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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Yeah, I agree. Dunning-Krugers who have no clue what they are talking about thinking they know better than actual experts in a field.


simple math Brad .. how many people that unvaccinated have gotten covid-Delta variant vs how many vaccinated people have gotten covid - 19 Delta variant ..
What are you asking for exactly? You have a peer-reviewed study that shows the unvaccinated vs 1 dose vs fully vaccinated with raw totals and percentages. I am not sure what else you need.

If your eyes work you can clearly see the more vaccinated you are, the less the spread is in that group.


all I want is the simple numbers ??? They had to document how many Vaxxed and un Vaxxed people got the covid - 19 variant to be able to say that un Vaxxed are 3x times more likely to get infected
all I want is the simple numbers ??? They had to document how many Vaxxed and un Vaxxed people got the covid - 19 variant to be able to say that un Vaxxed are 3x times more likely to get infected

That is how medical studies work. You need a control for comparison.

The empirical evidence is not even debatable on how effective the vaccine is.

46% of the US population is not fully vaccinated. 9% of that 46% is partially vaccinated.

That percentage makes up between 95-99% of all COVID related hospitalizations and deaths. There is no way to spin that data into the vaccine is not effective.

If it was not effective you would not see a massive statistical deviation in percentages like you do.

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That is how medical studies work. You need a control for comparison.


Still no proof … no numbers of actual patients of Vaxxed vs un Vaxxed .. no proof ... NJM fucked up by excepting that study with out listing the actual number of human patients that they based the study off of
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I can’t show stats .. because their are none to show ??? Everything is an opinion .. in this case .. opinions don’t matter IMO

There are no documented statistics of this ..

Quick search brings up:

"New data was released by the CDC showing that vaccinated people infected with the delta variant can carry detectable viral loads similar to those of people who are unvaccinated, though in the vaccinated, these levels rapidly diminish. There is also some question about how cultivatable—or viable—this virus retrieved from vaccinated people actually is."
Still no proof … no numbers of actual patients of Vaxxed vs un Vaxxed .. no proof ... NJM fucked up by excepting that study with out listing the actual number of human patients that they based the study off of

I am kind of done with this. There is nothing that will change your mind.

All the studies, empirical data, etc. don't really matter.

You are either going to get vaccinated or get COVID. If you are not vaccinated you have a much higher chance of a bad outcome. Good luck.

Your call.

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Quick search brings up:

"New data was released by the CDC showing that vaccinated people infected with the delta variant can carry detectable viral loads similar to those of people who are unvaccinated, though in the vaccinated, these levels rapidly diminish. There is also some question about how cultivatable—or viable—this virus retrieved from vaccinated people actually is."

mmmkk … now we are getting some where … so essentially when exposed .. the vaccinated can carry the same viral load as un vaccinated … that means it can be spread just as much while that viral load is heavy correct ??

the vaccinated are found to terminate the viral load and diminish the load rapidly … now here again .. how rapidly ?? 1 day .. 4 days .. 3 weeks ?? See how they conveniently leave out precious evidence .. numbers please !! 😂
It must just be a coincidence that the places with the lowest vaccination rates have the worst outcomes...

People who reject the science are dying at far higher rates. Remember guys, dying of COVID is the ultimate way to troll the libs! Because freedoms.

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I am kind of done with this. There is nothing that will change your mind.

All the studies, empirical data, etc. don't really matter.

You are either going to get vaccinated or get COVID. If you are not vaccinated you have a much higher chance of a bad outcome. Good luck.

Your call.


you kinda have no proof … but no .. I won’t get the vaccine .. not until thorough testing has been done .. at that time I may get the vaccine … the testing is taking place right now … on society
It must just be a coincidence that the places with the lowest vaccination rates have the worst outcomes...

People who reject the science are dying at far higher rates. Remember guys, dying of COVID is the ultimate way to troll the libs! Because freedoms.

