
Name Selection Poll for Root Certificate brand

Spaceship Spaceship

Which brand names would you prefer for producing (free) domain certificates?

Rob Monster

Founder of EpikTop Member
:heavy_check_mark: Epik Founder
We previously announced a search for a great brand name for an online service for sourcing domain certificates. The thesis is that there will eventually be innovative alternatives to the likes of LetsEncrypt that empower more people to secure their sites with robust technology. That search was described here:

In the meantime, we have had some great domain candidate submissions. In order to select a winning name, we welcome your input on name selection through poll and discussion as we make plans to co-create another tool that helps make the pie bigger.

As for the list of brand prospects, we used every slot allowed in the poll software. There were many good ones left out unfortunately, but it is still a long list from some very thoughtful submitters who I look forward to highlighting among the top contenders to the extent they choose to be identified!
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I hope every submitter getting luck . We should not be a winner today, learn from failure is more valuable to domainers
I am unsure why FullEncrypt is being liked by many.

If I google the keyword, I get references to disk/ drive encryption. Nothing related to Domain Certifcate/ Certification/ SSL/ Root Authority, etc.

Am I missing something here? Is there a link?
I am unsure why FullEncrypt is being liked by many.
If I google the keyword, I get references to disk/ drive encryption. Nothing related to Domain Certifcate/ Certification/ SSL/ Root Authority, etc.
Am I missing something here? Is there a link?

This is a plus/positive feature; FullEncrypt is matchless in the certification field.
(No confusion, no trademark, etc.)
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I am unsure why FullEncrypt is being liked by many.

If I google the keyword, I get references to disk/ drive encryption. Nothing related to Domain Certifcate/ Certification/ SSL/ Root Authority, etc.

Am I missing something here? Is there a link?

May be the way SSL is expected to work ?

reason why SSL is used is to keep sensitive information sent across the Internet encrypted so that only the intended recipient can access it. ... When an SSL certificate is used, the information becomes unreadable to everyone except for the server you are sending the information to.

And fullEncrypt presents 100 percent encryption.
The overall goal is for Epik to become a trusted Root CA, installed widely across systems and other vendors' certs trust and link off of it. Hopefully, it becomes a big enough player that it's installed by default on all Microsoft Windows PCs by default or as a Windows Update for example. It is the base cert. so the name selected should focus on it literally being the first of a chain of digital certificates. The "seed", or "origin" cert if you will.

I do like FullEncrypt, but you're right Rahul, it reminds me first of disk encryption. Of course I am biased in my opinion that is a great candidate because although there needs to be a distinction between "LetsEncrypt", there are similarities. Similarity creates familiarity, which eventually leads to inherent trust in the name and function.

You can almost cross off WebSeal, as that's TM'd. Epik needs something to convey "authority" and "trust" as it's related to digital certificates, but also brandable and catchy enough to separate it from either the "obvious" or "mediocre". I don't mean to repeat, but I believe DNEncrypt lets consumers know exactly what they're in Epik high quality offering that will provide security to the asset. (domain) I also like AuthSeal and DNCert though.
Thanks all for the ongoing input.

As it turns out, I was at a weekend conference to give a talk, and so rather less engaged than usual at NamePros for the last couple of days.

As for the replies to specific PMs, I do try to reply to all. Some days I admittedly don't do justice to the specific replies -- there not quite enough hours in the day. However, I do read and acknowledge all.

I expect we'll select a winner next week. I very much appreciate the great input that this thread has gotten, as well as some of the crowdsourced intelligence gathering on TMs.

Finally, as some of you know, I do my best to return favors. In the meantime, thanks for the ongoing effort to co-create solutions to shared industry challenges.
@Rob Monster i thought your responses are less than usual last couple of days. Now I know reason.

I agree you respond to all of messages... I got response in last 2days...and whenever I started a conversation in DM/email I got a reply.

This thread really seems tough competition... I see dozens of more suitable names for the project...more names are out there fitting this project.

The thread is flooding with argument and self promoting their names...a little clean up needed to stay on main point.

To make it more effective may be shortlisting for another a filter?

More hours in the wonder you started a thread on productivity tips :)

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I voted for FullEncrypt, however to be honest none of the domains in the poll would fit for this project, in my opinion of course.

WebSeal is nice too but I understand there might be TM issues.

All the names containing DN/Name/Domain are irrelevant imo, you don't encrypt a domain, you actually encrypt a web page or website.

The names with "crypt" - are kinda vague. It can mean crypto, crypt as a burial place, cryptic, not a good fit imo...

The names with "cert", same as above. The dictionary show several meanings for "cert", none of those relevant for a certificate.

Didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, have no names in this poll, just my 2c as always.
Generally, I agree; these words or word parts do not seem ideal, imo:
DN (Domain Name)
Also: Hyphened, or Irrelevant, or Misspelled, etc.
How is this domain for this project guys ?
I voted for FullEncrypt, however to be honest none of the domains in the poll would fit for this project, in my opinion of course.

WebSeal is nice too but I understand there might be TM issues.

All the names containing DN/Name/Domain are irrelevant imo, you don't encrypt a domain, you actually encrypt a web page or website.

The names with "crypt" - are kinda vague. It can mean crypto, crypt as a burial place, cryptic, not a good fit imo...

The names with "cert", same as above. The dictionary show several meanings for "cert", none of those relevant for a certificate.

Didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, have no names in this poll, just my 2c as always.

Small correction/addition to the above regarding SSL (TLS). SSL/TLS does not encrypt websites, it provides authentication AND encryption of the communication between the end-user and the server. Before a session can be encrypted, the end-user says to the server "give me your ID" (cert) so I know you aren't a rogue server. The server (attached to the DN) pulls out it's wallet and says "Here you go, I'm the real-deal, and here's the proof I'm not a fake/rogue server."

