
Holo vs VR vs MR vs AR vs any other reality (All realities)

Spaceship Spaceship


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Did you know, that apple made its very first post on its twitter account?!

With 9 mio. followers, since 2011, it was their very first one.

So much as how important their AR/VR device is to them...

Vision Pro is a mixed reality headset for home (hotel etc.).

It is obvious, that one day, there should come a device for the outside world;

solely augmented reality glasses.

Therefore apple acquired Mira, a startup that builds lightweight AR hardware.

Likely just acquiring their IP (Patents) and eliminating one more competitor. Nothing more.
Huawei to go
(good name for virtual takeout)

Why do so many ppl type "Opps" in place of "Oops"? Maybe it's a non-English speaker thing...
Mind F**k Pro.

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I might guess that after Apple's move, my ARSmartGoggles is getting a good many hits.
It is a smart device since it has voice control at some level. Which only makes sense if you want to do things without taking the device off to do so.
Perhaps this will move a bit sooner than I thought. But still a ways off I think. The market has yet to broaden out.
11+ years now on this name, I think I can wait it out.

At least I have been seeing some action with investors since the announcement on many fronts. But my bet is most are going after words that Apple used during WWDC. It always happens.
But after a look at the last DNJ sales report, It looks as if things are down a bit overall. Have to watch to see if it is a trend.
I might point out that Google and Samsung have had a partnership of some sorts for a while now and Google is driving towards MR operating system modeled under android. And Samsung is a chip maker, and a very good one at that, and I can't see them letting the tech pass them by. (I'm looking for a new player that does not use Qualcomm)

And then this
Why VR Photography Could Be the Next Big Thing

I have been on that play for a while. A little late to jump in with both feet but I'm sure if you give it some broad thought, you can come up with a name or two that may be desirable.
I just did ! VRStockPhoto , I think someone in these threads had reg'd it 10 years ago. Surprise !
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I might guess that after Apple's move, my ARSmartGoggles is getting a good many hits.
It is a smart device since it has voice control at some level. Which only makes sense if you want to do things without taking the device off to do so.
Perhaps this will move a bit sooner than I thought. But still a ways off I think. The market has yet to broaden out.
11+ years now on this name, I think I can wait it out.

At least I have been seeing some action with investors since the announcement on many fronts. But my bet is most are going after words that Apple used during WWDC. It always happens.
But after a look at the last DNJ sales report, It looks as if things are down a bit overall. Have to watch to see if it is a trend.
I might point out that Google and Samsung have had a partnership of some sorts for a while now and Google is driving twards MR operating system modeled under android. And Samsung is a chip maker, and a very good one at that, and I can't see them letting the tech pass them by.
I would be extremely surprised if you ever sold ARSmartGoggles. I don't want to discourage you brim domaining, but you're the founder of this thread and have been here WAY TOO LONG to not understand how terrible ARSmartGoggles is. And you've been holding it for 11 years??!?! I find that deeply disturbing considering how long and active you've been in this thread. Times change. Trends change. You've got to keep up.

This is just tough, honest criticism. Don't take it the wrong way. I've never seen you report a sale, And You've been here forever, so maybe domaining for a profit isn't your priority, I don't know.

But as a seasoned member of this site, you should understand by now the importance of *popular* keywords and the number of keywords in a single domain, in relation to sales statistics.
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Goggles is a tricky keyword, I sold Vgoggles/com a while back after a long wait.
I would be extremely surprised if you ever sold ARSmartGoggles. I don't want to discourage you brim domaining, but you're the founder of this thread and have been here WAY TOO LONG to not understand how terrible ARSmartGoggles is. And you've been holding it for 11 years??!?! I find that deeply disturbing considering how long and active you've been in this thread. Times change. Trends change. You've got to keep up.

This is just tough, honest criticism. Don't take it the wrong way. I've never seen you report a sale, And You've been here forever, so maybe domaining for a profit isn't your priority, I don't know.

