
opinion Plural VS Singular?

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Plural VS Singular?

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THIS DOMAIN SOLD. Username is not valid.Top Member
Which domains have more value, plural or singular?
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Sometimes singular and plural version of the same word can have a vastly different use.
For example can sell pieces of furniture while can be a table booking service.
Swapping these domain (uses) would make both sound a bit awkward.
Sure it depends (like others stated already) on the (website's) content - but alone from it's intrinsic value, purely from a semantic point of view, considering nothing than the domain name itself, the singular is logically the more valuable form since the singular is always the root of the plural ...

... there would be no plural without the singular.
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"Singular is always better" is a misconception. vs which makes more commercial sense?

Sometimes, singular is better. Sometimes, plural is better. Sometimes, they are both strong in their own right like in vs

Which is why my answer still remains, "It depends" sounds more natural but still no clear answer for me.
its all about gold correct? but - what is it? Oldies but goldies..goldies is it a real word?
••• sounds more natural but still no clear answer for me.
its all about gold correct? but - what is it? Oldies but goldies..goldies is it a real word?
It is a word somewhere .. Oldies with the G
Personally I always prefer the singular but in rare cases like in my user name MapleDots the plural makes more sense.

I recently acquired the .ca of the word Holidays

In that case I also preferred the plural over the singular because nobody goes on Holiday, they go on Holidays.
Personally I always prefer the singular but in rare cases like in my user name MapleDots the plural makes more sense.

I recently acquired the .ca of the word Holidays

In that case I also preferred the plural over the singular because nobody goes on Holiday, they go on Holidays.> sorry kanada
••• sounds more natural but still no clear answer for me.
its all about gold correct? but - what is it? Oldies but goldies..goldies is it a real word?
It being a 3L doesn't really matter in this context.
  • In China, the difference between singular and plural is purely quantitative
As a general rule singular is better, but there are times when plural is more natural and/or more brandable, and therefore more valuable.

A few things to think about are:
  • Common use - How is the word used most often?
  • Sound test - Which sounds better?
  • Brandable - Is one more brandable?
  • Meaning - Do singular and plural have alternative meanings?
Plenty of things can be added to that list but it's a good starting point.
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APPLE as a brand/CARS as a product or subject. Apple does not sell apples and Amazon has nothing to do the the rain forest. Singular generics have broader appeal as a stand alone brand that, as a domain name, has a broader
market to sell to. Thus, singular is better to sell as a domain name whereas plurals can generate better as a developed site to sell product.
The best plural brands and revenue generators are names like Toys and who made a great brand and revenue.

A buyer named Michael might pay a fortune for his domain name but will generate for more revenue as a plural. I only registered singular when I started. I wish now I had gotten both.
if it makes sense to be plural plural is better, but otherwise pick singular.
APPLE as a brand/CARS as a product or subject. Apple does not sell apples and Amazon has nothing to do the the rain forest. Singular generics have broader appeal as a stand alone brand that, as a domain name, has a broader
market to sell to. Thus, singular is better to sell as a domain name whereas plurals can generate better as a developed site to sell product.
The best plural brands and revenue generators are names like Toys and who made a great brand and revenue.

A buyer named Michael might pay a fortune for his domain name but will generate for more revenue as a plural. I only registered singular when I started. I wish now I had gotten both.

Is one Castello better than two?


One could argue that although the singular might be more correct in terms of buying and selling domain names and the prices associated with that but the plural to me would add strength to the brand and I'd be thinking that for all I know there could be dozens of them behind the scenes ensuring a long and powerful tradition continues into the future.

Sometimes, more is just...more.
Singular is more desired. And, plurals play the role of brand protection. If one can afford.
Depends what the word is:-

Hotels is better than Hotel
Video is better than Videos
Cars is better than Car
Casino is better than Casinos

In your example TropicalForest is the best.
What do you guys thinks about NationalAutoBroker in king?
This is my recent handreg.

There is a business at NationalAutoBrokers in king =)

Any potential for my singular NationalAutoBroker there?
What do you guys thinks about NationalAutoBroker in king?
This is my recent handreg.

There is a business at NationalAutoBrokers in king =)

Any potential for my singular NationalAutoBroker there?
National Auto Brokers sounds like as association, so plurar makes more sense I think.

I have (singular), Google shows several businesses with plural "TopnotchBuilders" but nobody interested in my singular.
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Possibly because it is a dot org, he is targeting some sort of environmental group having to do with tropical forests around the globe. I feel like the plural fits better for dot org, while the singular fits better for dot com.
Imma highjack the thread to ask a question. Associate has an idea for a project related to Black Friday deals.

How awkward is the plural form Black Fridays?

If domain options are: blackfridays.tld OR blackfridaymonster.tld / blackfridaycity.tld / blackfridayexpress.tld / blackfridaystar.tld / blackfridaymagazine.tld - what would you choose? Really good domains like blackfridaydeals / blackfridaypromo / blackfridayshopping are out of the question.
Depends what the word is:-

Hotels is better than Hotel
Video is better than Videos
Cars is better than Car
Casino is better than Casinos

In your example TropicalForest is the best.
Can you explain why video is better than videos?
Can anyone else also hop in on this? I'm considering it for my immediate next investment..
Can you explain why video is better than videos?
Can anyone else also hop in on this? I'm considering it for my immediate next investment..

Would you rather own Video dot com or Videos dot com?

Just looking at them both together and saying them both out loud you can tell which is the stronger domain, Disney owning singular tells you all you need to know about how strong it is.

When you put a keyword next to that, ie:- 360+video or 360+videos.

‘360 video’ is the industry and the domain a company with a higher budget would shoot for, 360+videos (still would be a strong name) would be more secondary.
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