
advice Dan and Payoneer, for $ to € - any experiences?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member

I am considering using Payoneer as payout option in Reason being that I would like to get their Credit Card to spend parts of the received amount.

I couldn't find any recent experience in the forum regarding Payoneer, and the older ones are sometimes frightening.
Also, how would it compare regarding the fees, incl. exchange rates and costs, from $ to €. I know that Paypal is to be avoided for this reason alone.

As always, I appreciate your feedback!!
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Also, while exploring all the options: I got my regfees secured now for the next year or so, and would like to put all my future earnings into btc (I know, I'm overly optimistic ;). Is there any service that offers the least amount of friction over the whole domain sales process, funds withdrawal and conversion into btc? Is there anything like an escrow service that pays out in btc?

Thanks again.
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