news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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More countries suspend AstraZeneca vaccinations over blood clot fears: What we know so far

The coronavirus vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford has now been suspended in a number of countries across Europe and Asia, following reports of blood clots in some vaccinated people. Many other nations, however, have defended their use of the shot and said they will continue their respective inoculation campaigns.

Thailand on Friday became the first Asian country to halt the use of the jab over safety concerns, shortly after Denmark announced a two-week pause to its nationwide rollout after reports of blood clots and one death.

In a setback to Europe’s ailing vaccination campaign, eight other countries have also suspended the use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot: Norway, Iceland, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia.

What do the experts say?

The EMA’s safety committee is reviewing the issue, but has said there is currently no evidence the vaccination had caused blood clots — noting they are not listed as side effects of this vaccine.

Europe’s drug regulator also noted that the data available so far showed that the number of blood clots in vaccinated people is no higher than that seen among the general population.

“Reports of blood clots received so far are not greater than the number that would have occurred naturally in the vaccinated population,” said Dr. Phil Bryan, vaccines safety lead at Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory.

“The safety of the public will always come first. We are keeping this issue under close review but available evidence does not confirm that the vaccine is the cause. People should still go and get their COVID-19 vaccine when asked to do so,” Bryan said.

Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,643,959
United States: 543,738
Brazil: 273,124
South Africa: 51,110
United Kingdom: 125,168
Canada: 22,371
Mexico: 193,142
Poland: 46,724
Russia: 91,220
India: 158,326
Bolivia: 11,903
Japan : 8,402
Indonesia: 38,229
Italy: 101,184
Spain: 72,085
Belgium: 22,370
France: 89,830
Netherlands: 15,998
Chile: 21,362
Philippines: 12,694
Pfizer (and Moderna? as it's almost the same vaccine) is the true master of the covid-19 vaccines:

Pfizer Covid vaccine cuts transmission of coronavirus, new real-world study shows

"Pfizer Inc and BioNTech SE said Wednesday that real-world data from Israel suggests that their Covid-19 vaccine is 94 percent effective in preventing asymptomatic infections, meaning the vaccine could significantly reduce transmission.

The companies also said the latest analysis of the Israeli data shows the vaccine was 97 percent effective in preventing symptomatic disease, severe disease and death. That is basically in line with the 95 percent efficacy Pfizer and BioNTech reported from the vaccine's late-stage clinical trial in December.

The analysis also shows real-world evidence of the vaccine's effectiveness against a highly infectious variant of Covid-19 first discovered in Britain, known as B.1.1.7. More than 80 percent of the tested specimens when the analysis was conucted were variant B.1.1.7.

There was only a limited number of infections in Israel caused by the so-called South African variant - known as B.1.351 - so they were not able to evaluate vaccine effectiveness against this variant.

Israel is leading the world in its vaccination roll out, due in part to an agreement to share data with Pfizer and BioNTech. As of Wednesday, around 55 percent of its 9 million population had been given at least one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, according to Health Ministry data, and 43 percent have received both doses."
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Lots of hopeful news -- what a nice change.

There really is no reason that people should have to go through so much hard times in so many different fronts.

Life doesn't have to be so difficult for so many people if all our resources, abilities, facilities, know how, and technologies are managed properly and correctly.

A lot of the bad situations that we are facing right now are manmade, things didn't have to be like this if those who are in the position of leadership and guidance in the World had chosen to do the right thing based on Logic and Compassion instead of subjecting us to their same old twisted political, religious, racial, and economical ideologies, interests, and agendas of the past.

Be it the Right or the Left everyone has to reevaluate their position and try to put an end to this self destructive atmosphere that has taken over the World.

Everything doesn't have to be so difficult and people need not to be subjected to so much stress, anguish, and hardship on so many fronts if everyone wakes up and demands that we as the human race put an end to the status quo of how the World is being run which has failed Humanity and this Planet miserably.

People who themselves live in the lap of luxury and total comfort should not stand in the way of the rest of the people being able to live a decent, safe, righteous, healthy, and happy life.

The sooner that we start realizing this very basic fact the sooner that we can put an end to this era of slavery that is based on hate, inequality, and oppression and enter a new era that can bring peace and harmony to the whole World.

As I have been saying all along we as the human race need to ascend to a higher level of thinking and existence by finding common grounds over the Universal Principles and Values that are derived through Logic and Compassion.

We need to reevaluate all that stands in our way of being able to enter this new era in the history of humanity and the World.

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Leaders of U.S., India, Japan, Australia Vow a Vaccine Increase

[The Quad group] agreed to support efforts to ramp up vaccine manufacturing in the region. Specifically, that includes an effort to bolster vaccine output in India by as many as a billion doses by 2022. To help reach that target, Japan is in talks to provide concessional yen loans for India, according to a fact sheet provided at the meeting’s end.
Although numbers are going down and vaccines are going up (and more states are relaxing) I'm afraid we have another spike/wave coming as the result of the new strain(s). The period over the next 2 to 4 weeks is the key indicator.

Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,653,796
United States: 545,544
Brazil: 275,276
South Africa: 51,179
United Kingdom: 125,343
Canada: 22,404
Mexico: 193,851
Poland: 47,068
Russia: 91,695
India: 158,483
Bolivia: 11,930
Japan : 8,451
Indonesia: 38,329
Italy: 101,564
Spain: 72,258
Belgium: 22,397
France: 90,146
Netherlands: 16,024
Chile: 21,451
Philippines: 12,766
Coronavirus: Kidney Damage Caused by COVID-19

Some people suffering with severe cases of COVID-19 are showing signs of kidney damage, even those who had no underlying kidney problems before they were infected with the coronavirus. Early reports say that up to 30% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in China and New York developed moderate or severe kidney injury. Reports from doctors in New York are saying the percentage could be higher.