But as a seasoned member of this site, you should understand by now the importance of *popular* keywords and the number of keywords in a single domain, in relation to sales statistics.
Thanks for your opinion. Not offended.
What popular keywords with investors is not relevant to keywords that develop in the marketplace or myself, which still has yet to happen outside of some announcements and lots of investor speculation. Which is just what mine is.
Speculation. Only I don't hold 50-100 similar names like many do. I choose my targets carefully for a fully developed market unless I just play into investor speculation (selling into unfounded hype), which happens sometimes. Pays the bills.
But my advise is not to follow other investors in desirable keywords. Think for yourself. Think future market.
That is what you are really playing here and there are no known shortcuts. It has to play out.

But your comment is also like saying smartglasses has no future ? But I'm sure you do think it does.
My name is not in any way a catagory killer. But a name that will have some value in the future. Waiting to see what exactly that is is the trick.

For what I know about the tech (and I do), I can tell you that it will be some time before a hi-res pair of glasses that is capable in varying light conditions and lightweight enough to stay on your face without heating it up and you can afford and is desirable - is a ways off. Not that there will not be some. There already have been.
If Apple could have done it now, it would have. And it does have a glasses project R&D.

Goggle format is here to stay for a while. And it is more likely they will all be referred to as VR Goggles .And Apple has showed us how to make them nearly as equivalent as glasses. I also have VRSmartGoggles as well.
And they were both hand reg'd. a long time ago.

But, my comment is only that investors seem to be investigating it. So, tell them they are wrong. LOL
I have been investing in AR names since 2008.Names since 2000. Am I seasoned ?
Respectfully, I really do not know where you are coming from. But well noted.

oh.. fyi, I don't report sales. I NDA them if they are substantial if not requested in the first place.
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Goggles is a tricky keyword, I sold Vgoggles/com a while back after a long wait.

was there like a price or was it like sale without price
I have been investing in AR names since 2008.Names since 2000.

2008, then you were there early. Do you still have good AR names from that time?
2008, then you were there early. Do you still have good AR names from that time?
I have never had that many AR keyworded names. Not for the lack of looking at it responsibly.

My first was a 4 char .com in 2008 (after looking, it was 2007)
I just don't find the keyword that strong for 'use in domains'.
My less than 10 AR keyworded names more relate to hardware.
For software, I find you need to infer the AR in 'application', not name. But I'm sure there will be 'some' need and use.

Is it realistic to assume there will be a 'ARgolf' application... absolutely ! But generally a tougher nut to crack.
I know some feel differently, but,
AR + keyword / keyword + AR does not work like it does for VR. But this could change. I keep a watch for it.
If I missed that boat, then so be it. I'm not holding 150 names to keep one boat afloat. There are plenty more.

Just because a word is used heavily in news or conversation does not mean it will find a 'need' in domains.
A mistake most newb's make, IMHO anyway.

When I discover that a new tech is likely with a given keyword, I always head for the hardware names first.
Because software/applications takes a bit more time to figure out and get it right. You really have to envision how it's actually going to land in the real world.

The best later example I might have in that, was VR/360/180 photo/video, which I do expect to be a thing. Exactly how deep or broad remains to be seen. It may be my last hardware related that also have software implications.

Most of my later names are application of the techs and do not contain the cherished keywords. It is implied.
ie HolodeckVacations / TeleporterTours may be a couple of good examples. And you have a good idea what these do without explanation.
So looking at those,
the need for names describing a MARKETABLE APPLICATION. And they are not specific to VR/AR/MR

While I let this one drop a few years ago, LifeSizeGames I thought was choice at one time. I can clearly see it being a application of many sorts. But you can't nor should you try to hold everything. Just some strong ones from many areas.
Greed will eat you alive.

So, forgive me for going beyond the original question, but more recent events show me additional comment needed.
Keywords are great for some things but you need to think outside the common domain'r box a bit.

