
news NamePros Landers with Buy Now, Escrow.com integration, and much more

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Hey, domain sellers! 👋

We have a special surprise for you.

Continuing from last year (and last week), we have some exciting updates to share with you about NamePros Parking!

First, consider this:

You price your domain name at $2,500. For years, hundreds of interested buyers want to buy it, but the price is too high for them. They don't even try to contact you because they don't realize that the price is negotiable or may change. Years later, you decide to lower the price to $995. How many previously-interested buyers would buy it at this lowered price? You’d never know — until now!

With our new Buy Now options, you can finally contact those previous buyers to increase your sales opportunities. 💸

Here’s how:

Our landers require buyers to confirm their email address before they can see the price. Once confirmed, the price is available to them and their email address is available to you. Simple and effective.


Now, let’s talk new features!​

  • Buy Now: Add a Buy button with a sales price and payment options for buyers to purchase your domains.
    • Escrow.com (Recommended): Starts an Escrow.com transaction for you and allows the buyer to pay immediately.
    • PayPal: Creates a PayPal transaction for the buyer to pay directly to your PayPal account.
    • Email: You and the buyer use email to choose a payment method (e.g., crypto), discuss lease-to-own (LTO) options, etc.
  • Location: Country, region (e.g., state or province), and locality (e.g., city, town, or village) of your inquirers to help you understand where they are located, the best time to contact them, etc.
  • Bulk Management: Set options on multiple domains at the same time: prices, payment methods, appearance, etc.
  • Exports: Download your inquiries, including buyers’ email addresses, offers, etc. (CSV format.)
  • Domain Verification: Verify your domains by using any of these methods: name servers (NS), CNAME, or TXT records.
  • Supersonic Speed Boost: Our landers already loaded blazingly fast, but now they’re even faster — a powerful increase in performance!
    • For techies: Go, Redis, and Elastic (previously only: PHP and MySQL)

Wait, there’s more!

Tell us the features that you want for NamePros Parking because we’re adding new features all month!

Features coming soon:​

(Updates: ⏳ = In progress; ✅ = Complete – Available now!)
  • ⏳ Payment Plans: Payment buttons for lease-to-own (LTO) and renting, e.g., “$995/mo for 8 months”
  • ✅ Minimum Offers: Save time by specifying a minimum offer amount to set buyers’ expectations.
  • ⏳ Portfolio Website: A sharable storefront of the domains in your account with search and filters.
  • ✅ Traffic monitoring with Google Analytics: See real-time visitors and historical statistics about them, including demographics, referral sources, search engine queries, browsers, OS, etc.
  • ⏳ Traffic reporting natively: The number of visitors to parked domains, optionally displayed on your landing pages.
  • ✅ Remove NamePros Branding: An option to remove unnecessary mentions of NamePros from parked pages.
  • ✅ More Landers: Choose from multiple landing pages for various purposes, such as a new Buy Now Optimized lander.
  • ⏳ File Imports: Add domains to your account and set their prices by uploading spreadsheet files (e.g., .CSV).
  • ✅ Escrow.com Concierge: An option to use Domain Concierge Service for your Escrow.com transactions.
  • ✅ Auto-Detected Buyer Details: View detailed information about your potential buyers alongside their inquiries, based on their IP address: their current time and timezone, location, ISP, hostname domain, connection type (e.g., Cable/DSL, Cellular, Corporate, or Satellite), etc.
  • ⏳ Account notifications: Inquiry summaries and account notices about your parked domains, sent by email.

PRO TIP: There is a common misconception about how many domain sales happen because of marketplaces. In reality, many sales would still happen (and do happen) without the help of a marketplace, so NamePros is providing a free solution to sell domains and you keep 100% of your profit.

Our for-sale parking service is 100% free:​

  • No upfront fees
  • No monthly fees
  • No commission (0%)
  • No upgraded account necessary
  • 100% of your sales belong to you!

How does all that sound?

Visit namepros.com/parking to get started! 🎉

Tip: Quickly access your parking dashboard using the "Sell" dropdown menu at the top.

Questions? Ask below, or check out our Help Guide for NamePros Parking.

P.S. Our announcement last week was not a prank. Spatial Scrolling™ is real, courtesy of NamePros innovation! 🤯
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
@korganian Are you really saying that domain ownership transfers immediately and that NamePros should provide some kind of financing services?
@korganian Are you really saying that domain ownership transfers immediately and that NamePros should provide some kind of financing services?
Not at all. I am simply saying that most people finance the purchase of their vehicle for several years and they feel like they own it because they have the ability to sell it anytime and pay off the loan balance out of the sale proceeds. The purchase of domain names should also be just like the purchase of a car. The buyer gets to use the domain name just like the purchaser of a car does. Who the heck wants to develop a website and business on a domain that they have no equity in or control over the future purchase price of it?

