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Domain Hack KingVIP Member
Here's my question..what is the value of domain hack? I've seen some good domain hack and i was wondering about the value of it. I myself own one and i'm not sure whether or not i should get more. I haven't seen any sale of domain hack. Why do we register domain hack? Is it because the domain looks cool or because there's a potential end user who's willing to buy such domain?
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If you already own it then post it.
that depends on the domain (keyword/word) it forms
Not technically a hack imho, but quirky all the same.

Is that a hyphen in the middle, if it is the value is probably lower.
it's hackish, but the hyphen is killing it for me.
scandiman that's the only domain hack i have and i know dash lower the value. i'll give an example for the domain hack. let say my domain hack is latene.ws (not registed by the way). Is that domain valuable than latenews.us(also not registred).
Do domain hacks have even $1 value? Who's gonna type in latene.ws when they'll most likely remember it as latenews.com? Domain hacks seem 100% worthless IMO. I don't see value in them, not even reg fee.
Thanks for the comment archangel. I guess you pretty much answer my question of domain hack value. So i guess there's no value in domain hack.
Archangel said:
Do domain hacks have even $1 value? Who's gonna type in latene.ws when they'll most likely remember it as latenews.com? Domain hacks seem 100% worthless IMO. I don't see value in them, not even reg fee.

It depends. If the term being hacked has a ton of value, the hack has value IMO. Then again I would say that...

Simply put, imagine the term in a .com domain. How much would people pay for LateNews.com? IMO, not that much. If you target good single words that would be worth at least 6-figures if they were a .com name, then you might have something of value.
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del.icio.us is not worthless imo
rsek said:
del.icio.us is not worthless imo

Del.icio.us is not a good example. They had a unique idea and did a lot of name branding. There are very few other domain hacks that have reached ANY success, let alone anywhere near the success that Del.icio.us has. the name itself had little to do with their success.
NameTrader.com said:
Del.icio.us is not a good example. They had a unique idea and did a lot of name branding. There are very few other domain hacks that have reached ANY success, let alone anywhere near the success that Del.icio.us has. the name itself had little to do with their success.
Not to mention they also own delicious.com
I easily remember websites that have hacked domains like Krun.ch and Doma.in
DOMA.IN is another good one.
I couldn't give Liberti.es away for <$20, so I don't have too much faith in them.
Domain hacks seem 100% worthless IMO. I don't see value in them, not even reg fee.

who.is domain hack is an excellent example. i do believe that domain could have a very good value. i would think that domain name worth much much more than reg fee.
it is a collector item, but I bet it will be hard to promote it to an end user when the end use may have
many other options.
cache said:
it is a collector item, but I bet it will be hard to promote it to an end user when the end use may have
many other options.

This is all I see them as, collector's items. There is one thing: SE's. Would a search engine read latene.ws as 'late news' or 'latene' & "ws"? If the latter is the case, well, then there is little to no good in domain hacks.

Just because you ppl can remember who.is doesn't mean .005% of the population will, too.
Quick plug for a good article on domain hacks --

Common words that look ok when hacked can definitely have premium value. Blo.gs for example. Anything less is not worth much. (FreeBlo.gs, etc)
-RJ- said:
Quick plug for a good article on domain hacks --

Common words that look ok when hacked can definitely have premium value. Blo.gs for example. Anything less is not worth much. (FreeBlo.gs, etc)

My question is more on the logic of it. My issue is, there are a few hundred ext (most country-specific) out there and most ppl only know a handful (there might be loads of ppl who know less than 5) of them. I'm sure there are ppl who'll remember www.blo.gs but I'm wondering how many. I suppose newbies might remember it, since they likely don't know any ext and have to learn along the way. But experienced users might not get it. It's hard to explain.
-RJ- said:
Quick plug for a good article on domain hacks --

Common words that look ok when hacked can definitely have premium value. Blo.gs for example. Anything less is not worth much. (FreeBlo.gs, etc)
In agreement here. Nicely written, but I was looking forward to watching the youtube ClownPenis.fart video via the link. Unfortunately taken down by NBC copyright people. :(

As RJ says latene.ws, breakingne.ws, nakedne.ws, etc, etc, pale in comparison to ne.ws. :)
What about a domain hack like:

be.trayed.com or de.mented.com or men.tioned.com?

Any value there? :)
hope its not off topic , I have recently created an account on ning.com which is http://onlinelear.ning.com/

online learning has about 100 000 ovt ,but this is probably irelevant in my case :blink:
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