in other threads on NamePros about how only the left of the dot (.) has mattered up until now. Is this true? And secondly, if this is true, is this likely to change as NGTLDs gain in popularity?

Now with the example above with the NGTLD:

If a company were called:
Seeds LLC
and used

My understanding is they would have a good UDRP case possibly depending on how the domainer is using But my main concern here is the first example about what you guys know about Seeds Center and if they would have a good UDRP case, in the example of

By the way, these domain names are just examples. Just the real ones I have in mind! Thanks for any help or insight! :)
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The offending domain name doesn't have to be identical, just "confusingly similar". The extension doesn't have to be considered as part of the brand name, but it can.
Of course, usage plays a role too.
If you get sued or UDRPed, then the burden of proof is reversed. Basically you'll have to demonstrate your legitimate interests, along with the thought process that led to the registration of that particular domain. Panelists of course are not stupid and won't buy BS stories.

As always (in a perfect world), *any* domain should be registered only when there is a valid and compelling reason.
In this case..

the extension is one of the only few remaining for the generic word I want to register. I also LIKE the extension it sounds great. Though yeah.. when I Googled the combination.. I realized the combination of the left side of the dot with the right side of the dot makes up the exact name of a pretty large company. So I'm not sure what will happen.

I definitely want to get the domain and use it for a business. My business idea will be very different than the company's.. though somewhat related. I don't know if I can be more specific without giving the actual name away, which I probably should do. :D

curious about more opinions and thoughts
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