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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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@JB Lions Our veterans are good people and always vote for Republican Presidential in general election last time it was 54% Trump 44% Biden so a tad closer than normal. This time around it will probably be 60%+ of veterans for Donald J. Trump. The reason vets like GOP is because it's the True American Party. Trump is of strong moral fiber and may in fact return to white house. Get ready for the ride of your life. +5% Trump electoral college close but could still result in Trump win even if Mr. Joe manages to overcome the popular vote loss and win the popular vote. The electoral college seems to slightly favor Trump. If Trump get's more charges it will help him win.
So, is a president considered an officer? :unsure:

The definition seems simple to me: A president is the chief executive officer of a country with powers as determined by the Constitution.

What is an 'official' according to the dictionary?

Holding office or serving in a public capacity; befitting or characteristic of a person in office; a person who has a position of responsibility in an organization; someone who holds or is invested with an office having authority...

Synonym of 'official' = officer

Therefore, since Trump was an elected official, by all definitions as president, he was the chief officer of the US government. His petition on this Constitutional debate doesn't hold water IMO.
"Despite recent economic growth, a recent poll reveals that many Americans favor former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden in regards to handling the U.S. economy. Conducted by the Financial Times and the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, the survey shows 42% of respondents prefer Trump's economic leadership compared to 31% for Biden, with 21% expressing trust in neither."
This is why Trump may become only the second president in history of USA to serve a non-consecutive second term.
Also, Biden mishandled classified documents which is hurting him. "This finding pressures Biden, who faces scrutiny over his age and mental fitness following a report by Special Counsel Robert Hur about the president's mishandling of classified documents."
"Despite recent economic growth, a recent poll reveals that many Americans favor former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden in regards to handling the U.S. economy. Conducted by the Financial Times and the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, the survey shows 42% of respondents prefer Trump's economic leadership compared to 31% for Biden, with 21% expressing trust in neither."
This is why Trump may become only the second president in history of USA to serve a non-consecutive second term.
Also, Biden mishandled classified documents which is hurting him. "This finding pressures Biden, who faces scrutiny over his age and mental fitness following a report by Special Counsel Robert Hur about the president's mishandling of classified documents."
And it can only get worse under Trump. It's really hard to do better than historic low unemployment, stock market records, high GDP, high consumer spending/confidence etc. The Dems will do a better job to start reminding people.

If Trump gets in, you know it'll just be a matter of time before his supporters turn on him. It's going to be different the second time around. First time, he made a lot of promises he couldn't back up. This time, they're going to expect him to follow thru.

I'm still wondering how you guys will mass deport millions of people? MAGAs are going to want every illegal out.

That's not going to happen.

Environment will get worse under Trump.

Economy will get worse under Trump.

Relations with our allies will get worse under Trump, since he seems to be ok with throwing our friends under the bus for Papa Putin.
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@JB Lions Trump's middle-class tax-cuts will help Americans. People are pretty confident Trump will lower their taxes so that will give him some votes. The border is not secure that will give him some votes. The economy before covid-19 was super good under Trump and was starting to recover by mid-2020 to late-2020. Had Trump won 2020 we'd be better off than 3 or 4 years ago. Biden's age and handling of classified documents (even when liberal justices may not convict Joe) will hurt him which I think the email server hurt Clinton in 2016. Also, Trump is of strong moral fiber, he has both the Christian vote and Military Vote in the bag. Then 91+ percent of GOP will go Trump and as much as 1/3 of Democrat will check the Donald J. Trump box, partly due to Biden's age and loss of mental ability. It's not unusual for people to trust GOP more with economy you've heard of Reaganomics right? Be ready Trumponomics will be better.
Relations with our allies will get worse under Trump, since he seems to be ok with throwing our friends under the bus for Papa Putin.

Trump, speaking during a political rally in South Carolina on Saturday and appearing to recount a meeting with NATO leaders, quoted the president of "a big country" that he did not name as asking, "Well sir, if we don't pay, and we're attacked by Russia — will you protect us?"

"I said: 'You didn't pay? You're delinquent?' He said: 'Yes, let's say that happened.' No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay."

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates, asked about Trump's comments, said, "Encouraging invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unhinged — and it endangers American national security, global stability and our economy at home."

"He maybe has issues with his memory; it was actually a female president, not of a country, but of the European Union," Breton said, referring to EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen and a conversation she had with Trump in 2020.

Polish Defence Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz also weighed in, "NATO's motto 'one for all, all for one' is a concrete commitment. Undermining the credibility of allied countries means weakening the entire NATO. No election campaign is an excuse for playing with the security of the alliance."

BTW, Poland spends more on defense than USA (per GDP)...
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Trump, speaking during a political rally in South Carolina on Saturday and appearing to recount a meeting with NATO leaders, quoted the president of "a big country" that he did not name as asking, "Well sir, if we don't pay, and we're attacked by Russia — will you protect us?"

"I said: 'You didn't pay? You're delinquent?' He said: 'Yes, let's say that happened.' No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay."

