
Swetha(XYZ QUEEN) has modified the DNS of all domain names!

Spaceship Spaceship


New Member
Recently investigating Swetha's popular domain names, I found that her DNS has changed from the original: ns1/ns2.
Changed to: ns1/ns2. eftydns. com
And she deleted all domain names listed on DAN, SEDO, and AFTERNIC! There is no trace left now!
What exactly happened to her?
Please express your opinion!

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What exactly happened to her?

Why not just tag her @DNGear and ask her directly. She used to be quite active here, and it's always nice to hear from her.

No need for us all to speculate, if she wants to provide a response, she can. But without tagging her, she may not be aware of the question.
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Can't you see the custom landers? That's exactly what happened. Custom landers + Escrow.
By the way, not directly on topic, but. Existence of such domainers as Swetha proofs the fact that ANY(mostly) domain can be sellable for$
Example - one of my favourite domains, domains with single or second/first word "Portfolio". They are not much popular, (names like "", etc.), but in the right hands may be sold for high price. Everyone in our time needs porfolio. Just advice.
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Redacted for privacy.
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I think the original poster was trying to ask why she switched from Dan landers to using a custom lander for all her domains.

Yeah, I get it. And we can speculate on the many reasons why, but I'm sure if she chimes in she can give a more detailed answer.

Looking at her twitter: 👇

I remember hearing something about certain nameservers might be getting blocked in certain countries. Could be related, but I don't remember where I read about blocked traffic.

Looks like she sold her 640th .xyz domain (with 20k .xyz in her inventory now) earlier this month, citing an afternic screenshot.

I'd be curious to hear the reasoning behind it from her. Would be interesting to hear how her sales do with new landing pages, if it makes any type of difference...
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there's also this:

Maybe she is tired of paying GD commision for the new limited exposure. Everyone should be.
Yeah, I get it. And we can speculate on the many reasons why, but I'm sure if she chimes in she can give a more detailed answer.

Looking at her twitter: 👇

I remember hearing something about certain nameservers might be getting blocked in certain countries. Could be related, but I don't remember where I read about blocked traffic.

Looks like she sold her 640th .xyz domain (with 20k .xyz in her inventory now) earlier this month, citing an afternic screenshot.

I'd be curious to hear the reasoning behind it from her. Would be interesting to hear how her sales do with new landing pages, if it makes any type of difference...
if the guy typed in manually it would work. I have no idea why a company like godaddy did not fix this issue.
I believe in past she periodically made lander switches to try different. But in the (very few) I checked, the OP seems correct that it is not simply they are now pointed at Efty, but rather they don't seem listed at Afternic at all any more (at least assuming a direct search for a name with extension at GoDaddy search does not bring up the few I tried). Without Afternic search capability it is more difficult to be sure with searches. I don't think she had most names listed at Sedo before, so that is not a change.

Hopefully she will respond. It is a huge loss to Afternic/GD if indeed they are no longer there.

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I hope Swetha explains it soon.
What a turn of events. This should be in domain industry news, not reviews.
I hope she comes back too, I’m all 👂

Edit: huge loss to godaddy. I hope their shares dont start falling
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She probably removed all domains from afternic.

If you paste the Swetha's domain at the end then the link displays "may be for sell". When the domain is for sale in Afternic, the lp is different. Check your Afternic domains.
By the way, not directly on topic, but. Existence of such domainers as Swetha proofs the fact that ANY(mostly) domain can be sellable for$
Example - one of my favourite domains, domains with single or second/first word "Portfolio". They are not much popular, (names like "", etc.), but in the right hands may be sold for high price. Everyone in our time needs porfolio. Just advice.
Fun fact... I sold
Leave her alone.
Why do you need to know what's she doing?
Shouldn't you be worry about your own business instead of someone else?
This may be the reason she is not interested to be here anymore...
Redacted for privacy.
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Ain't no coming back from that 999 thank you vladamuuur
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