
alert The fund can't be withdrawal from Epik.com via Masterbucks wallet

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
It happened on 23rd Aug 2022 and this matter lasted almost one month without any process. Masterbucks.com declined my fund withdrawal and disabled the button of fund withdrawal. And I contacted Epik.com and got no further action even if Rob Monster got involved in it for two weeks. All the time I was told in email by management review.

What is wrong with Epik.com? Do you think it is normal to disable fund withdrawal? How can I get back my fund from Epik.com? Thanks for your suggestion.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Why is Dinoia being needlessly evasive? He has consistently failed to provide documents that would support his claims.

Brad has offered to help him look through two separate files just to help him find possible missing domains yet Dinoia pretends not to see the offer.

Plus, 40 of his names were offered for sale in the past by Epik. He was able to resolve it due to the size of his dealings with Epik and his relationship with Monster.

Some people have neither. Dinoia did NOT release that list, either. That list could contain domain names that belong to other people.

Dinoia comes across as someone who only cares about himself.

His posts here shows that he knew that Epik was selling domain names that did not belong to them for some time now.

He got his off the list. Then kept mute.

By the way, the case of Val.ido.com shows that Dinoia's dealings with Epik might not be totally transparent.

Brad's ordeal with Epik in the case of Piano.Moving.com already showed tha Epik/Monster was in the habit of offering under-the-table, sweetheart deals and arrangements to SOME people.

I would not be surprised if Dinoia is one of those people given his reluctance to share information.
I would definitely like to see more details, even if it is not posted in this thread.

My offer to help is still there.

If @Michele Dinoia can provide me any list of domains that should be there, and list of domains that is there I can tell what is missing, as well as potentially research the history of those domains in more detail.

I would definitely like to see more details, even if it is not posted in this thread.

the list of 5k domains has a similar status to Michele’s public list, and he has some in there. I’ll leave it to him to share or not.

the list is domains with RM’s user_id set as the owner_id, in addition to having a previous_owner_id set that belongs to an epik customer. they store the previous_owner_id WHOIS data too.

this is from breach data (2021), so ownership etc could have changed again since then. some of this could be real sales or transfers. let this be an early warning if your domain is on the list and you believe you own it. because the primary owner is RM as far as epik’s internal accounting.
the list of 5k domains has a similar status to Michele’s public list, and he has some in there. I’ll leave it to him to share or not.

the list is domains with RM’s user_id set as the owner_id, in addition to having a previous_owner_id set that belongs to an epik customer. they store the previous_owner_id WHOIS data too.

this is from breach data (2021), so ownership etc could have changed again since then. some of this could be real sales or transfers. let this be an early warning if your domain is on the list and you believe you own it. because the primary owner is RM as far as epik’s internal accounting.
This list will probably include all domains under loans at that time. Monster is probably using loans he takes in as collateral for loans, as collateral for his loans. Comingling escrow funds, probably comingling domains as well.
I have been reading this thread and about Epik on and off, everytime I come back, things seem to get worse, it all started with the hack, no sorry, the controversial posting on Twitter from the shootings, spam by Rob on NP, then the "maintenance" of masterbucks, then not paying customers after maintenance was "upgraded" then we find out about comingling of funds and Rob stepping down suddenly and never hearing from him again not here not on Twitter or anywhere, he is like a ghost, then pianomoving was removed from Brad's account without notice, and now a potential other client who's premium names have been removed etc. Please @Michele Dinoia if this is true, please provide more proof, it is very important, as this is another level where Epik as a registrar may lose its license, and so more people are protected. O and I forgot, people cannot renew, or even hand register domains, what else is there? This is truly an EPIC story.
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the list is domains with RM’s user_id set as the owner_id, in addition to having a previous_owner_id set that belongs to an epik customer. they store the previous_owner_id WHOIS data too.
Now, that's a handy feature. Was that put in the code by the IntrustDomains dev team at the time?
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I have been reading this thread and about Epik on and off, everytime I come back, things seem to get worse, it all started with the hack, no sorry, the controversial posting on Twitter from the shootings, spam by Rob on NP, then the "maintenance" of masterbucks, then not paying customers after maintenance was "upgraded" then we find out about comingling of funds and Rob stepping down suddenly and never hearing from him again not here not on Twitter or anywhere, he is like a ghost, then pianomoving was removed from Brad's account without notice, and now a potential other client who's premium names have been removed etc. Please @Michele Dinoia if this is true, please provide more proof, it is very important, as this is another level where Epik as a registrar may lose its license, and so more people are protected. O and I forgot, people cannot renew, or even hand register domains, what else is there? This is truly and EPIC story.
Brian Royce also seems to have fired just about everyone who knows anything about domains.

