
auction The Official Thread - 8 Auctions Per Day - Low and No Reserves

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* This Is a Paid Sticky Thread *

KISS ("Keep It Short and Simple" or "Keep It Simple, Stupid", whatever floats your boat), this what is all about. This site won't clean your house, wash your dishes or give you a Thai massage: it's just an octopus which will point at 8 auctions each and every day as of this point. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

8 auctions per day, low and no reserves. By limiting ourselves to 8 auctions per day, we're able to focus on quality and at the end of the day, this is our #1 goal: giving people who own domains which actually have inherent value the opportunity to liquidate and, at the same time, giving investors a chance to buy great domains at reseller prices.

Here are today's 8 auctions (all of them will end today at 2 PM EST):

Powerful one-word dot com domain, a term more and more people are using these days. "Uncontent" is the polite way of saying "pissed off" and economically speaking, 95% of the world’s population can be categorized as either “uncontent” or “soon to be uncontent”!

More and more people are interested in finding out how they can fix their cars without having to pay the mechanic a visit and let’s just say that finding a better domain for something like a “Car Terms for Dummies” guide would be next to impossible.

With and 27,100 broad global monthly searches and 1,600 exact match global monthly searches, it should be clear that is a keeper, either as a “buy and hold” investment or as a future ecommerce site!

Everyone knows that sites with funny animal pictures can and will go viral, remember the lolcats phenomenon? It should come as no surprise that the term “dog bloopers” has an impressive number of monthly searches: 5,400 exact match global monthly searches and 9,900 broad global monthly searches!

Premium geo domain with 6,600 exact match global monthly searches and 18,100 broad global monthly searches. If you’re serious about taking your geo domain portfolio to the next level, you know what you have to do!

Political opinions are like you know what, everyone has one. You probably want to have your voice heard but that will never happen unless you’re able to put credibility on the table and what better way to start than by owning an authoritative domain such as

With 1,300 exact match global monthly searches and 14,800 broad global monthly searches, is definitely a domain anyone in the jewelry industry would LOVE to own!

The term “legal realism” has 2.400 exact match global monthly searches, 6,600 broad global monthly searches and an estimated average CPC of $1.15: need we say more?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
We're currently tweaking the script a little bit, so the site is not active at this point. I'll let you guys know as soon as everything has been tested and we're good to go. If we manage to implement the changes we have in mind without delays, the next auction will start tomorrow at 2 PM EST and as of that point, it's business as usual: each batch of 8 auctions will start at 2 PM EST and end the next day at 2 PM EST :)
Very memorable name. But Time Left: No Auctions Running ;(
Very memorable name. But Time Left: No Auctions Running ;(

Still working on the script :)

If everything goes well, we'll be running auctions again as of today at 2 PM EST. If there are delays, we might have to take another "day off" and only start as of tomorrow at 2 PM EST.

It seems that a mod accidentally moved this thread to the "Domains For Sale - External Auctions" folder, please move it back to the "Domains For Sale - Auctions" section. This is a paid sticky and the thread needs to be in the "Domains For Sale - Auctions" section of NamePros, I think RJ posted a message about this in the staff area.
We're still testing the application and have decided not to resume the auctions today. On the one hand, we want to make sure that everything is working properly and on the other hand, our new design is almost ready and we'd rather not resume the auctions now, then take another day off later on in order to update the design :)
Autcionpus Dot Com is sponsoring the Auctions subforum with this paid sticky thread. Keep abreast of the daily auctions by subscribing to this thread.
The new design is now LIVE and we'll be auctioning domains again as of this point.

Here are are the 8 auctions which are currently running, all of them will end tomorrow at 2 PM EST:

Peru (.pe), with a population of 28,836,700, is definitely NOT just some random tiny island. On the one hand, is the shortest domain on the market at this point and that gives you a HUGE edge if you want to start an URL shortener. On the other hand, it represents an amazing ccTLD investment. Everyone wants a piece of the .pe market, find just one business owner who wouldn't want this baby: we dare you!

Tourism, tourism, tourism. Ask 100 people to name their top 3 travel destinations and you'll see that at least 80% will have France on their list. The development/monetization possibilities are endless and this much is certain: has "I'm ready to play with the big boys" written all over it!

A HUGE term and the stats speak for themselves: we're talking about 9,140,000 (yes, nine MILLION) broad global monthly searches and 1,000,000 (yes, one Million) exact match global monthly searches.