For everyone,

While many of you are now targeting Spatial as a keyword, in the real world, 'I see' the need for the description of a
'SPACE' like room arena hall group field etc and was on that 6-7+ years ago.
VRTrainingRooms VRChatRoom VRPokerRoom etc and yes, 3 word domain sometimes are required to fully describe something and not leave one wondering what it is or make it memorable. The memorable part is more important.
Yes two words are better but still only if memorable and 'not hard to spell'. There are only so many 2 worder's available to you and more important, the end user. When they are gone, what then ? no word'rs ? Be realistic.

Does it describe a person place or thing exactly ? I made a argument for them in about 2010 in Rick Schwartz blog knowing that 2 word'rs were eventually going to run short and the sales charts of the last 8 years have proven that they are viable for many needs. Gotta be memorable without being hard to spell.
This past weeks sale of MentalHealthCenter.org @ $31.5k tells you what ? 3 words 18 char .org
Tells me it was memorable, easy to spell and needed. What 2 word'r would describe the same ?
If you can think of one, it is not likely available for sale. Yes, time be a change'n. If you are on it.

How you navigate all this is up to you. To each his/her own.
But don't get to literal. I have seen many loose their shirt over it. I have been around to see a lot of naked chests.
Be diverse.
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3 word domains...

Non-keyword "keyword domains"

Putting "catchy sounding" keywords together like a child playing with Legos, with not a care in the world for real world data, sales history and common sense, wondering why you have no sales.

Cherry picking unusual sales to justify your bad decisions.

People "reporting" their "unreported" sales to justifuly their bad decisions 😏

You live and hopefully you learn, but most will *NEVER... EVER* learn, regardless of experience. Don't waste your time arguing with them. I'm done.
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3 word domains...

Non-keyword "keyword domains"

Putting "catchy sounding" keywords together like a child playing with Legos, with not a care in the world for real world data, sales history and common sense, wondering why you have no sales.

Cherry picking unusual sales to justify your bad decisions.

People "reporting" their "unreported" sales to justifuly their bad decisions 😏

You live and hopefully you learn, but most will *NEVER... EVER* learn, regardless of experience. Don't waste your time arguing with them. I'm done.
Who exactly are you speaking to ? Or What ?
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So, Meta is dropping the price of Quest2 permanently.
Likely to make room for Quest3 with a unknown price ? I have not seen it yet anyway. Likely similar to what the Q2 was+.

Quest3 is a step in the same direction as Apple, Just not near as cleverly good.
But it very well could be in the hands of users before Apple's. Not that it really matters.
So, Meta is dropping the price of Quest2 permanently.
Likely to make room for Quest3 with a unknown price ? I have not seen it yet anyway. Likely similar to what the Q2 was+.

Quest3 is a step in the same direction as Apple, Just not near as cleverly good.
But it very well could be in the hands of users before Apple's. Not that it really matters.
Who knows what results the comparison will have...

Meta may just need to add a higher resolution 'screen', make changes to its AR software and...
you have a very good / mature headset for a far lower price.
Well, I do want them to succeed as well and they will. More competition the better for us all.

But the SOC CPU/GPU that Apple developed (Apple silicon) is just simply 4-8x more powerful than the Quallcomm chip used in the Quest3.
Simply displaying 3D (makes it twice as hard as 2D) is one thing, but interacting with 3D in real-time is a whole new matter.
And to do that in very hi-res is even much more tasking.

That M2 is more powerful than any Intel consumer CPU. And it's in the HMD. And a MAC.
It runs cooler and consumes less power.(kinda the same thing in all) Smaller die size.
I think if I remember right it was under 40 watts fully tasked.
The Qualcomm SOC is still the one used in smartphones. Not that it is totally inferior, just not as capable. It is much cheaper. Has few instructions as it pertains to 3D and directly applicable tasks.
But there are few alternatives which is why Apple designed their own. And made for them by TSMC. Perhaps the only manufacture capable of making them so small.
And why I mentioned earlier the possibility and hope that Samsung, who is also a chip manufacture, will enter this play without Qualcomm.

