
Outbounds for .com.au

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Hi guys, I've avoided .com.au due to the restrictions but I am thinking about jumping the ship. Are you allowed to do outbounds for com.au? Has anyone done it with any luck? Looking forward to responses, cheers!
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.au going through a .xyz.au to .au phase

best to avoid .au until transition is over
.au going through a .xyz.au to .au phase

best to avoid .au until transition is over
Could you elaborate a bit what you mean by that? I meant .com.au as i happen to live around here I can see what .com.au means to businesses around here.
I haven't found the restrictions too restrictive. A lot of people still think the old restrictions covering purchase/usage by businesses still apply.
Domainers can have lots of .com.au names as Domain Monetisation is a LEGIT reason to buy.

as for the .AU release. it is not a CHANGEOVER because most will stick with the com.au.
.au has actually been available for YEARS http://csiro.au is popular site
The domain ownership restrictions are not much of an issue. But the marketplace is very small.

My personal opinion having tried in .AU is to stick with .COM. Bigger market, bigger sales.

It's easy to get excited in .AU because there are some very appealing domains available to register, but you will quickly realise there are just no buyers.

To answer your initial question outbound is the same as most extensions. Accessing the WHOIS for marketing purposes is forbidden.

But to succeed in outbound you will only be looking at developed websites anyway so you should be able to get in contact via websites.
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