The server then says "you can see that my ID was issued by Epik." Since the end-user trusts Epik (the intermediate or Root CA), the end-user says "OK, I trust you Mr./Mrs. DN because I see your ID was issued or trusted (signed) by Epik." Then the encrypted chatter begins. :)

So yes, DN, Cert and Encrypt are all very relevant.

Disclosure: I'm in Information Security who has partnered with Comodo, Verisign and Venafi for PKI solutions for a Fortune 12 company.
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••• , and eSeal .com are similar options. But they seem to be on the expensive side. But i guess Epik can afford if they like.
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••• , and eSeal .com are similar options. But they seem to be on the expensive side. But i guess Epik can afford if they like.

Sigh... The above names have similar products and possible TM issues too. Sorry again :)
I would say many listed in poll suit ,it's just What Rob likes now is .
Cert definitely is a shortening of "certificate" and "certification" so there's no argument there.

Also, Rob specifically states that "domain certificates" are the product.

Agree that TMs are a priority, but I digress..
••• , and eSeal .com are similar options. But they seem to be on the expensive side. But i guess Epik can afford if they like.

Well, if you want to challenge the big boys out there you'll need to start with a better brand name they currently have (not just in this particular case but for any new startup in any niche).

Personally I don't understand what Rob is trying to achieve with these contests and polls, but if you really want to setup a new venture, better go out there and privately purchase the best name you find and afford.

Asking the opinion of 40, 50, 100 people from different backgrounds, with different education levels and different interests to vote for the brand name of my future venture, well I for one, not quite a fan of it. If you would have asked 100 of the world's best branding experts, that would have been quite a different story.

You just can't pick your startup new brand name based on what 100 (more or less) domainers vote for. Just my opinion of course, Rob is a very smart guy and he surely know better than myself how to conduct his own branding research.
Well, if you want to challenge the big boys out there you'll need to start with a better brand name they currently have (not just in this particular case but for any new startup in any niche).

Personally I don't understand what Rob is trying to achieve with these contests and polls, but if you really want to setup a new venture, better go out there and privately purchase the best name you find and afford.

Asking the opinion of 40, 50, 100 people from different backgrounds, with different education levels and different interests to vote for the brand name of my future venture, well I for one, not quite a fan of it. If you would have asked 100 of the world's best branding experts, that would have been quite a different story.

You just can't pick your startup new brand name based on what 100 (more or less) domainers vote for. Just my opinion of course, Rob is a very smart guy and he surely know better than myself how to conduct his own branding research.

I beg to differ. I think it is logical to have a poll and seek the opinion of the people 'specialized' in the domain branding field ( of course, it is a open forum and not all are exactly specialists). It gives a good 360 degree perspective. It also helps to identify issues which could have been overseen ( TM issues, etc).
Lastly and most importantly, it helps build the community in terms of learning and sharing perspectives and helps each of us grow.
Thanks for facilitating this Rob!
Also the past experience of such polls, i guess have been successful in finding good names, potential features and connections for these projects. Also has been a good and insightful experience for domainers.

Lets just enjoy the experience. Everyone has something to gain and nothing much to loose :)

- Leopard
If you would have asked 100 of the world's best branding experts, that would have been quite a different story.
You say it as if the audience is just some random folks. While there are indeed some of the world's best branding experts here, who envision and eventually sell names eventually used by businesses worldwide.
I see there are approximately 10 names with double-digit votes. Subtract the TMs and you may have a Top 5 list to work from. My .02.
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The new brand is for especially an alternative of "Let's Encrypt".
(See: and the poll.)

"Full" word is more powerful than "Let's" word.

So, "FullEncrypt" is very ideal.
(Also descriptive, memorable, trustworthy, etc.)

If you agree, you can vote it.

FullEncrypt certainly is a nice (and powerful) name and all, but I feel it's more suitable in the context of hard disk encryption. In the context of digital certificates, especially standing up a Root CA as Epik intends to, I feel DNEncrypt is a much better fit. If FullEncrypt is used, it implies that without it, you only have partial encryption. In the realm of digital certificates, partial encryption doesn't exist. You either have it, or you don't. Its' not something you could go into your workplace and say, "I just installed Epik's new Root CA cert. called FullEncrypt and now I'm fully encrypted."

DNEncrypt is generic but descriptive enough to let the end-user know that their connection to a domain name (more accurately a server) will be encrypted - period. All underlying negotiated encryption protocols are transcended now and in the future. The upside to having an Epik DNEncrypt certificate installed, is that it can added to the existing line of Epik's security-related offerings such as DNProtect. No need to reinvent the wheel - just add more spokes. :)

IMO of course, and I do believe Full Encrypt is a good name, just not in the context of digital certificates.
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indeed it's the most difficult contest and I am Sure Rob and his team must be doing what they need to do to get a suitable brand name .And who knows Rob would have finalized it as well already , poll is just to get some opinions , nothing more than that .
I see that two domains are marketed over and over again. The domains are not bad, but, in my opinion, Webseal is a perfect match for the project from the above list (backed up by the fact that another top company thought about it before). Sure, NetSeal or eSeal would be great too, but the price exceeds the budget. If IBM wanted the domain, they would have purchased it by now.

As far as the TM issues go, even if I'm no expert in the field, I understand that IBM creates more of a trusted 3rd party software that comes after the validation of the certificate. Just make sure you consult a TM lawyer before purchasing the domain and if he/she gives you the green light, I think you should go for it.
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