But at the wide price points between them, the cheaper one always sells amass.
I'm not looking for a winner, but more players.
Available domains:

AR headset .us
XR headset .us

I am not american citizen,
otherwise, I would have regged them definitely.

You may share your profit with me later on ... :sneaky:
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To re-enforce earlier statements about 3 word domains.
Here is a list from DNJ 'TOP 100' sales for the year 2023 so far. (6 months-)

SmartBockchain.com 80k
WalkingForHealth.org.uk 16k
AmericanPainSociety.org 12.7k

Along with more than eight hyphenated names, which count as 3
And these are only the top 100 sales in value, not all of them and just so far for this year.
The one last week is not in it and many others from other weeks this year.
So one can wonder how many do not make the charts or NDA, or just not reported.
That's 3% of the top 100 in 6 months not counting hyphens or double dot CC's.
like BusinessInsider.co.in JustMiniatures.co.uk
Surely the percentage is higher in lessor value. That is an assumption on my part.
But if you count double dot cc and hyphen's. it's over 20%

I know some would still disagree, but the data is not hard to find if you take the time to look at it.
So do that before spouting off the handle with your gossip.
I remember about 15 years ago,
when folks were still trying to equate syllables to value and that has been turned on it's head as well.
I certainly hear no talk of it for more than 10 years anyway. I think many 'bulk investors' were using about any data to tell you your names were worthless.

But know that the shorter the better. Nothing I have said reverses that. But it's not always possible.

If you can say it exactly in 2, then the 2 is always more valuable. But what about the next need?
If it's a good and valuable sector, then more than one will need something similar. Otherwise, why are you playing in that sector.
Exact, easy to spell & memorable.
I'm not saying to target them, just don't be afraid of them where the need is there and it fits.

You should challenge your belief's
(prove them to yourself by finding the data) or you may wake up and find them just a myth. We have recently witnessed that. Probably will see some more.

But if any disagree.... show me the money and don't cry on my shoulder ! To much of that lately when folks realize they had no standing for their beliefs even after being shown. Some are multiple offenders. Attack the messenger?

This is not a topic I am likely to address again for a while. Hard to get folks off their wives tale mentality. It's better for me if you just keep them. Many think they do their homework and still can't get a passing grade. Social standings do not sell names, NEED does. You find the need first, and then the name to match it. And do it before someone else does.

Great opportunities are lost by not taking advantage of small ones. -T. Edison

To re-enforce earlier statements about 3 word domains.
Here is a list from DNJ 'TOP 100' sales for the year 2023 so far. (6 months-)

SmartBockchain.com 80k
WalkingForHealth.org.uk 16k
AmericanPainSociety.org 12.7k

Along with more than eight hyphenated names, which count as 3
And these are only the top 100 sales in value, not all of them and just so far for this year.
The one last week is not in it and many others from other weeks this year.
So one can wonder how many do not make the charts or NDA, or just not reported.
That's 3% of the top 100 in 6 months not counting hyphens or double dot CC's.
like BusinessInsider.co.in JustMiniatures.co.uk
Surely the percentage is higher in lessor value. That is an assumption on my part.
But if you count double dot cc and hyphen's. it's over 20%

I know some would still disagree, but the data is not hard to find if you take the time to look at it.
So do that before spouting off the handle with your gossip.
I remember about 15 years ago,
when folks were still trying to equate syllables to value and that has been turned on it's head as well.
I certainly hear no talk of it for more than 10 years anyway. I think many 'bulk investors' were using about any data to tell you your names were worthless.

But know that the shorter the better. Nothing I have said reverses that. But it's not always possible.

If you can say it exactly in 2, then the 2 is always more valuable. But what about the next need?
If it's a good and valuable sector, then more than one will need something similar. Otherwise, why are you playing in that sector.
Exact, easy to spell & memorable.
I'm not saying to target them, just don't be afraid of them where the need is there and it fits.