Show attachment 199042

I totally believe in science .. am not anti vaxx .. i just want to know not only short term .. but some .. at least some of the long term side effect .. that’s all .. I am not going to be a test subject ..
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What are you asking for exactly? You have a peer-reviewed study that shows the unvaccinated vs 1 dose vs fully vaccinated with raw totals and percentages. I am not sure what else you need.

If your eyes work you can clearly see the more vaccinated you are, the less the spread is in that group.

Delta is 0.042 vs 0.029 vs 0.014 (any vaccine). That is exactly 3x like the study said.

Did you notice the efficacy of BNT162b2 (Pfizer) vs other vaccine (adrenal)? 0.008 vs 0.014. This study doesn't seem to include other mrna vaccines.

Also, Table 1 (Percent of Total Cases) 36.1% 16-29 yr olds :xf.eek:
you kinda have no proof … but no .. I won’t get the vaccine .. not until thorough testing has been done .. at that time I may get the vaccine … the testing is taking place right now … on society

Let's try this little thought experiment.

If the vaccine is not effective, then the 46% of not fully vaccinated should make up 46% of all hospital cases and deaths right? It should track evenly.

So why is that percentage more like 95% - 99% unvaccinated then?

Explain that difference without the vaccine either being effective to limit the spread and/or being effective at making the symptoms far less severe.

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I totally believe in science .. am not anti vaxx .. i just want to know not only short term .. but some .. at least some of the long term side effect .. that’s all .. I am not going to be a test subject ..

I will say this, while I don't agree with your views you are also not throwing out crazy anti-vaxx shit that I have seen from others. You know the tracking devices, becoming magnetic, and whatever other nonsense.

I don't think it is unreasonable to be skeptical of the timeline. I think it is unreasonable though to reject empirical data where no other good explanation exists, outside the vaccine is highly effective.

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Let's try this little thought experiment.

If the vaccine is not effective, then the 46% of not fully vaccinated should make up 46% of all hospital cases and deaths right? It should track evenly.

So why is that percentage more like 95% - 99% unvaccinated then?

Explain that difference without the vaccine either being effective to limit the spread and/or being effective at making the symptoms far less severe.


I am not saying the vaccines aren’t effective … I just question how effective … with meds I always look at the risks vs reward …
I am not saying the vaccines aren’t effective … I just question how effective … with meds I always look at the risks vs reward …

Well, at least that is a starting point.

Spread aside, they are without a doubt highly effective at limiting the severity of symptoms. That is why so few fully vaccinated people are actually hospitalized or dying vs unvaccinated people.

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I will say this, while I don't agree with your views you are also not throwing out crazy anti-vaxx shit that I have seen from others. You know the tracking devices, becoming magnetic, and whatever other nonsense.

I don't think it is unreasonable to be skeptical of the timeline. I think it is unreasonable though to reject empirical data where no other good explanation exists, outside the vaccine is highly effective.


I am definitely not anti vaxx … anti medication or any of that … I have taken Flu vaccines for 25 years … tetnis shot and ect … it always risks vs reward with me … if a vaxx or med can cause me more harm than good .. I won’t take it ..and that is just a personal choice … I don’t think anything of the people who choose to take it .. the same with the covid vaxx .. I don’t think anything about the people who take it .. if they feel that is the right thing for them .. then they are doing the right thing IMO
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I am definitely not anti vaxx … anti medication or any of that … I have taken Flu vaccines for 25 years … tetnis shot and ect … it always risks vs reward with me … if a vaxx or med can cause me more harm than good .. I won’t take it ..and that is just a personal choice … I don’t think anything of the people who choose to take it .. the same with the covid vaxx .. I don’t think anything about the people who take it .. if they feel that is the right thing for them .. then they are doing the right thing IMO

That is good. I respect that some people need more time than others.

I also respect that other people have rights as well. However, those people who choose not to be vaccinated also need to realize other people have rights.

