
alert The fund can't be withdrawal from Epik.com via Masterbucks wallet

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
It happened on 23rd Aug 2022 and this matter lasted almost one month without any process. Masterbucks.com declined my fund withdrawal and disabled the button of fund withdrawal. And I contacted Epik.com and got no further action even if Rob Monster got involved in it for two weeks. All the time I was told in email by management review.

What is wrong with Epik.com? Do you think it is normal to disable fund withdrawal? How can I get back my fund from Epik.com? Thanks for your suggestion.

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the first rule of fight club is that you do not talk about fight club

Yes, but given the nature of this "Where's Waldo hiding the missing Masterbucks" plot, it seems a more apropos quote might be:

The first rule of flight club is that you do not talk about flight club. ✈️

DoNotTalkAboutFlight.com dropped earlier this month.

The Office Wig GIF

P.S: D.B. Cooper didn't need a flight club, he had a parachute and a pocket full of Masterbucks!
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But l mean... How likely is it that Rob Monster is actually in witness protection vs Some other wild theory such as Rob Monster is a Russian agent similar to Jan Marsalek of WireCard?
Considering that the Monster is a gun-loving, fake-Christian, right-wing lunatic, it's probably 50/50 that he's on Putin's payroll.
These are this morning's ICANN figures (still checking) for Epik:
Total : 272,260
Delta: -9,200
Total New: 5,924
Total Deleted: 12,685
Transfers in: 852
Transfers out: 3,243
Renewals: 14,271

The figures are for February 2024 as ICANN has a three month delay on publication. It is heavily reliant upon renewals. New registrations seem to have declined and outbound transfers have also fallen. The .COM is still its biggest earner. It doesn't seem to have a significant footprint in ccTLDs to compensate for its gTLD performance. It was on 648,034 in February 2023 and 747,909 in February 2022.

Just got a service (or lack thereof) notice...

2024-6-16 epik log in fail.jpg
...We're glad to be in a position where we don't need to take advantage of registrants for our model to work...

Some may argue new epik is only in this position because new epik screwed all masterbuck holders by purchasing old epik without taking on the masterbuck liabilies.

Full Epik comment HERE
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Can't update nameservers to Dynadot
They made it possible to unlock my domains.

Not sure what happened. May have been ICANN applying some pressure.

Bottom line, they're full of shit.
They have made some cosmetic changes and the new 'customer service' reps have been trained/updated to 2024 standards.

I've recently found a couple interesting and presumably updated 'facts' about them floating on the net...give me a day or two to check them out before I post more.
Epik Inc. (Washington) also has a annual report due next month.

My prediction is no report will be filed and the entity will end up being terminated, but we will see.

It really doesn't matter either way, because Epik Inc. is a dead company with massive liabilities that far outweigh any assets.

It is now in delinquent status.

Even though it is a public record, I have redacted the home address used on the filing.

I have redacted the home address

There was once talk of a sale happening to pay back those that lost money...the house has nearly doubled in value since it was picked up in 2005.

Estimated sale price $4,968,720

I hear it is stunning since it was updated/remodeled about the time I could no longer access my funds. With 8100 square feet, I'm sure he can find a little space for me to live in after I lose my house due to medical bills.

Hey Rob, is the offer to come pick blueberries in your back yard still good?
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The Epik(s) story had kind of a boring and anticlimactic ending but the Monster story still has several more entertaining chapters left to go and a very likely happy ending.



  • trebled monster.pdf
    604.4 KB · Views: 67
  • apa take 2.pdf
    2.3 MB · Views: 45
  • 3287a656-0741-4c57-b10f-241100b14350.pdf
    240.8 KB · Views: 47
So, as I read it, Monster defaulted on paying the $100k settlement, so now they want him to pay approx $440k. But if he defaulted on the first, why would he not default on the second amount? I thought he was supposed to be in hiding somewhere in Asia anyway, so presumably he's never coming back, if that's the case...

And Epik was required to pay $407k in addition to what Monster had to pay?...
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So, as I read it, Monster defaulted on paying the $100k settlement, so now they want him to pay approx $440k. But if he defaulted on the first, why would he not default on the second amount? I thought he was supposed to be in hiding somewhere in Asia anyway, so presumably he's never coming back, if that's the case...

