
discuss Showcase LIBRA domains

Spaceship Spaceship


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What domains do you have related to the new currency called Libra?
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I got
I have picked up a few. I swear this place is just a bunch of name addicts. Damn you 😂


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i reserved


and libra wallet and fund app will be called "calibra"

so i got also Calibra.How

What do you think fellas ?
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How do you know how to price these names?
Do you just wait for offers?

Because you don't want to put 1k and then this ends up being the biggest crypto ever... lol
what do you think about mines , for the prices the offers will show us what it worth
what do you think about mines , for the prices the offers will show us what it worth
I like librawallet and fund .app
Calibra.how too though i didn't even know that extension exist.
in king

l/i /b/r /a /m/a/s/t/e/r
l/i/ /b/r /a /g/u// r/u
Calibra or libra
Pls suggest which keyword to go for..

Have no idea. I'm on the fence, regged one but not sure if I should grace delete it. Lol. This sucks.
Many of the names here are a stretch, and will probably drop after 2-3 years of non actioned renewals, I would focus on similar keywords, or sounds as Facebook has extensive legal counsel, and a lot of what is registered after the fact looks a lot like bad faith registrations against the many TM’s.

Mike Mann owns Kalibra.com as an example. Which is a better bet maybe, let’s see if he raises his price by x10.
Many of the names here are a stretch, and will probably drop after 2-3 years of non actioned renewals, I would focus on similar keywords, or sounds as Facebook has extensive legal counsel, and a lot of what is registered after the fact looks a lot like bad faith registrations against the many TM’s.

Mike Mann owns Kalibra.com as an example. Which is a better bet maybe, let’s see if he raises his price by x10.
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Calibra.How is a good one i think and i believe in it :D

the-libra (d0t) org

Price: 100 000 $

Email: qpww10@yandex(d0t)ru
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Many of the names here are a stretch, and will probably drop after 2-3 years of non actioned renewals, I would focus on similar keywords, or sounds as Facebook has extensive legal counsel, and a lot of what is registered after the fact looks a lot like bad faith registrations against the many TM’s.

Mike Mann owns Kalibra.com as an example. Which is a better bet maybe, let’s see if he raises his price by x10.
That's what I have been mulling over, not just FB's legal counsel but every member of the Libra Association has a legal counsel as well! You are looking at some of the biggest companies out there being involved in this and my personal opinion is that they will want to protect the Libra Brand in a big way.

I know it is open source and they want developers etc to help with the project, but I can't see them wanting to dilute the Brand by allowing anyone and everyone to use the Libra name within this space.......

Just my opinion and I could be wrong, time will tell.

@qpww10 - sorry to burst your bubble, that is not a premium name.......
Ok credit note created. Now I can reveal the name and price.

Name: Calibra///App.....in king
Regged: The night before the fb announcement
Venue: Sedo
Price: $900 (Net $765 after sedo’s commission)

Accepted the first bid (minimum bid was 900)

I wish good luck to everyone with your names! (y)
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That's what I have been mulling over, not just FB's legal counsel but every member of the Libra Association has a legal counsel as well! You are looking at some of the biggest companies out there being involved in this and my personal opinion is that they will want to protect the Libra Brand in a big way.

I know it is open source and they want developers etc to help with the project, but I can't see them wanting to dilute the Brand by allowing anyone and everyone to use the Libra name within this space.......

Just my opinion and I could be wrong, time will tell.

@qpww10 - sorry to burst your bubble, that is not a premium name.......
For sure as there will be along of scammers trying to phish wallets, and spoof emails, given they say they are refunding any lost to fraud, they will be bending over backwards to protect against any infringements.

It only takes a few udrps for people to take notice, especially if you own a group of names, it can be done in a single udrp. The smart money will sell into the hype.

Also names like calibra.com go back to 1997, even kalibra.com is a 1999 domain. Only other similar sound would start with the letter Q.
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TheLibraTalk.com/.net/.org :D
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