
domains The Tales Continue: -- It’s Time to

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Lyrical GangsterRestricted (85-100%)

Our country is under attack. If they can't kill Him before he takes office, they're bringing the war to us. In fact, it’s already begun; God help us all.

I promise, the horrors of war can’t be overstated.
My people know. in more ways than you can imagine. I know; I was born in a war-torn country.

It's also not an accident they picked NOLA
-- it’s a very Catholic City, and they attacked it on one of the happiest days of the year.

🍄 Microdosing Psychedelics 🍄 can slowly wake people up to God — the good, the bad, and the ugly.
That's what makes them so scary.

But, without knowing it allwithout knowing God, you can't possibly know just how good life can be.

Think, dancing hippies
that’s what they do to people, and the reason they were outlawed by Nixon in 1968.

They filled people with love, leading them to protest the war of that age — the Vietnam War. See video link at the end for more.

—//— — A Brief Intro:

I had a very traumatic experience in Spring of 2022 that (nearly?) killed me. Ask @Bob Hawkes about the Quantum stuff; he knows a lot more about it than I do.

All I can really tell you publicly is that I’m quite sure I met the Devil that night.

Anyway, it wasn't the first such incident in my life, but one of the worst. When you're me, sinkholes seem to appear out of nowhere, and they're huge!

Shortly thereafter, I had either a Psychotic Break or an Epiphany (a deeply spiritual experience)
, while under the influence of a VERY large THC dose. (I didn’t find mushrooms until a couple of months ago.)

I’m grateful to say that life has only gotten better since The Epiphany. Today, my life is better than I could have ever imagined. Thank God.

—//— — More About Molly:

There is freedom in accepting your insanity. God is the space that exists on the other side of consciousness. It's truly amazing here. Some describe it as Ecstasy.

And it really is like the Matrix, I think. Everything is true, and not. As an old friend once said, God is either everything or nothing.

Pink sings about it well.
Imagine her voice is that of God, and her lyrics are His message to you. She's wide awake, and a powerhouse -- an amazing mother, athlete, etc. (No clue if she uses mushrooms.) with his theories on Psychosexual Development. Think, Penis Envy & other fixations, such as an Oral or Anal Fixation.

Jung was also right...
think, 12 subconscious ”people” archetypes that we've inherited from our parents & ancestors since prehistoric times.

Others have been right, too, like Jesus
(thank God for him), Mohammed, etc. In full disclosure, I still struggle with the Jesus part, but it makes a little more sense now...

The Muslim (or Jewish, Atheist, etc) man is both God and the Devil; he doesn’t know Jesus, and so he imposes Sharia law.

Rather than face his own shadow, he blames innocent women & children for His fears & perversions.

Those poor people need our prayers. It's not their fault they were born Muslim. So do those in Communist States. 🙏

—//— — Loving The Sound of Your Own Voice:

The survival of the universe -- at least the one you and I occupy at this moment, depends on my loved ones waking up. And they have to do so in a hurry -- we're running out of time. Once our base reality is gone, all of the others go with it.

—//— — Saving America.

Who will save the world once America is gone? There is no other country like it --- that's why they all want what we have. You would, too, if you were them; they can't be blamed.

But, like any good mother, America must put its oxygen mask on first. Otherwise, mom dies quickly, taking all of the world's children with her.

I finally get that I have a vested interest in this. God lives in me, too. But, if the socialists can't believe the children of God — the immigrants seeking freedom from religious persecution, the mothers of the world, or the actual gays & artists, who can they trust?

It's time for everyone to wake up -- for real.

—//— — a word of warning… God is watching.

Before jumping to the conclusion that I and the other 80 million people who voted Republican this election are just "Trumpers" — whatever that means, know how closed minded such thoughts are.

The bigotry is coming from the other side -- those who don't actually know God. Our side's message is of love, hope, and freedom. God is good, my friend.

You know me. I'm the silence when your thoughts stop.
Google the Default Mode Network (DMN).

—//— — Are you paying attention yet?

On this journey, I've solidified my belief that God is the creative energy inside each of us -- at its best, and it lives in the subconscious of every soul.

I'm pretty sure the options are, you get to see God in the face of your children, or you learn to see God in all faces.

Either way, God is the only answer.

The ONLY people I know who voted for Harris
in this past election were straight "white" people [who are asleep], and I know a LOT of people. Most of these individuals are rich in the eyes of the world. Your TV — and NPR, is lying to you. It's a shame, too, because I love PBS!

