
discuss What are Currently the Best Auction Sites for Domain Sellers? And are 7 Days Best? Or are Longer Auctions Better?

Spaceship Spaceship


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GoDaddy announced this month the closing of it's 7d-Auction to domain sellers. This has created quite a stir on the NP forum.
What do you feel are the best alternatives currently? And do you feel 7d is best? Or are 14d or longer better for the auction duration?
To my surprise, tonight I found one registrar auction site that had a listing ending almost 8 years from now! And some of the 4+ year auction listings were for durations much longer than even their current registration period. Would extended auctions like this be of benefit?

Feel free to share you experiences and insights on the 7-d auction options and alternatives
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Godaddy 7 public auction is the best place to sell SEO domains, and there is NO alternative to it so far.
Godaddy 7 public auction is the best place to sell SEO domains, and there is NO alternative to it so far.

That's great, that you apparently were very satisfied with their results with SEO domains. So perhaps the other auction sites may want to focus some attention on attracting traffic for such listings.

Hopefully, eventually you'll find a reasonable alternative. Hopefully other auction sites can assess how to improve the SEO domain listing sales, and quickly change to fill this need.

Thanks for the input.
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