If you don't understand what makes this product name dot net domain a gem, you're better off staying away from this thing everyone calls "the Internet". Some people call them "sweatsuits" (1 word), others refer to them as "sweat suits" (2 words) but this much is certain: both keywords have a lot of search volume and by owning, you're covered!

There will always be a LOT of demand for movie review websites and this gem is the best possible domain on the market for a movie blog. There's a lot of competition out there and you need credibility. Fortunately for you, the domain provides just that. After all, you can't expect to be taken seriously if you own! Watching movies, reviewing them and making money through affiliate programs such as and Netflix: sounds like a great way to earn a living, wouldn't you agree?

Anyone who visits sites such as Digg on a regular basis can confirm that not a day goes by without a funny cartoon going viral. There's a LOT of traffic on the table and having a domain like will definitely represent an edge. After all, who wants to tell people about a site called

Here's a challenge for you: call a handful of jewelers and ask them what they think about the domain, let's just say that each and every one of them would LOVE to own this baby. People will always want to buy jewelry, there are TRILLIONS of dollars at stake and most potential end users consider the amount you'd love to receive for this domain pocket change!

There's a lot of demand for small headphones and that will never change. Some people simply want to go by unnoticed when listening to music in class, other people need small headphones for professional reasons but this much is certain: small headphones represent an industry and by owning, you and only you will be in the spotlight!
Less than 2 hours left, here's how things stand so far: - $11 - $21 - $1 - $30 - $1 - $11 - Reserve Not Met - Reserve Not Met

---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------

The extended auction ended a few moments ago, here are the 8 domains which are being auctioned right now (all of the auctions will end tomorrow at 2 PM EST):

Ping pong is one of the world's most popular sports and since Mexico has a population of 106,350,434, let's just say that you can easily find MILLIONS of fans there. The possibilities are endless. Do you want to launch an online ping pong game? would represent an amazing domain for something like that! Do you want to launch a website about ping pong (advice, merchandise, maybe even a forum)? Look no further, the domain of your dreams is right in front of you! Do you want to invest in one of the best .mx domains out there? is a no brainer!

The numbers speak for themselves: 135,000 exact match global monthly searches and 2,240,000 broad global monthly searches! You can earn a living just by developing this baby and let's face it, search engines LOVE exact match domain names. If you want to rank higher than the competition, you need an edge and exact match domains give you just that. Competitors can copy your link building strategy but they will never EVER own a better domain than you and as a result, you will CRUSH them!

CVCV dot com domains will ALWAYS be in demand and is definitely a gem. Web 2.0 companies love CVCV dot com domains and they can easily afford to spend high 5 figures or even 6 figures on a domain which gives them instant credibility. CVCV dot coms are some of the best investments out there at this point, only a beginner would disagree!

What do the stats tell us? The term "ladies leggings" has 4,400 exact global exact match monthly searches, 27,100 broad global monthly searches and an estimated average CPC of $1.09. An excellent choice for developers as well as investors and if we really need to explain the value of an exact match domain to you, it's probably time to start looking for a job!

We'll assume that you haven't just discovered the Internet and that you came across smiley ads more than a few times, so we'll spare you the introduction. The term "smiley animation" has 2,400 exact match global monthly searches and 12,100 broad global monthly searches, need we say more?

When it comes to the music industry, there are TRILLIONS of dollars on the table. Everyone wants to be taken seriously these days but since there's a lot of competition involved, you need to have "credibility" written all over you in order to be on the map. Go ahead, try to find a better domain for a music blog. Perform a google search, find out how much sold for and then come back!

Financial terms have ALWAYS been moneymakers. Don't take our word for it, find out what the AdWords keyword tool has to say about the term "bankruptcy searches"!

If dominating a jewelry niche has always been a dream of yours (there's a LOT of money on the table), there's no time like the present to do something about it. Ranking on the 1st page for the term "Zulu Jewelry" will be a piece of cake if you're not a complete idiot, 'nuff said!
Glad to see the thread here, Charlie.

Hey Frank, glad to be here :)

There are about 3 hours left until today's auctions end, here's how things stand so far: - $1,500 - $45 -$11 - $21 - $11 - $11 - Reserve Not Met - Reserve Not Met
The 8 auctions I've referred to previously have ended, here are the auctions which started a few moments ago (all of them will end tomorrow at 2 PM EST):

This domain name has been registered back in 1999 and the stats speak for themselves: 90,500 exact match global monthly searches and 4,090,000 broad global monthly searches. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $450.

