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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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The bolshevik revolution is underway, watch out false flags and provocateurs.

Do not fall for a plot to entrap Second Amendment supporters [American Thinker]
A flyer has been circulating on the internet urging people to attend an “armed march on Capitol Hill and all state capitols [sic]” on January 17. It’s framed in terms of standing up for liberty. DO NOT ATTEND. There is a 99.99999% certainty that this is a trap intended to give Democrats an excuse to destroy the Second Amendment and, quite possibly to cordon off from society all Republicans and conservatives.

Who Is Behind the Planned “Armed March on Capitol Hill” and Is It a Deep State Plot? [Gateway Pundit]
Warning! There are several armed protests at state capitols across the country before inaugural ceremonies next week.
[Jim Hoft]: We are urging you not to attend!
The far-left tech giants took away President Trump’s ability to communicate freely to the American public following the storming of the US Capitol by Trump supporters, Antifa and other individuals.
For the record, these “armed protests” in the coming days ARE NOT sanctioned by the Trump Campaign.

Some quotes about the flyer from posters on another forum...
  • We dont make fancy little posters like that. These look exactly the same as the graphics designers who made the BLM/ANTIFA posters and ads on Twitter during the 2020 riots/insurrection. DO NOT BE FOOLED. This sophisticated graphics arts style is made by the same BLM/antifa graphics designers.
  • The poster is very clearly designed with leftist aesthetic.
  • Has Antifa and BLM written all over it.
  • (on Jan. 6 in DC) The Proud Boys were patrolling the edges of the crowd, and pinpointing Antifa all afternoon.
  • They don’t mention election fraud at all. There’s your tell.
  • This looks like some CCCP/Antifa/BLM type of flyer. Screams communism.
  • Plus the "when democracy is destroyed" when we know we are a Republic. A constitutional republic at that.
  • Yep, looks like it was designed by Marx himself.
  • If it does not have a web link or associated group, than it is a fake poster meant for setup.
  • It looks wrong and give bad vibes. They look lazy and trying too much.
  • Has the appearances of Psy-op that will play on MSM!
  • They absolutely need a violent clash so they can justify the next part of the color revolution and remove Trump from the picture.
  • They want you to say you're grabbing your gun. They want you to say you're going to the state capital. None of this is new. This is Charlottesville again on a national scale. Anyone who shows up will absolutely be arrested and you're likely going to lose your job and freedom if you're lucky enough to not be charged as a terrorist.
  • the fake and unsupported flyers were created to incite violence and frame Trump supporters.

Yes and the horned puppet fool was "33" years old

Age of his mom? "56"

A sick joke to these satanic puppet masters.
God is about to serve some karma.

Wakey Wakey

People say QAnon. Its really Anon and it is real.
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It probably won't be long until she is expelled from Congress, and charged for her role in this.
I see some white power hand gestures in there. It sure doesn't seem like Antifa.

Yes, this is the same dumb person who was tweeting about Pelosi's location during the riot despite warnings not to, and who was in a standoff yesterday because her snowflake ass didn't want to go through the metal detector.



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Died laughing after the first 30 seconds of this video;

Thank you, Dice saying what needs to be said! The best.

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Evil Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the DemocRATS don't give a shit. They want revenge and blood for having lost the previous elections! They forget that the snake can strike really fast and be quite deadly! They are playing with fire!


Russian Hoax didnt work the first time.

This time “incite an insurrection” Cowards, Democrats feel more empowered after Georgia Runoff results.
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The GOP wants to "unite" and "come together" after spending months amplifying Trump's bullshit voter fraud claims.

We can come together around the idea that a seditious coup attempt against democracy itself is not acceptable.

Enjoy being on the wrong side of history. It is something the GOP should be used to at this point.

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The GOP wants to "unite" and "come together" after spending months amplifying Trump's bullshit voter fraud claims.

We can come together around the idea that a seditious coup attempt against democracy itself is not acceptable.

Enjoy being on the wrong side of history. It is something the GOP should be used to at this point.


Four years of Greatness.

Biden is a downgrade, not only physically (result) but mentally. (Didnt accept Trump offer to take drug test BEFOR debate Guy must be on the “Limitless Drug” :xf.laugh:
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Same with (to a lesser extent) BLM.

I am not saying all BLM are violent, like Antifa.

But some are, always ignored, think Biden and Harris pay bail them out. True Democrat "heroes" Say the words "Domestic Terrorist" for the BLM; even if convicted; Wont.

I dont think i was kidding when i said;
Harris and Biden pay the bond to bailout.
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Four years of Greatness.

Biden is a downgrade, not only physically (result) but mentally. (Didnt accept Trump offer to take drug test BEFOR debate Guy must be on the “Limitless Drug” :xf.laugh:

Yeah, 2020 was a good one. It was not like the President was terrible at handling every aspect of COVID and it lead to a health and economic disaster.

2021 has been even better, with him refusing to accept the loss that happened 2 months ago then inciting his mob to attack democracy itself, and try to overturn a legitimate election.

No company or organization wants anything to do with him.

Trump is toxic. His legacy is destroyed.
He will go down as a pariah in history.

He has exposure to potential federal and state criminal charges and countless civil lawuits.

It seems like it worked out well for him.

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Yeah, 2020 was a good one. It was not like the President was terrible at handling every aspect of COVID and it lead to a health and economic disaster.

2021 has been even better, with him refusing to accept the loss that happened 2 months ago then inciting his mob to attack democracy itself, and try to overturn a legitimate election.

No company or organization wants anything to do with him.

Trump is toxic. His legacy is destroyed.
He will go down as a pariah in history.

Robust economy,

"Cant Credit Obumer."

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The GOP wants to "unite" and "come together" after spending months amplifying Trump's bullshit voter fraud claims.

We can come together around the idea that a seditious coup attempt against democracy itself is not acceptable.

Enjoy being on the wrong side of history. It is something the GOP should be used to at this point.

They are so ridiculous and hypocrites... after willing to break the US in two parts, after supporting the crying rants and dangerous false lies of the danger-in-chief for two months, now they say they want to "unite".
They only want to save the threat-in-chief ass from being impeached.
After Trump inciting insurrection and sedition, pushing his supporters to swarm the Capitol. After brainwashing his supporters telling them the election was stolen, pushing them to fight, now, they say they want to "unite", amazing hypocrites.
Enjoy being on the wrong side of history.

You're talking about yourself.

And it's penned all over the Internet in case you want to pick up where you left off next incarnation in regards to remembering the whole point of the human experience. ....
i respect differences;

But Democrats are the embodiment of
“Double Standard”

I highlighted yellow.
Democrats should follow their own advice.

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Side note: Is it a surprise “Cheney”
(Anyone remotely connected to W. Bush) is anti-Trump.
Dick Cheney aught to be ashamed.. Daughter RINO :)
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Side note: Is it a surprise “Cheney”
(Anyone remotely connected to W. Bush) is anti-Trump.
Dick Cheney aught to be ashamed.. Daughter RINO :)

She is not anti-Trump. She is pro-Constitution.

Trump is also an irrelevant loser at this point.

It's Gym Jordan.

Dont you dare besmirch the name of Jim Jordan,
Love him; he has more courage, than any GOP Senator.
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Counting the days until January 20 for this:

§2383. Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


§2384. Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
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Dont you dare besmirch name of Jim Jordan,
Love that guy. More courage than any GOP Senator.

Gerrymandering has really destroyed the GOP especially. It has lead to such low quality congressman overall.

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