I have both leased domains and sold domains on payment plans. The only ones out of the two groups to actually keep the domains have been those who bought their names on payment plans. We need to provide value and guarantees, while also satisfying the budgetary needs of those who want our domains.

All my customers trusted me to transfer ownership after the completion of their payments. It would be even better if a reputable company would step forward with a long term loan option on lower priced sales like $2,000 to fill the actually needs of the masses and greatly boost the trade of domain names. It would be like Escrow.com but much more flexible. I just tried to set up a $2,000 payment plan at Escrow.com and they only offer a five year payment plan that gave me no interest on my money, but inflated the price from $2,000 to $3,565, with Escrow.com pocketing the entire extra $1,565. That really sucks! We need a much better option!
The answer as I see it is to be able to say to the low offers that they can own the domain with a payment plan within their offer range. Let's say that they offer $50. Instead of trying to tell them I want $2,000, which they can't afford to pay, they would get the congratulatory message that the domain is easily affordable for them to own well within their budget at only $28.69 per month. This price reflects a $2,000 sales price financed at 12% interest over 10 years. The total income for me will end up being $3,443 over that 10 year period.

This is much better than trying to promote "renting" or "leasing" domains, which sound like a waste of money because they don't own anything even at the end of the agreement. This will provide immediate gratification and the comfort of actual ownership with resale rights. This will allow anyone to build a successful business on a domain and be able to sell the domain with their business and be guaranteed the payoff amount will not increase, regardless of how valuable the domain has become due to their business success with that name.

I truly believe this could be a game changer if implemented correctly!

Our lease-to-own (LTO) option is almost complete.

All my customers trusted me to transfer ownership after the completion of their payments. It would be even better if a reputable company would step forward with a long term loan option on lower priced sales like $2,000 to fill the actually needs of the masses and greatly boost the trade of domain names. It would be like Escrow.com but much more flexible. I just tried to set up a $2,000 payment plan at Escrow.com and they only offer a five year payment plan that gave me no interest on my money, but inflated the price from $2,000 to $3,565, with Escrow.com pocketing the entire extra $1,565. That really sucks! We need a much better option!
With our upcoming lease-to-own option, you can offer your buyers multiple options:
  1. Escrow.com
  2. PayPal
  3. Email
With option 3, you could manually use a different escrow provider for the LTO, such as EscrowDomains.com until they create an API for us to integrate with them directly. Perhaps @equity78 could follow-up with them on the status of that and their progress.

The benefit of option 3 is that they've already agreed to your payment terms, including the monthly payment and number of months, and then you just manually create the transaction using the service you want.

like Escrow.com but much more flexible. I just tried to set up a $2,000 payment plan at Escrow.com and they only offer a five year payment plan that gave me no interest on my money
With Escrow.com's Domain Name Holding, you can create a transaction in just about any way imaginable, but you have to contact their customer support to do it if it's outside the standard options. Our LTO integration with Escrow.com will offer a little more flexibility because we can create the transaction through their API instead of through their web interface.

We hope that helps.
I've seen several mentions of the importance of removing old inactive domain listings but I don't see a way to do that. How do we delete a listing?
There is a remove button next to each domain name in your parking account.

Our system also consistently validates parked domains. Domains that no longer contain our verification records are automatically marked as unverified and do not show as for sale anymore until they're verified again.

We hope that helps.
There is a remove button next to each domain name in your parking account.

Our system also consistently validates parked domains. Domains that no longer contain our verification records are automatically marked as unverified and do not show as for sale anymore until they're verified again.

We hope that helps.
I mean the marketplace wholesale listings, not the parking pages.
I mean the marketplace wholesale listings, not the parking pages.
This thread is about NamePros Parking.

Please create a new thread for the marketplace.
This thread is about NamePros Parking.

Please create a new thread for the marketplace.
I was responding to your mention, in this thread, saying that we should remove old marketplace listings so they don't confuse parking visitors.
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  1. Escrow.com
  2. PayPal
  3. Email
So, how goes the possibility of adding checkout link thru Afternic?

FYI to all: I've gotten my second inquiry/offer thru NP's. The first was sent 3 emails, the last containing pricing and checkout link. I've received 0 responses.