The kidney damage is, in some cases, severe enough to require dialysis. Some hospitals experiencing surges of patients who are very ill with COVID-19 have reported they are running short on the machines and sterile fluids needed to perform these kidney procedures.
Italy prepares for an Easter lockdown as Covid-19 cases grow exponentially

Rome (CNN)Italy is facing another lockdown, as the government attempts to contain a recent surge of coronavirus cases, marred by the presence of new variants.

Half of Italy's 20 regions, which include the cities Rome, Milan and Venice, will be entering new coronavirus restrictions from Monday, March 15. The measures will be effective through April 6, according to a decree passed by Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi's cabinet on Friday.

In regions demarcated as "red zones" people will be unable to leave their houses except for work or health reasons, with all non-essential shops closed. In "orange zones," people will also be banned from leaving their town and their region -- except for work or health reasons -- and bars and restaurants will only be able to do delivery and take-away service.
So, after getting a pizza to go yesterday, when I approached the stoplight I spotted a man with a small sign that said 'homeless, please help'. Most of the people that do this in this particular area are generally dressed better than I am and are more clean cut. This man, however, was clearly in dire straits. Sitting there with the pizza in the seat beside me and thinking he might be hungry made me want to offer him some. All things considered, including traffic, I decided to give him the change still in may hand. So I ran the window down and told him it was not much but it might help get something to eat. He graciously thanked me and said anything would be helpful. After I drove off I realized he was the first person whose hand I had touched in over a year, and neither of us was wearing a mask (just as he raised up from my car he coughed). At least I was doing a good deed if I was exposed (better than catching it hanging out at a ball game or local bar).

Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,661,347
United States: 546,605
Brazil: 277,216
South Africa: 51,261
United Kingdom: 125,464
Canada: 22,434
Mexico: 194,490
Poland: 47,178
Russia: 92,090
India: 158,642
Bolivia: 11,944
Japan : 8,509
Indonesia: 38,426
Italy: 101,881
Spain: 72,258
Belgium: 22,421
France: 90,315
Netherlands: 16,046
Chile: 21,574
Philippines: 12,829
...All things considered, including traffic, I decided to give him the change still in may hand. So I ran the window down and told him it was not much but it might help get something to eat. He graciously thanked me and said anything would be helpful. After I drove off I realized he was the first person whose hand I had touched in over a year, and neither of us was wearing a mask (just as he raised up from my car he coughed). At least I was doing a good deed if I was exposed (better than catching it hanging out at a ball game or local bar).

I can see that being rather disconcerting. Times are tough for many who are less fortunate. Offering to help was generous 🙏, even if by rolling down your window left you exposed. Such cases remind us we have to remain vigilant, hopefully there was no transmission (even if he was contagious). Gone are the days of the handshake. I prefer a closed-fist, tap-knuckle greeting. 🤜🤛
Bill Gates Foundation Funded Genomics Firm ‘Mining’ DNA Data Through COVID Tests.

The company has recently come under fire following a 60 Minutes exposé on the company’s use of COVID-19 tests to “collect, store and exploit biometric information” on American citizens, according to former U.S. intelligence officials. What’s more, a recent Reuters article linked the firm to the Chinese Communist Party’s military.....
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PCR Inventor Kary Mullis On Anthony Fauci

pcr test.jpg
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A catastrophe looms with PNG’s COVID crisis. Australia needs to respond urgently

The COVID epidemic in Papua New Guinea has significantly accelerated, judging by the available reports of case numbers.

Since its first case was diagnosed 12 months ago, PNG has avoided a large number of reported cases and corresponding deaths. That situation has changed dramatically over the past fortnight. A crisis is now unfolding with alarming speed and the response must quickly match it.

Australia can be proud of its preparations to support PNG and the region in responding to COVID-19, especially its preparations to support vaccination in the region. These include contributing A$80m to COVAX, $523m to the Regional Vaccine Access and Health Security Initiative, and $100m towards a new one billion dose COVID-19 vaccine initiative together with the United States, India and Japan (the “Quad” group of nations).

As good as they are, these plans are unlikely to be fast enough to stop this current surge before enormous damage is done. There’s simply no time to waste in responding.

Why the urgency?

Reported COVID-19 testing rates remain critically low, with just 55,000 taken from an estimated population of nine million people. This means we don’t yet have a precise picture of the scale of the epidemic.

The reported numbers are highly concerning. In the first week of March, 17% of all people who were tested throughout the country were positive to COVID-19, with over 350 newly confirmed cases. This is the highest number of cases in a single week in PNG since the start of the pandemic. Over half of PNG’s 22 provinces reported new COVID-19 cases in that week.

Read on...

Papua New Guinea:

Papua New Guinea is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. As of 2019, it is also the most rural, as only 13.25% of its people live in urban centres. There are 851 known languages in the country, of which 11 now have no known speakers. Most of the population of more than 8,000,000 people live in customary communities, which are as diverse as the languages. The country is one of the world's least explored, culturally and geographically. It is known to have numerous groups of uncontacted peoples, and researchers believe there are many undiscovered species of plants and animals in the interior.
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Facebook to label all posts about COVID-19 vaccines

Facebook Inc, which has been criticized by lawmakers and researchers for allowing vaccine misinformation to spread on its platforms, said on Monday it has started adding labels to posts that discuss the safety of the shots and will soon label all posts about the vaccines.

The social media company said in a blog post it is also launching a tool in the United States to give people information about where to get COVID-19 vaccines and adding a COVID-19 information area to its photo-sharing site Instagram.

False claims and conspiracies about the coronavirus vaccines have proliferated on social media platforms during the pandemic.
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