
status-duplicate Rob Monster bought Namepros without paying a dime.

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WeSellName.comTop Member
Many of you like Rob Monster because the information that he posted. But many did not realize that he SPAMS the forums whenever he has a chance.
- Spamming/Promoting his company everywhere
- He also hired a team here and tell them to spam the forums also.
Too much is too much and this needed to be stopped.
- OP asked about Godaddy who is privacy. He inserted an Epik link
And many more:

He even inserted a link from which considers Namepros competitor.

I don't hate the guy. It's just spamming too much or he may have some mental problems?

NamePros moderator response:
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I prefer dynadot,
because epik is just too much for me

I actually do need a more standard type of registar

and personally I hate the epik interface
to me it's confusing

I need just that:
register my domains

and I don't need anybody to tell me constantly how great they are
I 'm able to find out by myself

That's great if that works for you. Dynadot has been a pain to deal with for me.
That's great if that works for you. Dynadot has been a pain to deal with for me.

cloudflare is not bad too
$7.68 USD
for namepros special deal
My bad you have now convinced me. It's all a conspiracy everyone is a special user except you.
It’s easy to post whatever you like. It’s hard to use data to back your position.

So now that you’ve said everyone has this special privilege to renew beyond the grace period, show us where Rob said this a year ago please. I can certainly show the PM from Rob and exactly what his excuse was for this specific incident. It was all about 1 special customer and he never mentioned anything about this privilege being available to anyone, upon request.
cloudflare is not bad too
$7.68 USD
for namepros special deal

Except two problems, first they only accept transfers no new regs. Second you are stuck with their nameservers so you can use any parking/lander service.
It’s easy to post whatever you like. It’s hard to use data to back your position.

So now that you’ve said everyone has this special privilege to renew beyond the grace period, show us where Rob said this a year ago please. I can certainly show the PM from Rob and exactly what his excuse was for this specific incident. It was all about 1 special customer and he never mentioned anything about this privilege being available to anyone, upon request.

I wasnt even on NP a year ago. I'm just saying what Rob has publically said here. You want to say hes lying then it seems you should be the one posting proof rather than just passing the buck. I can see only one reason why you havent already.
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Except two problems, first they only accept transfers no new regs. Second you are stuck with their nameservers so you can use any parking/lander service.

which is not a problem as they show you the needed settings automated
I wasnt 3even on NP a year ago. I'm just saying what Rob has publically said here. You want to say hes lying then it seems you should be the one posting proof rather than just passing the buck. I can see only one reason why you havent already.
I’ve already posted long ago about this. And if you look back in this thread a few pages, you’ll see what his staff said about that specific BO.
to me @Rob Monster was clever enough to stop his personal spamming
and actually is doing much better now in taking over namepros
by simply convincing more and more members
to add an epik,com staff badge to their profile


be aware

much much better ... only 1 listed @ Popular this month :)
So some customers lose their domain to backorders at day 16, while others (a few clients) don't lose their domains at day 16?

This seems like the very definition of special privilege.

Yet, Rob said it was covered in their ToS? I'm curious to see what language their ToS says to allow this.

I think it's disgusting that epik is auctioning domains off at day 16 for some customers. Absolutely disgusting.

For MobileWallet, it looks like WHOIS was last updated on August 14th, after expiring on July 19th, Thus (if the update date is reflective of the renewal date), about a 25 day turnaround time to be renewed.

Allowing a registrant at least 25 days to renew their domain does show a registrar putting their registrant first, but as @Rob Monster pointed out, imagine how that customer would have felt if the domain was sent to your account via backorder at day 16. Thus, my utter confusion to how a CEO wanting to put their registrants first would ever allow a domain to leave their customers account at day 16 by default for all customers.

After learning this, I'm curious to find what other area's epik will try to &$^# me.

#TransparencyMyAss #BlessingsToThoseWhoKissThyAssOfEpik #DoTheseHashTagsHaveAnyEffectOn #MyRequestToHaveAGreaterGraceDeletePeriod #IShouldntHaveToAskNotToBeScrewedByDefault #YouMayNotScrewMeButYouMightScrewMyFriend #AndThatsNotCool
And keep in mind, these backorders are expensive to place. At $200 a pop, you expect that the system will operate as stated by the company representatives.
I’ve already posted long ago about this. And if you look back in this thread a few pages, you’ll see what his staff said about that specific BO.

I've read the whole thing, unfortunately. Including the full transcript posted by Rob. The statement that some customers have an extended grace period is in no way inconsistent with Rob's statement that it's an option for anyone who asks. At most it shows most dont even ask.
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I've read the whole thing, unfortunately. Including the full transcript posted by Rob. The statement that some customers have an extended grace period is in no way inconsistent with Rob's statement that it's an option for anyone who asks. At most it shows most dont even ask.
This isn’t “some customers” and this is part of that transcript...