I decided to handle the second one differently and sent them a well worded 'hello' email and let them know the min offer they met was to eliminate those not sincerely interested in the name (name has retail value of 8K+ and they made min offer of 500). They have yet to respond.
@Bravo Mod Team, my first inquiry had the date but, as shown below, the most recent inquiry had time only. I like having the time as well (is it EST or Zulu?) but the date is more important if I had to choose one over the other.

Inquiry date
Friday at 6:56 AM

FYI to all: My first inquiry was sent a total of 3 emails with a VERY reasonable price for the domain they wanted. I also included a 7 day checkout link that has now expired. The person never responded to any attempt at contact (phone included). I welcome them back should they wake/sober up, but name is now 20% more.

My second inquiry has not responded to 2 emails. No checkout link was provided as this is a name that would retail for low xx,xxx (worth more than 8K it was priced at 4 years ago) and considering the prior experience, I now require a minimal acknowledgement before spending the time to do a deep dive on pricing. I will wait until tomorrow to send my 3rd and final email and make a call before considering this a dead lead.
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OK. I wan't to divide my domains into 4 categories. COM, GTLD (excluding COM), ccTLD, NGTLD. Is it just a matter of placing the 2 servers into ns1.namepros-dns.com (+ns2/ns3/ns4 depending on the category it's in), and is the longer one is the same for that domain?
OK. I wan't to divide my domains into 4 categories. COM, GTLD (excluding COM), ccTLD, NGTLD. Is it just a matter of placing the 2 servers into ns1.namepros-dns.com (+ns2/ns3/ns4 depending on the category it's in), and is the longer one is the same for that domain?
I'm not following you here. NamePros Parking does not work with such categories, and certainly not with special nameservers for the (TLD) categories you mention. It's actually very simple, you can use the same 2 nameservers mentioned here for all your domains, regardless of what extension they have.
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How do we delete a listing?
I was responding to your mention, in this thread, saying that we should remove old marketplace listings so they don't confuse parking visitors.
It’d be easier for others to find this information in its own thread, but the short answer is that you simply edit out the information from the listings and then close them. If they’re listed by someone else, then you can prove ownership of the domain and we can space out the domain for you. This is only applicable to the forums.

We hope that helps.
So, how goes the possibility of adding checkout link thru Afternic
We should have an update on this after our meeting with them at NamesCon.

my first inquiry had the date but, as shown below, the most recent inquiry had time only. I like having the time as well (is it EST or Zulu?) but the date is more important if I had to choose one over the other.

Inquiry date
Friday at 6:56 AM
In the parking control panel, the date is relative and uses your local time zone, just like on the forums. When an inquiry is older, you’ll see the date. It should show you the absolute date on hover (and soon, on click).

In the emails that we send you, you’ll find the date, time, and time zone. If you’re looking at an inquiry that didn’t meet your minimum, you can still use the “Send email” button or export the inquiry.

the date is more important
We’ll make it more clear.

Thanks for letting us know.
I decided to handle the second one differently and sent them a well worded 'hello' email
Two suggestions:
  1. Your first email to them should be a simple confirmation of their offer or continued interest. All they need to reply with is “confirm” or “yes” to continue the conversation.
  2. Follow-ups are vital. Follow up at least twice after that first email if they don’t reply, spread across several days. Again, very short follow-up emails: a sentence or two.
Sometimes, busy people are just busy or forget.
I'm not following you here. NamePros Parking does not work with such categories, and certainly not with special nameservers for the (TLD) categories you mention. It's actually very simple, you can use the same 2 nameservers mentioned here for all your domains, regardless of what extension they have.

OK. I think I got that. But would it not be possible to use separate ns1=For all COM domains, ns2=GTLD for all other GTLD domains, ns3=for all CCTLD domains, and ns4= for all NGTLD domains. I would only think this would not be possible if we could not use past ns1 name server. Is that correct? The longer nameserver is the same for every domain, anyhow.

So the ns1 and the longer server are the same for every domain? Is that correct. We just add the domain to the nameserver, but we cannot use more than ns1 server? Correct?
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So the ns1 and the longer server are the same for every domain? Is that correct. We just add the domain to the nameserver, but we cannot use more than ns1 server? Correct?
Your interpretation is correct. All members will use the same "ns1" nameserver, for all their domains. This in combination with the 2nd nameserver that has the long verification string, and is unique to your account. At your registrar, enter those two nameservers for all domains you want to park at NamePros, and you'll be good as gold.
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Two suggestions:
  1. Your first email to them should be a simple confirmation of their offer or continued interest. All they need to reply with is “confirm” or “yes” to continue the conversation.
  2. Follow-ups are vital. Follow up at least twice after that first email if they don’t reply, spread across several days. Again, very short follow-up emails: a sentence or two.
Sometimes, busy people are just busy or forget.