I am not sure who is even left at this point.

Epik might have to drop that "legendary customer support" slogan.

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Brian Royce also seems to have fired just about everyone who knows anything about domains.

I am not sure who is even left at this point.

Epik might have to drop that "legendary customer support" slogan.

O yeah, that's right and he does not even think domainers are important. Maybe it is just Rob and Brian now, but Brian is taking all the shit which was caused by Rob in the first place, but now is getting even worse by Brian.
Now, that's a handy feature. Was that already put in the code by the IntrustDomains dev team at the time?

this is straight out of the database, which has never been rebranded from intrust, so yes most likely.

they call masterbucks “musterbucks” in their code… too lazy to fix a typo or no one noticed.

if anyone has a domain in the list, more info can be provided about the domain privately or publicly.
Epik might have to drop that "legendary customer support" slogan.
I propose the following new slogan: "Experts in turning Assets into Liabilities".
I still remember my first private encounter with Rob years ago, I asked for the cheap prices on NP for domainers, then he was very kind, but then he asked my customer number, and I told him I'm not yet a customer and I was just inquiring ( I was looking for the best place and was really considering Epik), then suddenly he became very rude and short and soon never replied anymore. I instantly knew all his kindness/reilgious BS here on NP was just to play the nice guy to manipulate people, only if you are a client he was nice or to get more clients here on NP, but if he can't get you as a cient, then his true nature comes out, because you are not valuabe anymore. it was a major red flag to me and it never felt right, and thus I never became a client, and yes, look at all that happened now. Always follow your gut instinct when something feels off.
I asked for the cheap prices on NP for domainers
Registering your NP forum name with Epik to get a discount that other registrars give right away, has always felt like a form of creepy control to me.
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Registering your NP forum name with Epik to get a discount that other registrars give right away, has always been a form of creepy control for me.
NP members were their most important asset to boost Epik's perception as the best registrar etc., why do you think Rob was obsessed here? Funny that now domainers are not important anymore, that's because we found out who they are for real. Their downfall was when they bought the dead forum thinking they could control the people and "steal" NP members, but we are smarter than they think as a whole community and now they Failed Epikally, it backfired tremendously. Turning lemons into lemonade is easier than turning shit into fertilizer for Rob.
Why is Dinoia being needlessly evasive? He has consistently failed to provide documents that would support his claims.

Brad has offered to help him look through two separate files just to help him find possible missing domains yet Dinoia pretends not to see the offer.

Plus, 40 of his names were offered for sale in the past by Epik. He was able to resolve it due to the size of his dealings with Epik and his relationship with Monster.

Some people have neither. Dinoia did NOT release that list, either. That list could contain domain names that belong to other people.

Dinoia comes across as someone who only cares about himself.

His posts here shows that he knew that Epik was selling domain names that did not belong to them for some time now.

He got his off the list. Then kept mute.

By the way, the case of Val.ido.com shows that Dinoia's dealings with Epik might not be totally transparent.

Brad's ordeal with Epik in the case of Piano.Moving.com already showed tha Epik/Monster was in the habit of offering under-the-table, sweetheart deals and arrangements to SOME people.

I would not be surprised if Dinoia is one of those people given his reluctance to share information.
So you want to convert this thread attacking me now? all you are saying here is incredible, I live in Italy and there are like 9 hours of difference I think, when Brad asked to put up the list, I immediately thought to find that list and put up here, and also many other data I will find, I went to bed at 2 AM my time to find that list and this morning I finally find it, just to let you know, yesterday I spent quite some time with a very known member here giving all the data and I even shared my monitor with skype and went on my account at epik, showing all I can, I just upgraded my account here at NP yesterday because the account I have doesn't permit me to upload files and links, so its very incredible you are attacking me for something, please stop it, I went here asking for help and I'M ready to give all my help in exchange, but please think before posting things you don't know, yesterday I spent all my time about this situation and is just the beginning, but I don't want to deal with personal attack.......... hope you understand. very soon I will post some data, oh and just to let you know yestarday night I started reading the list of 5000 domains that Uaonline posted, so I spent time also on that.
I would definitely like to see more details, even if it is not posted in this thread.

