
alert The fund can't be withdrawal from via Masterbucks wallet

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
It happened on 23rd Aug 2022 and this matter lasted almost one month without any process. declined my fund withdrawal and disabled the button of fund withdrawal. And I contacted and got no further action even if Rob Monster got involved in it for two weeks. All the time I was told in email by management review.

What is wrong with Do you think it is normal to disable fund withdrawal? How can I get back my fund from Thanks for your suggestion.

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Hearing what AI has to say is always interesting. But if anybody wanted to go from cooking popcorn to cooking steaks, I think the real interesting option would be if somebody who is owed a significant amount of money were to pony up and hire John Berryhill.

I'm dumbfounded as to why nobody has heard of any legal action from allegedly owed $1.5million... or am I mistaken? can you update this thread if you are pursuing legal action or if your issue has been settled?

I've never asked Mr. Berryhill what it might cost (been trying to work my own magic) but I'm afraid it might too expensive. It might be time for me to ask!

You could always hold the domains equivalent of a bake sale. ie:

Domain Sale: 100% of the funds raised will go to hiring a lawyer to sue Rob/Epik.
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Until recently, I've been able to reach Rob, but he has gone dark on me. I have the patience of a 3 legged turtle when it comes to correcting wrongs against myself or loved ones. The clock is winding down for sure.
How recent?
20 months for most.
You were quite upset in the past, now a bit more passive.
How is he? Is he starting to miss some payments?
How recent?
20 months for most.
You were quite upset in the past, now a bit more passive.
How is he? Is he starting to miss some payments?
It's been about 6 months or so since any response (I'd have to look back in notes to be exact).

Not passive, just waiting.

Most that were able to interact with him after the alleged departure reported about the same...he was planning to repay all. After viewing photos of him on one of his extended holidays, his plan for restitution began to ring hollow. (also, let us not forget the extensive renovations at his home)
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Sad. Are these photos online, or did he share them with you in private?
He did not share photos (someone provided them to me) but he acknowledged being out of the country for an extended period(s)
Just got a heads up email...log in not working...also it seems they have been busy redesigning a few things.

ADD: it seems to be working now...the front page has been jazzed up
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What was the text of the email? :unsure:


I'm putting together the pieces of another issue that slipped by me...once I get it sorted I'll post details. It's a gift that keeps on giving.
Things get weird now. They won't allow me to unlock domains which were renewed by them for free ages ago.

I haven't contacted support tbh. Main site is buggy as shit. Direct login through seems to be working.

Chat has disappeared. Hard to find a contact. Dropped them a line, reported to ICANN.
Chat has disappeared. Hard to find a contact. Dropped them a line, reported to ICANN.
ICANN owns the mess now. They foolishly approved the accreditation transfer despite all of the warning signs.

It's likely only a matter of time until Epik collapses again.

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ICANN owns the mess now. They foolishly approved the accreditation transfer despite all of the warning signs.

It's likely only a matter of time until Epik collapses again.


100%. I bailed on E long time ago but have some leftovers there and some clients who got caught up in the mess.

Its a rather unique case if you'd ask me.

ICANN is really dropping the ball here.

Sidenote, our masterbucks accounts seem to be nonexistent at this point.
It's likely only a matter of time until Epik collapses again.
It is so sad that Rob Monster no longer shares his prayers with us on the forum.

But in all sincerity, how many will be sad in 2024 if Epik finally ceases to exist?

The victims, or course, will continue to have a claim against Masterbucks and Rob Monster.
But in all sincerity, how many will be sad in 2024 if Epik finally ceases to exist?

That number is quite low. They had a bunch of registrants with loads of domains with them, making up for the majority of their DUMs, but they left.

Then there's some unknowing victims unaware of what's going on.

Obviously there's a group of users who they owe money to. I feel for them.

Grand scope of things, good riddance.
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premeditated trap

It definitely was and I really enjoyed playing their game. However, they stated it would be locked for 6 months. Almost a year passed and I still cannot unlock.

Their backend is buggy.

Got word from support, they 'll probably unluck them like they did with others earlier on when I got ICANN involved.

Bottom line, they're still not to be trusted and do whatever they can to prevent people from moving out. Still in violation of ICANN RA.
It definitely was and I really enjoyed playing their game. However, they stated it would be locked for 6 months. Almost a year passed and I still cannot unlock.

Their backend is buggy.

Got word from support, they 'll probably unluck them like they did with others earlier on when I got ICANN involved.

Bottom line, they're still not to be trusted and do whatever they can to prevent people from moving out. Still in violation of ICANN RA.
Yeah, there are very limited reasons under the transfer policy in which a registrar can block a domain from being transferred.

A failing registrar trying to prevent people from transferring out is not one of them.

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Yeah, there are very limited reasons under the transfer policy in which a registrar can block a domain from being transferred.

A failing registrar trying to prevent people from transferring out is not one of them.


Definitely. I'm not to worried about it personally but am building a case to turn over to ICANN to review.

Epik LLC, or whatever they're called nowadays, is not in compliance with ICANN RA, still, and I will do whatever I cann to get them at least another breach notice.

There's some very shady things going on with this company.

Time will tell.
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Curious, what happens if someone is in victim/witness protection program (immune from prosecution because x y reason)?

Whether you can sue someone in the witness protection program depends on a few factors:
  1. The Nature of the Lawsuit: If your lawsuit is based on something that happened before they entered the program, and it's not related to the reason they are in witness protection, it might be possible to sue them. However, there could be procedural challenges and limitations.
  2. Their Identity and Location: Witness protection programs are designed to conceal the identity and location of participants. It would be difficult to file a lawsuit against someone whose identity and whereabouts are unknown.
  3. The Program's Policies: Witness protection programs often have specific rules about contact with people outside the program. Filing a lawsuit could violate these rules and jeopardize the person's safety.
  4. Legal Representation: It's crucial to consult with an attorney who specializes in civil litigation and has experience with witness protection issues. They can advise you on the legal feasibility, potential challenges, and the best course of action.
Important Considerations:
  • Safety: If you are considering suing someone in witness protection, be aware that it could potentially compromise their safety and the integrity of the program.
  • Alternatives: There might be alternative ways to address the issue without resorting to litigation. Your attorney can explore these options with you.
Disclaimer: This information is not legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for guidance on your specific situation.

But l mean... How likely is it that Rob Monster is actually in witness protection vs Some other wild theory such as Rob Monster is a Russian agent similar to Jan Marsalek of WireCard?
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wow this is messy, ,so glad i took my 2,000+ domains off of there a few years back months before all this i guess. and it was cuz one of their reps were giving me a hard time to transfer a domain i sold. LUcky sometimes!
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