“Thank you for supplying some history here.
While the rep you spoke to supplied valid information for 99% such cases, we (Epik) have a few clients that have an extended grace renewal time. The domain owner in this case has a longer grace renewal period therefore that is why that 16 day delivery did not apply here”

She’s saying it plain and simple. 99% of customers lose their domain at day 16 and 1% don’t. There is no mention in that transcript that ALL customers get an extended grace period upon request.
This isn’t “some customers” and this is part of that transcript...

“Thank you for supplying some history here.
While the rep you spoke to supplied valid information for 99% such cases, we (Epik) have a few clients that have an extended grace renewal time. The domain owner in this case has a longer grace renewal period therefore that is why that 16 day delivery did not apply here”

She’s saying it plain and simple. 99% of customers lose their domain at day 16 and 1% don’t. There is no mention in that transcript that ALL customers get an extended grace period upon request.

So you've proved what exactly? Only 1% of customers bother to ask for an extended grace period? She also didn't say that it was because of how much the customer spends or how large their portfolio is. Though you seem to claim as much. She didn't give any indication as to why it was extended. So you have no grounds to say that Rob is being anything less than forthcoming when he says that its avalible upon request.
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I've read the whole thing, unfortunately. Including the full transcript posted by Rob. The statement that some customers have an extended grace period is in no way inconsistent with Rob's statement that it's an option for anyone who asks. At most it shows most dont even ask.

So you've proved what exactly? Only 1% of customers bother to ask for an extended grace period? She also didn't say that it was because of how much the customer spends or how large their portfolio is. Though you seem to claim as much. She didn't give any indication as to why it was extended. So you have no grounds to say that Rob is being anything less than forthcoming when he says that its avalible upon request.

Rob MonsterCEO, Epik StaffPRO+2 More Badges
“Aha, some big customers did negotiate longer grace periods.

For calibration, this guy has about 50,000 domains with us.”

So if anyone can request a longer grace period, why didn’t Rob say that back when we spoke via PM? I’ll tell you why. It’s because longer grace periods don’t apply to 99% of customers at epik.
On the day it was supposed to hit your account they said, sorry, we have a special customer and they decided to renew.

I had a domain name in my account, at daddy, that they clawed back weeks after I had control. No explanation...ever. Yes, it is frustrating to not get something you thought you were supposed to get...just imagine how it feels to actually get something (you were supposed to get) and then have it taken back.
I had a domain name in my account, at daddy, that they clawed back weeks after I had control. No explanation...ever. Yes, it is frustrating to not get something you thought you were supposed to get...just imagine how it feels to actually get something (you were supposed to get) and then have it taken back.
What was their explanation? Surely you followed up for clarity.
So if anyone can request a longer grace period, why didn’t Rob say that back when we spoke via PM? I’ll tell you why. It’s because longer grace periods don’t apply to 99% of customers at epik.

Because 99% dont ask? Seems like the most logical reason given everything I've seen. Just because he didn't say its avalible to anyone dosent mean it wasn't then...your filling in your own reason without any basis in reality just so you can what...justify being mad about loosing out on a domain to the actual registrant. As far as I'm concerned that's the way it should have played out no matter who the parties were, or how much money they make Epik.

Rob MonsterCEO, Epik StaffPRO+2 More Badges
“Aha, some big customers did negotiate longer grace periods.

For calibration, this guy has about 50,000 domains with us.”

So if anyone can request a longer grace period, why didn’t Rob say that back when we spoke via PM? I’ll tell you why. It’s because longer grace periods don’t apply to 99% of customers at epik.
We never said, nor Rob said anyone couldn't ask.
It's not because someone with 50k names asked and was approved, that someone else with 75k names at Epik will be approved for no reason and that someone with 15 domains will be denied.
Our choice to approve it or not is not based on the amount of domains but on the reason behind the request

What was their explanation? Surely you followed up for clarity.

As I said in the post "No explaination...ever". That is when I started moving out of daddy
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You have just validated my point. When Rob is in violation the Name Pros Moderaters step up and do their job.


how many violations can accrue for any member, before NP takes next level action?

is it 5 or 10, 20 within a certain timeframe?

if certain number of members, have reported another members posts, regardless of their user name, how many reported threads against them have to accumulate, before NP takes action?

if I promote my names for sale in other members discussion threads, and keep doing it no matter how many times mods warn me, then how long can I do it, before I get infracted?

if I get infracted, then how many infractions can I accumulate, before I get banned?

now, you'd probably expect that behavior from a newbie or a spammer or a newbie spammer, but you wouldn't expect it from a long time member, especially one who is the CEO of a registrar.

one would expect or at least assume, that a member in such a position, would hold the forum rules in the highest regard.
not blatantly and consistently violate them, under the guise of "enlightenment and informing".

and if... that person's desire for customers becomes more important than adherence, then will or can that same disregard, manifest itself within the company they are CEO of?
just saying....

sure, we all want to get customers, sales, etc., but on the forum, we should do so, within the guidelines set forth.

again, it's not personal it's business.

