
.info Yahoo! Domains - $1.99 for .com/.net/.org/.us/.info/.biz/

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Just visited the website -

They're offering .com/.net/.org/.us/.info/.biz domains for $1.99 (1st Year) ....

The only problem with Yahoo is that they DONT have a 'Push domain to another user' kind of a service. So if you are a reseller , this may not be much of a useful thing for you but if ure planning to build a site for personal use , I think they are the way to go....

- Name-Driver
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I would never ever buy domains at Yahoo, i've heard to many stories how Yahoo is ripping off people....
$1.99 is per yahoo account. With ONe yahoo id you can register only one domain.

You can register and transfer it later to other registrar, why miss one cheap domain :)
does yahoo actualy rip you off?
because i am going to runa s ite there.
but, if they are bad, i wont
I used Yahoo! for 2 domains before moving onto GoDaddy. I never really had any problems with them at all. Thanks for the news.
I had to open 50+ email accounts to buy 50+ domains :)
$1.99 is per yahoo account.

From where did you get this info. I thought it was available for purchase as any registrar.
69kHz said:
I had to open 50+ email accounts to buy 50+ domains :)

Dont you need a diff credit card each time?
yahoo want you to run your names with the yahoo hosting service. most hosting services offer a 'free' name with their hosting service. what yahoo will not do is allow you to reset the name servers to another host....also pushing a name elsewhere is complicated so again is not useful for domain reselling. the offer is not worth taking up.
tetrapak said:
I would never ever buy domains at Yahoo, i've heard to many stories how Yahoo is ripping off people....
I am one of those unlucky customers facing issues. I bough a domain name and after 2 weeks I see that the name is registered to someone else. They sent me a mail saying that somehow they could not validate my card. But I bought another domain name from yahoo the same day and it got through.
I raised my concerns, but I had to lose the domain name. So if you are buying some precious domain names don't use yahoo.
yoshiwara said:
yahoo want you to run your names with the yahoo hosting service. most hosting services offer a 'free' name with their hosting service. what yahoo will not do is allow you to reset the name servers to another host....also pushing a name elsewhere is complicated so again is not useful for domain reselling. the offer is not worth taking up.
sorry, but that is 100% incorrect. I have purchased several domains with yahoo.. not one single one of them is hosted with yahoo, nor has yahoo nameservers & actually, transfering out of yahoo is a breeze compared to 99% of other registrars I've dealt with. Yahoo is by far the fastest I've ever dealt with.. I can reg a domain & have it propagated & online ready in half an hour when dealing with yahoo.. I'd love for yahoo to offer bulk registration :)
sorry, but that is 100% incorrect. I have purchased several domains with yahoo..

1. Did you use a single account ?

2. Can you edit the nameservers ?

3. Do they allow PUSH & TRANSFER ?
You can't push?

$12 after 2 years and $21 after 3 years will soon be equal with other registrars in price.
There wont be a problem, if we could transfer it to another registrar. That'd be cheaper.
I did buy few domains w/ Yahoo...

As far as the nameserver's / DNS etc. is concerned , they give you FULL freedom like any other 'cool' registrar like GD , NameCheap etc....

Only problem is the Push thing....

I once had a precious domain regged with Yahoo! , tho i coudnt push it to the buyer , I had to first transfer it to my GD & then push it 2 his GD account.. took a while tho ;)

I'd give it 5/10
you can change name server, but not push.
tk said:
Dont you need a diff credit card each time?

No.. The CC maybe same but the account needs to be different........
I did buy few domains w/ Yahoo

The PRICE is 1.99 $ , how much does it TOTALLY cost inclusive of the Credit card charges , just to register 1 DOMAIN?
Do they force you to renew, or in the other words:
You must use auto-renewal?

AmD950 said:
Do they force you to renew, or in the other words:
You must use auto-renewal?


No. You can cancel your subscription when the domain is about to expire & re-reg it with them using a different account :lol:

achacko said:
The PRICE is 1.99 $ , how much does it TOTALLY cost inclusive of the Credit card charges , just to register 1 DOMAIN?

They will charge $1.99 TOTAL to your Credit Card for 1 Domain

I heard so many bad about regging domain at yahoo. Don't risk for the cheap price. :imho:
You can cancel your subscription when the domain is about to expire & re-reg it with them using a different account

Sounds like a good idea !

I must try this some time soon.
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