
poll Will you pay money to attend a Virtual Domain Conference

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Will you pay money to attend a Virtual Domain Conference

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  • 64 votes
  • Ended 4 years ago
  • Final results


Top Member
With one virtual conference launching and the prospects for other real life conferences being virtual, will you pay to attend a virtual domain conference.

If yes leave a comment, Yes max price $50 or $100 etc...
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Not off to a great start.
@Page Howe how are paid attendees coming so far for the Domain Show?
Most conferences involve spending money on air fare, hotel, rental car and dining plus registration fees which can be many hundreds of dollars. Also add in the value of one's time commuting to and attending such an event. So yes a virtual conference could offer good value depending on the content, speakers, etc. Could you provide an outline of the discussion topics? Would this be available as a recording so that it could be viewed at a later date if the live schedule were not convenient for those in certain time zones?
Most conferences involve spending money on air fare, hotel, rental car and dining plus registration fees which can be many hundreds of dollars. Also add in the value of one's time commuting to and attending such an event. So yes a virtual conference could offer good value depending on the content, speakers, etc. Could you provide an outline of the discussion topics? Would this be available as a recording so that it could be viewed at a later date if the live schedule were not convenient for those in certain time zones?

Agreed, looks like yes finally got a vote.
Money generated from attendees vs sponsors everyone knows regardless going to be flogged with ads.
I believe it will be free but you will see a lots of 3D commercials in that conferences.:xf.grin:
Big no, most of the domainers go to conferences to make connections, having fun with fellow domainers.
Fantastic market research. Not sure I've ever seen such a clean-cut vote.
Not in a million years.....you should have a few sponsors lined up who are willing to pay a few quid to make some money though.....
While for other types of conferences I'd pay for a domaining related conference not at all.
I think the real added value would be meeting people, share real views on the market etc. not the presentations of the speakers.
While for other types of conferences I'd pay for a domaining related conference not at all.
I think the real added value would be meeting people, share real views on the market etc. not the presentations of the speakers.
It's what we are doing in my line of business - get up to 20 people around a virtual table with a facilitator to discuss the market, strategy, trends and share ideas - not one presentation in site and the sponsors are involved with the discussion and can position themselves as thought leaders.

It is going down very well with great feedback from the participants.
Not much.

Honestly, I would not really pay that much to go to a physical domain conference either.

I understand domaining is a very niche field, but the way most conferences work is the sponsors largely foot the bills to make the cost much cheaper or free for attendees.

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@Page Howe how are paid attendees coming so far for the Domain Show?

I guess ill know after the free tickets run out, Getting close to the first 500.

To keep recorded sessions and replays will be a paid ticket, (except for early buyers) and ill have some VIP options. More news Midweek.

For me i'll only know if its worth it to my attendees, if i have a paid ticket. Most will be from outside the industry because domain investors have yet to dispel the myth that they pay, except for registrations, new tlds, auctions, store software, data services, classes, coaching sessions, ebooks, more names, dues and subscriptions.

I'm coming at The Domain Show from an independent domain investor perspective. Hope you enjoy it!

thanks for asking.

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Who cares what the speakers has to say? Networking is the key reason I planned to attend NameCon. Forget about the time and money, the purpose of making money is to spend it on worthwhile things.
thank for the comment Dande..

All speakers bad, or just ones youve heard..

So i hear y'all, what is it about the speakers you dont like?

I think there is a space to sit down, focus, and listen to those who spent dome time trying to put together new different or entertaining content?

hit me with why you dont like speakers..


ps Some innovative small group and networking will be part of the show.
What would be good IMO is if there was a chance to segregate into small groups with presenters, via zoom or whatever, so that they can be grilled rather than just give their sales pitch.

What would really be the 'icing on the cake' as far as I am concerned would be if also relatively small groups of us lowly domainers could be similarly connected to well known domaining leaders, i.e. those leading the field so that we could spend say 45 minutes - 1 hour really pumping them for their thoughts on different aspects of domaining. :xf.grin: (Questions would have to be submitted before hand for the leading domainers to garner their thoughts, but then a couple of minutes per question for a related follow up / clarification would seem good.)

I voted that I would 'pay' BTW (depending on price of course, being half Scottish catholic and half English jew that is just in my blood :xf.grin:), I will give this a try and see how it goes, if it doesn't work out then I will just shrug my shoulders - I would have spent the money on something frivolous anyway! LOL

Actually I'm looking forward to it no matter what the format. (y)
What would be good IMO is if there was a chance to segregate into small groups with presenters, via zoom or whatever, so that they can be grilled rather than just give their sales pitch.

What would really be the 'icing on the cake' as far as I am concerned would be if also relatively small groups of us lowly domainers could be similarly connected to well known domaining leaders, i.e. those leading the field so that we could spend say 45 minutes - 1 hour really pumping them for their thoughts on different aspects of domaining. :xf.grin: (Questions would have to be submitted before hand for the leading domainers to garner their thoughts, but then a couple of minutes per question for a related follow up / clarification would seem good.)

I voted that I would 'pay' BTW (depending on price of course, being half Scottish catholic and half English jew that is just in my blood :xf.grin:), I will give this a try and see how it goes, if it doesn't work out then I will just shrug my shoulders - I would have spent the money on something frivolous anyway! LOL

Actually I'm looking forward to it no matter what the format. (y)

well i couldn't ask for a better description of what we are planning for the lunch/dinner hours to break up the days, and so far we have some terrific people willing to share some time in these round-tables, most for the first time so be a little forgiving if they are not the typical show speakers..

again really good description.




Can you not be so long in your reply next time Don? hahaha You should be a speaker, talk about parking and PPC.
Can you not be so long in your reply next time Don? hahaha You should be a speaker, talk about parking and PPC.

Hi Ray

I could have, so much more to say
but you know,
for domain peripherals, I don't like to pay


NamesCon 360 will be $59.
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