
alert Epik Had A Major Breach

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Domains88.comTop Member
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Looks like we agree on something,

I had suggested opening a whole new Registrar ( perhaps with a whole new name) a few post earlier,

But in order to avoid more trouble in the future Rob also has to come up with a whole new mindset, strategy, goal, and platform and more importantly if he wants to be the champion for Free Speech amongst Registrars then he needs to make sure that his company is going to treat all law abiding people and groups equally regardless of if he personally agrees with them or not.

Also he needs to make sure that he or anyone else in his company doesn't retaliate in anyway against people who are using their right of Free Speech in a legitimate way to criticize or oppose his actions or views or that of his associates and friends.


He needs to rebuild trust for any of that to possibly work.

So my question is knowing what we know about the security practices in the past, and how that did not match the marketing claims, and his response after the data breach(es)...

What has been done to earn back that lost trust? Most of what I have seen so far is just ignore, blame, deflection.

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Looks like we agree on something,

I had suggested opening a whole new Registrar ( perhaps with a whole new name) a few posts earlier,

But in order to avoid more trouble in the future Rob also has to come up with a whole new mindset, strategy, goal, and platform and more importantly if he wants to be the champion for Free Speech amongst Registrars then he needs to make sure that his company is going to treat all law abiding people and groups equally regardless of if he personally agrees with them or not.

Also he needs to make sure that he or anyone else in his company doesn't retaliate in anyway against people who are using their right of Free Speech in a legitimate way to criticize or oppose his actions or views or that of his associates and friends.


All that matter is the code. Rob will never let other criticize him on any platform. He will always retaliate because he doesn't actually believe in free speech but mostly because he is a lying grifter that doesn't want to get exposed.
I had suggested opening a whole new Registrar ( perhaps with a whole new name) a few posts earlier,

But in order to avoid more trouble in the future Rob also has to come up with a whole new mindset, strategy, goal, and platform and more importantly if he wants to be the champion for Free Speech amongst Registrars then he needs to make sure that his company is going to treat all law abiding people and groups equally regardless of if he personally agrees with them or not.

This would be tantamount to brushing all the broken pieces under the carpet. Pretending like nothing happened. Another comparison is when someone ends their marriage because of problems they had. Get into another marriage. But unless the underlying issues are addressed, then the same problems arise in the new marriage.
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He needs to rebuild trust for any of that to possibly work.

So my question is knowing what we know about the security practices in the past, and how that did not match the marketing claims, and his response after the data breach...

What has been done to earn back that lost trust? Most of what I have seen so far is just ignore, blame, deflection.


And as I have said a few posts earlier I reserve all judgments about Rob and any new Registrar that he might open until I see how he is going to handle all his responsibilities and commitments towards his customers and the domain Industry (and the society and humanity at large).

He needs to rebuild trust for any of that to possibly work.

So my question is knowing what we know about the security practices in the past, and how that did not match the marketing claims, and his response after the data breach...

What has been done to earn back that lost trust? Most of what I have seen so far is just ignore, blame, deflection.


Yeah, I would never trust the guy again. Nobody should. He has told multiple lies for many years about his products and services in order to deceive potential investors and customers, attacked those who tell the truth and has no concern for those he has hurt.

I'm pretty certain he will be massively sued, lose ICAAN accreditation and hopefully his investor will sue him and take money back.
And as I have said a few posts earlier I reserve all judgments about Rob and any new Registrar that he might open until I see how he is going to handle all his responsibilities and commitments towards his customers and the domain Industry (and the society and humanity at large).


That doesn't even make sense. Why should he get pass for all the lies and deceit? That is not the way it works in business.

Reminds he, you still haven't answered the question about when the last time you spoke with Rob or epik rep?
And as I have said a few posts earlier I reserve all judgments about Rob and any new Registrar that he might open until I see how he is going to handle all his responsibilities and commitments towards his customers and the domain Industry (and the society and humanity at large).


This is the moment of truth. This is where RM proves himself. How he deals with this situation. This is where his mettle is tested. Not some point in the future.
I trust Epik intentionwise.
Other stuff: time will tell.
I mean we are in the middle of a war, part of it is info war.
For example does covid exist or not, according to Epik, me, and Spanish high court , it doesn't exist.
And actually it is not a matter of opinion, whoever claims it exists must prove it does.
So hacking Epik was done partly for censorship purposes.
If you are a patriot, and against mainstream narrative about some critical topics then you are far right,
domestic something etc.
Is Epik incompetent in some areas: I just don't know, it was hacked because it was a target for the second most powerful group in the world. Anything else (incompetence (if any) etc,) are secondary.
If you don't like Epik, just stay away from it.
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This is the moment of truth. This is where RM proves himself. How he deals with this situation. This is where his mettle is tested. Not some point in the future.

