
New marketplace launched -

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Established Member
The new owners of the Warrior Forum have launched a new website/ domain marketplace at Freemarket dot com. They claim that it was created as a solution to the problem of high fees and minimum commissions charged by Flippa. It is free to list and when you sell a website or domain they charge a 5% commission after sale.

I think it is a good thing since it creates more options for sellers and more exposure for domains/ websites but it will take some time for it to pick up, especially when there are established marketplaces for domains like the one right here on Namepros. When it comes to selling websites, Flippa has carved a niche for itself.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I see a huge potential for this site,let's see how it goes.
disclaimer: I used search and went through the forum threads to make sure there was nothing already written about this if I am duplicating news I am sorry.

So freelancer have Created a domain and website selling platform called Interesting to see a company put lots of money into creating a knew marketing avenue. This is after their recent purchase of Warrior forum for 3 Million.

Interestingly there is a domain one there it has 3 bids and the highest bid $10 million dollars Has anyone used it or tried it would be interesting to know I have one domain on there but no success but I as still very new to all this.
I have one domain on there right now, closing in a few hours. No bids yet, can't even tell if there have been any views. If there are stats for views of an auction, haven't run across it yet. Thought I would try one, with a low reserve, just as a test to gauge interest.

Oddly, on my listing summary page it says the auction is closing in 5 hours, but when I click to the details page it says the auction is closing in three days.

I believe this is because I put the details of the auction in one day, then kept it as a rough draft for a few days before activating it.

The website still needs a few tweeks, imo.
So, my first auction closed, only it didn't. When I looked at my listings page, the domain counted down to 0 hours remaining, and now says, 'from 2 hours ago' while at the same time, on the details page, it says there are 3 days left. I think it was because of a delay between when I created the auction and when I actually listed it live. No activity on the domain itself, pistolry dot com. Cannot even see how many views it is getting. Lots of room for improvement. JMO, but I think this site went live a little early.
So, my first auction closed, only it didn't. When I looked at my listings page, the domain counted down to 0 hours remaining, and now says, 'from 2 hours ago' while at the same time, on the details page, it says there are 3 days left. I think it was because of a delay between when I created the auction and when I actually listed it live. No activity on the domain itself, pistolry dot com. Cannot even see how many views it is getting. Lots of room for improvement. JMO, but I think this site went live a little early.
I agree it opened too early. They have many issues to work out, including some they don't appear to be aware of. I put a few so-so domains up. So far I've got one bid for a whopping $20.

They do need a "how many visitors" count. As it is now, it's pretty tough to figure out anything.
Well you did say they were "so-so domains". Now you got one with a "so-so bid" :)
I just wanted to share with all of my fellow domainers that a Semi-new marketplace has just opened up recently, only about a month or 2 ago.
I came across a video a couple of days ago, with the owners, and designers of
They were announcing that they just opened to buy, and sell domains.
They have over 13 million users on the site, with ads all over about their new marketplace to buy and sell domains.
I took a look at it, and they seem to be fastly growing their new marketplace, and as they stated in the video, they are gearing towards being #1 in the industry, as they have the most competitive prices. They don't charge anything to list, unless you want to be featured or highlighted, and in the end, the only charge a 5% commission fee, and only if the domain sells.
I personally haven't seen any marketplace charge that little in commission fees, and that's only if the domain sells.
I just wanted to share it, and spread the news about it, as I thought it would be a possible good resource for domainers.
I know it goes without saying, why they named it "freemarket" probably to co-inside with "freelancer", but also am wondering why they would call them "free", when neither one of them are good prices none the less.
Maybe to draw more people in, and then show reasonable prices either way?..IDK..
Anyhow, just wanted to share. :)
Also, no...No one paid me to write this!
Already few threads alive in NP :)

You should search before post.

Good work though, Appreciate it.
Already few threads alive in NP :)

You should search before post.

Good work though, Appreciate it.

Oh sorry, I didn't see any.
LOL..You get paid to work..There was as no work applied here, just something I wanted to share, but thanks for the compliment anyhow. I will take donations if you're offering...HA! ;)
Also, you are welcome "Wassercopf".. Apparently he/she didn't see those other threads either.
At least I helped 1 person today with my post about it...Hopefully more will see... :)
As stated above, (I had made a completely new thread for this yesterday, but they moved it here). But am noticing some discrepancies from what you all describe, and from how they described it it the video. They said they were sticking with their flat rate fee of 5% to coincide with freelancer, and also so they could be #1 in the industry. I think they may work out their bugs in the future..However, still very confused on their commission structure.
I'm sure a few bill collectors would love to snatch that up...Perhaps trade off any debts you have with the domain?.. :laugh:
As stated above, (I had made a completely new thread for this yesterday, but they moved it here). But am noticing some discrepancies from what you all describe, and from how they described it it the video. They said they were sticking with their flat rate fee of 5% to coincide with freelancer, and also so they could be #1 in the industry. I think they may work out their bugs in the future..However, still very confused on their commission structure.

It's a pretty awful UI, really. They need to start over, but they won't.
It's a pretty awful UI, really. They need to start over, but they won't.
What is UI? Also, are they not only charging the 5% commission fee, and only IF it sells?, because they clearly stated they wouldn't raise that price in the video...I'm sure I could hunt down the video, and share it with you all. That my dear, would most definitely be considered false advertising.

2 bids of over 1.500.000

Reserve not met.


Any more bidders

Looks like...Is at over 10 Million now, and reserve has been met, and still 6 days to go.But isn't plural..Is
This will be a fun one to watch and see what it goes for.
I'm guessing it's shill bidding and sale won't be completed.
I'm guessing it's shill bidding and sale won't be completed.
Possibly..However, in the video, they said they had put things in place to ensure that finalized transactions go through..I was thinking the same though. But then on the flip side, going through everything that isn't featured, I think the highest bid is at $500 on 1 of them...So looks like you have to dish out an extra $30 initially to get featured, if you really want to sell on there...JMO...
I decided to list a name on there and give it a try, with a Featured upgrade.. No bids yet, but I do have a few remarks on their site...

Kind of like others have said..
1) You can't see the number of Views you're listing has received.
2) You can't select multiple categories for domain listings.

At least they finally fixed the formatting issue! Before you couldn't even make your listing look pretty. Hopefully they get some other changes in there. Being that it was made by the creators of a huge Freelance website, you thought they may have held off until things were a little cleaner. Oh well, it does have potential!
I will just wait until they are 100% up to snuff.
So, sometime in 2015, I will post some domains there.
Should be interesting to see how they grow. More competition is good!
I decided to list a name on there and give it a try, with a Featured upgrade.. No bids yet, but I do have a few remarks on their site...

Kind of like others have said..
1) You can't see the number of Views you're listing has received.
2) You can't select multiple categories for domain listings.

At least they finally fixed the formatting issue! Before you couldn't even make your listing look pretty. Hopefully they get some other changes in there. Being that it was made by the creators of a huge Freelance website, you thought they may have held off until things were a little cleaner. Oh well, it does have potential!
Do let us know how it works out for you :)
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