In other news, some people were out making some $$$s this week and some others were complaining about it while also posting about past fortunes.
The subject of backorder has been discussed before:

@Rob Monster , No one can deny that you are going out of your way to be helpful to all domainers.

I am glad to know that Epik will extend the grace period if we ask for it, but in all fairness to people who want to buy exclusive back orders such as Kieth perhaps this should be indicated in the TOS so that people will be aware of this fact ahead of time, something like:

‘even though the default grace period for renewing domains is 15 days from the expiration date , but the grace period can be extended to its maximum time allowed upon request by the original domain owner as Epik strives to give its customers every chance to be able to keep their valuable domains in case they are facing some unfortunate circumstance and need more time to renew their domains.’

Thanks OT.

In the email confirmation notice for a backorder, we actually tell you your backorder priority and also the earliest possible drop date based on the current expiration date, plus the grace period. I will have our engineers check to make sure that if the registrant does have an extended grace period that the projected drop date reflects this.

Best to not make plans around the off-chance of a $100K domain being abandoned. This would be like someone buying a house because they think they are going to win the lottery this week. Many registrants do wait until the last minute to renew precisely because they are managing cash.

If you are not using for escrow, you are wasting time and money!
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In other news, some people were out making some $$$s this week and some others were complaining about it while also posting about past fortunes.
It’s called multitasking.
Here are my 2 cents after reading a majority (although not all) of the posts in this thread. I am a customer of Epik and have posted about having a good service there in the past. However, I am trying to be objective and have no other affiliation with Epik. Keith previously also brokered a name of mine but again I am attempting to be objective.

Firstly, yes was a great domain name. If you had snapped that up for $199 it would have been a good earner. It must be frustrating that it didn't make it to your account. I can understand how annoying it must be.

Now with regards to longer grace periods, how it applies to the broader population of Epik customers and whether this has ultimately cost you a domain which you deserve, I would say the most important point is WHEN the grace period extension was negotiated. This will bring to light whether there was any foul play post your back order which changed the rules after it was submitted.

Let me explain the above. If the customer negotiated an extended grace period with Epik prior to your back order being placed, then the domain would never dropped regardless of your back order within the 16 day period. Therefore he had every right renew. It should be noted however, that the customer service representative and more importantly, the user interface, should show the extended grace period when a back order is submitted so that people know the true drop date (if that level of accuracy is possible).

If, however upon noticing the back order, the owner was informed and a grace period extension proposed to him, then I would say you are right to be annoyed as it was bound for your account.

On the one hand the above scenario brings to question how likely you are to win the backorder at Epik if this is a recurring theme, on the other hand, if you hold high value names at Epik then it is comforting to know that you have some sort of leeway in the case where you almost let your prized name expire. At the end of the day the core business of the registrar is to be a custodian for your names.

Either way, I can understand the frustration. I do however feel that the owner of the name is purposefully letting it hit the expiration period and then renewing to see how much interest the name gets. I also get your point around who is allowed to negotiate an extension to the grace period. If anyone can do it then that is fair, but maybe that should also have been made transparent to you to avoid further confusion.
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Many of you like Rob Monster because the information that he posted. But many did not realize that he SPAMS the forums whenever he has a chance.
- Spamming/Promoting his company everywhere
- He also hired a team here and tell them to spam the forums also.
Too much is too much and this needed to be stopped.
- OP asked about Godaddy who is privacy. He inserted an Epik link
And many more:

He even inserted a link from which considers Namepros competitor.

I don't hate the guy. It's just spamming too much or he may have some mental problems?

You're angry at his guerrilla marketing techniques? Report the links if you think they need to be reported and allow the mods determine if he's broken any forum rules. I dont think myself or anyone else needs to be informed, via a post like this, that Rob has been quite active this year.

Come on...... we ALL "spam" the forum and "promote" our names, our domain business interests, etc. People have affiliate links all over the place.. In effect, what you've done is nothing dissimilar to what you're actually complaining about.

We see a LOT of this sort of thing these days.... People complaining about others' behaviors and actives being wrong, even illegal, and yet the complainer can usually be found to engage in the same behaviors and actives.

Want it stopped? Its simple, block him, me, others you dont want to see "spamming and promoting". You wont see too much after that.

Learn to ignore those who bother you because what you permit to consume your mind WILL control your life.

Also, I am pretty certain you're not qualified to determine if he's got mental problems. Even if you were qualified, I am fairly certain that you did not hold sessions with him, and enough of them, to make that determination. I speak from much experience in this topic - more experience than domain names. Dont label people with mental issues unless you are certain. Thank you.

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