And how he handles himself now as far as addressing the concerns of the community here and taking responsibility for what has already taken place should be a big part of any rebranding.

But keep in mind that I am not trying to give Rob a pass here, all I am saying is that as an impartial and unbiased observer (who does not have any relationship with Rob or anyone else for that matter) I am trying to point out the right path for Rob to come out of this hole and make some amendments to those who have been injured here.

But there are no guarantees as to whether Rob chooses to do the right thing or not and he might very well end up doing himself and Epik in by sticking to his old mindset.

This is the moment of truth. This is where RM proves himself. How he deals with this situation. This is where his mettle is tested. Not some point in the future.

He has been lying about his products for years! What is wrong with you people? He knew no one had ever seen the domain management code. He knew about all his products were white labels. He lied. He is still lying. This is where he confesses and repays those he hurt.
I trust Epik intentionwise.
Other stuff: time will tell.
I mean we are in the middle of a war, part of it is info war.
For example does covid exist or not, according to Epik, me, and Spanish high court , it doesn't exist.
And actually it is not a matter of opinion, whoever claims it exists must prove it does.
So hacking Epik was done partly for censorship purposes.
If you are a patriot, and against mainstream narrative about some critical topics then you are far right,
domest something etc.
Is Epik incompetent in some areas: I just don't know, it was hacked because it was a target for the second most powerful group in the world. Anything else (incompetence (if any) etc,) are secondary.
If you don't like Epik, just stay away from it.

Then you are not wise.
Can you start a new thread about "Rob's new registrar" which isn't a thing.
If you don't like Epik, just stay away from it.

Tell that to the 15 million people who had data leaked because of WHOIS scraping, including people in the EU where it might be a GDPR violation.

He has been lying about his products for years! What is wrong with you people? He knew no one had ever seen the domain management code. He knew about all his products were white labels. He lied. He is still lying. This is where he confesses and repays those he hurt.

Obviously many have been fooled. And I could see a lot of baloney coming out in other threads about E services. His key partners have severed their relationship with at least the company, and probably RM. What I meant is that this could be very well the end of the line. Where the truth becomes nakedly exposed. If RM recovers from this with relatively little harm to his present or future company then he will become even more emboldened. And I have very little hope that he will do anything other than what he has already done which is documented in this thread.
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Will someone go to jail for data breached?
Agreed. He is most likely candidate but we also have to consider:
1) Mike Lindell (pillow guy) - What a manic, delusional and weird conversation that would be to listen in on.
2) Peter Theil (and Jeff Giesea) - Daddy of the alt-right and one of the most evil companies on the planet - facial recognition, killer bots, etc. Geisea's family ran the infamous Bohemain Grove for decades.
3) Patrick Byrne (Overstock) - Confessed to working with the feds for 20 years while running an internet furniture store and helped put some innocent little Russian girl in jail after taking advantage of her sexually.

IMHO - Byrne is sincere but gullible. Lindell is sincere but mentally ill. Mercers are evil agents. Theil is evil as the day is long.

Epik's previous partners was Braden Pollock, husband of [redacted], who is the daughter of [redacted]. Strange bed fellows to the say the least.

Attached is pic of Theil with founder of gab.

Interesting that you would post my wife's name (as if she's ever heard of Epik) and my 80 y/o mother-in-law's name (as if she's ever heard of a domain name). How fair is it to associate them with this mess? Clearly, I don't want to be associated with white supremacy, racism or hate speech - hence resigning my board position. Freedom of speech has its limits.
I sit on several Boards. Usually I have some leverage. With Epik, I had none. I always disagreed with hosting Gab, etc and tried many times to have some sway. When that proved fruitless, I moved on with my life. I have absolutely nothing to do with Epik hosting these hateful sites. So please remove me and especially my family from this narrative.
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Obviously many have been fooled. And I could see a lot of baloney coming out in other threads about E services. His key partners have severed their relationship with at least the company, and probably RM. What I meant is that this could be very well the end of the line. Where the truth becomes nakedly exposed. If RM recovers from this with relatively little harm to his present or future company then he will become even more emboldened. And I have very little hope that he will do anything other than what he has already done which is documented in this thread.

That's a good question. I think some hackers will probably end up getting prosecuted in some way. Not sure if Mr Monster will and even if they find some criminal activity, as some of the hackers have been hinting at, then they will probably just to force him to be a CI or cooperate in some way.
Obviously many have been fooled. And I could see a lot of baloney coming out in other threads about E services. His key partners have severed their relationship with at least the company, and probably RM. What I meant is that this could be very well the end of the line. Where the truth becomes nakedly exposed. If RM recovers from this with relatively little harm to his present or future company then he will become even more emboldened. And I have very little hope that he will do anything other than what he has already done which is documented in this thread.

