
Should .us always be about USA and/or the US government?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Should a .us always use American colors and emphasize the American thing? Also, some people assume a .us would be a government website even though .gov is the preferred extension.

Finally, some people always want .coms and don't think .us should be developed nor any other extension, but if they're not developed then what's the point in buying them? They just become online baseball cards.:xf.rolleyes:
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Should a .us always use American colors and emphasize the American thing? Also, some people assume a .us would be a government website even though .gov is the preferred extension.

Finally, some people always want .coms and don't think .us should be developed nor any other extension, but if they're not developed then what's the point in buying them? They just become online baseball cards.:xf.rolleyes:
Regarding your first question emphasizing the American thing...My answer to that is that you are free to decide what you want to emphasize. You can emphasize the American colors or not. Its your right and you are free to decide.....For your second question I would say .US is a buying opportunity......I like the extension and feel it will only go up in value. To your point of development, yes, it is important to have development on any extension ..Your free to agree or disagree...:xf.grin:
I think the other possible usage for .us domains are for domain hacks

Like for example:
When I first saw the .us extension years ago I assumed it meant US as in the actual word and had no idea it stood for United States. I'm sure most that don't know about domains assume the same thing when they see it.
Domains aren't baseball cards? I didn't knew that!
When I first saw the .us extension years ago I assumed it meant US as in the actual word and had no idea it stood for United States. I'm sure most that don't know about domains assume the same thing when they see it.

True, it would be the word us, as in "They gave us free stuff."

Domains aren't baseball cards? I didn't knew that!

:wtf: :xf.grin:
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Should a .us always use American colors and emphasize the American thing? Also, some people assume a .us would be a government website even though .gov is the preferred extension.

That's because prior to April of 2001, .US was exclusively for USA entities, including municipalities, USA organizations, state sites, city sites, etc. It was only made available for general use in 2001. That's one reason one might expect to find a government site there other than a .gov. Also, it's intuitive to assume a .us site is an official USA site in some capacity. Neustar has done a shitty job of educating the public-at-large about the enormity of the extension. That's why you can reg one for a buck or two. Neustar is making too much money off of domain speculators and probably wonders how Godaddy is so successful selling every crap extension to the general public. Why should they try? They get the same amount of renewal money from me whether they advertise or not, but I do have my limits.
It would be nice if all cctlds were in fact open to everyone but that's not the case.

I just reged a .TN domain but I have to pay a for a Trustee Service in order to get the domain, that's not cheap plus a yearly fee.

It's not one for-sale but rather one I will use for a new email address, probably a new site in 2017 for my primary business therefore I'm cool with it.

.TN = Tennessee :)

Should get some comments when I direct my customers to this one. LOL
I just reged a .TN domain but I have to pay a for a Trustee Service in order to get the domain, that's not cheap plus a yearly fee.

.TN = Tennessee :)

The trustee Service is for free with :)
Most of the sites I have seen use it in the way
I would rather see .USA for America
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