And Epik was required to pay $407k in addition to what Monster had to pay?...
It appears Monster, or rather investors and new guys paid off Adkisson, mostly, except for $100K, which Monster was suppose to pay back month or so ago, and of course didn't. I thought Adkisson had been paid in full at the closing of the APA but apparently that wasn't the case. The judgement agreement stipulated TREBLE amount and attorney fees. I'm sure we will see a default judgement entered soon, again, against Monster.
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the domain for Monster's new email is registered at Epik, lol, and it doesn't have privacy, double lol. Belize is pretty nice spot.

I thought he was supposed to be in hiding somewhere in Asia
He can run but he can't hide...he leaves his special brand of breadcrumbs everywhere.
Anybody know what the seperate matter Robert Cummings is counsel to Rob Monster for?

That same day, I also emailed copies of the same documents to Robert Cummings, who is counsel for Mr. Monster in a separate matter.

-- from Christian W. Marcelo (Legel counsel for Matthew Adkisson)

Source: Case 2:23-cv-00495-LK Document 31 Filed 06/21/24 Page 2 of 3
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I see Trustpilot put a disclaimer on the Epik.com page that mentions Epik.com has been displaying the Trustpilot brand in a misleading way.

As much as they want to pretend that Epik.com is totally not Epik.com, it is.

The registrar's history of fraud doesn't disappear simply because there is new management or ownership.

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I see Trustpilot put a disclaimer on the Epik.com page that mentions Epik.com has been displaying the Trustpilot brand in a misleading way.

As much as they want to pretend that Epik.com is totally not Epik.com, it is.

The registrar's history of fraud doesn't disappear simply because there is new management or ownership.

Show attachment 259684

That's only because they show an incorrect number of stars on their site, the same thing happened to Dan.com. In any case, the old Trustpilot profile of the epik.com domain has long since been abandoned in favor of the one for the subdomain registrar.epik.com, which is the "official" one linked on their site.

Old: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/epik.com
New: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/registrar.epik.com

Fun fact number 1:
Whoever had the brilliant idea of discarding the Trustpilot profile of the main domain and using that of a subdomain in its place also changed the contact details, updating the email to [email protected] and altering the phone number by one digit, thinking people are stupid enough to write and call there. Perhaps they thought, "Why not make things a bit more confusing for everyone? It's not like anyone will notice!" Spoiler: People noticed.

Epik.com main domain Trustpilot profile from 1 year ago: https://web.archive.org/web/20230721023058/https://www.trustpilot.com/review/epik.com


Epik.com main domain Trustpilot profile as today:


Fun fact number 2:
Last month, someone mixed up the two Trustpilot profiles and responded as Epik LLC on the main domain profile, suggesting in a reply to a negative review to contact Masterbucks. However, the description of the same Trustpilot profile states that it belongs to Masterbucks. There are no words.

Fun fact number 2:
Last month, someone mixed up the two Trustpilot profiles and responded as Epik LLC on the main domain profile, suggesting in a reply to a negative review to contact Masterbucks. However, the description of the same Trustpilot profile states that it belongs to Masterbucks. There are no words.


Great observations!

It's crazy to see how the replies from epik.com developed overtime::











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Epik.com wants us to believe that they are not the Epik.com that scammed customers, meanwhile on the about us page this new "Epik" wants the credit for having a history back to 2009.

That history includes the fraud.

So when it comes to defrauding customers, that was some other Epik.com. When it comes to the history, Epik LLC = Epik.com.


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Epik.com wants us to believe that they are not the Epik.com that scammed customers, meanwhile on the about us page this totally separate "Epik" wants the credit for having a history back to 2009.

That history includes the fraud.

So when it comes to defrauding customers, that was some other Epik.com. When it comes to the history, Epik LLC = Epik.com.

Show attachment 259719

The worst part is that they are proud of this heritage.

Although they also admit in this thread that Epik has a trash reputation. So why continue under that name?
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