Yes, you are probably right. Hard to teach an old dog a new trick. I have seen no sign of hope of change from him. It really does boggle my mind that that Mr Monster can say something that is totally untrue and then when confronted with the truth, mock, attack, try to silence and even threaten those who would dare to tell the truth. I mean he even hired a guy to harass some little girl and threaten her family because he didn't like her wiki entry. Crazy stuff. I would never trust a guy like that, with anything.

Wow! I don't know what to make of that. You should read what you just wrote. You're either racist yourself, ignorant or simply trying to bait me. I'll assume it's the latter. For the record, I don't know who "the Mercers" are nor who has recently invested in Epik.
And as for getting "hooked up with Mr. Monster", I was a client of DevRich, which was acquired by Epik 10-11 years ago.
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Robert Mercer is neither liberal nor Jewish, he is a "conservative Christian".

"Mercer is a Christian conservative, gun enthusiast, a climate change denier, religious, small-government proponent and a man who despises the political establishment as incompetent and corrupt. He has donated over $100 million (€84 million) to various right-wing candidates and think-tanks. Most of that money has gone through the Mercer Family Foundation, run by Robert Mercer's daughter Rebekah." (Deutsche Welle, 2018)
Wow! I don't know what to make of that. You should read what you just wrote. You're either racist yourself, ignorant or simply trying to bait me. I'll assume it's the latter. For the record, I don't know who "the Mercers" are nor who has recently invested in Epik.
And as for getting "hooked up with Mr. Monster", I was a client of DevRich, which was acquired by Epik 10-11 years ago.

Okay, I'll take your word for it. Sorry to mix you up in current Epik discussions. If you had any funny Monster stories you could share that would be great but if not I understand.

Also, to quickly clear up your misconceptions regarding "free speech" using your example of Gab. Gab was founded by a Turk, Indian and a Jew. I really don't think any of this about "racism". They intentionally non moderated severely mentally ill people who were literally making death threats, posting illegal porn, doxing people, swatting people, etc (all, illegal 'speech') and even promoted those people because it created drama. They hand moderated trending articles to stir people up and with their bots, promoted posts that would create the biggest reactions from the left. The left would post fear porn articles about the "1,000,000+ nazis" on Gab, to stir up their donors and then Torba would cry victim, post his fear porn and beg for money to "fight for free speech". It's like some disgusting symbiotic grift or like a resonance loop that builds on itself until it brings down a bridge. Both sides knew exactly what they were doing.

Gab had less than 2k actual human users, the left knew that and Torba obviously knew that but it benefited both to keep the lie alive. 99% of Gab 'users' were bots operated by a Kenyan company. I was making videos exposing all these things before the shootings took place because I saw what was coming. We were able to convince Michael Hayden to partially tell the truth about Gab traffic to try and get the left fear porn grifters to stop their part in the resonance loop but they wouldn't. https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2019/02/14/no-way-gab-has-800000-users-web-host-says And sadly no one on the right would tell the truth about Gab either. Also, Torba tried to get me killed by one of his crazy users (guy killed his parents dog and was locked up before he could try and kill me) they used to attack critics, the same way Rob Monster apparently used this guy, Joey, against one of his critics, a girl named Mollie.

IMHO, there are very few actually real racists in the world, and about zero among actual born again Christians because it is completely unscriptural. The real threat comes from fear porn peddlers (grifters) being promoted and sponsored by those who don't like free speech - tyrants and criminals.

IMHO Robert Monster is doing the same sort of things Gab did and continues to do and for the same reasons.
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Is Epik incompetent in some areas: I just don't know, it was hacked because it was a target for the second most powerful group in the world. Anything else (incompetence (if any) etc,) are secondary.
If you don't like Epik, just stay away from it.
Sorry to go off topic here but could you please explain who might that group be?
And who is the first most powerful group in the world?

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For example does covid exist or not, according to Epik, me, and Spanish high court , it doesn't exist.

Also, just checked here and apparently COVID does exist.
For example does covid exist or not, according to Epik, me, and Spanish high court , it doesn't exist.

Also, just checked here and apparently COVID does exist.

First, why would a company inject themselves into this debate? Second, where does it say the Spanish high court says Covid doesn't exist? They ruled on the high level of lock down. Third, how many Covid deniers have died of Covid? It is incredible how society is repeating the same mistakes as during the Great Influenza of 1918. Ironically, and incorrectly, called the Spanish flu.
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