The best possible domain name for somone offering, guess what: German writing services. The possibilities are endless, from document translations to creative writing or even sales copy. The term "german writing" has 1,600 exact match global monthly searches and 12,100 broad global monthly searches. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $75.

With 6,600 exact match global monthly searches and 18.100 broad global monthly searches, it should be clear that we're talking about an extremely juicy term. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.

This two-word exact match product name dot com domain has some impressive stats: 3,600 exact match searches in the US last month, 12,100 broad searches in the US last month and an estimated average CPC of $1.70. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.

Do we really have to explain why this baby is one of the most valuable travel domains out there? Let's just say that travel domains will ALWAYS be in demand and a domain such as gives your project instant credibility. It represents a great choice as a "buy and hold" investment as well as an amazing buy if you want to develop it and make money via hotel affiliate programs! has a minimum bid and a reserve of $145.

The economy is going down the drain, this much is certain, so what can we do? Yep, that's right, we can make fun of the folks we elected! Will this help things get back on track? No but at least you'll be able to make enough money to build a bunker and buy LOTS of canned goods by flooding and other social voting website with funny content!

There's a lot of demand (1,300 exact match global monthly searches and 60,500 broad global monthly searches) for time calculation tools. All it takes is one simple script (people will want to calculate things such as the duration between two dates, nothing fancy) and you're good to go! has a minimum bid and a reserve of $145.

Parents are getting busier, nobody can deny this and it should come as no surprise that the babysitting business is booming! represents the best possible domain for a website which has displaying babysitting classified ads as its business model. There's a lot of money on the table, what are you waiting for?
There are about 50 minutes left 'till today's auctions end, here's how things stand so far: - $45 - $11 - $25 - Reserve Not Met - Reserve Not Met - Reserve Not Met - Reserve Not Met - Reserve Not Met

---------- Post added at 06:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:14 PM ----------

Our "day 10" auctions have ended, here are the 8 domains which are being auctioned as we speak (all of the auctions will end tomorrow at 2 PM EST):

"Java moss" is a HUGE gardening term and the stats speak for themselves: 12,100 exact match global monthly searches and 27,100 broad global monthly searches. Need we say more? has a minimum bid and a reserve of $145.

The term "vintage clubs" had 6,600 exact match searches in the US last month and has 33,100 broad global monthly searches, we're sure we don't have to put two and two together for you and explain why this two-word dot com domain is a gem! has a minimum bid and a reserve of $145.

The economy might be going down the drain but this much is certain: it could be a lot worse! Most people have no idea just how bad it could be, so let's just say that more and more stories about the world's poorest countries will dominate the frontpage in the future and with a domain such as, people will definitely take you seriously. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.

There will always be demand for a simple temperature conversion tool. People want to convert x degrees Fahrenheit or y degree Celsius to Kelvin degrees, putting together a simple script which does that shouldn't take more than a few minutes (literally). has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.

More and more people are starting to think that boho pants are cool, who are you to tell them otherwise? They want it, you know it, so put your marketing shoes on and SELL! has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.

Pink ivory is a type of African wood used to make luxury products (for example billiard cues and knives), there's a LOT of money on the table and let's just say that if you're involved in the pink ivory industry, owning would be a dream come true! has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.

Use the AdWords keyword tool, find out everything you can about this product and then come back. You can either develop this baby and make money via AdSense/affiliate programs or you can pitch it to an end user, what will it be? has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.

"Personal incorporation" is a term with a HUGE estimated average CPC of $6.62. Don't take our word for it, use the AdWords keyword tool if you think we're full of you know what. Renewing this baby will only cost about $8/year, so you're covered with even 2-3 clicks over a period of one year. has a minimum bid of $1 and No Reserve!
Forgot to send the additional $8, sorry 'bout that. I'll get you paid asap.

Our "day 11" auctions have ended and as far as the auctions which started today are concerned, I have something special in store for you guys. I'll be out of the country until Friday and leaving things unsupervised at this point would be a mistake IMO (in the future, someone I trust will "take over" but right now, is a project which requires my personal attention).

I always have my laptop and netbook nearby (my "mobile office", so to speak) but that just isn't enough. As a result, the 8 auctions which started a few moments ago will end on Saturday at 2 PM EST instead of tomorrow. Take a look at the domains which are being auctioned right now (again, the auctions will end on Saturday at 2 PM EST), our best inventory yet:

The best CVCV dot com we've ever auctioned. This baby has "premium" written all over it and when it comes to short domains, it just doesn't get any better than this! has a minimum starting bid and a reserve of $1,950.

