
My experience with Dynadot.com

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DomainsWeb.comTop Member
Hello everyone,

It’s been around a year since I started moving out my domains from Uniregistry to Dynadot. The reason as we all know is that Uniregistry is shutting down pretty soon so it was good for me to slowly but steadily move out my domains. It’s not easy to transfer out 8,000+ domains in one-go mainly because of the funds required for transferring out which of course adds one year of renewal but doing this isn’t possible when the new purchases are actively ongoing along with the renewals and usual transfers from different registrars.

Today I want to tell you about my experience with Dynadot.

From a security perspective, I really like this registrar because for transferring out any domain from my account, it requires to enter Google Authenticator code + SMS code simultaneously. This is a very good feature and I highly recommend everyone to enable it with your Dynadot account.

From a pricing point of view, it’s better than Uniregistry but not attractive enough like GoDaddy and a few more whom I know offer a little better rates both of renewals and transfers especially .com domains. I have no hard feelings on this one but at least they should occasionally offer up some .com renewal code but I don’t think they ever do it. Yes, they occasionally offer .com transfer coupons but that also is not that impressive like some other registrars do. If they can focus on this part, I’m sure they’ll get more new customers and more loyal existing customers.

The UI is simple and nice once you’re familiar with it. One of the best things is they offer to make different folders which is a must feature for me to have. On the “Manage Domains” page, you’ve the option to display 100, 250, 500, 750, 1,000 and 5,000 domains in one page. Once you select 5,000 domains, the loading time is too much and the browser gets stuck at times. Don’t tell me my laptop is slow, which isn’t at all :xf.grin: I think Dynadot needs to fix this loading time problem and allow some 2,000 or 3,000 domains to display in one page. Up till 1,000 there are 5 selections but after that it’s way up to 5,000 and nothing in the middle.

Another thing is that if you’ve 500 domains in one page and you need to select 350 domains, you’re required to select one by one manually and can’t simply select the first domain and press SHIFT key and select the 350th domain to select 350 domains altogether like it can happen at Uniregistry.

The expiring auction part is one of the worst things with Dynadot and I know many domain investors have complaints with them. It’s been reported to them multiple times but they don’t fix it. The issue is when the domain enters the auction, the domain registrant has time to renew the domain during the auction as well as after the auction is over which is not at all good. It’s a complete mess and waste of time for the auction participants. On top of that, if the winning bidder has paid for the domain and the domain gets renewed, the person will get the refund back as Dynadot credit (correct me if I’m wrong because on this last point I’m not 100% sure). But the auction should only start when the registrant has no more time left to renew it. This will allow the bidders to peacefully bid on the domains as they will be assured of getting the domain.

One of the best things with Dynadot is that they offer both Afternic DLS and Sedo MLS and this is a must for every domain investor to keep in mind when deciding the registrar. I can assure you that sales do increase when you’ve both DLS and MLS enabled so please carefully select your registrar.

Another good thing is that anyone can credit a balance for you if you create an order with any sum of amount and provide it for making the payment. You may use that balance for any kind of purchases with Dynadot.

I’m sure there are many other pros and cons altogether at Dynadot but one thing I’ll add before wrapping up my post is that I’ve been assigned with a dedicated account rep “Caleb Tweed” who has been exceptional in assisting right from the start I’ve moved in my domains to Dynadot. Thanks to him.

Feel free to give your feedback on using Dynadot and if you’ve anything to add, just add in the comment section and I’ll make sure that it’s been forwarded to the Dynadot team.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Hi AbdulBasit,

Thank you for the kind words! We always like hearing that we're doing some things right!

I have also taken your concerns to our team so we can look at improving those this year. The SHIFT key for selecting multiple domains as well as loading issues when performing operations for 5000 domains should be added/fixed in the near future here!

I certainly hear you on the Expired Auction issues. Improving our Expired Auctions is something we're currently in the midst of discussing. I can't promise any immediate changes as this will need a bit of careful re-working, but I can assure you it's on the docket for this year!

We have recently added an account setting that lets you choose whether you'd prefer payments for cancelled auctions refunded back to the original payment method, or kept as account credit for easy future purchases! You can find the setting in your account here: https://www.dynadot.com/account/payment/refund_method_settings.html

We're improving everyday and feedback like this helps us pinpoint exactly where we need to focus our efforts on, so we do appreciate it! If anyone else has ideas or thoughts on how we can improve as a Registrar, please do not hesitate to let me or my team know.


