
status-resolved Selling Adult Domain Rule Question

Spaceship Spaceship


New Member
The rules say "no explicit adult content" in the general forums. My domains don't have explicit adult content on them - it's just a "this domain is for sale, here are other domains I have for sale and how to contact me to make an offer" but the domains themselves are adult/fetish themed (nothing graphic, mostly femdom niche). Does that mean that I cannot sell them in the general forum and need to sell them on the adult forum? I ask because comparatively the adult forum doesn't get any views on the posts there :/
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the domains themselves are adult/fetish themed (nothing graphic, mostly femdom niche)
An easy way to think about this is:

If any parent would ever cover their child's ears from hearing your domain name, then yes, it must go in the Adult Marketplace.

I ask because comparatively the adult forum doesn't get any views on the posts there :/
All domains for sale on NamePros show on this page, including Adult Domains:
However, they won't show to guests or members under 18 years old, which could result in some less views. It shouldn't be too significant of a decrease, though, if the domain name is good.
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