You should challenge your belief's
(prove them to yourself by finding the data) or you may wake up and find them just a myth. We have recently witnessed that. Probably will see some more.

But if any disagree.... show me the money and don't cry on my shoulder ! To much of that lately when folks realize they had no standing for their beliefs even after being shown. Some are multiple offenders. Attack the messenger?

This is not a topic I am likely to address again for a while. Hard to get folks off their wives tale mentality. It's better for me if you just keep them. Many think they do their homework and still can't get a passing grade. Social standings do not sell names, NEED does. You find the need first, and then the name to match it. And do it before someone else does.

Great opportunities are lost by not taking advantage of small ones. -T. Edison

"Smart Blockchain" is 2 keywords, not 3.

No one spells Blockchain as 2 words anymore. Seperating block from chain was what happened in the earliest days of crypto (2009 - 2012).

So that's only 2, three word domain sales out of the top 100. 3 was a terrible number, but it's actually even less than that lol...out of the top 100 sales, NOT out of total sales...

My question is:

Why are you looking at the statistics of the last 6 months when you have the statistics for the last 25 years to judge? The statistic for 3 word domain sales has likely been roughly the same over the last 2 decades, and it wouldn't surprise me if they're even less valuable today than they've ever been, because of the ever increasing number of extensions to choose from. Sure, dot com is king, but I'd rather have CryptoBank.io or dot Org than BestCryptoBank.com
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To re-enforce earlier statements about 3 word domains.
Here is a list from DNJ 'TOP 100' sales for the year 2023 so far. (6 months-)

SmartBockchain.com 80k
WalkingForHealth.org.uk 16k
AmericanPainSociety.org 12.7k

Along with more than eight hyphenated names, which count as 3
And these are only the top 100 sales in value, not all of them and just so far for this year.
The one last week is not in it and many others from other weeks this year.
So one can wonder how many do not make the charts or NDA, or just not reported.
That's 3% of the top 100 in 6 months not counting hyphens or double dot CC's.
like BusinessInsider.co.in JustMiniatures.co.uk
Surely the percentage is higher in lessor value. That is an assumption on my part.
But if you count double dot cc and hyphen's. it's over 20%

I know some would still disagree, but the data is not hard to find if you take the time to look at it.
So do that before spouting off the handle with your gossip.
I remember about 15 years ago,
when folks were still trying to equate syllables to value and that has been turned on it's head as well.
I certainly hear no talk of it for more than 10 years anyway. I think many 'bulk investors' were using about any data to tell you your names were worthless.

But know that the shorter the better. Nothing I have said reverses that. But it's not always possible.

If you can say it exactly in 2, then the 2 is always more valuable. But what about the next need?
If it's a good and valuable sector, then more than one will need something similar. Otherwise, why are you playing in that sector.
Exact, easy to spell & memorable.
I'm not saying to target them, just don't be afraid of them where the need is there and it fits.

You should challenge your belief's
(prove them to yourself by finding the data) or you may wake up and find them just a myth. We have recently witnessed that. Probably will see some more.

But if any disagree.... show me the money and don't cry on my shoulder ! To much of that lately when folks realize they had no standing for their beliefs even after being shown. Some are multiple offenders. Attack the messenger?

This is not a topic I am likely to address again for a while. Hard to get folks off their wives tale mentality. It's better for me if you just keep them. Many think they do their homework and still can't get a passing grade. Social standings do not sell names, NEED does. You find the need first, and then the name to match it. And do it before someone else does.

Great opportunities are lost by not taking advantage of small ones. -T. Edison
You missed some from just last report. Or am I not seeing your point ? Not enough money ?

SulAmericaSaude.com @ 14,999
bringtheenergy.com @ 4,899
headphoneshop.com @ 2,000
playgroundindustries.com @ 2,795
autohobbyshop.com @ 2,695
racewayautogroup.com @ 2,395
therealestatevault.com @ 3,195
fastfoodsecrets.com @ 2,500
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