PARKED.COM - Official Thread!

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Welcome to the OFFICIAL PARKED.COM thread! :)
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
ive been at parked for like 3 weeks now. First week was awesome, i have recieved 2 clicks in the past 2 weeks and about half the views. I dont know what happened. I guess when i changed the NS it took a week to get cached and now no one can find my sites. the only sites getting views are my which are all type in. What do i do to get my traffic and $ back?
I am not really complaining about over 100% click rates but am concerned about the consistency it is happening with 3 of my names.

In the last few days my RPC has gone down for these names. Could it be that they attract attention and because of this these names receiving lower quality ads? One (most consistent) was a developed site that I closed because of a change in plans.

1 shows a 1 click lander, 1 shows a 2 click and the other goes to meanwhile.

They are not high traffic. Am I being overly concerned?

BTW, it appears Yahoo hates any name containing the string dodge.
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Donny said:
I still don't know of any parking company that allows iframes. This wasn't my decision it was our providers who said no iframes.

And since I don't know exactly what your username was it's hard for me to really look at the circumstances. It could have been 2 years ago, it could have been because how you implemented the iframes. I really don't know.

All I can tell you is that I personally sent something to Yahoo about and they gave the domain approval to use them.


its ok i understand there is probably nothing you can do now, although it was only this past october 2007 - which is why i'm a little confused why i got the boot so easily. I only found out why after I submitted a support ticket to inquire about it and then received your email regarding it.

I dunno just kinda sucks to hear about this so sudden after the account termination...
the guy probably makes more than the 50% lost click revenue through his affiliate banner (which parked would not get a commission)

Donny, is affiliate banners allowed? (without using an iframe)

Donny said:
I first found out about when they put it up for auction. I saw how they were using iframes to deliver other content, and I didn't want to just up and terminate this guy because of one domain. I contacted Yahoo and they said they would allow this one to test the waters. Since they we have allowed a few others on random occasions, and so far is the only one that has worked. I will say that he makes 50% less today with iframes than he did before.


random note, the site didnt get sold for 6x revenue probably because its not mostly type in traffic. Looks like its an expired domain with lots of backlinks. Referall traffic are generally valued less by investors/savvy buyers.

IntelBank said:
Good question!

Donny, can you shed some light on this type of UI? That's certainly a different presentation than the usual site. test site maybe?

hitchhiker said:
the guy probably makes more than the 50% lost click revenue through his affiliate banner (which parked would not get a commission)

Donny, is affiliate banners allowed? (without using an iframe)

random note, the site didnt get sold for 6x revenue probably because its not mostly type in traffic. Looks like its an expired domain with lots of backlinks. Referall traffic are generally valued less by investors/savvy buyers.

my user had used banner ways, but my account thus be closed.

I want to know what is method allow as well now?

AlphaBeta7 said:
Guys i have a question. Ive been a member of for many years now. And for the most part Ive never had problems... And Ive never ever had ANY problems with payments or money owed or anything like that. But in the past few months ive been making about $2500 on one domain in a months time, every single month. I would like to add MORE domains to simply for that reason alone lol, but when i had a recent discussion with someone they urged me not to add my new domains to parked. They had heard some "rumors" about people making too much money from and they got their accounts deleted. Now me, I dont personally put too much thought into this because we all know from belonging to other sites that when people do illegal things or break TOS and then they get suspended or deleted, they get pissed off and decide to spread nasty things about the program/company. But im just wondering if there really is ANY truth to this rumor. Ive tried many other parking programs and like this one the best for MANY reasons. I just want to know if i really have anything to be worrying about, or if I should just go ahead and add my domains. What do you guys think?

me too. haha...

I have domain get a lot of traffic about 10000ip/day. I am very accident. because that domain used my hosting user. I have ask he, said traffic should got from search. :)
I don't really recall what the exact dollar amount is. But at the time, a lot of people actually thought it was a good investment. But yet it didn't get sold.

Guys, my point was that it had nice traffic and in ref to 2500 a month domainer off one name above.

As far as Ilink, affilates and stuff like that I am a part of or discussing.

If I knew all this would cause a stir I wouldn't have brought it up. No point intended except for a high volume domain name. That's all.
jeff i dont think it's really stir, more just a discussion about what else goes on that a lot of users cant really see on their own. Similar to the "show your parked domains customization thread" its nice to see how other users are handling their domains. It's just this time this tactic seemed to draw on some sort of domain bias or exception so its interesting to learn more from it lol
How's everybody's rev been since December 3rd or so?? Considerable drop here.
If you have a lot of international traffic your RPC may be lower starting on Dec 3/4 because of a change in our secondary provider is calculating revenue now.