By purchasing, you're fighting on two fronts. On the one hand, it represents the best possible domain for an URL shortener and the fact that a lot of people say "y" instead of "why" when chatting online adds to its Web 2.0 potential. On the other hand, let's not forget that Peru (.pe) has a population of almost 30,000,000 and that has HUGE local appeal as well! has a minimum bid and a reserve of $3,950.

This domain has been registered back in 2000 and even a beginner knows that musical instrument niches are EXTREMELY profitable! Ready to dominate one? has a starting bid and a reserve of $950.

There are two types of hosting, managed hosting and unmanaged hosting. Unmanaged hosting companies usually work with HUGE clients, we're talking about 6 or even 7 figure contracts, so it should come as no surprise that the estimated average CPC of the term "unmanaged hosting" is $20.18 (no, it's definitely NOT a typo)! You can either start your own company or act as a middleman, this much is certain: even a contract with just ONE well-funded client can make dreams come true! has a starting bid and a reserve of $4,950.

We'd be insulting your intelligence by explaining why this domain is truly amazing, why state the obvious? The term "gum" has lots of meanings, there are more than a few extremely lucrative industried which are just waiting to be dominated by someone who owns a blockbuster domain such as this one. has a starting bid and a reserve of $5,000.

The possibilities are endless: boxing, MMA, you name it! These sports have BILLIONS of fans and it should be obvious what this means: you can either treat this domain as an investment and sell it to an end user for a lot of money or you can develop it yourself and make money via AdSense, event affiliate programs, merchandise affiliate programs and the list could go on and on. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $9,500.

The winner of the domain name will receive as a bonus and by owning this pair, you're automatically a player in the lucrative anti spyware industry. What will it be? Do you want to sell it to a huge company later on or do you want to make a killing by developing these babies and monetizing them via affiliate programs? (with included as a bonus) has a minimum bid and a reserve of $950.

This domain was registered back in 2000 and only a fool would say that wedding niches are not UNBELIEVABLY profitable. But don't take our word for it. Feel free to let someone else snag it, then watch him or her milk this cash chow for all it's worth. The decision is yours and only yours to make. has a starting bid and a reserve of $950.
All of the batch #12 auctions have ended, here are the 8 auctions which started a few moments ago (all of them will end tomorrow at 2 PM EST, each domain has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21):
Does anybody know how much domains have been selling for at recent auctionpus auctions?


These are a few of the most recent ones...

Have they been meeting their reserve? How many bidders are participating in each auction?

Some data might be useful in determining whether or not to list on this service...

Thanks for any information you can provide.
••• has been sold, the other two haven't. We thought about adding an archive but the thing is, that would piss off certain buyers. Most people just don't want others to know how much they paid for a domain. It's understandable IMO and that's why I've decided not to post results anymore either.

As a seller, I agree that the stats would be useful but at the end of the day, the most important thing for all parties involved is keeping buyers happy. Oh and btw, today's 8 auctions will end in about 20 minutes.

---------- Post added at 06:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ----------

The 8 "day 13" auctions have ended, here are the auctions which started a few moments ago (all of them will end tomorrow at 2 PM EST): has a minimum bid of $1 and NO RESERVE. has a minimum bid of $1 and NO RESERVE. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.
As a seller, I agree that the stats would be useful but at the end of the day, the most important thing for all parties involved is keeping buyers happy.

I was under the impression that part of the reason (if not most of the reason) that BIDO suffered the demise it did was directly the result of low-quality submissions... if auctionpus keeps all of its sale prices private, and it seems as though very little "action" is happening (as of right now two of the eight daily domains have $1 bids, the others are still at $0) what is the incentive for sellers with good domains to list them with the service.

Ultimately, the way the contract is structured, it costs real money to list in the first place, and if no-one is biting (or not many are) it doesn't seem to be a very savvy business decision as a seller to put assets at risk.

I would love to be wrong, and as a seller am keenly interested in the success of the project, but am having a difficult time seeing how keeping the results a secret ultimately benefits "real" buyers at all.

Please let me know more about how you plan to increase the quality of domains submitted, and moreover, to increase the completed sales percentages. I'm sure other potential sellers (and buyers) are also interested in the answer.

Thanks in advance for your response.
good points, fastadam.... also, assuming the platform takes off, results will likely be archived anyway (similar to in the llll thread) by people in on the auction that did not win.... so i agree that, at least for starters, demonstrating that there IS action/decent sale prices will be incentive for people to list domains and help the site take off....
good points, fastadam.... also, assuming the platform takes off, results will likely be archived anyway (similar to in the llll thread) by people in on the auction that did not win.... so i agree that, at least for starters, demonstrating that there IS action/decent sale prices will be incentive for people to list domains and help the site take off....

