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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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Claudia Sheinbaum just became Mexico's first woman president. She's a left-wing politician and climate scientist (PhD in Energy Engineering). She's intelligent, comes equipped with the tools for sustainable development, but gas and oil developers are skeptical. The other question is, how can Mexico effectively support border control and also relinquish the cartels? :unsure:
The 1st woman President of the United States of America Nikki
Nikki 2024
The 1st woman President of the United States of America Nikki
The pain and frustration of unrequited love affects everyone differently.
Will we need a new thread for hopeless romantics?
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Any predictions on how much time Hunter receives for his gun purchase charge? :unsure:

He probably won't receive the maximum 25 years in prison as a first-time offender.
Don't feel bad, the difference between weather and climate is beyond most Trumpers comprehension.
Because, obviously, weather and climate have nothing at all to do with each other...
Claudia Sheinbaum just became Mexico's first woman president. She's a left-wing politician and climate scientist (PhD in Energy Engineering).
That makes sense, such moves have always turned out well for Latin America.
Because, obviously, weather and climate have nothing at all to do with each other...

Let's put it in simple terms that maybe will help you understand ...it's like money and inflation. The more money in the system, the higher the inflation. The same with CO2, it's a closed system.

That makes sense, such moves have always turned out well for Latin America.

The CIA has nothing to do with the situation in Latin America.
The CIA has nothing to do with the situation in Latin America.
Of course not. They are heroes and patriots standing between the American people and the dangerous world.
Of course not. They are heroes and patriots standing between the American people and the dangerous world.

There's more than one way to create an industry ie. border industrial complex. What happens at the border won't stay at the border though, robodogs will be patrolling US streets soon. We've already seen the abuse of AI targeting in Gaza.
The southern Baptist Church does not want women to be pastors....only men esp white men can be the leader
Women are supposed the serve the needs of the men at anytime any day without any complaints

Trump is supporting this ....

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There's more than one way to create an industry ie. border industrial complex. What happens at the border won't stay at the border though, robodogs will be patrolling US streets soon. We've already seen the abuse of AI targeting in Gaza.
So, you support a candidate who is less likely to follow through with these policies, of course?
So, you support a candidate who is less likely to follow through with these policies, of course?

It's not about me, it's about public support for policing policy change ... just be careful what you wish for.
@dna, since you're into electrical engineering, perhaps you can make sense of this... :xf.rolleyes:

Trump has obviously thought long and hard about this problem, which would you choose:

1. Don't overload the boat with batteries in the first place
2. Drill a hole so the water goes out
3. Tell the sharks who Trump is and swim to safety

Trump has obviously thought long and hard about this problem, which would you choose:

1. Don't overload the boat with batteries in the first place
2. Drill a hole so the water goes out
3. Tell the sharks who Trump is and swim to safety

Trump can swim??
@dna, since you're into electrical engineering, perhaps you can make sense of this...
Donald was being funny. As sight cannot be explained to someone who has been blind their entire life, I am not going to try to explain humor to you.
My degree is in electrical engineering, not psychiatry. As responding to you is a complete waste of my time, I will gaslight you no further.
Donald was being funny.

I didn't see anyone laughing, except when he chose to be electrocuted :xf.laugh:
As sight cannot be explained to someone who has been blind their entire life, I am not going to try to explain humor to you.

"None are so blind than those who who refuse to see..."


My degree is in electrical engineering, not psychiatry. As responding to you is a complete waste of my time, I will gaslight you no further.

No, but he can entertain the sharks on the sinking boat while you swim to safety. :xf.wink:
Just run faster than the others during a bear chase
Hunter Biden goes to jail
Trump goes to jail
Both cellmates
America can celebrate fireworks

Biden family and Trump family...they should get a family get together...
Life too short to be angry at each other
Any predictions on how much time Hunter receives for his gun purchase charge? :unsure:

He probably won't receive the maximum 25 years in prison as a first-time offender.
Depends as Biden might pardon his son Hunter.
It's not about me,
I never said it was about you - I just asked if you would support the candidate most aligned with your concerns about robodogs. You are just dodging the question.
it's about public support for policing policy change
This is very alliterative and makes zero sense as a sentence. Sure you're not a politician?
just be careful what you wish for.
He said he wouldn't, Hunter will get 12-15 mo.

Policing policy politics policing politicians policies ...say that 3x fast :xf.wink:
Biden's word is no good I think he will reverse course and pardon his son.
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