Donny said:
If you have a lot of international traffic your RPC may be lower starting on Dec 3/4 because of a change in our secondary provider is calculating revenue now.


Well, that would be me then. :'(
big surge in traffic today?? bots possible worried

Something very odd with my account. Maybe there bots picking up my stuff and would like to imagaine the hard work I am doing its beginning to show and things are hitting my site but I am not sure.

Going email my rep on this. My views as of now is about 6 times greater then my usual averages. My ctr for paying period was rocketing until this. Brought down 9 percent.

Yesterday had my one of of best ctr days and I believe the most clicks. The bad, was really hopping for an upward trend with final numbers but they went down again. I think 6 days this has happened, 2 days were even.

Couple of my names are doing well. But with wedding gown, wedding dreesses terms I am seeing a low a epc of 10 to 14 cent area I believe. After the bridal area and traffic. Looks like I need to change keyword and try find to find a epc of .40 cent area or higher. Will let this test out for a few more days.

Ups and downs in Domaining. My ctr today is at 3.0 percent after this surge in views but hardly any clicks.

I still cannot monetize the tags at my end and how it saves things. My casino names continue to disallow me in putting a casino picture in. I think one of them is and after the poker, video poker views. Instead I have xxx rated site even with poker as a key word. Clueless how this can happen.

My domains have finally been indexed with google and for these past two months my traffic has been climbing and after some optimization of my domains my CTR has also risen, I have had a very good experience with and it only seems to be getting better.
Very encouraging to read. I hope your case will be my cases. I am seeing a nice pick up when I felt things were rock bottom a few weeks back.

Parked and donny are winners.

Keep up the good work and your ctr and monetization. All we need are couple key domains take off and do wonders lol
zurcsdomains said:
My domains have finally been indexed with google and for these past two months my traffic has been climbing and after some optimization of my domains my CTR has also risen, I have had a very good experience with and it only seems to be getting better.


Did you add content to your sites for optimization as well...
wow...looks like today could be the banner day for me and name all ready has 7 clicks on it and traffic map looks good... slowly getting there, lol......just not fast enough....

good luck everyone today! let us make some bucks and people are buying a lot online!
Donny said:
If you have a lot of international traffic your RPC may be lower starting on Dec 3/4 because of a change in our secondary provider is calculating revenue now.



Just wondering...

I have a number of .IN names with obviously all .IN traffic. The feeds coming from the providers are OBVIOUSLY intended for Indian users...

For example they keyword "SBI Credit Card" - SBI meaning State Bank of India - obviously this would only be valuable to an Indian user - why would I get less money for a click from a person from India compared to someone from the U.S.? A U.S. citizen can't even apply for an SBI Card.

If the ads are targeting people from a certain country, why would RPC drop? Makes no sense to me...
When I first started parking domains in 2001 I thought the same thing, if traffic coming from a specific country to an advertiser who is from the same country shouldn't the price be fairly high. Well, I have learned over the years that's usually not the case at all.

US in 99.5% of the case will pay higher than any other country, even with the low value of the dollar right now. It really is amazing when you look at the numbers by comparing country to country.


i'm not sure whether that's been asked already. I added (massive) content on and to test the effect. Now, I wonder whether SEs are indexing my content, which would (hopefully) result in higher ranking? Can you give me some insight into that?

Thanks in advance,

IntelBank said:

i'm not sure whether that's been asked already. I added (massive) content on and to test the effect. Now, I wonder whether SEs are indexing my content, which would (hopefully) result in higher ranking? Can you give me some insight into that?

Thanks in advance,


I am interested too as I had 12 or so domains on google first or second page for their keywords...then I changed the title, header and added related footer links (only to some domains) and now they are nowhere to be found in google...and my revenue is nowhere to be found either :(

I know this isn't parked's doing, was just wondering if you had insight.

IB - Not exactly sure what you are asking.

NickRac said:

Just wondering...

I have a number of .IN names with obviously all .IN traffic. The feeds coming from the providers are OBVIOUSLY intended for Indian users...

For example they keyword "SBI Credit Card" - SBI meaning State Bank of India - obviously this would only be valuable to an Indian user - why would I get less money for a click from a person from India compared to someone from the U.S.? A U.S. citizen can't even apply for an SBI Card.

If the ads are targeting people from a certain country, why would RPC drop? Makes no sense to me...

The problem ther I understand is simple money conversion to $.

An advertiser from Us may just be paying 2 bucks for a click from US but an indian advertiser may be paying as high as 70 INR which is a lot of money for one click . Conversion of INR to USD still results into less than 2 $.So we get paid less.
Donny, I think I am encountering some of the international dilemma being talked about lately.

After leaving Bodis almost three weeks ago I moved most of my domains to Parked. I took the time to tweak some of the settings and started to see some promising traffic.