i Have number of inquiries ended up without the email ID being verified. Indeed, it is a good option to have follow ups.
Two suggestions:
  1. Your first email to them should be a simple confirmation of their offer or continued interest. All they need to reply with is “confirm” or “yes” to continue the conversation.
  2. Follow-ups are vital. Follow up at least twice after that first email if they don’t reply, spread across several days. Again, very short follow-up emails: a sentence or two.
Sometimes, busy people are just busy or forget.
Great advice for all to follow. :xf.smile:

Perhaps in your confirmation email you could remind the prospective buyer to check their spam folder in a day or two for the 'sellers' email.

The dreaded spam folder delayed more than one sale for me over the years.
@Bravo Mod Team, as it has been mentioned in the thread we all appreciate what you are doing...several comments have been made about the viability of the FREE part.

I'm sure traffic has increased quite a bit due to names being pointed here and I'd be curious to know if you feel an increase in 'newbies' has occurred.

We all want to see the FREE continue and a way to do that is start a 'buy me a coffee' account and post your specific link here. Once I make a sale thru the landers, I'll be happy to throw a few dollars your way!

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Your interpretation is correct. All members will use the same "ns1" nameserver, for all their domains. This in combination with the 2nd nameserver that has the long verification string, and is unique to your account. At your registrar, enter those two nameservers for all domains you want to park at NamePros, and you'll be good as gold.

OK. I understand. Is there any chance of that changing anytime soon, only being able to to use ns1 server, and not being able to use more servers, ns2+. As I see it. This could be used for any kind of analysis the domainer wants to use it for. Once we go into the thousands of domains, one homogenous mass of domains becomes more difficult to manage as a whole.

Name Trader - Stu
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OK. I understand. Is there any chance of that changing anytime soon, only being able to to use ns1 server, and not being able to use more servers, ns2+. As I see it. This could be used for any kind of analysis the domainer wants to use it for. Once we go into the thousands of domains, one homogenous mass of domains becomes more difficult to manage as a whole.
Thanks. Your comment contains a number of elements.

First of all, at least two nameservers will always be used. This is for technical redundancy reasons.

You then mention that you would rather not use the (2nd) nameserver that is unique to your account, because other domainers can then see which domains you have. I can comment on this, but I'm aware that there are still developments going on. Perhaps @Bravo Mod Team or @Paul can elaborate on this point, including the other verification options that already exist for domains using NamePros Parking.

Finally, your last point, which concerns not only NamePros Parking, but management of larger domain portfolios in general. You may be able to simplify domain management by using your registrar API, registrar templates, registrar bulk edit functionality, browser extensions such as Clippings, and other tools. I understand you already have a programmer, maybe they could help simplify the management of your domain portfolio for you.
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the (2nd) nameserver that is unique to your account
Well, this is certainly giving me pause. I guess I assumed once the name was approved, this could be removed eventually. I hate it when I don't pay attention to all the details.
I'm not sure whether we are talking at cross purposes here but I think the I have identified the link which identifies the domain in not-NamePros terminology which will provide the link from internet lingo to NamePros lingo. If that made sense. But I think I won't need this now I'm only using the two servers provided by NamePros :) For the momemt. At least.

Name Trader - Stu
Thanks. Your comment contains a number of elements.

First of all, at least two nameservers will always be used. This is for technical redundancy reasons.

You then mention that you would rather not use the (2nd) nameserver that is unique to your account, because other domainers can then see which domains you have. I can comment on this, but I'm aware that there are still developments going on. Perhaps @Bravo Mod Team or @Paul can elaborate on this point, including the other verification options that already exist for domains using NamePros Parking.

Finally, your last point, which concerns not only NamePros Parking, but management of larger domain portfolios in general. You may be able to simplify domain management by using your registrar API, registrar templates, registrar bulk edit functionality, browser extensions such as Clippings, and other tools. I understand you already have a programmer, maybe they could help simplify the management of your domain portfolio for you.

Firstly. I was't asking to use the 2nd nameserver in any way you understood. I understand we need both nameservers provided to identify NamePros and ourselves to the system. I was asking about using a second set of nameservers, well in fact ns1, ns2, ns3, ns4 when I thought it might have been possibe to use those to as part of an indication system for my domain grouping by TLD Groups (or something else). But I suspect this idea might be not going very far apart from other stuff that might be on the horizon.

I'm appeciative of all comments which further my knowledge of how this is working. I'm not a programmer or a developer.

Name Trader - Stu
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