P.S I appreciate the shoutout :)
One of the best things with Dynadot is that they offer both Afternic DLS and Sedo MLS and this is a must for every domain investor to keep in mind when deciding the registrar. I can assure you that sales do increase when you’ve both DLS and MLS enabled so please carefully select your registrar.
This is the main reason that after 20+ years with GoDaddy I'm moving everything to Dynadot. I have almost 100 transferred in in the last week and many more to go. Debated between Dynadot and SAV but chose Dynadot

Since I don't need domain sales income to survive I'm kinda shaking things up this year with...

1)All domains being transferred from GoDaddy to Dynadot

2)Giving Efty another 1 year try, can route sales to Sedo, Dan, Escrow, EscrowDomains or direct wire to my business account, even if Efty doesn't go as planned quite a few domains will still be Afternic/Sedo MLS listed

3)Always been a make offer guy but over the next year I intend to get Afternic/Sedo MLS on as many domains as I can, even if only 50% still a huge improvement over today
Hi AbdulBasit,

Thank you for the kind words! We always like hearing that we're doing some things right!

I have also taken your concerns to our team so we can look at improving those this year. The SHIFT key for selecting multiple domains as well as loading issues when performing operations for 5000 domains should be added/fixed in the near future here!

I certainly hear you on the Expired Auction issues. Improving our Expired Auctions is something we're currently in the midst of discussing. I can't promise any immediate changes as this will need a bit of careful re-working, but I can assure you it's on the docket for this year!

We have recently added an account setting that lets you choose whether you'd prefer payments for cancelled auctions refunded back to the original payment method, or kept as account credit for easy future purchases! You can find the setting in your account here: https://www.dynadot.com/account/payment/refund_method_settings.html

We're improving everyday and feedback like this helps us pinpoint exactly where we need to focus our efforts on, so we do appreciate it! If anyone else has ideas or thoughts on how we can improve as a Registrar, please do not hesitate to let me or my team know.


P.S I appreciate the shoutout :)

Hi Caleb,

Yes, it is always good to share both the positives and where there is some room for improvement which I believe Dynadot takes positively.

Thanks for forwarding my post to the concerned team.

I'm glad to know the "Shift" select on Manage Domains issue and performing operations for 5,000 domains are being worked upon.

Also thanks for updating on letting us know that Dynadot have recently updated how to receive the cancelled auctions refund money back.

About the expiring auctions issue, I'm sure many will be happy with the new changes because currently it frustrates people who devote their valuable time in finding the domains, bidding and then at the end the domain gets renewed during the last minutes or even after the auction is won by the highest bidder!

Thank you,
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This is the main reason that after 20+ years with GoDaddy I'm moving everything to Dynadot. I have almost 100 transferred in in the last week and many more to go. Debated between Dynadot and SAV but chose Dynadot

Since I don't need domain sales income to survive I'm kinda shaking things up this year with...

1)All domains being transferred from GoDaddy to Dynadot

2)Giving Efty another 1 year try, can route sales to Sedo, Dan, Escrow, EscrowDomains or direct wire to my business account, even if Efty doesn't go as planned quite a few domains will still be Afternic/Sedo MLS listed

3)Always been a make offer guy but over the next year I intend to get Afternic/Sedo MLS on as many domains as I can, even if only 50% still a huge improvement over today

I like your decision of moving out to Dynadot instead of SAV for which there are many horrid stories. The only good thing I see is pricing but overall the registrar is a mess.

Using Efty is a good option if you're looking to save commission.

Adding BIN increases the chances of sale but since you don't need the domain sales income to survive like you said, it's okay to keep the way you're doing but just keep this thing in mind how adding BIN may increase your sales.
Please let us know how much you will make from affiliate.
I would be interested to make a similar post.
Please let us know how much you will make from affiliate.
I would be interested to make a similar post.
It was not a sponsored post.
How can you implement both Afternic and Sedo fast transfer for the same domain? I have enabled only Afternic fast transfer and obviously only for the domains where I have set a Buy it Now price at Afternic.

I have never implemented Sedo fast transfer so I don’t know how it works but I assume it requires setting a Buy it Now price. Having a Buy it Now at more than one marketplace for the same domain could lead to conflicts and the inability to deliver the domain.

As well, what prompts me to set a Buy it Now at Afternic is the Price Request email from Afternic. I’m not aware of any equivalent at Sedo.

I do sell domains via both Afternic and Sedo but I set my DynaDot for fast transfer only with Afternic.
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How can you implement both Afternic and Sedo fast transfer for the same domain? I have enabled only Afternic fast transfer and obviously only for the domains where I have set a Buy it Now price at Afternic.