It might help you hear my message more clearly if
I remind you that I'm the person who sued a major metropolitan city for ticketing me when my meter ran out while I cast my 2016 ballot for Hillary on election day.

I took that fight as high as I could go, representing myself & citing Constitutional Law protecting Black Americans, lol. I always joked the wrong guy won that election (Trump). The parking ticket only added insult to injury.

—//— — Don't give it away so freely or easily.

Socialist policies are the opposite of free will, which is a gift. This has been written about for centuries. Remember, I'm mostly gay — and a first generation immigrant; English is my second language. Thank God for this country! 🙏

I didn't start to wake up until 2019. COVID sped that up, as it forced me to turn on my TV for the first time in decades. Most people have been slow-boiled; I was thrown into a pot of already boiling water.

I didn’t know the truth yet;
I just knew their stories were lies... I've been teaching people about coronaviruses since 2008. They're responsible for at least half of the "common colds” every year. Doctors never tested for them because they were pretty harmless and couldn’t be cured — they’re viruses, not bacteria.

As you can tell, I'm now as awake as I've ever been. God lives in the subconscious. And I promise — everyone is listening to another person's interpretation of God's message, rather than hearing the message itself.

—//— — God is good, and heaven is here and now. I hope you can feel it. ❤️

My people have a saying that the closer you are to God, the bigger the target on your back. So, I wouldn't be surprised if I die suddenly — now that I've found happiness, enlightenment, or whatever. I've always known it would be so.

However, I've never wanted to live as bad as I do now. Now that I'm here, I'm fighting like hell for what I’ve got. I finally found — the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

The existence of my universe depends on my loved ones waking up
, so I finally get that I have a vested interest in this. God lives in the subconscious of every soul. It's truly amazing. Further, you get to see God in the face of your children. I've learned to see God in all faces, especially the Sun. Thank God.


We really are running out of time.

I think it's ok with me if this upsets you; the sake of humanity is more important, though I obviously hope you can hear my message through your hate, fear or confusion.

The divide isn't as big as they want you to believe. We are all children of God, and women are our mothers. God needs our help, and psychedelics can assist.

I now define insanity (and depression, PTSD, etc) as an absence of God.
...a denial of the truth, really; a soul sickness. That is the devil.

This is my inner God, the Mother of Man, reaching for the God in each of you. People need to pray; God needs our help.

Once base reality is gone, all of the others go with it.


A Parting Gift:

When I protested church as a child, my mom would say, "What, are you Muslim now?" as if the world consisted of only Christian believers (we’re Catholic Maronites) and the rest -- the Muslims (or Jews, Atheists, etc). I think I’m finally starting to understand…

Jesus preached in Lebanon. Noah built his ark using our Cedars, which he planted himself. The land of my people is Holy. We are descendants of Phoenicians.

I'm so grateful to finally be awakening, and hope you are, too.

Think of the stories, such as so-called Holy Scriptures, as allegories. Time -- or consciousness (your understanding of time), is like a sine wave.

That's the best way I can describe it. Watch that movie... I can't remember what it's called. Everything Everywhere All At Once or something like that.

Please spread the word -- God's message of hope, that loving & creative energy that exists in each of us. It exists just outside of consciousness, and the survival of man depends on it.

The keys to the kingdom are yours, with a personal invitation.
The others can

With mush love,
Molly M.

One of your favorite psychonauts.

PS —
a short video by a famous Mycologist: Paul Stamets, and The Stoned Ape Theory. Enjoy!

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
12 hours and not a single comment. The anticipation is killing me, lol.

It’s ok if we disagree; we just have to be willing to believe. Trust god; I promise he’s good — and he lives in all of us.

You and I are walking Gods; the Jesus of our day and age.
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It’s not enough to believe in God alone. You must believe in man — or woman, too.

That’s the Jesus part — love of man. Without it, we’re tyrants.
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12 hours and not a single comment. The anticipation is killing me, lol.

It’s ok if we disagree; we just have to be willing to believe. Trust god; I promise he’s good — and he lives in all of us.

You and I are walking Gods; the Jesus of our day and age.
You said it's ok to disagree, then said you have to be willing to believe.

Well, what if we disagree about the existence of god?

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You said it's ok to disagree, then said you have to be willing to believe.

Well, what if we disagree about the existence of god?

I was an atheist for the better part of 30 years. God died in my world until a couple of years ago. I’ve struggled with mental illness much of my life.

Hopefully that helps?
…to clarify, an Atheist does not believe in God’s existence (that was me); where as, an Agnostic is spiritual — believing in something they can’t quite define. I dabbled in that pool for a little while, but evil beat me for a long time.
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I was an atheist for the better part of 30 years. God died in my world until a couple of years ago. I’ve struggled with mental illness much of my life.