Yep, you're right but the same way, any sale between two parties can end up being archived if one of the parties decides to mention it at one point or another. The scenario you have mentioned represents something that I cannot control as the owner of, the only thing I have control over is my website.

If I were a seller, I would agree with you 100%. But if I were a buyer who wants to sell to other resellers down the road, I would appreciate it if the owner of the auction site "keeps his mouth shut", so to speak. It's one of those "it's impossible to please everyone" situations that website owners have to deal with.

On the one hand, I'd piss off buyers if I were to set up an archive but on the other hand, sellers would find it useful. I have decided not to make the results public because in my opinion, the most important thing for all parties involved (sellers included, as strange as it may sound) is that buyers are satisfied.
All of the "day 14" auctions have ended, here are the 8 auctions which started a few moments ago (all of them will end tomorrow at 2 PM EST): has a minimum bid of $1 and NO RESERVE. has a minimum bid of $1 and NO RESERVE. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.
The 8 "day 15" auctions have ended, here are the auctions which started a few moments ago (all of them will end tomorrow at 2 PM EST): has a minimum bid of $1 and NO RESERVE. has a minimum bid of $1 and NO RESERVE. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.
All of the "day 16" auctions have ended, here are the 8 auctions which started a few moments ago (all of them will end tomorrow at 2 PM EST): has a minimum bid of $1 and NO RESERVE. has a minimum bid of $1 and NO RESERVE. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.
The 8 "day 17" auctions have ended, here are the auctions which started a few moments ago (all of them will end tomorrow at 2 PM EST): has a minimum bid of $1 and NO RESERVE. has a minimum bid of $1 and NO RESERVE. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $21. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45. has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.
I have something special in store for you guys: we're focusing on AGED exact match product domains today (let's face it, you just can't go wrong with domains like these). I'll let the domains do all of the talking, here are the 8 auctions which started a few moments ago (all of them will end tomorrow at 2 PM EST): (registered back in 1999) has a minimum bid of $1 and NO RESERVE! (registered back in 2005) has a minimum bid and a reserve of $295. (registered back in 2004) has a minimum bid and a reserve of $295. (registered back in 2003) has a minimum bid and a reserve of $295. (registered back in 2001) has a minimum bid and a reserve of $295. (registered back in 2006) has a minimum bid and a reserve of $295. (registered back in 2000) has a minimum bid and a reserve of $950. (registered back in 2000) has a minimum bid and a reserve of $950.
After watching today's auctions in the final minutes, I'm getting a better idea of why you are not willing to give us any statistics to chew on...

Two domains with $1 (Reserve Met) bids and the other 6... no takers at all.

Clearly this is not a platform which (at this point in time) can even recover reg. fee on "keyword domains".

I would recommend a shift in strategy if I were you. Like others before me, I would change the name, but I would also consider reaching out to friends you have in the business with an offer :

Clearly, with a sticky thread here and at the other forum, you are spending a pretty penny to advertise. Perhaps you could spend a bit more and solicit "high quality domains" to list on your site. Of course you will have to negotiate reserve prices that sellers are comfortable with, but I would waive the "fees" to any domainer willing to put a high-quality domain up on the block through your service.

What you really need is some demonstration of quality, and service, over a period of time such that it draws more bidders and more sellers to your platform. I don't think you are going to achieve this with paid sticky threads alone, particularly if the quality of your offerings remain this "undesirable".

If you had good names for sale, buyers would come. It's not like everyone hasn't gotten the message already that you're out there. It's just that I don't think enough people are interested in what you have to offer.

You started this service to fill a vacuum left by Bido, but in my opinion you are selling mostly low-quality names, and less of them. How in the world is that going to make Auctionpus a "more successful" business model?

I would like to see this service succeed, but as of now I am not interested in paying to list domains which will likely not sell through... and I encourage you to take the advice that so many have suggested.

1. Change the name to something that doesn't stress the word "Pus".

2. Solicit (or supply) high-quality names for a few weeks in a row such that your site gets more attention, more hits, more bidders, and thereby more "quality domain" sellers.

Best regards. Hopefully you can take a bit of constructive criticism.

---------- Post added at 11:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------

Edit : It looks like you are trying to increase the quality (with today's aged domain offerings). I think the reserves may be a little high with regard to drawing many buyers to the table, but let's see what happens...
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