I have never implemented Sedo fast transfer so I don’t know how it works.

You need to check if your registrar offers Sedo MLS. If yes, then you can enable Sedo MLS from your Sedo account.
I expanded on my post above after you quoted it. But the issue isn’t that you may enable both at DynaDot, which my domains are held at DD too, but that doing so might lead to conflicts because you’d have a Buy it Now fast transfer at two different marketplaces for the same domain.

The whole reason I list at multiple marketplaces is because they’re all nonexclusive.
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I expanded on my post above. But the issue isn’t that you may enable both at DynaDot, which my domains are held at DD too, but that doing so might lead to conflicts because you’d have a Buy it Now fast transfer at two different marketplaces for the same domain.

The whole reason I list at multiple marketplaces is because they’re all nonexclusive
Very rarely it happens that a domain get sold from both places simultaneously. In over a decade of in this business, I've experienced maybe once only. I still like to keep enabled FT at both places to give maximum exposure.
I expanded on my post above after you quoted it. But the issue isn’t that you may enable both at DynaDot, which my domains are held at DD too, but that doing so might lead to conflicts because you’d have a Buy it Now fast transfer at two different marketplaces for the same domain.

The whole reason I list at multiple marketplaces is because they’re all nonexclusive.

If you're using Dynadot I'd go ahead and do both. The odds of 2 buyers adding to cart and buying it at the same exact time are pretty low. Before I listed at Sedo, Afternic, Uniregistry but now that Uniregistry are going bye bye I have MLS through Dynadot set to both Sedo & Afternic along with listing at Dan. Afternic strongest on USA and Sedo strong on European market. This is the main reason I'm moving from GoDaddy to be able to tap into both MLS networks and the bulk and super bulk pricing at Dynadot helps as well.
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Be careful of dynadont , they accused me of PayPal fraud and locked my account , had to transfer my domains out. Got a refund from PayPal which was weeks of stress .
Thank you for this @AbdulBasit.com. I'm crazy about Dynadot too.

I really appreciate the way you can trust them to not randomly gouge you on the price of any TLD. They'll have a small, predictable markup over cost and that's it. Maybe it's a couple dollars higher than the lowest possible option, but you can trust it's not going to be more than a few dollars and renewals won't be crazy either (I'm in the Super Bulk pricing tier, but their normal rates are predictable too).

They're also awesome on registry premium domain pricing, if you're into that. A .co that's $240 at most places is usually $200 at Dynadot, for example.

I'm also very happy with the installment plans on expired auctions. 10m interest free has let me acquire some awesome names that I didn't have the free cashflow for when they came up. I take the option every time it's offered. I only wish you could opt-in to payment plans globally or via the API.
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I have Sedo MLS, but not sure about Afternic DLS, even though i have afternic as parking does this mean I have DLS too
Be careful of dynadont , they accused me of PayPal fraud and locked my account , had to transfer my domains out. Got a refund from PayPal which was weeks of stress .

That's weird. Did you tried to explain your situation and/or asked why they did it? If you did nothing wrong, you can prove to them and get your account reinstated.
Thank you for this @AbdulBasit.com. I'm crazy about Dynadot too.

I really appreciate the way you can trust them to not randomly gouge you on the price of any TLD. They'll have a small, predictable markup over cost and that's it. Maybe it's a couple dollars higher than the lowest possible option, but you can trust it's not going to be more than a few dollars and renewals won't be crazy either (I'm in the Super Bulk pricing tier, but their normal rates are predictable too).

They're also awesome on registry premium domain pricing, if you're into that. A .co that's $240 at most places is usually $200 at Dynadot, for example.

I'm also very happy with the installment plans on expired auctions. 10m interest free has let me acquire some awesome names that I didn't have the free cashflow for when they came up. I take the option every time it's offered. I only wish you could opt-in to payment plans globally or via the API.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

I agree with you on their .CO pricing which is reasonable considering what other registrars offer.

Also it's nice to see them offering installment plans on expiring auctions. This is a good idea from Dynadot.
I just always assumed that if you sell a domain as in a closed sale via fast transfer that you don’t own that your account at that marketplace is history. So that even if the risk of selling a domain you don’t own is small still it’s not worth losing your account at Afternic or Sedo over.

Now I have direct contact with higher ups who manage my account at Afternic but not at Sedo. I suppose that if someone bought a fast transfer set domain at Afternic I had already sold elsewhere I could talk my way out of it and get a break but I’m not sure if Sedo would be so understanding.

