
discuss .Web Pre-Registration Discussion

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Domains88.comTop Member
I was reading a post by Ricks Schwartz and he really felt that .web has a chance to be popular. I looked into regging .web domains and found that they are allowing pre-registration.

Of course, seems like most good names are already pre-registered. I was able to pre-register a few decent ones.

By pre-registering, do you get first chance at the domain?
Is anyone else pre-registering .web domains?
Anyone have idea when they might be released for registration?
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.web hasn't been awarded to a registry yet. Pre-registering now won't matter if they don't end up controlling .web. It could go to Google, Uniregistry, Donuts, etc, we don't know yet.
Oh, I see. So the pre-registration doesn't mean anything right now?
so why are so many pre-registered?
People are hoping.

We don't know who will be running .web or when it will be released.

But I bet they will auction the best ones off or hold them back with premium fees. Imagine what NN, LLL, NNN and so on will be worth out the gate?
Mr. R S feels .web will be popular? He wrote a ridiculously long blog post about how gTLDs are not going any where. Last I knew, .web is a gTLD, shame on you Mr R S.. :P
.web will be a money printing machine for the registry that gets it, especially in this market.
If I pre-register will I be required to pay whatever they ask for after it is 'officially' released?
No, I think you will have to pay nothing now. Later, you will have to make a commitment. They have to tell you the price first.
I like .web the most overall from new extension recently. Which place allow you to pre-register for now? I know won't cost a penny now but who know later.

I think .web will be the future of THE NEXT BIG THING!
I like .web the most overall from new extension recently. Which place allow you to pre-register for now? I know won't cost a penny now but who know later.

I think .web will be the future of THE NEXT BIG THING!
I pre-registered at United Domains.
I checked many of them are pre-regged. That's very interesting.
Yes, I only got 2 that I wanted..
Who know when or if they will be released.
LL and NN won't get released into general availability for .web IMO. They will be held back and auctioned. Maybe even LLL and NNN and NNNN and LLLL will be held back since there will be huge demand now that the market has changed in past year.
Is anyone willing to say what the have pre-registered for? (Or is that a dangerous thing since no one has the domain yet?)
Even if pre-regs work with the buyer of .web you will still have an auction battle if it's a hot domain. Just because you pre-reg does not mean you get the domain.
I am ready for battle auction.
I pre-registered a bunch. Let's see what happens. If somehow I can register all, that will be a problem because I cannot afford it. :)
I pre-registered a bunch. Let's see what happens. If somehow I can register all, that will be a problem because I cannot afford it. :)
I don't see the point of this TLD. Regardless of what RS thinks. As if .net needed a poor cousin.
Probably geeks and domainers will buy it. But remember it's end users who lift and enhance TLDs through usage.
[weUOTE="1NiteStand, post: 5217464, member: 96645"]Mr. R S feels .web will be popular? He wrote a ridiculously long blog post about how gTLDs are not going any where. Last I knew, .web is a gTLD, shame on you Mr R S.. :P[/QUOTE]
He said he doesn't like new gtlds but .web has the best chance to be something big, speculatively. In other words if you're going to gamble on new gtlds .web is the best option.
When will .WEB take action release to public?
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