
guide Which domain extention to invest in for more profits

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
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i have many domains with .online and .website extension i.e.
You need to do your homework. The first step, as suggested above, would be to analyze the market (reported sales). But it's not just a question of extension. Even in .com the vast majority of domains are worthless and will never sell.
very true , but studying market looks quite difficult . as new extention are coming up and now there is vast variety available
very true , but studying market looks quite difficult . as new extention are coming up and now there is vast variety available

thats the domaining game :)
As has been said over and over again to new domainers who always ask the same question - study this site like your life depends on it. Study every related site such as past sales sites and blogs. Study and learn all you can first.

If you are smart you will not buy a single domain until you fully understand what you are doing.

Many domainers lose a lot of $ in the beginning because they jump in and start buying domains before they learn the game.

Don't make the same mistake. Learn first and invest later.

Heed this warning or I guarantee you will be sorry. We all went through this at the beginning and many of us wish we had gotten this advice a little earlier than we did.
As has been said over and over again to new domainers who always ask the same question - study this site like your life depends on it. Study every related site such as past sales sites and blogs. Study and learn all you can first.

If you are smart you will not buy a single domain until you fully understand what you are doing.

Many domainers lose a lot of $ in the beginning because they jump in and start buying domains before they learn the game.

Don't make the same mistake. Learn first and invest later.

Heed this warning or I guarantee you will be sorry. We all went through this at the beginning and many of us wish we had gotten this advice a little earlier than we did.

I'm equally new in the domain business. I completely agree with you, your advice is valuable to me.

But I have a question for you: Are you saying that you can't buy a "very good" domain without learning everything there is to learn about domaining?
But I have a question for you: Are you saying that you can't buy a "very good" domain without learning everything there is to learn about domaining?

You might get lucky, but don't count on it. Even with experience it is very hard to identify a good name. Experienced domainers still make bad choices on occasion.

Most available names are crap names and not worth investing in. Finding a good one takes hours of searching and researching.

The competition is very fierce, and to get the best names you will find yourself having to place high bids at auctions against other more experienced investors with larger pocket books.

Finding even mediocre names is very difficult. Very few people make a go of domain investing, and most just lose money.

You will still lose money before you really understand what you are doing. It is part of the learning process, and can not be avoided.

Don't let that get you down. Start slow and don't spend a lot of money and you will be OK.
will these below domain make profit to me
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