But one thing I noticed is that a lot of my traffic is from Brazil and that the final RPC numbers posted are much lower than the estimates from the prior day. Sometimes the estimates are as high as 25c to 15c and then the final numbers go down to around 4c. Ouch.

Am I to just assume then that if my traffic is mostly international I am going to see a nosedive in the final figures? Anything I can do about that within Parked? Doesn't sound like it in light of the changes you mentioned that took place in December.

Another thing I noticed is that the last few days have shown a steady decline in visitors and clicks, even though I thought the opposite would happen now that I see Google has indexed my sites.

At Bodis I was getting over 5k/month clicks with my domains but from the recent numbers I will be lucky to get around 3k/month at And this is with more domains at Parked. I am thinking that you guys filter visitors differently that Bodis. Which could explain all the trouble they were having.

Anyway, just rambling at this point and wondering if you or anyone else have some insight or suggestions on any of this. Thanks.
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DADomains said:
Donny, I think I am encountering some of the international dilemma being talked about lately.

After leaving Bodis almost three weeks ago I moved most of my domains to Parked. I took the time to tweak some of the settings and started to see some promising traffic.

But one thing I noticed is that a lot of my traffic is from Brazil and that the final RPC numbers posted are much lower than the estimates from the prior day. Sometimes the estimates are as high as 25c to 15c and then the final numbers go down to around 4c. Ouch.

Am I to just assume then that if my traffic is mostly international I am going to see a nosedive in the final figures? Anything I can do about that within Parked?

Another thing I noticed is that the last few days have shown a steady decline in visitors and clicks, even though I thought the opposite would happen, now that I can see Google has indexed my sites.

At Bodis I was getting over 5k/month clicks with my domains but from the recent numbers I will be lucky o get around 3k/month at I am thinking that that your guys filter visitors differently that Bodis. Which could explain the trouble they were having?

Anyway, just rambling at this point and seeing if you or anywhere else has any insight or suggestions on any of this. Thanks.

I have a similiar experience as you. My visitors have decreased. This is mainly due to the fact that parked does not allow bots to be counted as visitors.On one of my domain I used to receive 200 uniques daily at Bodis when I moved it to parked it received none. I was surprised at this and decided to check the truth. I hosted the site for 4 days at my own server and knew that they were mostly bots.

Also the fact that the revenue from secondary provider who serves some of the international traffic is supposed to decline from 3/4 th december. I have noticed 50 % decrease as mostly all my domains are non us traffic. For me and most of my domains doesn't reaaly matter whether I use parked or Bodis as most of my domains get served from Ask. However the difference is only noticed in case of multiple clicks. I know for a fact that totally type in traffic usually click more than once.

At most of the parking services you dont get paid for multiple clicks.However at parked you do. Some other providers like AA Fab and others do accomodate multiple clicks but considering that getting into parked is moderately easy (even if you have 10 quality domains) as compared to others parked wins the game.

Initially even I was upset at the fact that my estimates were high and my real stats always did less.But that happened only for a week.Considering the fact that parked has an automated system we can atleast give the system a week to adjust. After that my final numbers have always gone up.In some cases more than 20 $.Until quite recently I have seen fall in numbers because of some change.

I hated Parked when I started but then I sit and think I even hated tom cruise , george clooney , will smith and angelina jolie when they started. How strange things can change so easily...
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How do we configure our domain email if we are using parked for parking. I'm having problems with my customized domain email because it's on park.

Does parked allow us to forward a domain to another similar industry parked domain or do all domains have to have their own landing page? Will try this method to re-open my email if parked allows it.
DADomains - Nice post, but let me ramble for a bit.

At Bodis as we all know the numbers we were all being paid were total BS. The more fraud that was on the system the more we were all paid. When Matt started stopping the fraud everybody stopped making money. Basically what was happening is if a fraudulent click was paid at $1.00, and Bodis paid $0.50 to the fraudster, the other $0.50 was put in the pockets of everybody else. Bodis wasn't doing anything wrong, it was just the best that they knew how to do it. That's why a while back I recommended anybody with Chinese porn sites to send traffic to him because they didn't know how to correctly pay people. It was a joke, but it was possible to get paid a lot more for traffic that was not worth the money you should have been paid. So enough about Bodis, I do wish them luck in coming out of fraud mess that they are in. We have all been there in the past, so I know how it is.

Now back to the original questions, I wouldn't call anything an international dilemma, I call it normal international business as usual. I personally have never been very happy with the revenue that is generated in Brazil, PM me a domain and I will take a look at it and see if there is anything I can do. Our estimates are totally based on historical information based on customer, domain, keyword and country. And they learn based on your history so over a 7-10 day period our estimates on an individual domain should be fairly close.

Hope this helps.

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