^ this coming from a guy who doesn't even pay his own bills (just ask Rudy, lol) :xf.rolleyes:
"I said: 'You didn't pay? You're delinquent?' He said: 'Yes, let's say that happened.' No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay."
The Putin's puppet doesn't even hide his "mafia" style language... "you gotta pay" or they will beat you.

At this point I think it's pretty clear that the wannabe dictator is Putin's puppet.

What are Putin's main goals? Destroy the USA democracy and destroy NATO.
Those are the only two barriers that stop him from "making russia great again", from reunifying the Soviet Union and if possible from also taking over half of Europe like in the "Iron Courtain" era.

And Trump is clearly working and focusing on accomplishing Putin's dreams.

What amazes me is that this traitor can still be allowed to be on the presidential ballot for 2024.
A complete traitor that has already tried to destroy the US democracy by an insurrection and by trying to subvert a democratic and free election by all unlawful means.
A complete traitor that has already asked for the termination of the US Constitution.

And he tried it not only to remain in power, but to become a dictator destroying the US democracy and by doing so, pushing the US alongside Putin's regime, the gang of dictatorial countries.

Putin could not have imagined in his entire life that he would have someone like Trump in the US to destroy the country from within.
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Putin could not have imagined in his entire life that he would have someone like Trump in the US to destroy the country from within.

What has the Russian propaganda machine have to say about Sponge Don? :unsure:

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Did you catch this lie? :unsure:

"He maybe has issues with his memory; it was actually a female president, not of a country, but of the European Union," Breton said, referring to EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen and a conversation she had with Trump in 2020.

'President of a big country', he said ...the EU is not a country. Trump also refers to President Ursula Von der Leyen as 'he', just to throw you off the track :sneaky:

Imagine if Trump didn't have lifetime Secret Service as an ex-president (ie. for not paying his taxes) :unsure:

Then he'd be in the same shoes as Nikki Haley and RFK Jr...

Nikki Haley requests Secret Service protection

Secret Service orders ‘no response’ to RFK Jr.’s protection plea
Biden team on TikTok now, not sure what second tweet means...

What the heck is he on, lol? Is that an AI generated image? I'm sure he can do much better than that ...seems kinda like the Trump card thingy :ROFL:

Here's an AI image I made of our potential future after a possible 2nd Trump presidency... :greyalien:

Dystopia 1.jpeg
Trump.snd Republicans will take away the social security remove Medicare for the seniors

Going to be like the Russian style bread distribution program for the poor
Total government control on food distribution in USA like Russia which Trump admires Russia very much
In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want."

The pain and suffering something like that would cause tens/hundreds of millions, were Putin to take that as an opening......

Who with any real sense of morality, moral character, would say something like that.....
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Trump.snd Republicans will take away the social security remove Medicare for the seniors

Going to be like the Russian style bread distribution program for the poor
Total government control on food distribution in USA like Russia which Trump admires Russia very much
I'm not scared about President Donald J. Trump scaring the American people when Biden scares them every day. Fear not your government benefits are safe. On the other hand I will probably have to be 80+ years old before I qualify. No changes will be made to existing Social Security recipients. You should also have investments and not rely 100% on the SS. SS was meant to be extra $'s not to replace income.
The pain and suffering something like that would cause tens/hundreds of millions, were Putin to take that as an opening......

Who with any real sense of morality, moral character, would say something like that.....
The wannabe dictator has no morals. He only cares about himself and Putin of course.
How can someone still vote for such an immoral wannabe dictator is such a mistery, or maybe we should thank the uneducated that Trump loves so much.
That's the only explanation for it. Always the people with low education are the ones who fall in mass for such charlatans with no morals.
At the end of the day, I think it's the failure of the educational system what has placed Trump where he is.

Also, as someone said here a few days ago, it may also be related to some (or many) people being very f*cked up by the system (no free public healthcare and things like that), bankrupted by medical bills, etc. which makes people give a damn about everything and vote for a deranged charlatan with no morals to blow up everything.
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@JB Lions What do you think about DeSantis' war with Disney?
@JB Lions What do you think about DeSantis' war with Disney?
Went as expected. Disney won. Governors come and go, Disney is beloved. Well, maybe Elon doesn't love them because they own him too.

What do you think of Elon acting like a whiny bitch constantly over Disney? Is that a good look? It's like he lacks self awareness or something.
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Didn't even see these, people making Super Bowl commercials against Tesla software, haha:

Tesla Stock Is Slipping. Super Bowl Ads Slammed Driver-Assistance Software.​

Tesla, Rivian shares slide amid worries of broad EV slowdown​

Tesla sinking

Twitter sinking

Our government needs to do less space business with somebody that constantly attacks this country. This would be another hit to him.
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@JB Lions Elon has the right to think that way, he's a good guy. Hope he donates to Trump. Also, Trump +5% or on average +1.9%. America is looking for change and Trump is what they want. Biden isn't smart enough to secure the border when he risks being denied a third term. We shall see if Trump pulls ahead in WI as it's tied. Biden's only hope is PA but losing GA and AZ he's probably still lose even with PA. It could be a close 2024 or it could be a Donald J. Trump landslide. Over half the country wants to return Trump to white house. I think the 45% in the poll for Trump to Bidens 40% that the undecided will break for Donald J. Trump.
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