There is no God given right to shop at Kroger, go to a movie, a football game, etc. Other people and companies have rights to decide who they want to deal with.

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I am definitely not anti vaxx … anti medication or any of that … I have taken Flu vaccines for 25 years … tetnis shot and ect … it always risks vs reward with me … if a vaxx or med can cause me more harm than good .. I won’t take it ..and that is just a personal choice … I don’t think anything of the people who choose to take it .. the same with the covid vaxx .. I don’t think anything about the people who take it .. if they feel that is the right thing for them .. then they are doing the right thing IMO

I choose natural medicine over vaccines in most instances. I tried a Flu shot once and had a bad reaction. I don't believe in giving babies shots etc. IMO this is a man-made bioweapon that escaped the lab (intentionally or unintentionally). Any new medicine is controversial, they would have been researching an antidote at the time Operation Warp Speed came out.
I live in Denmark and here there is no significant vaccine skepticism or antivax movements and 83% of the populations are fully vaccinated and society is now reopened without any restrictions - It's nice to be back to normal
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I live in Denmark and here there is no significant vaccine skepticism or antivax movements and 83% of the populations are fully vaccinated and society is now reopened without any restrictions - It's nice to be back to normal

That is the frustrating part. We have the tools to end this in months in the US. We have a massive surplus of vaccines.

Instead it will keep lingering on and on for much longer than needed.

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I am definitely not anti vaxx … anti medication or any of that … I have taken Flu vaccines for 25 years … tetnis shot and ect … it always risks vs reward with me … if a vaxx or med can cause me more harm than good .. I won’t take it ..and that is just a personal choice …
Risk from covid vaccine = headache, sore arm at the shot site, one or two days with little fever.
Risk from being infected by covid-19 = nightmare at hospital, 2-3 months at hospital bed being intubated, and if you are lucky enough to get out of the hospital alive, getting long covid from 1 year to who knows.
If you are not so lucky, find death in a few days while having real trouble for breathing.

You choose.
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IMO this is a man-made bioweapon that escaped the lab (intentionally or unintentionally).
It has been already proven by scientists and virologists from around the world that the origins of the virus are on the nature. The virus has been rooted from its origins. There are dozens if not hundreds of corinaviruses like this one found in nature, in bat caves for example. Bats have an amazing army of coronaviruses like this one that they manage to control.
Another story is, if this virus found in nature, has infected people directly from nature, or from a lab escape.
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That is the frustrating part. We have the tools to end this in months. Instead it will keep lingering on and on for much longer than needed.

I completely agree and am happy that I live in a country where the belief in rationality, common sense and medical science is widespread, and trump the belief in various irrational conspiracy and antivax theories
Anti-Vaxxer Turns Vaccine Advocate After Husband Dies From COVID-19

"I was getting the vaccine as they were trying to bring him back from him coding,” said a San Diego woman who was adamantly against getting vaccinated until she saw COVID-19 taking her husband's final breath.

Christina Lowe, 32, lost the love of her life and father to her children to COVID-19 less than a week ago.
It’s a death she now believes was preventable.

"I just always thought it’s never going to happen to us,” Lowe said. “It can’t happen to us. We’re young, we’re healthy. And then it did happen to us, and then you start playing the regret game."

Lowe and her husband Mikel were both adamantly against the COVID vaccine -- that is, until he lay dying in a hospital bed.
Unvaccinated hospitalized patients say they regret not getting the shot

Dare and his colleagues at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock are dealing with a surge in extremely ill Covid-19 patients — one that is "nearly 100 percent preventable."

That's because virtually all of their patients are unvaccinated. And now they wish they had gotten the shots when they had the chance.

Juarez said many of his hospitalized Covid-19 patients are "shocked" that Covid-19 truly exists and that it can make people very sick and even kill them. "A comment they make all the time is that they wish that they knew they were going to end up in the hospital this sick and they would have made a different choice and got the vaccine," he said.
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