My offer to help is still there.

If @Michele Dinoia can provide me any list of domains that should be there, and list of domains that is there I can tell what is missing, as well as potentially research the history of those domains in more detail.

Hi Brad, am working on this right now, as I said yesterday, I don't have problem to send you the list of domains I have on epik account now, the problem is to build the list I transferred to them on 2013, but I think I find it a way, but will take many hours of works to buil it, I will send both list a soon as I can
Why is Dinoia being needlessly evasive? He has consistently failed to provide documents that would support his claims.

Brad has offered to help him look through two separate files just to help him find possible missing domains yet Dinoia pretends not to see the offer.

Plus, 40 of his names were offered for sale in the past by Epik. He was able to resolve it due to the size of his dealings with Epik and his relationship with Monster.

Some people have neither. Dinoia did NOT release that list, either. That list could contain domain names that belong to other people.

Dinoia comes across as someone who only cares about himself.

His posts here shows that he knew that Epik was selling domain names that did not belong to them for some time now.

He got his off the list. Then kept mute.

By the way, the case of Val.ido.com shows that Dinoia's dealings with Epik might not be totally transparent.

Brad's ordeal with Epik in the case of Piano.Moving.com already showed tha Epik/Monster was in the habit of offering under-the-table, sweetheart deals and arrangements to SOME people.

I would not be surprised if Dinoia is one of those people given his reluctance to share information.
Also, I think you should notice that I don't have problem at all to put up my face, as you can see my logo here is name and last name, not something invented, if you want I can even put up my phone number and address, I can eventually take care to put up a class action (with other people), again I'M here to ask help and to helping, so please don't attacking me for things that are not existing...... lets spend time to get things resolving and for everyone affected from this criminal act and not spending time to fighting between us.
Perhaps you would be kind enough to share that list (minus your names of course) so others here with high value names can see if any of their names are on it.
Sure, am working on that
I would definitely like to see more details, even if it is not posted in this thread.

My offer to help is still there.

If @Michele Dinoia can provide me any list of domains that should be there, and list of domains that is there I can tell what is missing, as well as potentially research the history of those domains in more detail.

Brad, I just sent you the list of domains that epik was promoting to sell, no problem for me if you want to show the community, I will send more data today
Why is Dinoia being needlessly evasive? He has consistently failed to provide documents that would support his claims.

Brad has offered to help him look through two separate files just to help him find possible missing domains yet Dinoia pretends not to see the offer.

Plus, 40 of his names were offered for sale in the past by Epik. He was able to resolve it due to the size of his dealings with Epik and his relationship with Monster.

Some people have neither. Dinoia did NOT release that list, either. That list could contain domain names that belong to other people.

Dinoia comes across as someone who only cares about himself.

His posts here shows that he knew that Epik was selling domain names that did not belong to them for some time now.

He got his off the list. Then kept mute.

By the way, the case of Val.ido.com shows that Dinoia's dealings with Epik might not be totally transparent.

Brad's ordeal with Epik in the case of Piano.Moving.com already showed tha Epik/Monster was in the habit of offering under-the-table, sweetheart deals and arrangements to SOME people.

I would not be surprised if Dinoia is one of those people given his reluctance to share information.
Brad, I just sent you the list of domains that epik was promoting to sell, no problem for me if you want to show the community, I will send more data today
last week I renewed hundreds of .me domains, I was billed and I get the receipt about renewal, after 2 hours I get the email saying that the domain was deleted and if I want to restore I need to pay $ 90 for each domain, also they deleted 245 premium, aged .com domains with the joke of 30/35 grace period and now they are asking $ 39K to restore the domains, I discovered that some domains was already sold to other customer, and is not finished, this morning I discovered that 5 VERY PREMIUM domains left my account without not even arrived to expiration day, the domain was transferred to registrar key-systems.net , they are stolen domains that are not even get to the expiration day. the domain stolen has the following dns: NS1.NDSPLITTER.COM NS2.NDSPLITTER.COM NS3.NDSPLITTER.COM

so u waited how long past expiry to renew those premiums aged com? were the
.me expired too? how long? the rules for .me may be different after expiry.
here there is the invoice I get for domains .me renewed at 9 am my time and also the screen shot the email I get after 2 hours saying that the domains was dropped, this was happening on January 19. I emailed support but no answer, contacted Mr. Monster and he told me that could be a glitch of .me registry, after that lot of emails and Skype message but no answer.' Sorry, I will modify something and upload again.