As you know from reading my thread I list in multiple nonexclusive marketplaces. Sometimes I don’t get around to deleting sold domains from the other marketplaces immediately and I have actually had sales offers at other marketplaces after having sold the domain recently but sales offers on “Make Offer” listed domains do not create any obligation to sell so when that has happened I’ve just gone in and declined the offer and deleted the domain. Different situation when you’re bound to sell the domain because you set a Buy it Now in more than one place and the marketplace has attempted fast transfer and you can’t deliver it because you no longer own it.
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I just always assumed that if you sell a domain as in a closed sale via fast transfer that you don’t own that your account at that marketplace is history. So that even if the risk of selling a domain you don’t own is small still it’s not worth losing your account at Afternic or Sedo over.

Its a very strange scam but some people have nothing to lose but time, and they can always make another account.

I suppose they are hoping they get paid out and can abscond with the money before the domain owner realizes they've been robbed.

Edit: I thought you were talking about the issue we've been seeing lately where people submit your domains to their Afternic account, not when you accidentally sell it twice. My apologies.
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I just always assumed that if you sell a domain as in a closed sale via fast transfer that you don’t own that your account at that marketplace is history. So that even if the risk of selling a domain you don’t own is small still it’s not worth losing your account at Afternic or Sedo over.

Now I have direct contact with higher ups who manage my account at Afternic but not at Sedo. I suppose that if someone bought a fast transfer set domain at Afternic I had already sold elsewhere I could talk my way out of it and get a break but I’m not sure if Sedo would be so understanding.

As you know from reading my thread I list in multiple nonexclusive marketplaces. Sometimes I don’t get around to deleting sold domains from the other marketplaces immediately and I have actually had sales offers at other marketplaces after having sold the domain recently but sales offers on “Make Offer” listed domains do not create any obligation to sell so when that has happened I’ve just gone in and declined the offer and deleted the domain. Different situation when you’re bound to sell the domain because you set a Buy it Now in more than one place and the marketplace has attempted fast transfer and you can’t deliver it because you no longer own it.

It's always good to remove the domain from all remaining marketplaces once sold through the other one. And it's good for anyone to list with nonexclusive marketplaces only.
I certainly hear you on the Expired Auction issues. Improving our Expired Auctions is something we're currently in the midst of discussing. I can't promise any immediate changes as this will need a bit of careful re-working, but I can assure you it's on the docket for this year!

5 of my last 7-8 auctions have been canceled. I share the frustration of @AbdulBasit.com

There has to be a better way, brother. Other than that, I'm finding Dynadot fits my needs, and I still keep around 100 domains there. People shouldn't think twice about using you guys.
5 of my last 7-8 auctions have been canceled. I share the frustration of @AbdulBasit.com

I had another one cancel yesterday too. If I win anything good I expect it to be cancelled at this point, and I'm pleasantly surprised when it doesn't. 😂
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I’ve been assigned with a dedicated account rep “Caleb Tweed” who has been exceptional in assisting right from the start I’ve moved in my domains to Dynadot. Thanks to him.

Thank you for the kind words! We always like hearing that we're doing some things right!
Hi Caleb,
Good to see an account rep make personal contact and comment on Abdul’s post.
Just wondering, how many domains do you need in order to have an Account Manager appointed?

But the issue isn’t that you may enable both at DynaDot, which my domains are held at DD too, but that doing so might lead to conflicts because you’d have a Buy it Now fast transfer at two different marketplaces for the same domain.

The whole reason I list at multiple marketplaces is because they’re all nonexclusive.
I wonder if DD couldn’t code things so that when a domain is purchased via AN FT it is automatically delisted from Sedo MLS (and vice versa)?
Hi Caleb,
Good to see an account rep make personal contact and comment on Abdul’s post.
Just wondering, how many domains do you need in order to have an Account Manager appointed?
So the threshold is actually based on spending! If you are in our Super Bulk Status (Spending of $5k a year), then you automatically qualify for an Account Manager. If you have reached $5k and do not have one assigned yet, please reach out to [email protected] and our team can correct that!
I wonder if DD couldn’t code things so that when a domain is purchased via AN FT it is automatically delisted from Sedo MLS (and vice versa)?
If the domain is listed for Sedo MLS AND Afternic FT from your Dynadot Account, when it's removed from your Dynadot Account at all it SHOULD be removed from both of those platforms as well, regardless of where it was sold! If you've seen it doesn't do that, please let me know so I can get my engineers to investigate!
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