
discuss Someone registered my business name in a .com

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Someone registered my business name in a .com

I have a number of businesses and they are all based in Canada. I started out using .com addresses but soon switched to .ca's when I saw I actually got more traffic to my online store using the .ca.

My online store only sells in Canada and does about 1.59 million in volume per year.

Funny thing is I use a sub domain for the store and just to be sure I registered the name again as the full domain address like this. - 3 letter business domain - store sub domain - catch all domain in case the customer forgets the first dot for the sub domain.

Seems someone has registered and has been trying to sell it to me. I ignored him and now that it's expiring I get all the emails asking me to buy it because I have a similar domain. How much you wanna bet someone is going to pick this domain up again because they see an active business at a competing address.

I figure I will buy it if it drops but it is so amusing to see the domainers coming after me for a sale. Usually I am the guy doing the selling and its very interesting to be sitting on the other side.
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I remember seeing ABC stores in Hawaii. And there the TV network ABC. So I am saying to myself, doesn't sound like something one just hand reg. Turns out it has a 1998 creation date.
I remember seeing ABC stores in Hawaii. And there the TV network ABC. So I am saying to myself, doesn't sound like something one just hand reg. Turns out it has a 1998 creation date.

abc is just made up acronym as an example, I don't want to flog my business here on the forum, I just want to discuss the registration.
I would agree with you but they registered which has little to no use to anyone and is pending delete again.
It happens...Some of these front runners must have automated scripts by now but I've never received offers to buy based off a subdomain. It's sad to think some of them are successful and evolving this spammy trend. Best to ignore and reg later, most likely a drop or going to HD
Seems someone has registered and has been trying to sell it to me. I ignored him and now that it's expiring I get all the emails asking me to buy it because I have a similar domain. How much you wanna bet someone is going to pick this domain up again because they see an active business at a competing address.

I figure I will buy it if it drops but it is so amusing to see the domainers coming after me for a sale. Usually I am the guy doing the selling and its very interesting to be sitting on the other side.

I would have thought you would have kept the .com and redirected it to the .ca for brand protection rather than drop it. I would have thought your brand protection would have been worth a $59 dropcatch bid. Rather than waiting to see if it drops. How much is your time worth? Even just reading the offers to buy you are now getting. Let alone what the future might bring if you don't reg it. Just my 2c worth of thoughts on your predicament.
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Picking up the dot com of a foreign business with an obscure name at a different suffix is a low end domainers technique. They think it’s a good method but as Martin Sheen said in Apocalypse Now, I don’t see any all.

Generally if the foreign business had wanted the dot com they would have picked it up by now.
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I kept all my .coms stub, I forward them to the .ca's

The .com's I'm talking about were obscure... a .com version of my subdomain, it was a stretch when I registered the .ca version and I never even thought about the .com.

The main addresses for my businesses if I was able to get the com I did but they basically redirect to the .ca because it shows people they are doing business in Canada. Like I said my online store actually increased in sales once I switched to a .ca.
I kept all my .coms stub, I forward them to the .ca's

The .com's I'm talking about were obscure... a .com version of my subdomain, it was a stretch when I registered the .ca version and I never even thought about the .com.

The main addresses for my businesses if I was able to get the com I did but they basically redirect to the .ca because it shows people they are doing business in Canada. Like I said my online store actually increased in sales once I switched to a .ca.

It was only my 2c worth of opinion. Anyway keep us informed if you decide to reg it. Are you saying you never registered this .com before? My apologies. I though you had registered it, but let it drop, in the past.
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Yeah.... thats the weird part, its a .com copying my subdomain = subdomain

They registered and are trying to sell it to me.

I had already registered the just in case someone typed in the subdomain without the period byut looking at my google stats that virtually never happens.

The is such a long shot it's incredible someone even registered it.
Of course. Usually you put the "store" part at the end. Not at the beginning. Is available?
My bad, that should have said shop, I don't know why I wrote store.

I like because I could use the email [email protected]

Everything looked so clean and tidy
The web is full of domainers.

Your case could be described from the current owners perspective, then it would be his case and the question would be "Should I renew it or not?"

If you really like to get it, I suggest to simply reply to his email, it's never too late to negotiate.
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I highly doubt that you're missing out on anything (in terms of traffic). Or else, he'd be more patient IMO.

But, I do see that the expanded form of the "a" in your "abc" is registered in both .com and .ca. If you're considering acquiring any more domains for the business, I'd suggest you go for those 2 first.

Also, I wouldn't disclose your true intentions about that domain here, or in other forums. It's probably where the attack came from in the first place... ;)
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