Hopefully that helps?
It's a personal thing. I have no problem with people believing, or not believing, what they choose to.

If someone doesn't believe in something, quoting scripture or whatever isn't going to really change anything.

If there is a god that is omniscient and omnipotent then they would know exactly what information someone would need in order to believe.

…to clarify, an Atheist does not believe in God’s existence (that was me); where as, an Agnostic is spiritual — believing in something they can’t quite define. I dabbled in that pool for a little while, but evil beat me for a long time.
There are endless debates on atheism vs agnosticism. They mean different things to different people.
It's an entire spectrum.

If fact, there is agnostic atheism. There is even agnostic theism.


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It's a personal thing. I have no problem with people believing, or not believing, what they choose to.

If someone doesn't believe in something, quoting scripture or whatever isn't going to really change anything.

If there is a god that is omniscient and omnipotent then they would know exactly what information someone would need in order to believe.

There are endless debates on atheism vs agnosticism. They mean different things to different people.
It's an entire spectrum.

If fact, there is agnostic atheism. There is even agnostic theism.

Show attachment 268623

This is great, Brad! Thanks for sharing — and humoring me. 🙏😊
"Think, Penis Envy & other fixations, such as an Oral or Anal Fixation."

I'm sorry but wtf does any of this have to do with domain names?
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If someone doesn't believe in something, quoting scripture or whatever isn't going to really change anything.
ps - remember, your inner god lives in your subconscious. …what do you think you’re doing sleeping (physically) for one third of your life? Something significant must be happening that our conscious minds can’t understand.
Last thing… I’m not quoting scripture. I’ve actually never read the Bible. I’m a terrible Catholic.

I’m banking on the good will of my family to get me into Heaven. 😉
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Last thing… I’m not quoting scripture. I’ve actually never read the Bible. I’m a terrible Catholic.

I’m banking on the good will of my family to get me into Heaven. 😉
…perhaps another coincidence, but it turns out that I published this on a Catholic Holiday — The Epiphany, Jan 6th Internationally.

Who knew?! Still think it’s all coincidence?
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Sorry, I’ll stop soon… here is a link to my Atom Portfolio if you care to learn more. Some of my domains are actually pretty good. 😊
ps - remember, your inner god lives in your subconscious. …what do you think you’re doing sleeping (physically) for one third of your life? Something significant must be happening that our conscious minds can’t understand.


If you were simply resting for the 33% of your life that you spend asleep, then your conscious mind would recall more of it.

I’m willing to bet that our subconscious minds are somehow able to communicate, without our conscious minds being aware.
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In full disclosure, I initially wrote this as a letter to my loved ones — those who I know, and those who I don’t. But if I can help others too, why not try?


I’ve been losing friends for a couple of months now — due to me no longer being a Democrat. I’ve known many of these people for over 10 years; we LOVE each other.

People are starting to show their true colors as loudly as ever. There are now dozens of friends that I think I can no longer call as such — in just the 36 hours since publishing this.

Remember, there’s a target on your back, too. And it’s not me or my army aiming at it. 🙏❤️

ps — it turns out I published this article on a Catholic Holiday — The Epiphany, which is Jan 6th internationally. Who knew?!
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I’m quite sure God is coming. I hope we’ll be ready. ❤️🙏
They’re burning and looting our cities. LA is running out of water! Still think there’s no such thing as good and evil?

Please pray; if not for yourself, then for the other children of man.
Not sure how to help? Try these two simple options…

1) If hearing of devastation, ask God to help those in need (literally).
2) When enjoying some little aspect of life, thank god for giving you more than you need.

If you have internet access to read this message — or food to throw away today, you’re amongst the richest people in the world. Thank God. 🙏
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ps — I live in a high fire risk zone in SoCal and have been without power for the better part of 48 hours. Evil is out in full force.

This impacts all of us; it’s a sneak peek of what’s to come. This isn’t a joke.
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last member to throw religion in the mix was rob the Monster and you see what he did to those who followed him.


last member to throw religion in the mix was rob the Monster and you see what he did to those who followed him.

Hey Biggie! Good hearing from you. I don’t know Rob or his story, but I’m trying not to fly too close to the sun.
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I’m trying not to fly too close to the sun.

threads like this, make it seem like you're already burnt up.

while you're on this trip
don't let the flames engulf any bridges you've managed to build.

cuz you might want to back track later.

just saying....

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