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So you want to convert this thread attacking me now? all you are saying here is incredible, I live in Italy and there are like 9 hours of difference I think, when Brad asked to put up the list, I immediately thought to find that list and put up here, and also many other data I will find, I went to bed at 2 AM my time to find that list and this morning I finally find it, just to let you know, yesterday I spent quite some time with a very known member here giving all the data and I even shared my monitor with skype and went on my account at epik, showing all I can, I just upgraded my account here at NP yesterday because the account I have doesn't permit me to upload files and links, so its very incredible you are attacking me for something, please stop it, I went here asking for help and I'M ready to give all my help in exchange, but please think before posting things you don't know, yesterday I spent all my time about this situation and is just the beginning, but I don't want to deal with personal attack.......... hope you understand. very soon I will post some data, oh and just to let you know yestarday night I started reading the list of 5000 domains that Uaonline posted, so I spent time also on that.
To the point@Gabriel360 made, we have seen some other kind of hit and run jobs in this thread, where people come around, say something then don't follow-up.

So it is understandable, but everyone here wants a satisfactory resolution to this.

Now we know you are serious, that helps.

I am willing to do what I can to help, because I don't want others to be screwed over and left holding the bag for Epik's mistakes.

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Brad, I just sent you the list of domains that epik was promoting to sell, no problem for me if you want to show the community, I will send more data today
I am looking at it now.

I will post it shortly. We need to make sure that customer owned domains are not on the list.

There are a few LLL.com, CVCV, and other more premium domains that we need to make sure were acquired by Epik in an above board manner.

I am looking at it now.

I will post it shortly. We need to make sure that customer owned domains are not on the list.

There are a few LLL.com, CVCV, and other more premium domains that we need to make sure were acquired by Epik in an above board manner.

Here is the list I was sent, in alphabetical order.

I guess these are what Epik considers their domains, which they were offering for sale.
Please make sure none of your domains are on the list.

Additionally, any research anyone wants to do, especially on the premium terms is welcome.

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247stockpicks.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
accessiblity.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
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alyw.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
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bagshandbags.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
basx.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
baton.net,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
bluj.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
bobcat.org,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
braceletwatch.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
btinfinity.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
businessservices.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
candies.org,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
caprileggings.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
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chaoshead.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
chingy.net,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
coni.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
defenceattorney.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
dehm.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
desiarnaz.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
directoryassistance.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
dpki.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
drseuss.net,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
emfmeter.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
eroticas.us,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
esqw.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
eveensler.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
evinrude.net,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
externalcdrw.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
extranetsoftware.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
fesn.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
fidelrueda.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
flatboots.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
foldingknife.net,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
get.fit,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
glasssteagall.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
glbacompliance.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
gnvt.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
golfcoursesguide.net,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
guyrents.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
hanger.net,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
harddrives.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
haxball.net,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
heartgard.net,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
hempdresses.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
hempmasters.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
hilz.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
hulaskirt.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
ibuprofene.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
illidan.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
insomniatreatments.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
instantapprovals.net,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
int.org,ns3.epik.com. ns4.epik.com.
iraqi.org,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
irb.org,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
irhu.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
johnna.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
jwvc.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
kkmv.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
krnu.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
krystalsteel.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
ksbu.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
lajs.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
laptopcomputers.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
lipmakeup.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
lmys.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
loveshoes.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
lvfv.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
makeuptutorial.net,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
mankiw.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
maternityshirts.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
maternitytops.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
maxxs.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
micro-sd.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
mikhailbaryshnikov.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
mobils.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
mooshroom.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
mopf.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
motosnet.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
mroizo.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
nameinvestor.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
nembu.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
nikichow.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
niv.com,ns1.eftydns.com. ns2.eftydns.com.
noka.org,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
notebookcomputers.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
notfollow.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
nwcr.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
obstetric.com,ns1.ndsplitter.com. ns2.ndsplitter.com. ns3.ndsplitter.com.
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oymp.com,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
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slvr.net,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
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ters.org,ns1.giantpanda.com. ns2.giantpanda.com.
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